ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 542 "Guilty"

Chapter 542 "Guilty"

Yaoyue tidied up briefly, and ran to Ah Zhen's side, enduring the severe pain in his palms to help him up, "Master, are you alright?"

"He." Ah Zhen's face turned black, and he got up from the ground furiously.

Seeing that he was angry, Yaoyue knelt on the ground with a bang, and begged for mercy on Shouyue's behalf: "Master, Shouyue doesn't know your identity, please forgive him for a momentary mistake."

Shouyue's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, seeing Yaoyue kneeling on the ground, he rushed forward and kowtowed without delay, "Master, please forgive me."

Ah Zhen, who was very angry at first, saw the two suddenly begging for mercy, and his anger could not be burned for a while, so he quickly helped Yaoyue up and said: "Yueyue, get up quickly."

Not knowing what he meant, Yaoyue panicked, her beautiful pupils looked at Ah Zhen pitifully, and whispered: "Master"

The beauty is so delicate, so pitiful.Ah Zhen couldn't bear it, he supported her lotus arms with his big palm and said: "Okay, I don't blame, get up."

Hearing that he didn't blame him anymore, Yaoyue was helped up with peace of mind, turned around and called out to the elder brother who kowtowed: "Brother, this person is the young master's heaven. Don't be rude."

"Thank you master." Knowing his identity, Shou Yue was terrified, and after thanking him loudly, he stood up and bowed to apologize: "I don't know the identity of the master, so I ask the master to punish me."

Ah Zhen, who seemed to have never heard of it, didn't even cast a glance at Shouyue. He took Yaoyue's hands and asked with pity: "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"Damn it." Cursing in a low voice, she lightly touched the coarse cloth on Xiaomian's palm with distress, "What a mess."

"Yes." Yaoyue lowered her head.If she didn't act recklessly, he would have died long ago.

"Get out." Ah Zhen, who was not looking sideways, shouted with a sullen face.

"Huh?" The two people in front were stunned?
Raising his furious eyes, Ah Zhen yelled at the dazed Shou Yue in anger, "Get out of here."

"Yes." With a trembling heart, Shouyue didn't dare to make mistakes, picked up the sharp sword on the ground, bowed and retreated to the wing room, and closed the door that was kicked open by him.Finally broke the years, flawless record.

Seeing the door closed, Ah Zhen was slightly angry, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn guy."

"Master." Seeing him so angry, Yaoyue felt terrified.She murmured softly, "Master, please calm down."

"Hmph!" Looking away from the door, Ah Zhen went to the bedside to pick up the clothes with a livid face.Once he got fucked by this damn bastard, he lost all interest.

Seeing him put on his coat, Yaoyue bit his lips and hesitated, and finally approached him with red cheeks and whispered: "Master, please let this servant serve you?" Put it at the end of the bed.In front of him, she peeled off her clothes layer by layer.

Staring blankly at the beautiful body in front of him, Ah Zhen's fading desire struck again like a beast.I saw with my own eyes that the pair of men who were about to come out breathed out the murderous weapon; I saw with my own eyes that huge pink skirt slipping down from the clean legs; I watched this stunning beauty's [-]% docile posture, obediently lying back on the bed.

Yaoyue, whose face was as red as blood, had charming eyes, and without leaving anything behind, she put herself in the eyes of her master, and called out to the stupefied person with difficulty and shyly: "Master"

A lively and attractive body is beside her, so gorgeous, so charming, and so obedient.Not to mention Ah Zhen, even if he is an upright gentleman, he might turn into a werewolf immediately.

Gudi's Adam's apple slid up and down, and the sound of swallowing liquid could be heard even several miles away.Where can I care about whether there is a full moon?Should I turn into a werewolf?

Quickly and violently, he tore off the last pair of obscene pants left on his body, and rushed towards the beauty waiting for him on the bed.Carry forward the truth that putting on clothes is a beast in clothes; taking off clothes is an authentic beast.

"Well" the beautiful red lips were captured, Yao Yuexiang's lips were inlaid with his breath, and the blood was overflowing from the painful hands tightly twisting the quilt, no matter how painful the hands were, it could not be the source of the pain and torture in the heart.

Since she entered Moon Shou Castle, she no longer belonged to herself. If she didn't have the life bestowed by the castle owner, she would have been tortured to death when she was six years old. How could she be here now.

"Well" biting her lips tightly, Yaoyue felt the master's violent intrusion, her uncomfortable body trembled slightly, and her slightly raised beautiful forehead rose and fell with his plundering.

