ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 524 "Camouflage"

Chapter 524 "Camouflage"

Huanyue, who was lying on her chest, turned around and changed from lying down to lying down.Xiaonen put her chin on her hand, raised her watery face, her starry eyes met his affectionate eyes and asked: "I want to go back to Liao Kingdom, what do you think?"

Staring at the pair of star eyes in front of him, Ah Zhen vigorously shook his head and said: "Your grandmother and father are very ruthless, I am worried."

"But I want to transfer Erniang to Tubo." Huanyue, who also knew it, was very sad.Her mother-in-law was buried on a hill outside the city like a handmaid. During the time she was away, her mother-in-law's mound had grown a lot of weeds.

Ah Zhen knew everything about her a long time ago, and thought about it with a sigh, "Don't go, when Yingying takes over the government, I'll go and bring Er Niang back."

His mother-in-law aroused Huanyue's tears, and with a "woo", the little lotus root tightly wrapped his neck around him, and couldn't help calling out in embarrassment: "Fu Lang!"

"Silly girl, what's there to cry about." Hugging the little thing in her arms, she joked, "I'm still used to you calling me a ruffian."

"I hate it." Huanyue Jiao Didi, who was greatly moved, thumped him lightly, her tearful eyes condensed with him.

"Okay, okay." He is capable of spraying the tears of this strong woman everywhere. He shook his head and smiled and asked, "What do you think about what you said last night?"

Listening to him mentioning the matter of returning to fullness, Huanyue wiped away the remaining tears, sucked in the small tip of her nose, and said cautiously: "This Puda is not simple, and the intention is unclear."

"Man dies for money, and bird dies for food." Ah Zhen, who whispered softly, was also very puzzled, looked at Huanyue and asked, "Are you thinking, why is he assisting Doro so much? If he wants to find an official, Why do you have such great achievements, but still have no official position? If you are more ambitious and want to return to full power, why do you get rid of the four khans for Doro?"

"Yes." Huanyue squinted her eyes and hypothesized: "If I am Doro Khan, and suddenly such a person runs in front of me, what would he say to arouse his great ambition?"

"Money, power, women." Ah Zhen answered naturally.

"The previous Doro had all three, but he couldn't do it all." Huanyue said, nodding.

Ah Zhen, who knew it well, nodded and said appreciatively, "It's worthy of being the bright moon on Irkutsk."

Jiao glared at him, "I thought about it all day last night and today. This Puda is not easy. He has formulated three steps for Puda."

"go on."

"First unify and return to Manchuria, if you can stand firm, hold on to the power, wait until there is a huge war in Tubo, and then take advantage of the fire to get a share of the pie. If you can't stand firm, then come to Tubo to become a vassal. When there is a war in Tubo, immediately mention the tribe's rebellion, and also share a share soup."

After Huanyue finished speaking, Ah Zhen lightly rubbed his little head lying on his body, and praised: "My Mingyue on Irkutsk is really smart." His eyes were bright and seductive, and he said: "This is Doro's ambition. Huanyue shouldn't get rid of the actual point of view, think more about why Puda is."

"He wants the throne."

"Why?" Ah Zhen also thought that he wanted Doro's position, but it was a little uncoordinated.

"Duoluo is stupid by nature. If there is no Puda to help him deal with it, let alone Mie Si Khan, it would be strange if he would not be eliminated." Speaking of this, he wrinkled his nose slightly and muttered: "There must be a reason for everything to happen. I will never believe that this Puda is a bad person who helps strangers without relatives or reasons. There is no better place than Doro's position."

Ah Zhen nodded again and again, then shook his head and said: "Everything has a motive. Although what you said is reasonable, I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell what is wrong for a while."

Huanyue knew that this man was smart and sensitive, so she raised her eyes and looked at him without daring to talk nonsense, "You must be cautious and cautious, I believe that things are not that simple, and you can't be careless at all." She was too much when she was in Baicheng. Slack, his lone army going deep is a dead end, but he never thought that a soldier with no way out could fight ten against one.

Ah Zhen felt that his head was big and his brain was knotted. He hugged the little thing lying in his arms and said: "It's late at night, let's go to sleep, call me at four o'clock."

"Okay." Huanyue turned around, and pillowed her little head on her arm socket meekly, her mouth and nose were filled with the breath of this ruffian man, listening to his steady and rhythmic heartbeat, her eyes gradually became darker after a while up.

Outside the peaceful wing room, the biting northwest wind blows, rolling in patches of snow-white cold flowers, floating in the dark sky.The handsome men and women in the wing room breathe steadily and sleep in each other's arms.Yehan is horrifying, but also palpitatingly beautiful.

Less than three days after Duoluo proclaimed himself emperor, Tubo sent envoys to Gaochang to proclaim.Sure enough, before the scriptures were read, the envoy was kicked out with random sticks.

