ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 498 "Fragile Life"

Chapter 498 "Fragile Life"

More than [-] people from Tianhuo paid respect around them.

The bosses of An Xin's three troops lit a warm fire, then fell down beside the fire without saying a word, and quickly entered Mengxiang.

A Zhen, Benny, Xiang Shaoyun, Li Nengwu, and Jin Caiye sat beside the fire some distance away from the crowd.

While eating dry food, Ah Zhen smiled at Xiang Shaoyun, who was nibbling the roe deer meat, and asked, "Shaoyun, how have you gained along the way?"

"Eh?" Swallowing a big mouthful of roe roe meat, Xiang Shaoyun's face immediately became worried, "Brother Zhen, don't you have to report now?"

"Ask casually." Looking at him thoughtfully, "You seem to have saved a lot of temper, did you have a good time killing?"

"A total of dozens of bandits were killed." Putting down the deer meat, Xiang Shaoyun sighed deeply, looked at Ah Zhen and asked, "Brother Zhen, you said that these people are dead, what should their wives and children do?" ?”

Hearing his rhetorical question, Ah Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then his mouth burst open. He patted him on the shoulder and praised him: "Shaoyun, you have indeed grown a lot."

"Alas" Xiang Shaoyun, who shook his head, was suddenly very empty, and asked Ah Zhen: "Brother Zhen, many gangsters joined the bandit because of poverty, but they joined the bandit because of poverty, and in the end they went to kill the same poor people, you say they Hateful or pathetic?"

Ah Zhen, who was very interested, shook his head and asked, "Shaoyun, tell me, how many people did you kill in total?"

"More than five hundred."

Hearing that there were more than [-] people, Jin Caiye suddenly raised his head and asked questioningly: "Since the last time you hunted and killed nearly this number in the Dusk Mountains, why are there still more than [-] people in one month?"

"After leaving the Dusk Mountains, I robbed and killed a group of bandits who did all kinds of crimes in Xiliang. But" Xiang Shaoyun paused for a moment, and said with a gloomy face: "This group of bandits did all kinds of crimes. There are nearly two hundred bandits in total. He was famous, and everyone was tall and big. He forced his way into the village, burned, killed, looted, and dared to unbutton women and children in broad daylight.”

When Ah Zhen heard this, his face became gloomy, and he asked in a serious voice: "Where are the officials?"

"Brother Zhen doesn't know something." Xiang Shaoyun said: "This group of people has no solid base, they robbed this village in Xiliang today, and burned and killed that village tomorrow. Without a trace." Shaking his head and sighing, "Even the battalion soldiers of the Xiliang Mansion went out to search, but they couldn't find them every time."

"Where did you find it?"

"When I received the Xiliang mansion's request for help, I immediately led everyone to Xiliang. After an open and secret investigation." He shook his head vigorously and sighed: "This group of people turned out to be young people from a small village."

"What?" Ah Zhen was horrified and asked anxiously, "The whole village is full of bandits?"

"Yes." Wanting to recall the misery of that day, Xiang Shaoyun sighed deeply, "This village is located in a forest three hundred miles to the left of Xiliang, and there are dozens of families. They also work hard, People who don’t know will never suspect that this is a bandit village.”

Looking at Xiang Shaoyun's expression, Ah Zhen frowned, "What's wrong?"

"When we followed the clues to find this village, the people in this village were extremely hospitable and welcomed us warmly."

"Didn't it harm you?" Ah Zhen was speechless.

"No." Xiang Shaoyun shook his head, "When we were about to leave the next day, an old man warmly showed us the way, and the whole village sent us off. The scene was so hospitable, like a festival. "

Benny was also curious, "Could you have made a mistake? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be."

Xiang Shaoyun smiled bitterly, and sighed deeply: "I don't want to believe it, but all the clues point to this village, and the number of middle-aged men in this village is astonishingly consistent with the number of bandits."

"Boldly assume, carefully verify." Ah Zhen muttered, worried and asked: "Don't kill the wrong person."

"It can't be wrong." Xiang Shaoyun inspected the crowd, and said quietly again: "When we first entered the village, we found that although the village is poor, the food and clothes are all very good." Spreading his hands, he said: " They are all farming in the village, how can they afford meat for every meal, and don’t wear a patch on their clothes?” Speaking of this, Xiang Shaoyun re-emphasized: “It’s okay if they have gold mines. The next night, we I sneaked into this village, and after a secret inspection, I found that every household had countless machetes. But to be careful, I still didn't make any moves, and waited quietly around the village. I really didn't want this village to be a bandit village. But"

"Sent out?" Ah Zhen's face turned cold.

