ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 515 "Emperor Art"

Chapter 515 "Emperor Art"

Jin Caiye's sudden stroke made Ah Zhen's mind confused, as far as he knew Jin Caiye was not the kind of person who avenged his own private revenge and caught people's little tails...

"Jin Caiye, you want to join the Ministry of Industry just because the Qilin River has not been opened yet?" Ah Zhen frowned slightly.This Jin Caiye is not a girl, so it is unlikely that her menstrual period is not going well, right?
"Yes." Jin Caiye is still tenacious.

Seeing that he was so determined, Ah Zhen called out to the crowd suspiciously: "Minister of the Ministry of Industry."

"The minister is here."

"Are the words of the university scholar true?"

"Yes yes yes." The minister of the Ministry of Industry was dripping with cold sweat, and he bowed to report: "April ago, the queen did order her servants to clear the section of the river that was blocked by Qilin Cuo."

Hearing about this, Ah Zhen asked with a straight face: "Then why hasn't it been cleared yet?"

The minister of the Ministry of Industry swallowed his saliva, and said: "The river in the Qilin Cuo River bends and stretches, and there are uprooted mountains and trees on both sides. The minister has ordered the river worker to clear the two sections of the Popo and Poli rivers, but it is winter. , the river near Nacang is fast and frosty, and it is very difficult to clean."

As soon as he finished his answer, Jin Caiye hummed and replied: "My lord, the Qilin River is blocked in three places, and the Ministry of Industry cleared two places within a month, but it is surprising that the last one has not been cleared in three months." .”

"No, no, no" just after he finished speaking, the Ministry of Industry waved his hands, clasped his fists and bowed to Jin Caiye, saying: "The Grand Scholar doesn't know that the river basin of Nacang is complicated and deep, and the water flow is fast. Difficult to clean it all up."

"Three roads are blocked. Although the Ministry of Industry has cleaned up two roads, one is still left." Jin Caiye hummed: "The river is still impassable. What's the difference between you and no cleaning?" He hummed with a bad face , "Since the queen has ordered you to dredge, you should do your duty, so you don't need to say such sophistry."

Tu Hongxu saw that his Ministry of Industry was so kind to each other, and this university scholar was still so aggressive. Although he didn't know when his Ministry of Industry and him formed a grudge, as Shangxian, he had no choice but to open his mouth for the work. Ministry spoke.

"Your Majesty." Tu Hongxu came out from the crowd, clasped his fists and said, "Qilincuo has a complicated terrain and the river is turbulent. When the Queen ordered the Ministry of Industry to clean it up, the season was already fast forward to autumn, and the Ministry of Industry was able to solve the problem within a limited time. After clearing the two roads in the interior, I really did my best. If I send people to forcibly clear them in winter, it will cause a lot of casualties."

"The minister seconded the proposal." As soon as Tu Hongxu finished speaking, five or six ministers came out to stand up.

Ah Zhen squinted at Jin Caiye, who was surrounded by the crowd, and asked thoughtfully: "The Grand Scholar's performance today is inappropriate."

Jin Caiye ignored the ministers, clasped his fists and said: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Industry is evasive, and it is really shocking and chilling to do things like this."

"The university scholar is wrong." The Ministry of Industry said earnestly and earnestly: "Human life is at stake, and the mid-winter season is very dangerous. If it is forced to pass, it will cause countless unnecessary deaths and injuries."

"Confused." Jin Caiye reprimanded: "If you don't clear it, will there be no casualties?"

"This" Ministry of Industry was reprimanded speechless.An inch, wouldn't it just block a river?It won't be too late to open again next summer, so there won't be any casualties.

But the king is above, how can he dare to speak bluntly, he clasped his fists and bowed to Jin Caiye indifferently and said: "The great scholar is serious."

Ah Zhen heard the smell, stood up and shouted: "Jin Caiye, the river is blocked, if there are any casualties, you can tell me directly." It's about human life, so we have to be careful.

"Yes." Jin Caiye didn't talk to the Ministry of Science and Technology, and said with a straight face: "My lord, the Qilin River is blocked, cutting off the connection with the Jinsha River and the Yagong River, and the river diverted to the Yarlung Zangbo River."