Ah Zhen, who was involved in major and minor matters of the whole country, sat on the golden palace, with a huge coffin face, his brows were tightly knitted, and he glared angrily at the special envoy who had been beaten back from Huiman.I'm in a very bad mood, no!It's a special rage.

"Hum..." A heavy hum sounded across the quiet golden palace, frightening the courtiers on both sides to lower their heads.

The wounded envoy brought from back to Manchuria swallowed, lying on the ground, not even daring to look up.

"Human Dazi, unexpectedly so arrogant. "This Puda, does he really want a laying hen to hit a rock?Ou even beat his courtiers, what on earth did he want to do?
Li Nengwu's expression was gloomy. Seeing that everyone in the hall did not dare to say anything, he lightly tugged Cao Zong in front of him.

On the other hand, Cao Zong was an old god. He squinted his eyes and gave Li Nengwu a slight glance, shook his head slightly, and tightly shut his mouth.Huiman's son was so bold that the king was so angry that he wanted to kill someone, so there was no need to play anything.Just wait, that Dorothy is about to swallow a bomb.

Looking at the silent civil and military officials, Ah Zhen asked, "Where are the Ante people now?"

Minister of the Ministry of War trembled, and came out to respond: "My lord, General An set off five days ago, and now he has arrived in Xuanhua, and is expected to arrive in the northwest in the morning of the next day."

Hearing that it would take the day after tomorrow, Ah Zhen snorted, "It actually takes seven days to get from Li's Mansion to the Northwest, it's just like a tortoise."

When the ministers in the hall heard him call Ante a turtle, they suddenly complained for Ante.Seven days from Li's Mansion to the Great Northwest is extremely fast, and the king is still not satisfied. He Ante can't ride the clouds, let alone teleport, the king must be very happy.

The displeased Ah Zhen hummed and gave the order: "Give it to Ante. As soon as you arrive in the Northwest, immediately send me troops to enter Huiman and capture Doro to kneel in front of the king."

"Yes." The minister of the Ministry of War promised respectfully.

"Remember." Ah Zhen stood up and hummed: "Tell Ante to remember that soldiers must be restrained, and innocent people must not be killed indiscriminately, or people's money, or women and children shall be robbed. Anyone who violates it will be chopped off."

When his wish fell to the ground, all the important officials in the hall knelt down and shouted: "The mercy of the king is the blessing of all people."

"Retire." When Ah Zhen, who was burning with anger, retreated from the inner hall with his hands behind his hands, the corners of his mouth suddenly cracked.This Puda is really interesting. I think Lin Ahzhen is already not playing cards according to the rules, but there is someone who is more clouded than him.Heh, Ante's plow ox might not be able to plow the land back to full.But that's okay, it's time for him to intimidate the whole world.

Thinking of this, Ah Zhen couldn't help laughing, and walked towards his hall in a happy mood.The cunning eyes were shining with gold, and the corners of the rich man's mouth were raised high.

Hua Fu, who was following closely behind him, was stunned, and his forehead was covered with sweat in astonishment.This old man seemed to be burning the sky in the hall just now, why did he change his face as soon as he came out of the hall, and he smiled so freely?Has his personality split?If you are sick, you have to see it quickly, otherwise, when the water in your head is full, it will not be a joke.

The back garden in the Axis Cloud Pavilion is completely different from the front garden. Although the flowers in the front garden are withered, the three old friends, pine, bamboo and plum, gather together. It is a beautiful scene in the snowy cold weather.

And what about the backyard?Not bad.There are no flowers and no trees here.Although the rows of vegetable gardens are empty, they are neat and orderly.It can be vaguely seen that the vegetable garden here is flourishing in spring.

Located behind the vegetable garden, there are several small thatched huts surrounded by thatched bamboos. Although the huts are small, they are airtight. The roofs are densely piled up with dry straw, and the straw is covered with ice edges. with frost and snow.

This snow is the second snow this week. The previous snow fell for four days, and the latter snow fell for three full days. It was so dense and urgent that it was almost breathless.

In such a cold morning, especially in a brothel where day and night are turned upside down, the people in the building should sleep until they are hungry before waking up.As long as there is no one who doesn't think so, but the accident happened that broke the eyes of everyone.On this snowy morning, a skinny man in a rough jacket was sweating and scooping up the smelly excrement from the small hut, and spooning the tired yellow and green poop into the excrement around him without feeling dirty at all. inside the barrel.Do not close the lid until the manure bucket is [-]% full.He picked up the pole without complaint, and left in the distance with two buckets of stinky poop.

In the attic not far from the hut, stood a veiled figure of Pingting, with cold eyes looking at the thin figure that was gradually moving away from the slightly open window, until the figure left the eyeliner Only then did she close the window tightly, and silently turned and left the wing room where she was observing this person.