With the excruciating pain, two streams of tears quietly fell from her tightly closed eyes, silently letting her master desire and desire, satisfying him, making him happy, and making her feel at ease.What right does she have to say no?Life belongs to the master, not to mention just the body.

All Ah Zhen's senses are in a kind of excitement like smoking poppy, galloping over this woman who is thinking day and night, a kind of pleasure spreads to the whole body.But when he saw the woman under him biting her lip and silently bearing his demands with tears in her eyes, he couldn't help but his heart tightened, but the matter had come to this point, and it was impossible to give up.

The sun rises, and last night's debauchery fades away.

Yaoyue sat up silently against her uncomfortable body, sighed at the contented man beside her with her faint eyes, biting her lips tightly, her face was filled with silent tears.

Yaoyue knew in her heart that he was madly infatuated with her, but he was the young master's husband, how could she snatch the young master's sweetheart, how would she face him when he woke up, and what face would she have to face the young master? host.

Looking at her first man carefully with a heavy heart, the master wanted her to be irresistible, but this hurt the young master.

Yaoyue, who had broken the hearts of many men, knew in her heart that the master is extremely obsessed with her now, and this obsession will only increase in the short term.He got her, and she gave.Since it is given, if there is one, there will be two, and if there is two, there will be three.How shrewd is the young master, the cover cannot be covered forever.

Thinking of this, she unconsciously sighed deeply.After squinting at the sleeping master for a while, he silently moved out of bed, picked up his clothes, and left desolately after dressing the door.

It was three poles high in the sun, and Ah Zhen woke up from a sweet dream. She stretched out her long arms, but only touched the cold air.

"Eh?" Dazed sat up from the bed, touched the cold bed beside him, judging by the coldness of the bed, Yaoyue had left long ago.

"Strange, did she leave last night?" He shook his head, got out of bed to stare at Luohong, and smiled with his mouth open. This woman escaped really fast.

Putting on the clothes clumsily, Ah Zhen rolled up the bed sheet of Yaoyue Luohong in a very happy mood, and said to himself with a wicked smile: "Beauty, even if you escaped last night, then tonight, tomorrow night, and countless others in the future At night, where can you escape but my arms?"

Rolling up the quilt, I opened the wing room in a bright mood, wishful thinking, all I could think about was how to deal with this beauty who was a deserter after nightfall.He didn't realize at all that in his sweet dream, Yaoyue had left this luxurious cage with tears in his eyes, and escaped from his master far away.

When Ah Zhen returned home happily, all the wives were equally gentle, loved him equally, and waited for him equally.

"Wan'er, I'm sorry." Hugging his gentle wife into his arms, Ah Zhen felt a surge of guilt.

Wan'er was surprised by the sudden sorry, and asked in panic, "Husband, what's wrong with you?"

"Yes." Xueshuang stood beside her quietly, and asked with worry on her face, "Husband, what's wrong with you?"

A sentence of sorry caused panic among the wives, Ah Zhen raised a smirk, shook his head and said: "No, these days are too tiring, and there are few people with you, so I feel very sorry for you." Is this what it feels like to have an affair? ?Why is it so disturbing and uncomfortable?
"It turned out to be like this." Following his words, everyone was relieved.

Wan'er shook her head and said softly, "Of course my husband must put state affairs first."

"Well, my husband has worked for the country, it should be my concubine who thanked my husband." Xueshuang and Qinyu turned to A Zhenfu in a thoughtful and orderly manner.

Qianyun is still as beautiful as a fairy, and her growing belly does not diminish her beauty, but adds a kind of youthful charm to her.Seeing that everyone was deceived by this cunning husband, she smiled meaningfully: "Today, Yingying will be in charge of the government again, and her husband will have more time in the future. Can't it be enough to make up for it?"

"Yeah." Ah Zhen who nodded was devoured by guilt, and hugged this stunning wife reluctantly and said: "Yeah, Yun'er has worked hard."

"It's not bitter." Qianyun snuggled into his arms with a smile, what her small nose smelled was the same powdery smell as that night.She sighed with certainty, her husband has a woman outside.But he couldn't figure out that he was so busy, how could he still have time to secretly communicate with women outside?

"It's been hard work for Yingying." Wan'er sighed endlessly, not doubting her husband's fox spirit at all, she gently stroked the wrinkles on his collar and said, "If my husband is free, I should help Yingying."

"Yeah." He nodded lightly, feeling more and more guilty in his heart, and changed the subject and asked, "Has Bernie come back?"

Thinking of Bernie, everyone is overwhelmed.

"Not yet." Wan'er shook her head helplessly, sighing endlessly at this playful Benny.