"Yes." Xiang Shaoyun said in pain: "On the evening of the third day, more than 200 strong men in the village wore machetes around their waists and ran to the north."

"Maybe they just want to hang out?" asked Bernie, who didn't want to believe it.

"Impossible." Ah Zhen retorted without thinking.

"Brother Zhen is right." Xiang Shaoyun said with a pale face, "They are going to commit crimes in a village near Xuanhua this time."

Ah Zhen looked at Xiang Shaoyun coldly, and shouted viciously: "Big man, take back your tears."

"Brother Zhen, you don't know." Xiang Shaoyun said silently with tears: "I really don't want to believe that a group of hospitable villagers are bandits, but when they arrived at a small mountain village with a beautiful pastoral scenery, the group of hospitable villagers The villagers were holding machetes in cold blood, and the unheard women and children cried for help and the children screamed, and the blood was immediately dyed red and covered the peaceful small mountain village."

"Damn it." Gritting his teeth, Ah Zhen thumped the ground heavily, as if he could see the shadows of swords and swords in the quiet and peaceful mountain village in his eyes, the sound of killing was everywhere, sharp blades slaughtered flesh, blood sprayed, crops were trampled, and bloody corpses littered the mountains and fields.

Xiang Shaoyun, with red eyes, seemed to be still stuck in that scene, muttering: "At that time, I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw those enthusiastic villagers chopping the heads of the same villagers with knives. The women stripped their shirts and trousers and raped them on the spot, and the children were lifted high and fell to the ground.” At this point, weeping and beating the ground, crying: “Everything points to that village as a village bandit, but because of the warm hospitality they received But I just don’t want to believe it. A single mistake actually killed nearly a hundred people in the whole village.”

After listening to his description, Ah Zhen's eyes were also red, seeing him crying so miserably.She couldn't bear to put her arms around his shoulders and said, "Don't cry, tell me what happened next."

"Brother Zhen." Xiang Shaoyun wiped away his tears, looked at him sadly and continued: "When I saw this scene, I immediately became murderous, and the six relatives approached the bandits in that village without acknowledgment. But when they recognized When I was who I was, there was shock and astonishment in my eyes, and then a lot of people suffered under our sword." Flipping his palms, he looked at his palms and asked: "Seeing the dead expressions of the village bandits is the same as being killed by them. Raiding and killing the villagers in the village is the same, are we also the same as this village’s bandit attacking the village? It’s just that I kill them and the whole village.”

"Well." Ah Zhen nodded solemnly and said: "The state owns the state law, and even the most evil people must be restrained by the law. You can understand what it means to use lynching. Taking people's lives is already a great improvement."

"Brother Zhen, you have given us the privilege of controlling and planting bandits, but bandits are still human beings no matter how vicious they are." Sighing deeply, Xiang Shaoyun inspected the faces of everyone and said, "When we kill all After the bandits in this village, what they received was the worship of the survivors of the attacked village. But when we led the government into the bandit village, the old people, children, women and children in the bandit village hugged the corpses of their family members and looked up to the sky in grief, crying Tao cried bitterly. After I was happy, I saw the despair and sadness in the eyes of these old and weak women and children, and felt that I had done something wrong."

"You are stuck on both sides and can't extricate yourself." Ah Zhen pointed at him correctly and said: "If you don't save the attacked village, you will have a disturbed conscience. After a moment of pleasure, what follows is endless self-blame. It is the guilt on both sides. Your heart has to be with you. So that's why you have to be born with the law."

"That's right. If I hadn't insisted on going my own way, I would have informed the government to come and arrest them. The gangsters would be punished for treason through the government's channels. Those who are serious will be executed, and those who are less serious will be imprisoned. I wouldn't be so guilty, and I wouldn't be afraid of censure."

Everyone nodded when they heard his remorseful words. Ah Zhen lightly shouldered his lonely shoulder and said, "It's good that you can understand this level of truth. After the bandits are captured later, they will all be handed over to the local government. Is it settled?"

"Yes." The murder was no longer so happy, and he nodded to Shaoyun and sighed: "If you don't admit the crime, the bandit leader will be killed, and the rest will be taken to the government, and let them understand what is right and what is right through the law. wrong."

"You did very well."

"Brother Zhen." Xiang Shaoyun looked up at him and asked: "Many thieves have family members. When they die, what should their old and weak women and children do?" The doubts in my heart can't be solved for many days.Ask yourself, if he dies, what will happen to the newborn and the newborn baby?
Ah Zhen patted the ground next to him with a smile, and said without answering: "You are too tired, don't think about it anymore, go to sleep."

"Hey" sighed heavily, Xiang Shaoyun's eyes could hardly be opened, and after saying good night, he lay down and fell asleep very quickly.

