ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 509 "The Embarrassed Couple"

Chapter 509 "The Embarrassed Couple"

Daba was very embarrassed, tossing and turning, these beautiful women were still sent out of the palace, and suddenly found that he was being plotted from the beginning to the end.

"You bastard, you" plotted against him, and shot Ah Zhen fiercely with glaring eyes.

Erlang swayed his legs leisurely, Ah Zhen said coolly: "Old man, you gave me these beautiful girls, and I confirmed it myself, so I can do whatever I want."

Daba was furious, and shouted in displeasure: "But I didn't promise you to send them out of the palace."

"It's none of my business." Ah Zhen spread his hands and pushed four, five, six.

"It's none of your business?" Daba's face was livid with anger, he pointed at him with trembling fingers and yelled, "Obviously you sent them out of the palace."

"It's so wronged." Ah Zhen yelled, put down his stacked legs and replied aggrievedly: "Old man, you are the one who saw me send them out of the palace, and the ear that heard me send them out of the palace!" What?" The ability to open your eyes and talk blind is absolutely nothing to say.

"I, you" Lao Zhi, pointing at him, then pointing at Hua Fu who is running away, "Obviously just now."

Before he finished speaking, Ah Zhen nodded and said: "Yes, Xia Yi, who did it?" Spreading his hands, "Did you hear my Xia Yi?"

"You and I..." Daba turned his head and stared at Yingying, unable to speak.

Yingying laughed out loud, looked at her father seriously, pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

"I" Daba dumb eating coptis, "it's the master of the prince."

Hearing this, Ah Zhen stood up with a sinister smile on his face and said: "Old man, that's right. You gave me the show girls, but I didn't send them out of the palace. It's you who said I can do whatever I want." How about it, can't I send this group of people to Yingying? I didn't break my promise."

"Eh?" It seemed that there was some reason, but Daba couldn't say a word, and turned to stare at his daughter.

Yingying also spread her arms wide and said, "I never liked my husband's flamboyance, and he gave these women to me. I have the responsibility, of course I have to arrange them properly." At this point, she smiled and asked Daba: " Father, Wang'er has always disliked the king to mess with flowers, don't you know it better than anyone else?"

Of course Daba knew his prince's temperament, wriggling his old mouth, "But those are mine."

Before she could finish speaking, Yingying hurriedly said: "Father, you have reversed the order." She raised her finger and analyzed: "The beautiful girl I received is not yours, but the King's."

"But..." Daba was almost dizzy.

"Yes." Ah Zhen smiled and said, "The show girl I gave to my wife is no longer yours, old man, but mine."

"That's right." Yingying looked at Daba with a smile, and asked suspiciously: "Father, what I gave away is the beautiful girl that the king gave me. Why do you have any reason to blame the king?"

"I" Daba couldn't speak, turned his old finger and pointed at Ah Zhen, "You send my beautiful girl out of the palace."

"Oh." Ah Zhen shook his head vigorously, "Old man, why are you so stupid? I never sent your beautiful girl out of the palace. I sent this group of people to Yingying. Don't slander me."

"Wait" Daba's mind was tied up, he called them to stop, and pondered for a while.

Ah Zhen and Yingying burst into laughter, and looked at Daba with a smile without urging.

Think for a while.Daba pointed to Ah Zhen and said, "I gave you the show girl."

"That's right." Ah Zhen nodded.

The old finger moved to Yingying, "Then you transfer the beautiful girl I gave you to Wang'er."

"That's it." Ah Zhen nodded again.

Lao Zhi pointed at Ying Ying and said again: "Finally, Wang Er sent these beautiful girls out of the palace."

"Yes." Yingying nodded with a smile.

Seeing that they were right, Daba spread his arms wide, blew his beard and stared at him, "Isn't the one I gave away my beautiful girl?"

"It's different." Ah Zhen and Yingying shook their heads at the same time.

"It's different." Daba's eyes were as wide as a bull's.

Ah Zhen smiled secretly, pointed at Daba and said, "Old man, you gave me Xiu Nu, right?"

"Yes." Daba stared wide-eyed.

"Did I send them out of the palace?"

Daba thought for a while, then shook his head and replied, "No."

"Okay." Seeing him shaking his head, Ah Zhen couldn't help but ask again: "Then did I break my promise?"

Daba choked, shook his head and roared, "No."

"As long as the promise is not violated, there is nothing wrong with me passing it on to Yingying." Ah Zhen spread his hands that would soon be tied up.

"Prince, send my beautiful girl out of the palace." Daba stared at Yingying with bull eyes.

Yingying clenched her smile on the verge of bursting out, shook her head vigorously and said: "Father, what I gave away is not your beautiful girl, but your king's."

"But it was originally mine."