A two-story embroidered building in the inner garden stands amidst the drifting white snow, and Bai Qiongqiong, a small tile-roofed house with green bricks, lies covered with snow.In the latticed window with embroidered curtains hanging down, Yu Xianxian sat quietly on the small tea chair in the room, with a furnace of green smoke and small charcoal to ward off the winter cold for her.

"Squeak" In the quiet morning, the quiet attic room was pushed away.Yu Xianxian suddenly looked towards the door together with the two subordinates standing in front of him, and when he saw Han Bing coming, he let out a breath of cold air.

Observing the sand wolf, Han Bing quickly entered the room, closed the door softly, walked in front of Yu Xianxian silently, and said very respectfully: "Miss, after observing for a few days, there is no problem with this person."

Yu Xianxian was wearing a Yueluohua dress today, with pink fluffy clips tied around her body, and the pair of tightly bound eyes were round and eye-catching, tall and bulging.If Ah Zhen sees her abusing this pair of human boobs in such a way, he will definitely jump up and scold her for having no compassion.

Hearing that his subordinates had no problems, Yu Xianxian stood up slowly, his waist and slender figure made one's heart itch unbearably, and the heart of crime suddenly arose.There was a touch of melancholy hanging on that extraordinary and refined face, and he let out a sigh of relief: "It seems that he is really just a poor man."

"Yes." Han Bing nodded and said: "Xiaosha is straightforward, hardworking and hard-working, and gets busier every four o'clock. He is taciturn, rarely speaks, and there is no suspicious sign except picking dung out. "

"Yeah." Immortal Yu swept the light response of her crescent eyebrows, and said with a sad face: "Maybe we are too filtered."

Standing quietly by the side, Hanshuang's charm is soft and graceful, and her temperament is also detached and refined.Hearing what the lady said, Qianmei frowned lightly, and said cautiously: "Miss, is it better to observe for a few more days?"

"No need." Yuxianxian shook his head and said: "I have been observing for six days, if he has a problem, he will not be so silent." After finishing speaking, he ordered Han Bing in front of him: "Han Bing, take off the eyeliner."

"Yes." I promise with ice.They brought few people to find the young master this time, but they really shouldn't be wasted on insignificant people.

Dai Mei frowned slightly, Yu Xianxian turned to Hanxue and asked: "Did you find out about the young master's trace from Master Ji last night?"

Hanxue Qingling's facial features are also slightly sad, Xiangzui sighed softly: "Ji Ye said that the king of Tubo changed his cabinet ministers, and a large number of top officials were replaced. In the past, no one of the top officials took concubines or married, but now they are in the top position. I don't know who the important officials are."

"Ah..." Yu Xianxian sighed softly, her black eyebrows were furrowed even tighter, and she muttered: "We have been here for more than a month, and we still can't find the young master. It's really frustrating to waste so much time."

The three sisters in the room were silent when they heard her sigh, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Miss." Han Bing's beautiful apricot eyes were colorful, and he said thoughtfully: "Maybe we should start with that real master."

"Hum." Immortal Yu heard the name, and the fire in his heart rose inexplicably, "This shameless person must have eaten the shadow of his ancestors, so he knows what is going on."

Hanshuang saw that Miss would be furious every time she talked about this person, but for the young master she had no choice but to speak: "Miss, although this person is a playboy, but he lives in the Forbidden City, maybe he knows something?" Speaking of this, he said truthfully: "We have almost searched the four cities of Wangting, but there is still no trace of the young master. Maybe she is in the forbidden city."

"I just thought that the young master was in the Forbidden City, so I set up this brothel. I hope I can find out the news from these high-ranking officials and lords, so I can sneak in and pick it up after I locate it." Yu Xianxian said here, sighing in defeat: "No Considering that Tubo is so strict with extreme officials, there are quite a few nobles and officials who come here. But there are no dignified cabinet ministers who are extreme officials."

"That's why we should attack that shameless real master." Hanshuang said: "This person must have a blessed family, even the arrogant Lord Xiang respects him, and this person's family must be rich. "Han Shuang suddenly stopped talking at this point, let the smart lady think about the outcome.

A pair of small white jade hands were tightened tightly, and the beautiful face of Yu Xianxian was tightly collapsed, the two pairs of high and protruding jade peaks fluctuated up and down between breaths, and he gritted through his teeth unwillingly: "Excuse me, Master Zhen!" Post, just say that Xianxian made a mistake last time, and I want to apologize to him again."

Hearing this, Han Bing sighed in his heart, it seems that the lady was really offended by this shameless person, "Miss, although we know that the real master lives in the Forbidden City, we actually don't know where he lives in the Forbidden City, and the Forbidden City We can't get in, how can we post?"

Hearing Han Bing's words, the extremely angry Yu Xianxian woke up suddenly.That's right, even this person lived in the inner city secretly, so how can I post it directly?
(End of this chapter)

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