ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 561 "Unbelievable"

Chapter 561 "Unbelievable"

"Launch, launch, launch quickly." Li Nengwu couldn't stand it anymore, raised his throat and shouted: "Fire them all for me."

"Bang bang bang" sounded indiscriminately, the barrel fell down, and it didn't matter whether the watermelon bomb exploded or not.Anyway, these foreign natives don't know how to be famous, as long as they know that they are very powerful.

The frightened envoys did not go to count how many bombs were blown up. They only saw the dust and trees flying in the distance, and all of them were startled by the loud bang, their jaws fell to the ground, and they stared into the distance speechlessly. .

The good garbage picked from the pile of garbage has completed its task and declared its end of life.

Seeing that the matter was over, Li Nengwu bowed to invite with his face burning like fire: "My emperor has an order. After visiting the artillery, all envoys are invited to stay in the other hall."

There was silence all around, and everyone was still unable to recover from the shock.

Cao Zong's red face faded slightly, seeing that everyone was still in shock, he bowed and called out: "I invite envoys."

"Ah!" The crowd invited by the loud voice woke up suddenly, and nodded in a daze, "You are so handsome."

"Please." After Cao Zong bowed and invited again, he and Li Nengwu walked into the gate of the back village first.His face was still red, and the two old faces seemed to have been insulted and humiliated with inhumanity.

All the envoys were terrified, and reluctantly glanced at the ten guys in the distance, and hurriedly followed the two in front of them thoughtfully.I finally understood why Tubo was able to fully recover it in three days. It is strange that such a terrifying heavenly weapon hits the city gate, and the city gate is not broken.When I return home, I have to quickly build the city walls and thicken the city gates.otherwise

Thinking of this, the envoys who were thinking about each other shuddered in their hearts, it was too terrifying, it was really terrifying.

The white snow at noon was heavy, and the female relatives who returned from the palace to the mansion were a little tired.Walking side by side on the exquisite Neiwan road, the elegant swallows and Yingyans talked softly while walking.

Qianyun, Xueshuang, and Qinyu's stomachs are getting bigger and bigger. They are often tired in the middle of the period, and today's running around makes them feel even more tired.After returning to the room, they lay on the bed and fell asleep very quickly under the service of the maid, to meet their beloved husband in the dream.

Because Bei Ni was left in the palace by Yingying to discuss matters, while the other pregnant women went back to their rooms to rest, so only Wan'er and Huanyue were left in the exquisite and soft big Youwan.

Standing in front of the main room, Wan Junrou held Huanyue's little hand, and said with concern: "The banquet lasted from morning to noon, and my husband stayed in the palace to rest. Huanyue is exhausted, right?"

Quietly standing in front of Wanjun, Huanyue Lingxiu chuckled, "Master has been busy for days, so I am tired." At this point, she held Queen Wan's hand and shook her head: "The concubine is not tired."

Wan'er glanced at the four stunning maidservants behind her with a smile, and said with concern: "It's almost evening, Huanyue, let's go back to the room and have a rest first, and I'll order someone to call you for dinner."

"Yes." Huanyue gave her a blessing, "The mistress also has a rest, and the concubine will leave first."

Silently staring at the five beautiful women who left, Wan'er finally put her eyes on Yaoyue who was in the shape of Ana.She sighed softly, and called out to her maidservant with some confusion in her thoughts: "Go and do your work."

"Yes." The four maidservants standing quietly behind her were very well-behaved, and they walked away towards Bai Xuezhong with their blessings.

Wan'er, who was a little confused, glanced at the road where Huanyue was leaving, and then turned and returned to the room silently.Sitting on the soft chair with her concubine clothes still on, she fell into a long deep thought.

"Huh?" Huanyue, who returned to the room, was surprised to see someone on her bed, looked at Yaoyue suspiciously, hurriedly put on the coat she was about to take off, frowned and walked softly towards the bed.

Huanyue's whisper made Yaoyue, Hanxue, Hanshuang, and Hanbing all cast their eyes on the bed, they were surprised to see someone lying on the young master's bed, and they immediately got up on alert.

Suspicious Huanyue rolled her eyes, and when she walked to the bedside, she saw that it was indeed the ruffian king, and she suddenly burst out laughing.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, it's Grandpa."

The four eyes on the bed immediately let go of their guard when they heard this, and stood silently behind Huanyue.

She didn't know when he would leave the palace, nor why he would sleep on her couch.Huanyue looked at this calm and soft handsome face, her heart warmed, she turned around and called to her four subordinates: "Go down."

"Yes, young master." Ana, the four beautiful and beautiful people, quietly turned around and retreated from the door, leaving the tenderness of the room to the two people in the room.

Afraid of disturbing the resting man, Huanyue lightly removed his clothes, and waited until all he had taken off was his underwear, then shook his head and chuckled into the arms of the man under the blanket.

Ah Zhen slept so deeply that he didn't even notice that anyone came in, and he didn't even notice that the moon pillow was in his arms, and he was in a long deep sleep.

