ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 545 "Excessive Sadness"

Chapter 545 "Excessive Sadness"

Lan Mei didn't know what was wrong with the young master, she was terrified and hurried towards the pavilion with the food and wine.Seeing the young master's eyes were empty, he fell into deep thought again, put down the food and drink lightly and called out: "Master"

Ah Zhen rested one hand on the stone table and rested his chin on the other, looking at the ice floes and water flowing slowly in the dark night with his dazed and unfocused eyes, and fell into the world of meditation.

Unable to call him back, Lan Mei looked at him hesitantly for a while, and recently retreated to wait outside the pavilion with her head bowed silently.

Time flies, and the fingers fly by.The stars are withered, and the moon is faint.

Ah Zhen, who fell into his thoughts again, came from nightfall, dazed until the moon was in the sky, still unable to regain his senses from the wandering world.

The mist floating in the air is wet and cold, and the gathered clouds sprinkle a little bit of misty rain in the midnight sky, and the freezing cold wind blows, and the fine rain rolls around in the dark night.

The cold dew was blown into the pavilion by the strong wind, and the little bit of coldness finally woke up the sad man.

The stone-carved man moved slightly, his melancholy eyes were filled with infinite desolation, and the man who rubbed his numb arms, inadvertently caught sight of the maid standing quietly in the misty rain, and whispered in surprise, "Lan Mei?"

Lan Mei, who had stood for nearly three hours, with a lot of rain and dew sticking to her beautiful hair, raised her frozen legs and walked into the pavilion when she heard the call, "Master."

"Why are you here?" Ah Zhen didn't finish his puzzled words, and fell into a daze again. Why did he know the name of this maid?

Seeing that the young master stopped talking halfway, Lan Mei looked at Ah Zhen who was sitting in front of her in confusion.Seeing him with a puzzled look on his face, he didn't understand what happened to the young master today.

"You" couldn't remember why you knew her name, and Ah Zhen asked suspiciously, "Is your name Lan Mei?"

"Eh? Hmm." The slightly stunned Mei Lan nodded vigorously, "Back to the young master, the servant is Lan Mei."

Staring blankly at Yingshi, the maid in front of him, Ah Zhen scratched his head in confusion, "Why do I know your name?" Does he know her?

"Master." Upon hearing this question, Lan Mei immediately raised her small face in horror, and cried impatiently, "Master, what's wrong with you? Just now you ordered your servants to cook for you." Less than three Why did he forget Shi Chen, what happened to the smart and handsome young master?
"Huh?" Ah Zhen was taken aback when he heard the food and drink.He stared blankly at the impatient maid in front of him, and looked slowly at the food and wine on the stone table.

"Ah." Suddenly stood up from the stone chair in shock, pointed at the food and drink on the stone table in disbelief, and pointed at the maid in front of her in disbelief, her mouth opened and closed without making a sound.

Seeing him like this, Lan Mei was so frightened that her entire face turned pale and bloodless.Stepping forward to support Ah Zhen who was staggering, he called out with tears in his eyes, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't remember?" Shaking his head in shock, Ah Zhen stared blankly at Lan Mei in front of him, holding his head and muttering to himself: "Why don't I remember."

"Don't remember?" Lan Mei, who was about to die of fright, helped him to sit down, and stared at this man who was frowning tightly, as if he was recalling the past, with tears in his eyes. "Young master, don't you remember?"

Ah Zhen, who was trying to remember, frowned tightly, shook his head without answering and muttered: "Why can't I remember?" It seemed to be answering her, but also asking himself.

Lan Mei, who poured the wine for him, glanced lightly at the puzzled young master, didn't know what to say to put away the jug and said, "The wine and dishes are cold, let me warm them up."

"I don't want to eat." Ah Zhen, who couldn't think of a reason, shook his head, picked up the wine glass, and drank the wine she poured for him.Then he stared suspiciously at the maid in front of him.

Being stared at so suddenly, Lan Mei was taken aback, looked at the pair of puzzled eyes and called out in fear, "Master."

Putting down the empty cup, Ah Zhen murmured in confusion: "Why am I here?" After asking, he touched his heart and muttered to himself: "Why do I feel so sad?"

"What?" The frightened Lan Mei even changed her voice, cold sweat dripped from her bruised purple forehead, and she asked anxiously, "Master, please don't scare this servant."

Ah Zhen, who was in a daze, tilted his neck and thought for a while, then turned his eyes to Lan Mei and asked anxiously, "Where's Wan'er? Where's my Wan'er?"

Suddenly hearing irrelevant questions, Lan Mei replied in a daze: "It's late at night, the mistress may have fallen asleep."

"Mistress?" Ah Zhen, who was nagging, was puzzled, "What mistress?" He looked around blankly, "Where is this place?"