Tu Hongxu frowned, but the great scholar was unwilling to do anything, and asked angrily, "It's natural for the river to divert. The Jinsha River is impassable, so what's the fuss about diverting to the Yarlung Zangbo River?"

Ah Zhen, who didn't say a word, thought about it for a while, and his face was not very good. He drank again: "Continue to talk."

"Yes." Jin Caiye looked at the servant minister who reprimanded him, and asked him with a straight face: "Master Minister Minister, the Qilin River is blocked and diverted to the Yarlung Zangbo River. I would like to ask, where does the Yarlung Zangbo River lead to?"

"Putra River."

"How many cities are connected by the Yarlung Zangbo River?"

Not understanding what he was going to do, Tu Hongxu frowned and read: "Lhasa, Luoxie, Pibo, Cuona, Wang Ting." After reading this, he shouted impatiently: "There are too many, what do you want to be a bachelor?" for what?"

The more Ah Zhen heard it, the worse his expression became. He stood up and asked Jin Caiye anxiously, "Is the Qilin River frosted?"

When Jin Caiye heard this question, he knew that the king had understood, and replied respectfully: "Not yet, but it will be completed at the winter solstice."

"What is the water level of the Yarlung Zangbo River?"

"It rose nearly ten inches in two days."

"Bold" Ah Zhen angrily slammed the gold case, stretched out his angry fingers and shouted at the Ministry of Industry: "The Qilin River is blocked, the rivers in various places are diverted, and all the water flows to the Yarlung Zangbo River, and it is the middle of winter, and the rivers are frozen." Said Came here and scolded Mandian Wenwu angrily: "Although there is nothing wrong now, but when spring comes, the rivers lose their ice, and the torrents of water continue to pour into the Yarlung Zangbo River, let alone the situation of Zhucheng." Angrily staring at Tu Hongxu and the Ministry of Industry He scolded and asked: "Minister of the Ministry of Industry, do you want to drown the royal court, do you want to drown the king?"

At first, they thought that the scholar was avenging his personal revenge, but the ministers who didn't take it seriously changed their faces when they heard this analysis, and they all knelt down in fear, and dared not speak any more.The Ministry of Industry actually wants to drown the king, what else can I say.

The faces of Tu Hongxu and the minister of the Ministry of Industry changed drastically, with cold sweat dripping from their foreheads, and a huge coffin appeared in their eyes.Unexpectedly, a blockage of a river would actually cause something to stab the sky.

"Hum..." Ah Zhen's complexion was not very good. After humming again to Da Ganren, he called out flatly: "Everyone, get up."

"Thank you, my lord."

"If you want to pass it, you can pass it all. What's the matter if you pass half of it." Ah Zhen said angrily with a straight face: "Minister of the Ministry of Industry, are you trying to kill the king?"

When the Ministry of Industry heard the two sons who killed the king, they fell to the ground, kowtowed and cried, "I deserve death for my crimes, and I deserve death for my crimes."

"Foolish and incompetent." His face softened slightly, and he scolded him unhappily: "Quickly pass the river to me. When the spring news arrives, if half an acre of fertile land is found to be flooded, this king will not spare you." "

"Yes yes yes" the minister of the Ministry of Industry responded again and again, carefully looking at the old man above him, even the cold sweat sucked back into his body.

Ah Zhen glared at the group of people angrily, and hummed to everyone who came out in a bad tone: "Everyone back down."

"Yes." Jin Caiye glanced at the Weinuo Ministry of Industry and Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and silently retreated into the crowd. He didn't have any grudges with anyone, it was about people's livelihood, how could he pretend nothing happened.

After finishing this mess, Ah Zhen glanced at the clattering armored Wang Man.With a secret smile in his heart, he called out to Cao Zong: "What do you want to play, Commander?"

"Yes." Seeing that it was finally his turn, Cao Zong stepped out of the queue and said, "Your Majesty, Khan Doro, who returned to Manchuria yesterday, has proclaimed himself emperor."

"Oh." Ah Zhen, who has known for a long time, pretended to be indifferent: "Huiman has nothing to do with my Tubo. It is his Huiman who wants to proclaim himself emperor. What has it to do with me?"