"Father, you have given it to the king, and those beautiful girls have already belonged to the king."

"I, you and you" Daba couldn't believe it, and he was fooled by them, and he couldn't find a reason to reason with them.

Seeing that he was so defeated, Yingying smiled deeply and helped her father to sit down, "Father, since the end is done, calm down."

"You guys" Daba didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh, pointing at this embarrassed couple, he was speechless, stood up and said, "I'm tired, Wang Er needs to have a good rest." He stared at Ah Zhen fiercely, and said lovingly to Yingying : "Let the bastard deal with those memorials, Wang Sun wants it."

"Yes." Yingying nodded, "Father will take a lunch break, the king is here, so you can rest easy."

Wang'er is tenacious, the only one who can cure her is this bastard in front of her, it should be so.Walking to Ah Zhen's side, he glared uncomfortably and praised: "I heard that you did a good job in Li Chao." This kid is a bit messy, but he has to praise his brains. The two Chaona brothers killed and mutilated, and let Li Chao's army and people celebrate together, and they accepted Tubo's territory without any objection. May I ask which dynasty had this kind of robbing others, and the robbed people thanked the robbers in turn.

Seeing that the old man praised him, Ah Zhen hugged his old shoulder with his mouth open, and said with a ruffian smile: "How is it? Do you admire me very much?"

"You bastard." Daba pursed his lips and scolded with a smile, but his old face asked suspiciously: "Li Chao is suffering, what do you want Li Chao to do?"

"Because they have Haikou."

"Haikou?" Daba was taken aback, frowned and said disdainfully, "What's so good about Haikou? Why don't you give me a piece of grassland."

Hearing his disdainful words, Ah Zhen pulled away from him, scanned his eyes up and down and said: "Old man, you occupy the second of the three major grasslands, aren't you too greedy?"

Hearing his discouraged words, Daba hummed and said: "I have no ambition, only the three majors occupy the second one, and the biggest one has not yet occupied it."

"One-third of Irkutsk is in the territory of Baiman. You don't want me to raise troops to destroy Liao first, and then Baiman?"

"Is there anything wrong?" Daba nodded his head as a matter of course and said: "My Tubo iron cavalry is invincible in the world, even the most ferocious Vitul in Liao Kingdom died tragically under my Tubo iron cavalry, Baiman is nothing."

Hearing this, Ah Zhen and Yingying stroked their foreheads, feeling very dizzy.

"Old man, the Vituls died under schemes, not me, Tubomeng, okay?" Ah Zhen couldn't help shouting.

Daba was stunned by the yelling, and blushed and yelled back: "Then you can use tricks to get Irkutsk back to me."

"Yes." Ah Zhen shrugged his shoulders, and asked very puzzled: "We can't run out of grasslands, why do you still want to go to Irkutsk?"

"This..." Daba himself was very puzzled, scratched his forehead, and said honestly: "I don't know, but I, Tubo, just want to take away all the grasslands."

"Understood." Nodding Ah Zhen asked curiously again: "Since you want the grassland, why do you always have to fight Da Zhou?"

"Because they are rich." Daba stared angrily, what did the bastard ask.

"The reason for fighting the Great Zhou is because the Great Zhou has money." Knowing it clearly, he asked again: "Then the grain, grass, money and silk that we robbed will be used to fight for the grassland with the Liao Kingdom?"


Yingying shook her head and turned back to her seat, lazily talking to the two bulls.

"Excellent." Ah Zhen gave Daba a thumbs up. He had never admired anyone in his life, and today he finally bowed down.

Daba, who didn't know whether he was a compliment or a derogation, stared at him with big eyes, and ordered very majesticly: "You must think more about Irkutsk and find a way to get it back."

"Okay, okay." Turning his body, pushed him out of the imperial study room, waved his hand and said: "Old man, wash up and go to sleep."

Hearing what he said, Daba turned his head and scolded with a smile, "What a bastard." What do you mean, just wash up and go to sleep.But the kid promised to give him Irkutsk, so there should be no problem.

Seeing off this old figure, Ah Zhen shook his head, turned around and smiled at Yingying: "The old man is so talented."

"Father grew up on the vast grassland. The grassland was too important to Tubo in the past, so the greatest wealth in his heart is the grassland." Yingying buried her head in her pen and replied with a sigh.

"Times are changing, Tibet is reforming, and many herdsmen have abandoned the poor grasslands and are moving towards prosperity in the towns." Ah Zhen walked to the imperial table, lay down on the imperial table, and looked at the book in boredom. Pu played.

Seeing him playing with the memorial, Yingying, who didn't raise her eyes, called out helplessly: "I just finished dealing with those, don't mess them up."