"Young master..." His question caused Lan Mei to fall into endless panic, and she couldn't care less, she grabbed his arm tightly and called out, "Master, what's wrong with you? Wake up." Why did it happen all of a sudden? Dementia?
"Huh?" After being shaken a few times, Ah Zhen pulled away his hands with a serious expression and shouted: "You shook my head until I fainted."

"Yes, yes, yes." Lan Mei, who suddenly realized that she was going too far, withdrew her little hand in horror, and asked timidly, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

With a dignified face, Ah Zhen stared at Lan Mei Jingyu's earlobe, and looked at her small palm with suspicious eyes.Very puzzled and said: "You haven't told me where this is."

"This is the Lin Mansion." Lan Mei hurried back in shock.

"Lin Mansion?" After muttering to himself, he frowned and asked the maid in front of him, "Then who are you? Why are you here? Why am I here?"

The speechless Lanmei, without color, opened her mouth timidly and whispered: "Young master, I am Lanmei."

Ah Zhen, who was not showing any signs of expression, heard that she even came out with me, and asked suspiciously: "Lan Mei?" He touched his heart and asked, "Why do I feel so sad? What's wrong with Wan'er?"

"The mistress is fine." Lan Mei shook her head vigorously, her heart was like a spider's web, the young master was overwhelmed with grief and suffered from soul loss.

Hearing that it's all right, Ah Zhen frowned and said to himself: "Since Wan'er is all right, why do I still feel sad, why does my heart hurt so much?"


"Where's Liu Fengyang?" Before she finished calling, the dazed Ah Zhen looked around, "Where is he?"

"Liu Liu Feng Yang?"

"Ah!" Lan Mei screamed in fright, her terrified plain face was like a drowned corpse, she fell a few feet away with a whooping sound, her galloping figure stepped on a tree trunk, she turned over neatly, and she fell into the distance against the two-person-high wall. Leaping over easily, it disappeared in Ah Zhen's eyes in an instant.

Seeing her jumping over the wall and disappearing so quickly, Ah Zhen, who was dumbfounded, closed his big dull mouth and gave a slight smirk.He walked out of the Bawang Pavilion with his hands behind his back, and walked steeply towards the dark mountain peak in the distance against the misty rain.

Huanyue, who couldn't sleep, was lying on the bed thinking about things, and suddenly heard that the ruffian king had a soul-loss disorder.Putting on his clothes with a changed expression, he rushed towards the Bawang Pavilion.

The drifting drizzle was dense and dense, Huanyue rushed to the Bawang Pavilion and saw that there was no one in the pavilion, and asked anxiously to the people around him in doubt: "Where are people?" Feeling vaguely wrong and uneasy.How could he be so born that he would suffer from soul-loss disorder?

Lan Mei watched people go to the empty pavilion and hurried back in fear: "I was still here just now."

"Let's go." Looking at the dark mountain in the distance, Huanyue hurriedly ran into the darkness with a solemn expression.If he leaves the garden, they will meet them if they are in a hurry, so the ruffian king must have gone to the mountains.

Walking slowly towards the dark mountain, Ah Zhen sang as he walked: "You are my most bitter wait, making me happy and afraid of the future. You love to say that you are a prickly pear, which occasionally floats into my eyes mischievously. "



Running to the foot of the peak, he heard a weird song that only belonged to that ruffian club coming from the darkness, Huan Yue stared anxiously around and shouted loudly.

"I would rather cry than let me love you. You really disappear into the wind like dust." Singing the song softly, Ah Zhen turned around with his hands behind his back and walked back towards the source of the voice calling him.

"Lin Azhen" Huanyue shouted while running, finally saw that handsome figure in the dark, rushed forward anxiously, grabbed his arm and asked urgently: "Ruffian, what are you doing?"

In the dark misty rain, Ah Zhen saw Huanyue and Lanmei, and looked at Huanyue who was holding onto his arm in confusion, "Girl, are you calling me?"

"Stop playing." The terrified Huanyue stared at this strange expression, stomped her feet and shouted: "You are not allowed to play any more, immediately return to your appearance."

"Girl." Ah Zhen broke away from her tightly grasping little hand, "I am always like this, who are you? What do you want me to do?"

"Young Master" exclaimed, and Lan Mei nervously supported Huanyue who was staggering.

The small whispers floated into Ah Zhen's ears, and he tilted his neck suspiciously to look at Huanyue with a sad face, and asked with a frown, "Girl, what's wrong with you?"

"I..." Huanyue, who was supported, looked at the puzzled face in front of her, tears streaming down her face, "Don't you remember me?"

"Do I know you?" Ah Zhen scratched his head, "Are you Wan'er's friend?"