When Cao Zong heard this, he said impatiently: "Your Majesty, Huiman was originally a side branch of my Tubo, and there were five khans. But Khan Doro has recruited other tribes. Huiman's unification is really great for us. Not good."

Ah Zhen squinted his eyes and asked: "What does the commander-in-chief mean?" This Cao Zong is not wronged to be handsome, and the father has also made great progress.No, Duo Luo had just ascended the throne yesterday, and he saw his father's secret performance early in the morning.There are a lot of wordy words, which are terribly annoying.It's not necessarily a good thing that your courtiers are smart.

When Cao Zong saw the king's inquiry, he said happily: "My lord, it is reasonable to attack Duo Luo before he becomes big, otherwise, when he becomes big, our border will not be peaceful."

"The minister seconded the proposal." Li Nengwu and Wang Man fought against Cao Zong with all their strength.

Seeing Wang Man coming out, Ah Zhen pretended to be surprised and asked, "Wang Man?"

"Your Majesty." Wang Man, who had not been invited back to the court, trembled in his heart, and responded cautiously with fists.

Hearing this terrified response, Ah Zhen feigned anger and scolded: "Bold. This king didn't order you to return to the court. How dare you return selfishly."

"Please calm your anger, Your Majesty." Wang Man's heart trembled, and he knelt down and complained: "This is a serious matter, and I have to go against the order."

"Huh." The emperor's mind, true and false, Ah Zhen asked: "What's the matter with you?" Memorial, no, it really came.

"Yes." Wang Man knelt down and reported anxiously, "After more than a month of fierce fighting back to Manchuria, the khans fought each other for the territory, causing heavy casualties. A large number of people poured into our Tubo territory." With a glance, he lowered his head and said: "The minister has repeatedly submitted memorials, but he has not received a single word. It is very difficult to make a decision, so he hastily entered the court and asked the king to come down."

"So that's the case." Ah Zhen, who deliberately held on to the memorial, suddenly nodded, and his anger subsided a lot and he called: "Get up."

"Thank you, my lord." Wang Man escaped unharmed and stood in front of the hall without daring to breathe, waiting for questioning.

Ah Zhen pointed at Wang Man with a stern face and said, "You have given this king a thousand times to ask for troops. This king was so annoyed by reading it that he didn't even bother to look through your notes until the end. Go over there."

"Then" Wang Man swallowed his saliva, "the matter of hundreds of thousands of Manchu and Hui refugees"

"What?" Knowing that the refugees were blocked abroad, Ah Zhen pretended to frowned and asked: "What hundreds of thousands of Manchus and Huis?"

Cold sweat dripped from Wang Man's forehead in an instant, "Because the king has no clear knowledge, the ministers dare not take him in rashly."

"What did you say?" The temperature dropped suddenly, and Ah Zhen shouted anxiously: "You mean, you didn't take in these refugees?"

"Yes, yes..." Seeing his horrified expression, Wang Man complained in his heart, but his uncle didn't say a word, how could his little Northwest Forbidden General dare to decide such a big matter.

"Bold." The furious Ah Zhen pointed at the armor in front of him and scolded like a rough man: "This king never bothered to warn, the people are the most important, and the people are the first. But you dare to push the people into the fire and water, you treat human life as nothing What."

After the reprimand, he pretended to be very angry and came back to pace his feet. When he settled down, he turned and shouted at the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs: "Ina."

"The subject is here." The old prime minister's heart jumped to his throat.

"Has Nianbage Mansion and Kebuduo Mansion performed this performance?"

Without thinking about it, Yi Na replied, "I haven't done it." If he had done it, he would never forget such a big event.

"Bang" Ah Zhen picked up the purple sand teacup on the gold case and threw it at the Golden Palace angrily, "What are the two of them doing?"

Seeing that the king was furious in court, all the ministers knelt down in fear and shouted: "I implore the king to calm down."

Wang Man's heart skipped a beat, all the muscles in his body collapsed, and he lay down on the ground trembling carefully: "My lord, I have come to find my servants in the Liangliang Mansion, because my servants said that they want to play in person, so "I will stop here." Lifting his old face lightly, he saw that the old man's face was blue, and he continued to lie on the ground in fright, not daring to say the first half of a sentence.

When a large number of old foxes heard Wang Man's words, their faces changed suddenly. Does this Wang Man not want to live?

