ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 512 "Washing Dynasty"

Chapter 512 "Washing Dynasty"

Huanyue violently pushed the one in front of her away, seeing him suddenly fall off the bed, turned over in fright and sat up, looking at the side of the bed with her little head.

"Damn woman." Jin Xing scattered a little, Ah Zhen rubbed his head and got up from the ground, angrily glaring at the innocent little woman sitting by the bed.

Seeing him so angry, Huanyue was suffocated, pouted and muttered: "Who told you not to love yourself."

"What did you say?" A dangerous voice came out.

Huanyue was taken aback, and quickly shook her head in response: "No."

"Hmph." Unhappy, she sat on the bed again and lifted the quilt.As if the two were already husband and wife, they naturally hugged the sitting little woman and lay down.

Lying on that stable chest, Huanyue struggled lightly and said: "You can't sleep here, go back quickly." If someone sees her tomorrow, I don't know how many troubles will happen again.

"Shut up." Lying on her pillow, Ah Zhen hugged the ghost tightly with his big hands, and said faintly in his eyes: "I have to go to court tomorrow morning, wake me up at four o'clock."

"Huh." Hearing that he was going to court, Huanyue raised her eyes curiously, and looked at him, "Are you going to kiss him?"

"Yes, so you shut up. Go to sleep."

"Oh." He was about to get up at four o'clock, but no one would have noticed, Huanyue left him to spend the night in her boudoir with peace of mind.Anyway, she was pregnant with his child, and he had already eaten it all, so there was nothing to hide.It's just that she owed him too much for the child who died before she was born.

Feeling the sadness of the person in his arms, Ah Zhen sighed silently.Turning over with her in his arms, he said faintly: "Don't think about it anymore, you know. I can give you another child at any time."

"Huh?" Being laid on the bed, Huanyue looked at the passionate black eyes, her little face flushed slightly, and she dared not speak.

"Sleep." Ah Zhen was lying on his side, with his arms around the fragrance, and his eyes were closed in exhaustion.

Huanyue, who was also lying on her side, quietly stared at the handsome face in front of her eyes. This was the man she had been thinking about day and night in Liao Kingdom, this funny and cunning man, this man she deeply admired. , and is now sleeping with her in her boudoir.

Ah Zhen, who closed her eyes, felt her affectionate gaze, and threatened without opening her eyes: "If you don't sleep, I won't let you sleep."

When Huanyue, who was staring at him quietly, heard this, she quickly closed her eyes, not daring to exhale vigorously, and let him hug her quietly, sleeping with him meekly.

The stars are hazy, and the teeth are confused.Osmanthus fragrance overflows in the dim Lin Mansion, and in the quiet night, everything is silent.

The child star fell, and the cabinet of the Tubo Palace was dispatched.

A large number of officials were neatly dressed in court uniforms, and their spirits were often broken. The candles flickered faintly. There were nearly a hundred civil and military ministers, but no one from the cabinet office spoke. They sat silently on the soft couch, feeling terrified.

"Third watch", the little eunuch outside announced the time and sounded into the ears of this group of anxious officials and lords.

His Majesty finally came to court. The deeds of their resolute king have been spread all over the world, and his ability has been witnessed by everyone. The cabinet ministers who are mixed with joy and sorrow have no place in their hearts. The kings of all ages have changed positions , the court must be reshuffled.I don't know who will be named this time.

Sitting flat on the soft couch, Tu Hongxu looked at the silent old faces of the ministers in the cabinet with murmured old eyes, and whispered to Ina who closed his eyes tightly, "The chief."

Prime Minister Ina heard the call, opened his old eyes, and responded to the worried and swollen Minister of the Six Departments: "Tu Lao."

"Uh." After a long period of silence, Tu Hongxu didn't have a bottom in his heart, leaned over to his old brain, and asked in a low voice: "Zaishou, the king is finally going to kiss, you see"

Knowing what he was going to say, Yi Na took a deep breath, closed her old eyes without saying a word, and shook her head.

Everyone is a smart person, and they know more or less in their hearts, so there is no need to be suspicious.Your Majesty is both wise and brave, nothing will happen by chance, Sikong Nalan was beheaded, and everyone was silent about the matter in Kunming.But would the king not know what these people were thinking?The sixth department is probably going to take it, and the third department's Si Nong is probably doomed.

Grand Tutor Hu Shu sat on pins and needles, listening to the conversation of the two people in front of him, but the prime minister just shook his head and remained silent.The cold sweat on the frightened forehead kept flowing.

"Damn Nong Si." Angry eyes shot towards the row of soft couches in the back, seeing that old guy, he now wanted to kill him wholeheartedly.If he hadn't been foolish enough to listen to the old guy's greedy words, pretending to be ignorant about Kunming, and deliberately watching the jokes of the queen and princess, he wouldn't be so uneasy.It was never expected that the king would personally propose and behead the chief constitution of Kunming.Their great king has the talents of gods and ghosts, but he is not a master who just shakes his head and pushes you away.

