ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 527 "Traveling the River with Snow"

Chapter 527 "Traveling the River with Snow"

Ah Zhen and Yingying, who said they were going back to their residence, staged a scene of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai in the sleeping hall of the palace. Reluctantly, he looked back three times, his eyes were full of affection, and tears gathered in his eyes.With goosebumps all over the ground, he yelled and cursed the word rolling, and then he was able to lift the ban.

Then in the mansion, I chatted with all the beautiful wives while having dinner, which made all the beauties flushed, red with shame, smile with shame, blame with smile, pity with responsibility, affection with pity, love with love Containing love, love in love, continuous and endless.By nature, he hugged this beautiful wife with his hands up and down, and rubbed his arms around that beautiful family.After he almost spurted blood, he waved a small handkerchief and said that there was still something going on in the palace, and stepped out of Lin's mansion with tears in his eyes.

"Huh" wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, Ah Zhen let out a sigh of relief, such a job is really not humanly capable.

Lai Li and Sand Dog who were following behind him stared blankly at the life-and-death parting just now, and cast their eyes on him in admiration.Calling this difficulty is really a high word.

"Coach, you are amazing." Lai Li, who was following behind, raised a big thumb and admired him.

The sand dog was speechless, and glared at Lai Li unhappily. He was originally going to say this sentence. This Captain Flying Tiger is too shameless.

"Hey hey hey" Ah Zhen laughed straight away, and said to Lai Li without looking back: "Little donkey, learn a lot, and use it to your wife when you go back. I guarantee that your wife will definitely turn into a puddle of spring water."

"Useful, very useful." Although he agreed, Lai Li shook his head vigorously in his heart. He loves his wife, and he is not willing to let his wife cry.

The sand dog has no wife and no right to speak, so he changed the subject and asked, "Coach, do you still want to go to the west of the city tonight?" Don't, they can't stand hanging around with this master anymore.

"Pa" Hearing this coach, Ah Zhen took the jade fan and knocked on the sand dog's head, "What do you want to call me when you come out?"

"Young master" was called out by the sand dog who knocked out a bag, rolled his eyes, and called out. It's such a cold day, why is this old man still holding a fan?Are you here to knock him?
When the lights came on, standing in an empty mansion on the edge of the inner city, two dark and ruthless men saw that the coach had indeed come, and hurriedly opened the small door and called out: "Master."

Seeing that Captain Wuying's fourth and sixth captains had arrived early, Ah Zhen joked in a happy mood: "Si and Liu, today is very cloudy."

The two cold old faces were in embarrassment. Hearing this tone, he knew that the old man was teasing them, but the question was that they couldn't understand what his uncle was teasing.

Knowing that they didn't understand, Ah Zhen patted the shoulders of the two of them contentedly, "Hey, change clothes, let's continue to go west of the city." He walked into this empty mansion.

It was the west of the city again, and the four of them accompanied him around the west of the city for a few days, and they were very uncomfortable. They didn't know what attracted him to the west of the city. His uncle didn't choose the north and the east of the city, but insisted on choosing the damn west. What kind of mystery was he playing.

After closing the small door, the four of them quickly took out the rich clothes that they only wore when they owned gold and silver at home, and quickly changed them from head to toe for him.

Holding a jade folding fan, Ah Zhen stepped out of the small door, and confidently said to the four people who were following him: "I have a hunch that there will be a beautiful woman changing arms tonight."

Seeing him repeating the same old tune, the four people behind him rolled their eyes suddenly without expressing any opinion. His uncle would say this every night, but apart from him going to the brothel to throw himself into his arms, how could there be any beauties? Give him a hug.

Compared with the snow during the day, the snow at night seems to be heavier.But Ah Zhen's interest is still undiminished, because he is waiting for the beautiful and unhuman jade fairy to throw himself into his arms.Think of the pair of human breasts that are ready to come out, then think of her perfect figure, and then think of the big palm resting on that small waist.He took a breath and couldn't take it anymore, resisting the desire to lose a thousand miles, and continued wandering on the busy streets in the west of the city.

Standing in front of the Fumiao where teahouses, taverns and storytellers and jugglers gather, it is amidst the bustling crowds.Ah Zhen's handsome figure was standing on the small toy booth.

"Boss, how much is this little anklet?" This little anklet is pretty small. It must be very beautiful when it hangs on his Shuang'er's beautiful legs.

The small stall welcomes such distinguished guests, before the lion can open his mouth, there is a burst of fragrance, and then a moonlight figure suddenly bursts into sight.

Smelling the familiar scent of powder, Ah Zhen was shocked, and stared at this perfect figure, which is by no means ordinary vulgar powder, and put his eyes on the pair of surging breasts first, tightly Holding back his saliva, he slowly looked at that seductive fairy face that would make people spurt blood.

