ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 486 "False Alarm"

Chapter 486 "False Alarm"

Hurrying to make arrangements, Hua Fuli rushed to the Lin residence without hesitation.Who dares to persuade the current queen, only Concubine Ni can persuade her.

"Urgent, it's urgent. Hurry up." Hua Fu stomped his feet vigorously before he could breathe out as soon as he reached the gate of Lin's mansion, "Please, Concubine Ni."

The large group of guards at the gate of the mansion stared blankly at this sissy, and said doubtfully, "Grandpa Hua, all the concubines have fallen asleep, this"

Before he finished speaking, Hua Fu jumped on both feet, "It's okay if I call you, but if I don't call you, your food for dinner will definitely be lost tomorrow."

The head guard at the gate trembled when he heard this.For the always elegant playboy to be in such a hurry, something serious must have happened.

"Grandpa Hua will report later, villain."

"Quick" pointed his finger at the deep door of the Lin Mansion, stomping his feet vigorously, "Quick!"

The guard at the gate Zao Ben's leg was about to break, how could he hear his speed.

Benny, who was having a tryst with her husband in her dream, vaguely heard soft calls from outside, and when she opened her eyes, she saw bright lights outside.She sat up suddenly, and asked outside the door: "What's going on?"

The large group of vultures guarding the pavilion coldly surrounded the head guard at the door, their blood-sucking eyes fixed on the man standing at the door.

The chief guard who was surrounded by these terrifying people was terrified, and cried out: "Mr. Hua is in a hurry, saying that something serious happened, and ordered the villain to invite the princess into the palace."

"Enter the palace?" Benny, who got off the bed, tilted her neck and thought for a while, is Yingying still alive? "Call Huafu to wait outside, go down."

"Yes." The head guard was trembling, he bowed and stepped back a long way, then raised his heart, turned and ran towards the door.As if there were dragons, snakes and ferocious beasts chasing after him, the speed was unimaginable.

As soon as the chief guard left, the vulture who extinguished the lights swooped back to the hiding place, returning the peace to the night.

In the middle of the night, not wanting to disturb her maidservant, Benny quickly put on her clothes, opened the door and hurried out towards the gate of the mansion.Yingying must have something to do to make Huafu rush to look for him in the middle of the night.And things shouldn't be small.

Hua Fu, who was in anxiety, paced back and forth non-stop, until he saw that sweet figure, and immediately knelt down in panic: "My servant sees Concubine Ni."

"Get up." Stepping out of the gate, Benny showed two dimples cutely, and asked sweetly, "Hua Fu, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Hua Fu, who got up from the ground in a hurry, sucked tears in his eyes, and carefully approached to report: "Concubine Ni, just now the queen received an urgent letter from Li Chao, and she shed tears after reading it, and she wants to go to Li Chao in person at eight hundred li urgently." .”

"What?" Benny opened her mouth in shock, and said in disbelief, "Her belly is so big, is she going to die?"

"Yes, yes." Hua Fu sucked tears from his eyes, "Concubine Ni, go and persuade her."

"Go." He hurriedly walked towards the palace not far away.There is only one thing that can make Yingying lose her life and children.Something happened to Mr. Lang!

The pale Yingying couldn't sit still and stood in the imperial study room, yelling loudly: "What the hell is Hua Fu doing, I went to make arrangements and haven't returned for so long."

The elder waiter standing outside the imperial study trembled in his heart, he didn't dare to say a word, he trembled and stood obediently outside the door, even shutting his breath tightly.


"bang bang bang"

Swept away everything on the imperial table and smashed all the antiques in the study.Yingying shouted loudly, "Drag Hua Fu over here."

"Yes, yes" the head guard distorted even the voice of the response, and he didn't dare to stay for a moment, and immediately turned around and ran into the darkness.

As soon as he stepped into the outer door of the imperial study, he heard a loud crackling sound.Benny's heart trembled, and she quickly ran towards the imperial study.

As soon as he entered the imperial study room, he immediately saw the room full of messes.With a swipe, her face turned pale, "What happened to Yingying?"

Hearing Benny's words, Yingying's weak shoulders stiffened, and the tears that had just stopped gushed out again. "Benny, he fell into the sea."

The shocked Benny saw the tears all over her face, and the words that followed made her take a big step in disbelief.

The blood on her face faded, and Benny's eyes filled with tears, she rushed forward and held Yingying's hand tightly, "What's going on?"

"Darba and hundreds of thousands of generals searched for a whole day and couldn't find it, maybe maybe" his throat was sobbing, and he couldn't make a sound.

Benny, who was also in tears, shook her head again and again, her eyes lost focus, and she murmured, "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Just when the two women hugged each other and cried, Hua Fu, who was miserable outside, said tremblingly and cautiously: "Queen, Li Chao is here again in a hurry."