The people sitting silently by the fire recalled his question.The villain deserves to die, but what should his family do after he dies?Elderly parents, weak wives, and young children.What should they do?
In the dark sky, the dark clouds dispersed a lot, and the stars poured down, the branches and leaves on the treetops were still rustling, the earth was silent, and the bonfire kept flickering under the lingering autumn wind.

In the cold late autumn, beside the mountain road in Beppu, there are a few big trees with entangled branches and leaves. There is a clear river beside the big trees. The water of the river extends from Bawang Pavilion into the depths of the mountains in the mansion. There are many fish in Hanoi, and the fish occasionally jumped out of the water and disturbed the clear stream in the pool.

That's not surprising at all, which mountain has no trees?That river has no fish?What is strange is that those few big trees by the river are sitting upright, with flushed faces, charming eyebrows and starry eyes, and a calm figure like Ana.The tranquility and gentle expression that are indifferent to the world make everything feel peaceful, and time seems to stop at this moment.

In the serene and quiet world, there was a slight sound of walking, and a maidservant with an upper-class figure and face walked in lightly, habitually, towards the soft and beautiful man leaning against the big tree and by the river.It's just that the tranquility at this moment became no longer peaceful with her arrival.

"It's obviously a piece of shit, but it's still so holy. I'm piss..." The maid who just arrived saw her young master with her own eyes that night, but she still treated herself like a pure virgin, and she was jealous and envious of the name in front of her. .

Huanyue remained motionless, as if she hadn't heard the curse, she was still quietly reading the scroll in her hand.

Seeing that she was ignoring her, the maid raised her voice and asked, "Are you dumb?"

The wind gently blows through the treetops, and the water in the river flows slowly.

"Lvhe." Huanyue sighed softly, closed the scroll in her hand, turned her tranquil and delicate face, and asked with a sigh: "Did I offend you?"

"You are shameless." Why is she also favored as a maid.

She is not a person who is good at arguing, Huan Yuening, who has repeatedly endured, looked at the beautiful face in front of her, and said calmly: "The gauze curtain of my wing room was torn by you, and the clothes were scratched by you. I don't want any of this." Pursue it." Looking at the maid in front of her tenaciously, she persuaded her earnestly and earnestly: "Having resentment in your heart can't make you happy."

Lu He, who had thought that no one would notice, twisted her face when she heard this, bit her lip and argued, "You're talking nonsense, you're spitting out blood."

"There are gods standing three feet above your head, do you think no one knows what you have done?"

He Lu's eyes widened, and he approached Huanyue gloomyly, "I did it, so what."

"Nothing." Huanyue frowned slightly, took a step back towards the river, and distanced herself from her and said, "Luhe, what happened that night was all a misunderstanding, the young master just regarded me as the mistress. Could it be Can't you forget?"

As a maidservant, Huanyue is extremely favored by the mistress.No need to work, no need to run.In addition to playing chess and playing the piano in the mistress's room, they just read and eat.She is also a servant, so why should she live like a rich lady.Luhe has long been aggrieved, and what happened that night was just an excuse for her to overflow with dissatisfaction.

"Do you think I'll believe you when you say that?" Lu He was dissatisfied, she stretched out her hand to push Huanyue staggering, and cursed: "You are a servant just like everyone else, so why don't you do anything. "

Stepping slightly, Huanyue stabilized her body, sighed and persuaded: "Luhe, don't act like this, I want to do something too, but there are so many people in the mansion, there is no room for me to intervene."

"There is nothing for you to do." Lu He was extremely dissatisfied with her, and angrily stepped forward and said: "There are so many things in the house, there is nothing for you to do, it is obviously a lazy excuse."

Huanyue, who was pushed back, also felt guilty in her heart, but if Qinyu didn't give her work, what could she do.

"Everyone in the mansion performs their duties, Lu He, you should know."

"Know what." The more Lu He talked, the more angry she became, and she stretched out her hand to push Huanyue again, "It's delicious and lazy, woman."

Huanyue, who was pushed back by "I", has already retreated to the shore unconsciously. Just as he uttered this word, the golden lotus under his feet fell into the air, and his body tilted involuntarily.

"Ah" a panicked cry.

"Be careful." Seeing her crooked body, the forced Luhe couldn't help reaching out her hand worriedly to grab Huanyue who was about to fall into Hanoi.


Just as Lu He stretched out her hand, Huanyue in front of her fell into the river.

Dumbfounded by being splashed with water all over her body, Lu He was terrified, "No, it's none of my business. I'm sorry." She fled the scene of the crime quickly in a panic.There are many rules in the house, if Momo finds out, she will be beaten to death.

(End of this chapter)

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