Huanyue felt at ease with her warm bosom, looking at the peaceful sleeping face like a child in front of her, her heart was even warmer.He was so tired that he didn't even know she was lying in his arms.

During dinner, Wanjun sent someone to call, and Huanyue, who was resting peacefully, woke up from the sleeping man's arms, while the man on the bed was still sleeping soundly.

Seeing that the ruffian was still sleeping, Huanyue tapped his peaceful and handsome face with a dumbfounded smile, and called softly, "Wake up!"

Sleep was disturbed, Ah Zhen grunted, waved his palms like chasing flies, then stopped making any movements and continued to sleep with his big head.

Seeing his actions like this, Huanyue couldn't help laughing, shook her head helplessly and got off the bed.Let the four subordinates take care of themselves if they don't bother her.This ruffian is sleeping so deeply now, when he wakes up at night, he will start messing around again.Recalling his grinding energy, Huan Yue's heart softened, and he stepped out of the room with a powdery face.When this torturer wakes up, she's afraid she won't be able to sleep all night.

After returning home after playing for two months, Bei Ni returned from the palace, and immediately chatted to this group of female soldiers about interesting things on the way.Everyone in the dining hall listened curiously while eating, sometimes chuckling and sometimes sighing, having fun.

"By the way." After telling a long story, Bei Ni suddenly realized that she turned her head to look around, and Chao Wan'er, who had something in her small mouth, asked, "Where is your lord?"

Everyone rolled their eyes when they saw her. "Rest in the moon room."

"Oh." Hearing that in the Huanyue room, Bei Ni raised her eyebrows at the silent Huanyue, "What? Mingyue, the matter between you and your husband finally came to light?"

"Back to Mistress Ni, it was about two months ago." After finishing speaking, he looked at Da Ganren helplessly, and sighed, not knowing what to say: "I think Mistress Ni knew about it earlier than all the mistresses."

"Don't call me Mistress Ni, it's weird." Benny's two dimples were deeply sunken, and she joked, "Should have known about it earlier than other people."

Knowing that she couldn't hide it from her eyes, Huan Yue stared at Bei Ni and sighed softly: "Bai Xia really lives up to her reputation."

"Where." Bei Ni's dimples were deep, and Gong Wei replied: "The light of the bright moon shines on the green land for thousands of miles, how can the small Namu Lake be compared."

"It's so tiring to hear rumors from all over the world." Huanyue shook her head, thinking that she was nothing special.

The people who had heard of the names of the two people were suddenly startled, and before they knew it, they had welcomed the sacred objects of the two countries.These two people are the beliefs in the hearts of the people of the two countries, but they did not expect to gather in their homes.

An hour passed, and the lively dinner came to an end.Everyone who went back to the room said good night one by one, and went to busy with their own affairs.

When Huan Yue returned to the wing room, she saw the old man on the bed still sleeping soundly.Laughing softly, he pulled up the quilt that fell off at some point before turning around to let the four maidservants take off their clothes.

When the night comes, the lights come on.

Huanyue in obscene clothes added charcoal to the fading stove, walked to the edge of the bed and looked at the sleeping man for a while, then walked to the desk behind the screen and sat down, picked up the unfinished book Read the book with full attention.

The lights are shining, the snow is getting bigger, and the foggy snowflakes are endlessly falling from the sky, covering the earth with a beautiful veil.

Yaoyue and the others, who were silently guarding the desk, persuaded worriedly as the snowy night deepened: "Young Master, it's almost time to go to bed."

Huanyue, who was addicted to the book, heard the persuasion, raised her head and said, "You guys go to sleep."

"The young master should rest earlier." Every time he reads a book, he sits for several hours, sometimes even forgetting to sleep, so it's not worrying.

"Okay, listen to people's persuasion to eat enough." Closing the scroll in his hand, Huanyue stood up with a smile and looked at Yaoyue's gorgeous watery face, jokingly said: "Yaoyue is so beautiful, and her heart is so beautiful. , Sometimes I am attached to you."

Being ridiculed, Yaoyue bit her lips uncomfortably, and Fushen replied: "Thank you, young master, for your praise."

"No one is present, so there's no need to be like this." After finishing speaking, he walked around the table and approached the bed.Surprised to see the man on the bed still asleep, he was confused for a moment.

"Master" sat by the bed, Huanyue felt that something was wrong, frowned and shook Ah Zhen's arm and called out loudly: "Ruffian, wake up!"

"Yeah..." Ah Zhen slept very comfortably, and a sound of urging made him raise his arms, waving and dancing wildly like chasing flies, but he still refused to open his eyes.

Shaking his Huanyue lightly to see that he was conscious, he stared at the face in front of him strangely.From sleeping at noon to almost night shift, he has slept for six full hours, why is he still not awake?
"Get up, don't sleep anymore." Not letting him feel better, Huan Yue relentlessly shook his arm, vowing not to give up until he woke him up.