Hearing that there was another urgent message, the dangling Yingying immediately wiped away her tears, "Send it quickly."


After the silence, a fast horse with the same stained face galloped in.Before he knelt down, Yingying rushed forward and asked fiercely, "Where's the urgent mail?"

"Yes yes yes." Kuai Ma quickly took out the urgent letter from his arms.

After snatching the urgent mail, Yingying's trembling hands couldn't open it no matter what.

The more anxious "Damn it is", the more trembling the hands are, and it turns out that such a small letter is so difficult to open.

"Yingying, I'll come." Benny, who also wiped away her tears, had forgotten the way of a monarch and minister, snatched the urgent letter, and immediately tore the seal.The two stared anxiously with red eyes.

"It's all right." Benny, who finished reading quickly, cried out bitterly, "That's great, my husband is all right, he just wandered to Leizhou."

Yingying who was also pleasantly surprised was also weeping with joy, but before she was overjoyed for a while, she immediately said silently: "No, how did the Daerba people in Li Chao know that he is fine?"

Benny, who was overjoyed, fell silent when she heard the heavy words.

Seeing the queen and concubine crying and laughing, Kuai Ma fell to his knees in fear, took out another secret letter from his bosom tremblingly, and handed it over: "The king of Dali ordered his servant to deliver this secret letter to the queen personally. .”

When the silent Yingying heard these words, she immediately took the heavy secret letter from the fast queen, and dismantled it on the spot, and watched it side by side with Benny.

The face that was originally pale, the more you look behind, the blood on the two of them is immediately drained.

Before he could say anything, Hua Fu reported outside tremblingly again: "Queen, Your Majesty wrote it with your own hands."

"What?" The two who were worried about Ah Zhen's safety heard the three words written by their own hands, how could they wait for a moment, and shouted in unison: "Call in quickly."


Also covered in stains, Kuai Ma was thirsty and knelt down and handed it over: "King's hand letter."

With a bang, Yingying immediately snatched Ah Zhen's letter. The letter had just been spread out, and the contents had not yet been read.Xin An's tears couldn't help overflowing, "That's right, it's his handwriting." No one in this world can write this crooked Chinese character except him.

Bei Ni, who leaned over her head, took a look, and she burst into tears, covering her mouth tightly and weeping with joy: "That's right, the characters with missing legs and elbows are Lang Jun's handwriting."

After being overjoyed, Yingying raised her hand, "Back off."

"Yes." Two fast horses sent from different places, also covered in dirt, retreated neatly.

Reassured, Yingying returned to the imperial table, sat down, and immediately read all the letters carefully.

Crying, laughing, yelling, and screaming, the Royal Study Room returned to its former silence.

"Bang" came the sound of angrily pounding on the table in the silence, and then Yingying scolded angrily: "Damn Lin Ahzhen."

Benny, who was also on the sidelines, showed a smile on her small face, showing two dimples, and said sweetly: "Your Majesty has fallen into a beauty trick." But he fell into another man's wife's beauty trap, gritted his teeth and muttered: "It's really great."

Yingying squinted at Benny, she didn't know what she was thinking after spending many days together, so she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Do you want to go?"

"I haven't been home for a long time to see."

"Okay." Sighing lightly, Yingying ordered with an uneasy face, "When you see him, immediately give him a punch."

"Hit my husband?" Benny was speechless.

"That's right, give him a hard punch to make him remember." Although Yingying had a straight face, she thanked all the gods in the sky in her heart.

"Okay." Raising her small fist, Benny smiled sweetly, "I will definitely give you a hard punch."

"Huh" breathed a sigh of relief, with Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu by his side, this damn Lin Ah is really fine.Tonight, my whole heart was going up and down, and after the ups and downs in my mood, I was extremely tired all of a sudden.

"go to sleep."

Seeing that she was so tired, Benny nodded lightly, "Yingying should go to bed early, for the sake of the child."

"Yeah." Yingying, who was about to close her eyes, said good night, and then walked towards her dormitory, her heart was so tired after going through death from life, and then from death to life again.

The dream is far away, the spring tide is continuous, the man rolling on the warm bed, hugging a large pillow and kissing desperately, the dream is full of spring, not knowing whether it is reality or a dream, laughing and whispering: "Damn, Yuner, you are so beautiful"

"bang bang bang"

Ah Zhen, who was caught in a dream and couldn't extricate himself, was deaf, and despite the loud knocks on the door, he still refused to wake up from the dream.

"Jade-faced Hades, the convoy is coming soon." An urgent and terrified voice sounded from outside.

"Yun'er, don't run," a soft call sounded, and the dazed Ah Zhen opened his eyes full of gum, and turned his head around, unable to tell whether it was a dream or reality.