"I..." Huanyue who was speechless didn't know how to answer, she hugged him tightly in disbelief and shouted, "Do you only remember Wan'er?"

"Huh?" With the tearful face in front of him, Ah Zhen shook his head with a throbbing heart, "I saved a man named Liu Fengyang from a man with a scar in the afternoon." Shrugging his shoulders, he murmured again full of doubts: " He hired me with a monthly salary of 1000 taels to teach him." Looking around into the darkness, he shrugged and said, "But where did the man go?"

"Impossible." Huanyue went hysterical, crying and shaking him and said: "It's all in the past, it's all happened last year." Except for the things in Sui Village, has he forgotten everything else?How is this possible, absolutely impossible.

"What happened last year?" Ah Zhen forcefully broke free from the pair of pincer-like hands, and squinted at the crying woman in front of him, "Girl, it's late at night, it's better to go home quickly." expression.

Both Lan Mei and Huan Yue were shocked, their pupils were like bells.Speechless, she stared blankly at the man in front of her through tears.

"No, you're not allowed to forget." How could he forget her, crying and lying in front of him, holding the man tightly and crying, "You are not allowed to forget me, you are not allowed to forget me."

Ah Zhen, who was being hugged, was embarrassed, and embarrassedly pushed Huanyue around his waist, "Girl, you have misunderstood the person, I already have a wife."

Against the drizzle, Huan Yue's eyes were blurred with tears, and he stared at this man with dismay, and asked tearfully: "How can you forget me, how can you. Huh" covered his face in pain and knelt down, all Everything started because of her.What should she do?How to face the mistresses, how to face the queen, how to face his subjects.

"Uh." Seeing that Huanyue was so heartbroken, Ah Zhen, who was holding back, looked at Lanmei with an old face, pointing at Huanyue cowardly and said to Lanmei: "This is your lady, take her back quickly."

Seeing Huanyue crying like this, Lanshuang looked at the irrelevant face in front of her with her throat choked up.If he hadn't forgotten, how could he let the young master cry so sadly.

With a sound, Lan Mei fell to her knees, crying, not knowing what to do: "All slaves deserve to die, please kill me." She has captured the hearts of too many men, seeing those shameless men lose their souls and walk around She was extremely happy and happy.Seeing that the young master was so heartbroken, she suddenly understood.People are not individuals, and even the most shameless people have family members who care about them.To make people live in ignorance, the revenge is not on themselves, but on their innocent family members indirectly.Playing with other people's feelings is inherently more shameless and obscene than shameless.She regretted that she shouldn't have used her identity as Yu Xianxian to seduce him, she shouldn't have been worthy of his husband and wife, even though this wise master knew that she was a fake, but in the end she also fell in love with her.She is vicious, more shameless than him, at least he dares to say what he wants, dare to say it.From the very beginning, he told her clearly that he wanted her, didn't he?

"Young master, this slave is here to serve you." The young master was so sad that Yaoyue, who was pretending to be Lanmei, could no longer live, and the throwing knife in her sleeve fell into the palm of Xiaomian who had passed away.

Ah Zhen's throat jumped up to his throat, and his face changed greatly, and he leaned forward. When Qian Jun shot, he firmly grasped the arm that committed suicide with his big palm, and stared at the woman who wanted to die with a serious expression.

The heartbroken Huanyue of "Yaoyue" almost couldn't save her, and was shocked holding Yaoyue's crying face.This resolute face is her husband-in-law, and this familiar feeling is her husband-in-law's fault.

Ah Zhen had a serious expression on his face, staring at Yaoyue who wanted to cut his own throat, and whispered darkly in anger: "You are mine, you dare to die without my permission."

"You" Huanyue and Yaoyue's tear-filled little faces were full of shock, staring blankly at the transformation of the man in front of them, unable to digest his words.

Ah Zhen looked gloomy, glared at Yaoyue, and yelled loudly: "Did you hear what I said?"

Yaoyue nodded lightly in a daze, staring foolishly at the furious handsome face in front of her.

"What kind of ghost is Yi?" Ah Zhen snorted heavily, pointing to Yaoyue's earlobe, "That little mole is not easy to fall off." With a move of his finger, "The skin color on the neck is different from the skin color of the face, so obvious Haven't found any?"

"Huh?" Following Ah Zhen's words, the two people who were already dumbfounded became even more dumbfounded.

"How dare you, how dare you?" Huanyue, who was full of tears, pushed the man squatting in front to the ground viciously.Angrily, he jumped and sat on him trembling all over, swung his small fists and slapped Ah Zhen's body with rain, tears pouring down uncontrollably.

"Lie to me, why do you want to make me sad, why?" she asked crying, her small fist slammed into the man who made her heart ache.

(End of this chapter)

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