"What?" Hearing that she hadn't come back yet, Ah Zhen squinted her eyes and asked, "What's she doing again?" This woman is really having fun.

All the beauties burst out laughing when they heard the words that they knew Bernie well.

"Bei Ni sent a letter this morning saying that there is a loophole in the customs of Li's residence, so the itinerary has been postponed." Qianyun shook her head and said.

"Only an idiot would believe her nonsense." Ah Zhen snorted unhappily: "When I returned from Dali, I said that I would go to Li's Mansion to check it out, and now I say that there is a loophole in the customs, hey" raised dangerous eyebrows, "Xiao Ni It's really getting itchy."

Seeing his sinister expression, everyone looked at each other speechlessly. Benny was so dangerous.

"Husband, maybe Guan Hai really has a loophole."

After Qin Yu finished speaking, everyone nodded in unison. They didn't believe that Benny would talk nonsense just for fun.

Ah Zhen really believed in his kiss and cutie said: "Since Benny said there is a loophole, it must be true."

The four water faces were all stunned following these words.

Xueshuang was very puzzled and asked: "Since my husband knows that Benny is on official business, why is it so?"

Squinting her eyes, she pointed a finger knowingly and said: "Since Benny has found a loophole, the loophole can be resolved very quickly. But she is still stuck." She raised her eyebrows and said firmly: "Playing is the only way to play." It's her master's itinerary, and the loopholes are just things she solves while playing."

Wan'er, Qianyun, Xueshuang, and Qinyu opened their mouths and fell silent when they saw the decomposition he knew so well.Bernie's intelligence is obvious to all, and it seems that it really is the same thing when you think about it.

The way Ah Zhen gritted her teeth made Qin Yu laugh and cry, "Husband, Benny is still doing business anyway. Let her play." This is a frantic person, keeping her locked up is worse than killing her fear.

"I'm afraid she will climb the wall behind my back."

"Husband" as soon as he finished speaking, all the wives rolled their eyes and called out in unison.Who could make Bernie climb walls but their husbands.

"Heh, it's all right." Ah Zhen, who was joking, saw that the wives were angry, put his arms around the two people standing closest to him, and said, "I'm just kidding."

Qianyun pouted and yelled: "This kind of joke is not allowed, husband should not make such a joke carelessly."

"Yes." Xueshuang let him hug her tenderly and said, "If Bernie knows, what should she do?"

"Shuang'er is too nervous." She put her arms around this well-educated person and said with a smile: "If Benny knows, she will happily nod yes. Then she will say how handsome the man she climbed the wall is." , how kind to her, how much I love her."

Wan'er smiled and said, "Then the sound of weeping bitterly will come from Benny's room again."

"Heh" Ah Zhen replied with a nod and a smile: "Actually, I didn't hit her little butt very hard, she cried loudly on purpose."

"Huh?" The big dry wives who heard this said "how is that possible" on their faces, and retorted in unison: "Benny can't."

"Okay." Let go of the two wives, took Wan'er's tender hand and asked, "Are you tired of letting you handle the family affairs?"

"No." Wan'er gently stroked his handsome face and said, "With everyone helping me, husbands don't need to worry." As long as their husbands are happy, no matter how tired they are, they won't feel bitter at all. .

Ah Zhenning looked at this married wife, stretched out his hand to tightly hold her soft hand that still had thick calluses, and apologized deeply: "I'm sorry." , a peaceful and peaceful life.If she hadn't met him, even if she married someone who was also poor, she would still be happier than staying alone in an empty boudoir.He was sorry for her, very sorry.

Hearing her husband's apology again, Wan'er was slightly startled, quietly staring into her husband's eyes, "Husband, what's the matter with you?"

"No." She squeezed out a smile, stroked this beautiful face pitifully, shook her head and said, "I just feel that you have worked hard."

Relieved, Wan'er smiled, "Wan'er doesn't work hard at all, my husband must not do that."

"Hmm." Her throat was choked up, and she couldn't speak a word.

Wan'er didn't know why he was like this, worried about him, gently pulled his palm and said with a smile: "Okay, Husband, let's go eat quickly."

"Oh! Good." Speaking of eating, Ah Zhen suddenly felt hungry, and shouted to his wives with a smile on his face: "Let's go, let's go eat."

"Hee..." Ru Hua's beauties covered their mouths lightly, happily surrounded their husbands and walked towards the dining room.Sure enough, as long as it comes to eating, any important things for your husband will no longer be important.

Served by four wives for lunch, Ah Zhen kissed the wives who took a nap one by one.He walked out of Nei Wan secretly, and carefully slipped towards Huanyue's wing.

(End of this chapter)

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