After thinking about it for a while, Hu Shu's face was bruised and purple.In the faint candlelight, he stood up lightly, approached Tu Hongxu, leaned over his bearded lips and said, "Tu Lao, your sixth department, and my third department may not be able to make it through this time."

"Hey..." Tu Hongxu sighed deeply. As the head of the six bureaus, how could he not know about the Kunming affairs? The one who should be blamed is him, the Minister of the Minister and the Taifu of Sinong in Zhili. Escape implicated.

"Mr. Hu." Tu Hongxu swallowed his saliva, "It depends on God's will." After speaking, he closed his eyes tightly, no matter whether the king wants to be cruel or soft, everyone can only bear it.If you dare to neglect your duties, you will have to pay the price.

The autumn wind was blowing, most of the candles in Wan's Inner Garden in the Lin Mansion were burned out, and I woke up with the sleeping moon on Ah Zhen's arm, and saw that the people around me were still asleep, and I was reluctant to disturb him, but I had to Shaking his body lightly, "Hey, get up, you are going to court."

Ah Zhen, who was sleeping comfortably, was woken up exhausted, looked at the woman sitting lazily by her side under the dim candlelight, and asked in a daze, "Huanyue, what's the matter?"

Sensing his eyes looking into her loose skirt, Huanyue bit her lip, put on her belt, glared at the ruffian complainingly and said, "You should go up."

After the words fell, Ah Zhen suddenly remembered that he had to deal with those old foxes today, turned over and sat up and asked, "When is it?"

"It's the fourth watch."

"Yeah." Rubbing his temples, he hugged the woman beside him into his arms.

Fearing that he would be seen in her room, Huanyue was very anxious, and struggled lightly: "Get up quickly, the maidservants have woken up."

"Don't move, let me hug you for a while." Ah Zhen had a strong arm, hugging this soft body tightly, quietly inhaling the refreshing fragrance from her hair.

Huanyue, who was no longer struggling, let him hug her for a while, only to see the man start to move, and then hurriedly got out of bed, picked up the clothes he had thrown all over the floor, and quickly tidied him up.

After she took care of it, the puppet-like Ah Zhen held this little head that had been thinking wildly all day long, and kissed it lightly. "Don't be sad anymore, you know?"

"Yeah." Huanyue who just woke up was as soft and beautiful as the moon, and after answering, she pushed him towards the door without delay.

Ah Zhen, who was pushed, was helpless, shook his head and smiled: "Don't push, I will go by myself."

"Hurry up, you will be seen later."

"You see it when you see it." He is not afraid, she is afraid of nothing.

"You go to court soon." Huanyue stomped her feet impatiently, pushing him to the door frame with both hands.

"Come on, let me kiss you."

"You go to court soon."

"A moment." Ah Zhen was very resolute, standing still at the door.

"You" Huanyue was about to die of anxiety, but he remained motionless, staring at the ruffian king anxiously and shyly.

"Get down."

"Yeah." After nodding, Ah Zhen embraced the person standing in front of him, leaned over and kissed her red lips deeply with his big mouth.

"Okay." After being kissed, Huanyue's face was rosy, she leaned back slightly, broke free from his bear hug, and quickly opened the door, ignoring the rushing autumn wind, and immediately pushed the man out, and then slammed With a sound, close the compartment door.

Ah Zhen, who was pushed out of the compartment door, stood at the door with his mouth open, shook his head, and walked towards the door of the mansion speechlessly.

Huanyue leaned her back against the door frame, pressed her hands on her chest, and breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the sound of leaving outside.Her face was pink and shy, although she lost her baby, but for some reason, her heart no longer hurts so much.

Before dawn at the fourth watch, when Ah Zhen stepped into the palace, the crescent moon was already very heavy.

When he walked to his golden hall, Hua Fu, who had been waiting for a long time, saw him coming, and immediately stepped forward to bow down.

"Is the queen awake?" Stepping into the upper stage, he quickly asked.


"En." He strode into the hall and walked towards his master bedroom. Sure enough, he saw a large group of maids rushing in and out, and Yingying was sitting on the soft couch.

"Kowtow to the king." As soon as he entered the palace, all the maids and eunuchs kowtowed in unison.

"Get up." Aroused everyone, put the corners of their mouths together and stepped closer to the woman with a big belly.

Yingying, who had been waiting for him long ago, saw him coming, and happily called to the maid next to her, "Bring the court clothes quickly."


Yingying looked at the man in front of her with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and helped him take off the exquisite uniform, and said: "Husband, don't be too embarrassing to the ministers."