"Khan, it turned out to be a dream?" He couldn't figure out why the dream was so real, he scratched his head, recalled the dream just now, and murmured with a smile: "I thought why he suddenly became so brave, and all the wives of Zhan were hurt. Running around incessantly, it turned out to be a dream."

"Bang bang bang" the door panel swayed again, and then Lei Dingtian's dead parents called: "Jade Faced Hades, the convoy is coming soon."

Ah Zhen, who kept giggling, heard the sound of urging her to die, and scratched her forehead to respond: "Got it, urging the soul."

Hearing the words coming from the silent door, Lei Dingtian's heart relaxed for a moment, and then he raised it again.Looking apologetically at the high school among the two masters beside him, "I'll wait in the hall first."

Seeing that he was running faster than a rabbit, Li Nengwu and Jin Caiye slightly raised their brows and looked at each other.Are they that scary?

After lazily sliding off the soft bed, Ah Zhen raised his hands high and let out a big breath after sleeping extremely comfortably.Wearing obscene clothes, he opened the door panel and asked the two people standing outside the door: "What time is it now?"

"It's almost noon." After answering, the two stepped into the room and helped him take care of themselves.

The spirit is hearty and full of vitality.Ah Zhen looked up and down the person in his mirror with great interest.Wearing a small silver crown on the head, stepping on dragon and tiger boots, wearing a mastiff garment, and wearing a sable clip on the arm.A gold king chain is hung around the neck, a jade pendant is hung from the waist, and a gold silk fan is held in hand.No matter how you look at it, you are a noble person, no matter how you look at it, you look like flying on the clouds, such a rich and powerful boy.

"Hmm." Ah Zhen, who took off his fisherman outfit and returned to his original appearance, was very satisfied with the person in the mirror.The hand holding the fan shook lightly with a snap, and praised the mirror with a wide smile: "I've seen a handsome man, but I've never seen a handsome man who is so messed up, plus a mess."

When Jin Caiye and Li Nengwu heard him boasting in silence, their old faces were stunned. The old man in the mirror must be too shameless.

The personable and rich man stepped into the hall and asked happily, "Hello, good morning everyone."

Dagan's elated voice, upon hearing this greeting, immediately stopped.They all turned their heads and looked at the person who came from the doorway.

"You..." Long Wushuang was shocked to see him who looked like a different person, and asked in astonishment, "You are Mr. Yang?"

"Auntie just ask me to come over." Gently shaking the golden fan, Ah Zhen walked into the hall with a smile on his lips, bowed to the people with the Longxiaolou guard flags on their backs, and asked, "Hello, everyone."

"This" dozens of Kong Wu's powerful bodyguards were stunned on the spot, looked at each other and clasped their fists in fear in return: "The jade-faced king of hell is broken." Everyone has heard about him.It's just that he didn't expect this jade-faced Hades to be so handsome, with such an elegant demeanor.

"Heh" Yin Xiao put the golden fan, Ah Zhen smiled to the group of respectful people: "Don't call me Yumian Hades, just call me by my name."

Hearing this, all the bodyguards swallowed their saliva and looked around in panic.

"Okay." With a sigh, Ah Zhen, who knew what they were afraid of, corrected and said: "Boss, uncle, choose one at random."

"I've seen you!" Everyone clasped their fists together and shouted without even thinking about it.

Ah Zhen's face turned cold, and he shook his head and said coldly: "All of them are called boss."

The slippery head was dripping with cold sweat, and a group of people corrected and called out: "Boss." Let the old man play with them. If that is the case, why ask them to choose.

After Long Wushuang watched the scene indifferently, he stepped forward and bowed with fists cupped, "Later, let's go have breakfast." The horse team was coming soon, and it was too late.


Ah Zhen, who was waving his hands, was slightly stunned, took a step back, and looked up and down at today's Long Wushuang.I saw that she was wearing a flowing white martial dress, with a black rope crossed in front of the martial dress, and the rope tightly collapsed the trace of the martial dress.It was originally a waist pendant for hanging a sachet, but the waist pendant was replaced with a small machete dagger.The pink decorative fan tied on the blue silk has long since disappeared, but was simply tied with a piece of blue cloth, and pinned up with silver hairpins in an uncluttered manner.The small cooperating sword in the sleeve was also gone, replaced by two slender double swords on the back.

"Auntie, you have changed too much." Unbelievably, Ah Zhen raised his brows lightly, crossed his chest and looked carefully.

"The bodyguards don't need to carry too many cumbersome things, they just want to be simple and convenient." Long Wushuang's expression was still cold, and he said with a smile.

Looking at her from head to toe, and from toe to head, Ah Zhen, who stroked her chin, nodded and said, "A strong woman." Today's Xiaolongnv is still indifferent, but there is naturally an inviolable chill in her indifference.

(End of this chapter)

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