"Bold, presumptuous" Ah Zhen's face was livid, and he shouted at Wang Man: "Wang Man! This king has not given you a king talisman, and you dare to implement the Fan Wang system without permission. Are you planning to rebel?"

"My lord, spare me." Wang Man is dumb and eats yellow lotus, no one can go against this master, he just said such a sentence, who knows that the two houses are so bold that they didn't even publish the court report.

Looking directly at the cold eyes, Ah Zhen gritted his teeth and said: "This king entrusted you to take care of the Northwest, but before he was crowned king, the officials dared to judge you arbitrarily. It is simply hateful and hateful." After the anger, he raised his foot Kicked the gold case in front of it down the hall, sucked blood and shouted: "Come and take it for me."

"Yes." Dozens of guards with knives rushed into the hall quickly, pushed back Wang Man's hands fiercely, and forcefully pressed his old face to the ground.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were frightened into silence, and Cao Zong, who was most incompatible with him, saw that Wang Man was about to be beheaded. He gritted his teeth and begged, "I implore you, Your Majesty, to calm down."

I thought that Jin Caiye would come out to plead, but I didn't expect that it was Cao Zong who came out first. After being slightly stunned, Ah Zhen asked with a straight face: "The commander-in-chief wants to plead for Wang Man."

"Please calm down, Your Majesty." Cao Zong didn't expect Wang Man to be so reckless, so he swallowed his saliva and begged: "My lord, Wang Man is determined not to rebel, but the city government has no eyes and is self-righteous. Wang Man is guilty, but the crime lies in reckless."

Wang Man did not expect that Cao Zong would intercede for him. With tears in his eyes, he kowtowed and cried, "My lord!"

Jin Caiye also stood up and knelt down to intercede for Wang Man, saying: "My lord, Wang Shuai has received Wang's kindness, and he will never do anything rebellious. Please learn from me."

"Hum..." Ah Zhen looked coldly at the three kneeling people for a while, then waved back the guards, and Ping Wuxu called: "Get up."

Wang Man escaped unharmed, kowtowed to thank him, stood up tremblingly, and hid himself in the crowd, not daring to make a sound.

"It is proposed that Nianbage and Kebuduo will be dismissed immediately, and another candidate will be selected for the cabinet."

"Yes." Inajue's today is too mysterious, I don't know which ones are true and which ones are false.Did the king really want to kill the deputy commander, or did he want to scare him?
After finishing the performance, Ah Zhen sternly called out to the frightened second stunned below: "Wang Man."

"Your servant is here."

"It's only been so long since you have led the Great Northwest, and the state capitals know how to recognize people. If you stay in this Great Northwest, you will be killed."

"Yes." Wang Man trembled in his heart, "please deal with it, Your Majesty."

"For the sake of your life, and to make everyone feel at ease, go and exchange with Ante."

Hearing that he was going to the Li Dynasty, although Wang Man was unwilling in his heart, but thinking of the crime of treason, he had to accept it if he didn't want to. "Your servant leads the way."

"Yeah." Ah Zhen nodded, and the speed of changing his face is unmatched by anyone." The position of deputy commander is still the same. The government is connected with the army, and the army is connected with the army. Don't be arrogant, and you must not have disputes with various places. The land of the three armies is complicated and changeable. Don't have friction with the river, the navy, and the two armies, you know?"

"Your servant will remember Wang Shangjin's words. "There are many Taoist battalions in Li's house, and the navy is like a cow's hair. The ports are checked and checked. Thinking of this, Wang Man's head is getting bigger.

"Well." Sitting back on the golden chair, Ah Zhen smiled and said: "Catching the bandits and bandits gathered on the border can be regarded as benefiting the people. Communicate with the old horse more, and don't be reckless." It's done, you know?"

"Old horse?" Wang Man has an old face, who is this old horse?

Thinking of that horse face, Ah Zhen raised the corners of his mouth, "You will know when you are in office, go down."

"Yes, the subject will leave." Wang Man was extremely confused, knelt down on the ground, kowtowed three times carefully, then got up from the ground, turned around and stepped out of the hall.I shivered involuntarily, and finally tasted what it was like to come back from the gate of hell.

(End of this chapter)

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