The sweet sleep was disturbed repeatedly, and Ah Zhen was so exhausted that he was so tired that he muttered and cursed: "What's the noise?"

"Master..." The more he is like this, the more suspicious Huan Yue becomes.Since you are conscious, why don't you want to open your eyes?

A suspicious little hand covered his forehead, but the body temperature was normal.I have slept for six hours, no matter how tired I am, I should open my eyes?And what he said just now contained a strong sense of exhaustion.Something is wrong, something is wrong.

"Get up, don't sleep anymore." Sensing that something was wrong, Huanyue pulled his arm even harder, shouting loudly: "Don't sleep anymore, get up immediately."

"Hmm." Ah Zhen, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, murmured in response with deep sleepiness, but Ren Huanyue refused to open his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Yaoyue immediately felt something was wrong.

"Young master, the master seems to be poisoned."

Anxiously shouting Huanyue heard of the poisoning, immediately yelled in horror: "Quickly pass on the king, no! Quickly pass on the imperial doctor." He even changed his title, and the king doctor has become an imperial doctor.

"What's the noise?" Ah Zhen, who was pulled up by force, heard the noise, and opened his bloodshot eyes in displeasure. He didn't have enough sleep and yelled at the group of people beside the bed with a bad temper: "It's so noisy!" .”

"You" Huanyue saw that he finally opened his eyes, and stood up from the bed in shock, looking at the bloodshot eyes in his eyes in shock. "Grandpa, what's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter?" Ah Zhen's eyes were full of red blood, as if he hadn't slept for ten days, he lay back on the bed with a heavy hache, closed his eyes and said, "Don't make noise, I'm sleepy."

He just slept for six hours, and most people only need to sleep for three to four hours.But he obviously slept for six hours, but it seemed like he hadn't slept for ten days, his eyes were bloodshot from tiredness and sleepiness, what was going on?

If Yaoyue sees him like this, there must be a problem if he is established.Urgently urged: "Young master, the master has a problem, please send it to the imperial doctor."

"Go get the imperial doctor and inform all the mistresses." Huanyue, who also knew that there must be something wrong, ordered without delay.

"Yes." Yaoyue didn't dare to stop for a moment, and quickly turned around and headed out of the wing room.

Recently, Lin Fu woke up in a panic.

Wan'er and the others, who heard about the strange things, didn't have time to put on their coats, so they all rushed to the exquisite small attic in the inner garden in their fleece jackets.

"What's wrong with my husband?" As soon as she stepped into the densely packed crowd, Wan'er fixed her eyes on the person lying on the bed, and nervously asked Huanyue who was standing by, "Why do you sleep more and more tired?"

"The imperial doctor is diagnosing." Huanyue also shook her head in a daze, resting her worried eyes on the bed, reluctant to blink.

Several imperial doctors who came in a hurry surrounded Ah Zhen and checked again and again. The pulse was cut and then cut, carefully checking again and again.In the end, Qi left the bed helplessly, knelt down and said in defeat: "I checked nearly five times, the emperor is just sleepy, nothing serious."

Wan'er, Qianyun, Bei Ni, Xueshuang and Qin Yu all heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that it was all right.Just as he was about to wake up the imperial doctor, Huanyue's small face turned pale and he drank coldly: "How could it be all right? I have slept for six hours. But why are my eyes bloodshot, as if I haven't slept for ten days?" ?”

"What?" Everyone who had just settled down was horrified when they heard this, and they grabbed Huanyue and asked urgently: "Husband's eyes are bloodshot?"

"Yes." Facts speak louder than words, Huanyue pulled everyone closer to the bed and said, "Don't say that I slept last night, even if I haven't slept until now, it is impossible to appear so tired."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone to ask questions, he immediately pulled Ah Zhen who was on the bed and shook vigorously, and shouted loudly: "Master, wake up, wake up."

Seeing her treating her husband so roughly, everyone was shocked and shouted in unison: "Huanyue you!"

But before their whispers came to an end, Ah Zhen immediately opened his bloodshot red eyes unhappily, "What's the noise?" As soon as he opened his eyes, he stopped immediately, looked at the wives in front of him blankly, and asked in doubt: " What are you doing?"

"Ah..." Seeing such bloodshot eyes suddenly, everyone covered their mouths in shock, staring at the sleepy eyes in front of them in disbelief.

With a deep hatch, Ah Zhen's eyelids fell straight down, and he mumbled and asked: "Why?" Then he disappeared.

The large group of people saw him in disbelief when he just woke up, and he sat on the bed and fell asleep.

Seeing that everyone was so surprised, Huanyue gently helped Ah Zhen who was sitting and sleeping to lie back on the pillow, turned around in a panic and said to everyone: "Mistresses, my master's symptoms are like ten days without sleep, how can there be nothing wrong. "

"That's right, my husband is so tired all of a sudden? Something is wrong." Even an idiot can tell that something is wrong with the person lying on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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