"Don't worry." He hugged the little woman on his firm chest, "I have a sense of proportion."

A large number of court ladies did not dare to glance randomly, and lowered their heads, holding trays of red and white, and white and gold noble costumes on the tray, and silently knelt down on the ground.

Yingying took off Ah Zhen's flat clothes, picked up the royal clothes representing power and nobility, and put them on for him.

"Honey, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility."

"I see."

"En." After putting on the royal clothes and the crown for him, a large group of maidservants put countless things that he could wear, wear, and hang on him.

After a lot of tossing, it was dawn and he bid farewell to his own palace. Ah Zhen walked towards the golden palace, followed by Hua Fu, who was followed by a large group of eunuchs and court ladies, silent and majestic.

The hearts of the important ministers waiting in the pavilion were desolate, but they still did not see the eunuch calling to the court. As the sky brightened, everyone's hearts were jumping up and down, and the water was coming and going.

Walking into the Golden Palace, Ah Zhen sat down on the glittering golden chair without even thinking about it, holding the two faucets on the handle of the chair majestically with both hands, stepped on the big row of mastiffs under the chair, and spoke to the people around him. The eunuch called out: "Xuan Yi."


Hua Fu held a few pieces of Wang Yi in his hands, and ran to the gate of the palace tremblingly, and handed them over to the eunuch guarding the gate. He trotted anxiously and stood behind Ah Zhen, not daring to take a breath. The king was about to wash his hands.

Ah Zhen didn't say a word, took the fragrant tea from the golden table in front of him, and sipped it patiently.The silent golden palace was silent, the guards outside the palace stepped mightily, and the little eunuch who guarded the gate lowered his head, letting time pass by.

The candles in the pavilion were extinguished, and all the ministers couldn't sit still for a long time. They stood and walked around in the pavilion uneasy, but they were still silent.

"Wang Yu" shouted across the silent pavilion, and the little eunuch holding the imperial list ran in sweating profusely, holding the imperial list high in his hand and shouted: "Your Majesty."

Seeing Yiyi coming, the anxious crowd knelt down and shouted: "I would like to listen to Wang Yi."

Seeing everyone kneeling, the little eunuch spread out Wang Yi in her hands, and her mother said loudly: "Teacher Hu Shu will return to his hometown to retire, the governor of Hedao, the governor of Liangjiang, and the capitals of Xiushan, Yinchuan, and Baima will be selected."

When the kneeling ministers heard the king's words, cold sweat dripped down their foreheads.

"Wang Yu" When everyone has not thanked, another holy attainment followed one after another.

"Your Majesty." The eunuch rushing to spread out the imperial list, and shouted loudly: "The cabinet intends to appoint Jin Caiye as the Bachelor of the Dian Pavilion. Xu Shanqin is appointed as the Grand Tutor. Che Xianyan is appointed as the Governor. This is my honor!"

After finishing the recitation, after Hu Shu collapsed, Yuan Diange's bachelor and the titled governor also collapsed in a daze.

"Follow the king." The terrified minister's heart jumped to his throat. Unexpectedly, the king would be in charge, so he exchanged blood vigorously.

Just as the group of people kneeling kowtowed and shouted in unison, another Wang Yu came.

"Your Majesty's personal order" a mother's call came from a distance, and then dozens of guards with swords in front of the imperial guard rushed into the pavilion following the eunuch.

When the ministers saw Wang Yu followed by the royal guards, their hearts jumped.

"Your Majesty: The Minister of the Ministry of War and the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs use their power for personal gain, and they should be dismissed immediately." After the little eunuch finished reading, several guards immediately stepped forward and took off the official uniforms of the two.

As soon as they finished picking, the little eunuch read aloud again: "Si Nong concealed the information and failed to report the matter in Kunming. He is guilty of the same crime as Si Ronglan. Immediately put him in prison, hereby."

Sure enough, the trembling ministers lay on the ground, and Ren Sinong was dragged out by the imperial guards.

After the little eunuch finished reading the holy mantra, he calmly called out to the kneeling ministers: "Ministers, get up, your majesty is already waiting in the hall."

"Yes." The rest of the ministers who were not named got up from the ground tremblingly, sweating profusely, and it was finally over.

When Cao Zong saw that his intentions were over, he rushed forward in confusion, and asked the eunuch, "Does your majesty no longer have any intentions?"

"Wang Yi is finished, Cao Shuai quickly enter the palace."

"It's over?" Cao Zong frowned tightly, the king replaced his cronies, why is Li Nengwu missing alone?
Tu Hongxu escaped, wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, and hurriedly followed the prime minister's team to the Golden Palace, where he dared to ask. He was dismissed on the spot and Si Nong was imprisoned.His Majesty really knew what they were thinking, this wise Majesty was in charge, and he really wanted to accompany the King like a tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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