Yu Xianxian, who was holding a small blue lattice umbrella, came by chance to snatch the anklet he was looking for, as if he had never seen Ah Zhen, and said softly to the stunned stall owner: "Wrap this anklet up!" "It's as if he didn't feel the smoldering and obscene gaze beside him.

Seeing her pretentiousness, Ah Zhen almost laughed out loud.Isn't this kind of coincidence scene too level-headed?What's next?Just like in the TV show, after the two looked at each other, they actually knew each other, then pushed back and forth, and finally invited to play?Cut, it's too silly.

Yuxianxian is sure that the shameless person recognized her, because anyone who has seen her true face will remember her no matter how many hundreds of years pass.But why didn't he make a sound?Are you stupid?
"Boss," Yu Xianxian, who was not looking sideways, whispered to the silly little shop owner.

"Oh..." The silly stall owner was called back to his senses, and he didn't even ask Ah Zhen, who had spotted the anklet first, hurriedly took off the delicate little anklet hanging on the shop floor, and stepped forward to hand it in a daze. , staring at Yuxianxian's beautiful face with thieves' eyes, he even forgot how much money it cost.

Now that this big beauty with many secrets came out to hook him, it was impossible to give up.

Ah Zhen cast another glance at the pair of breathless human breasts with great interest, the corners of his mouth raised high, and he turned around without saying a word and wandered elsewhere.

The four people standing behind him turned around and left when they saw the master, and looked at each other blankly.How is this old man today?Under normal circumstances, when he sees such an inhuman beauty, he should hang on to it until he finds out the beauty's ID number before giving up, right?
Immortal Yuxian's eyes slanted slightly, and Xiao Mian's hand holding the purse was stiff. She couldn't believe that this vile and shameless person turned around and left like this. He has changed his sex, isn't he obscene?

"Huh?" The impatient Yu Xianxian pretended to accidentally glance at his figure, and whispered to Ah Zhen who turned around in surprise: "Is it the real master?"

"Heh" who can play falsehood better than Ah Zhen, holding back a full of laughter, turned around in a daze and saw that it was Yu Xianxian, and said in a very fake surprise: "It turned out to be Miss Yu."

When the four captains heard his words, three black lines slid down their foreheads. His wolf eyes could even see the color of this beautiful woman's bellyband just now, but now he looks like he just saw it.

The heart of Yuxian's fairy spirit was hardened, just now this shameless person was staring at her sordidly, but he could still pretend not to see it.

"It's really the real master." Yu Xianxian was very happy to meet him like meeting an old friend in a foreign land: "Xianxian has met the real master."

With a deep smile on his face, Ah Zhen didn't know what shame was at all. He stretched out his wolf claws in great panic, touched her forearm lightly, helped her up and said, "Girl Yu is broken, don't do this quickly." "This bean mansion can be said to be unassuming and grand-sounding.

Yuxianxian felt a pain in her heart, wishing to chop off the pair of claws on her arms.But with a shy and coquettish expression on her face, she responded softly: "Master Xie."

Eating tofu and letting the person who was eaten thank you in turn, Ah Zhen was so happy that he was crooked, and he laughed so angry that he didn't pay for his life: "It's just a good deed every day, Miss Yu doesn't need to be grateful."

Yu Xianxian's angry blood poured into her head, her whole face was purple red, she bit her red lips tightly, and said to herself, "The big thing is the most important thing, the young master is the most important." Suppress the anger alive.

Ah Zhen was so dazzled by this beautiful and vibrant face, she drooled on her lips and said: "It's such a cold day, I didn't expect Miss Yu to be so elegant." As she wished, she said with a smile: " If you don’t mind, let’s go shopping together.”

Immortal Yuxian, who suppressed her anger, saw that the hook was coming, and responded softly like a lotus flower: "The invitation of the real master made the immortal feel flattered, but the immortal would not be respectful." The sarcasm in the words was extremely strong.

Ah Zhen, who knew she was not simple, couldn't hear it, so he smirked and went back, "Where, with the company of a fairy girl, it will be a full moon tonight." The eyes are sincere, without any affectation.

Hearing this, Yuxianxian was startled, looked at this shameless person cautiously, and stared at her with a smile that was not a smile.Pretending to be very shy and lowering his head, he murmured anxiously: "How can the moon be full on a cold and snowy night, the real master loves to joke." Does he know?Impossible?Why do you feel like throwing yourself into a trap, and feel uneasy in your heart.

The group of five turned into a group of six, and the four captains looked cold, silent, and followed the two people in front of them not far or near, with a sudden change in their hearts.I thought the coach was talking nonsense, but I didn't expect that there was really a beauty who exchanged arms with him, and this beauty was so beautiful that she surpassed the definition of beauty.