"I'm sick, I still need to deal with it." Put the memorial back on the pile of chapters, walked around to her side, put his hand on Gao Long's stomach and said: "Go, take a nap with me."

After finishing the last stroke, Yingying shook her head and said, "Go to sleep when you're tired, and I'll go to sleep after I'm done with these."

"What to do with it." Without even thinking about it, she took back her new booklet, threw it on the table, and forcibly picked her up and said, "Let's go, take a nap."

Yingying was hugged and wrapped his arms around his neck, but what he was thinking about was the memorial on the table, "No, these must be approved today, and they will be sent to the states and counties tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Carrying her into the resting doorway of the imperial study, he gently put her on the table and said, "Don't think about those damn memorials, I'll approve them later."

Yingying, who was lying on the soft tie, heard him say that he would deal with the government affairs, sat up happily and said with a smile: "You said so."

"Can there still be fakes?" Ah Zhen rolled his eyes, and reached out to untie her back clothes.

"Uh." Seeing him undoing her clothes in fear, Yingying carefully asked, "It's been eight months, I don't want it anymore."

"It's okay." Ah Zhen pursed her lips and smiled lowly, leaning over her neck and sucking and kissing every inch of her skin, "We haven't loved each other for a long time." The big palm that was smoldering slid into the skirt of the shirt, and gently stroked it.

"Yeah!" The strong pleasure made Yingying groan.Pregnancy made her body more sensitive, her slender waist arched impatiently, her small hands twisted and tugged at the soft yellow belt under her body, and her ten fingers twisted into ten white jade nodules.

"Child, don't want it anymore." Yingying felt conflicted in her heart. Although she protested softly, she yearned for his love, but her stomach was already so big.

"Hush!" After taking off her clothes, soft and tender kisses roamed all over her body, "It's okay, I will be very gentle."

"Hmm." The whole body was numb after being kissed, and Qing Ying groaned, letting her do whatever she wanted.

"Damn." The cumbersome back clothes, one knot here, one button there, the shawl has inner shoulders after undoing it, and the outer skirt has small clips after undoing it, Ah Zhen was caught in many messy knots of various colors.

Yingying who was fighting millet heard his low curse, looked up her head and saw him as if she was in a spider's web, she sat up with a dumbfounded smile, and said shyly: "Let me do it." This man is very smart, but to him But this ancient clothes can't be taught repeatedly.

"Wife, I love you." His hands were freed, and he lightly held the head of the man who was focused on unbuttoning his clothes, and kissed him little by little.

"I also thought you loved me." Unbuttoning her outer and inner shirts, she gave him a shameful look on Yingying's face, "But it turns out that I was so wrong."

"Wife, do you treat your husband like this?" Ah Zhen, who felt guilty, took off her obscene clothes, gently touched her sensitive delicate parts, and said affectionately: "Baby, I can't live without you."

"Yeah..." She moaned lightly, trembling like blue, and lay back on the soft pillow.Only the bellyband and obscene skirt are left, which should be more than enough.

"If you love me, there will be no such thing as Lu Lu Yao." Yingying moaned curlingly, ever since her heart came back from the gate of hell, she no longer wanted to settle the score with him, and this man also got what he deserved. punished.More importantly, she loves him and doesn't want to blame him.

Hearing the name Lu Yao again, Ah Zhen felt guilty, leaned over and kissed her bright red lips, "Honey, I was wrong, forget about this, believe me I still love you."

"Yeah..." She couldn't bend her body, she felt that her whole body was on fire, and she panted and moaned: "Old man, I love you too, just be gentle."

"You are so beautiful." There is nothing more fulfilling for a man than a woman who satisfies himself.What I heard in my ears was the delicate moaning, but what I saw in my eyes was the tenderness of this beauty like water.

When the current scene was done enough, Ah Zhen took off the only remaining clothes on the two of them, let her lie on the soft bed, and could no longer hold back the woman who gave birth to his blood.

"Well, don't want it anymore." Yingying became so sensitive that she couldn't bear it, and lay on the bed with her body bent, her red and pretty face pressed against the warm yellow bed, unable to bear his siege.

Ah Zhen was sweating like rain, as if he had sucked poppies, and he was like being in the Wulingxiao Temple, unable to control himself, unable to stop, tenderly and compassionately intertwined with the soul of his beloved, and connected by blood.

"Old man, slow child" felt that the pace was too fast, Yingying turned her head halfway in worry, and glared at the man who was immersed in strong passion.

"Don't talk, just concentrate." Ah Zhen gritted his teeth and sweated.Every time I fall in love with her, I have to act out the legend of the new white lady, talking and singing.

"You..." Yingying gripped the bed sheet tightly with her hands, and her repeated moans could no longer make her utter a single word.

(End of this chapter)

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