The two, each pregnant with a fox ghost, swim together by the Yajiang Tower. Yuxian is as beautiful as a goddess, and Ah Zhen is as handsome as King Xiang.With such handsome men and beautiful women, even those four vicious figures couldn't stop many admiring gazes.

The sound of flute and flute floated from a distance, and the two standing by the river bank each thoughtfully cast their eyes on the fan lantern of the snowy painting.

Holding the latticed umbrella in her hand, Yu Xianxian felt strange in her heart, and cast a thoughtful glance at the apprentice next to her.I saw him holding a fan in one hand and holding his back in the other, with snow falling on his hair and shoulders.This indifferent and elegant appearance is such a graceful and handsome man.

"Strange?" Yu Xianxian was secretly surprised when he saw his peaceful appearance.This shameless person actually has such a noble aura, and he is so handsome without speaking that one can't help but blush all over his cheeks. No matter from which angle he looks at it, he is a charming husband.

Just when she couldn't figure it out, Ah Zhen sucked a smirk at the corner of his mouth, retracted his evil eyes from the river, and naturally looked at the chest of the fairy beside him, "Can the Yajiang River in the snow make Miss Yu fall in love with him?" He swore it was true. It's not that he deliberately looked at the pair of human weapons, but his gaze was always taken away by the twin peaks involuntarily.

"Ah" the meditation was disturbed, Yu Xianxian came back to his senses, seeing his evil eyes, the suspicion just now disappeared, biting his red lips lightly and said: "Yajiang in the snow is beautiful, but it is difficult to enter the true master's eyes." Eyes." How dare this pair of eyes be so presumptuous, they will be dug out in the future.

"Heh" Han Le chuckled, looking away, Ling looked at the lively and beautiful face in front of him, shook his head and walked along the coast.

"Why does Miss Yu come out to play in the snowy night? How is the business in the attic?" Walking in the snow, listening to the music from the buildings on both sides, accompanied by a goddess, what a blessing in the world.

"Alas" sighed softly, Yu Xianxian pretended to be sad and murmured: "Since Zhenye came, the attic business has plummeted, and if there are no guests, Xianxian will be free."

"Oh." Seeing such false sorrow, Ah Zhen smiled and blamed himself: "I'm really sorry for Miss Yu, I didn't expect her to be so idle because of a momentary slip of the tongue."

Hearing the play in his words, Yuxianxian gritted his teeth in hatred, and pretended to judo: "No! The real master's lesson is absolutely right, the immortal is wrong."

"Knowing mistakes can make a big difference." He said with an angry smile: "Congratulations, Miss Yu, for being enlightened. Even though you know your mistakes, you are still a good sister."


As soon as Yu Xianxian's anger was raised, Ah Zhen smiled cheaply, and wanted to make her pissed off and asked: "Ms. Yu came out to solicit customers after she figured it out? Are you planning to sell herself instead of performing arts?"

The ten jade fingers were pinched tightly, Yu Xianxian's beautiful face was colder than ice and snow, and the chest heaved and expanded continuously and surging continuously.

Ah Zhen's eyes lit up, and he locked on to the undulating round pair, wishing that the wolf's claws could be stretched out and rubbed.

"Ma'am, please forgive Xianxian. Xianxian has already made a mistake." Yu Xianxian, who was extremely angry, finally endured it, but the slightly protruding veins on her forehead betrayed her deeply.

"Heh" retracting his eyes, he couldn't hide his smile and pointed to a brothel not far away: "Xianxian girl, how about we go in and listen to the piano?"

Ask her to visit a brothel?Yuxian's lungs were about to explode, but he didn't expect him to be so obscene.

"Sir," Yuxian Xian pretended to be shy, lowered his head and murmured: "It seems that it is not good for Xianxian to enter the brothel." This apprentice, he really dares to say anything.

"Xianxian girl is so strict." Ah Zhen is also very hypocritical, and said in surprise: "You are in the brothel, and you are not good at management. Going to another brothel to learn from the model, isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"


"You must be the first to open a brothel, right?" He said of course: "There is no 'money' way to operate like you. Even if the benefactor wants to be fresh, but fresh should give some benefits, there is no benefit to be your sister." No matter how beautiful the son is, it won't help."

"What Master taught me was that." This shameless person really treats her like a bitch.

"That's right." Ah Zhen suddenly realized that he looked at Yu Xianxian, smiled and teased: "Ms. Yu is a virgin, right?" , I'm sorry, right?"

How dare he, dare to be so shameless, ask a woman if she is a virgin without shame, how thick is this person's skin?

(End of this chapter)

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