ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 564 "Distillation"

Chapter 564 "Distillation"

After looking at Vigal up and down, and not finding anything wrong, Yingying then ordered: "Throw it into a bucket and steam it."

"Yes." The four guards immediately took off the animal skin from Vigal's body, carried him in his clothes, and approached the steaming barrel that had been prepared in the morning.

"Pu Tong" was thrown into the bucket, and Pigal buried his whole body in the huge bucket. He was drowning without struggling because of his heavy diet of agarwood.

Seeing that Sisi was sleeping so dead, Shahu quickly stretched his arms into the icy water and pulled his head out of the water.

Yingying, who watched this scene coldly, was secretly startled, this medicine is indeed powerful, except that it is colorless and odorless, and no symptoms can be detected.It can make people fall into a coma.


"Yes." The erected steam barrel was a distance away from the ground, and the thick firewood below followed an order, and sparks slowly burned upwards.

A long period of time passed, except for the light explosion of firewood, the inner garden was silent.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no sign of Vigal waking up. Yingying looked up at the sky that was getting brighter and brighter. No signs?
The flames were burning high, and the steaming water mist was billowing and white misting under the cold sky.

Vigal, who had eaten agarwood, was limp all over, and his head exposed to the water was surrounded by thick sweat, and the steaming water was so hot that it was unbearable.

"Hmm..." In the midst of being extremely sleepy, a soft muffled sound came from inside the bucket.

Yingying, who was waiting impatiently, was immediately overjoyed when she heard the slight sound.Stepping up to the steamer in a hurry, he ordered loudly: "Increase the fire, increase the fire later."

Although he was very sleepy, Vigal regained his vague consciousness. As soon as he regained consciousness, he immediately thought that he must have been thrown into a barrel and steamed.Just trying to figure out what situation I was in, I suddenly heard the sound of increasing flames.His heart beat wildly, and he opened his boulder-like eyes and begged: "Don't add any more fire, this is enough." Before he finished speaking, his head drooped, and he immediately fell into sleep again.

Yingying, who was about to add fire, suddenly heard his speech, she was sure, and raised her hand to stop the big beast guard who was carrying firewood.It seems that this prescription is really effective, and her husband is saved.

Half an hour passed, and Vigal, who was sweating non-stop, was slightly awake again.Although the eyelids are still heavy, they are no longer so frustrating.

"Tubo Empress" was full of extremely sleepy words, and suddenly sounded in the silence.

Yingying, who was sitting ten steps away from the steamer, squinted at Vigal and asked coldly, "How do you feel?"

"Although I'm still very sleepy, I can barely control myself." Vikal, who was fighting with his eyelids, was full of clarity, and every word he said was true.

Although Yingying, who watched him coldly, said nothing, her heart had already sunk to the bottom.

"Hmph" hummed softly, she stood up and gave orders to Lai Li and Sha Hu: "According to this method immediately, move the things into the room." After speaking, she stopped talking about Vigal's life and death, turned around and walked towards the door.The corners of the indifferent mouth curled up deeply in a relaxed way when he stepped into the wing.

Everyone who had been sleeping was asleep, and the people who were in anxiety and uneasiness suddenly saw Yingying smiling into the room, and immediately surrounded them in surprise, and asked in unison, "Is it effective?"

"It's true." Yingying nodded. "Just now that Vigal was still asleep after drowning, but he could barely open his eyes after being submerged for half an hour."

"Woo..." Wan'er felt relieved and knelt down, kowtowed to the blue sky outside the door and said: "God bless you."

Seeing Wan'er like this, the delicate Qin Yu and Xue Shuang immediately knelt down and kowtowed to thank: "Thank you, God, I hope your husband is safe and well."

Seeing them like this, Yingying felt a little warmth in her heart, bent over to support them and said, "Get up, wait for him to stand up completely, and then go to the Guanyin Temple to thank him."

"We must go, we must go." Wan'er nodded immediately when she heard the Guanyin Temple, wiped away her tears and said joyfully, "Not only the Guanyin Temple, but also the Emperor Shenwu of the imperial temple, and the three holy mothers in the north of the city must go. Salary."

Everyone who was overjoyed heard what Wan'er said, and immediately nodded and said: "Not bad, not bad."

"Okay, okay." Yingying raised her face with a smirk and wiped away the tears on her face, and said, "Go, go, let's go together when the time comes."

"Yingying can't." Seeing that she said to go, Wan'er shook her head and said, "Yingying and Benny are busy with things, I can go with Qinyu, Xueshuang, and Huanyue."

"It's fine." Yingying smiled lightly. "You guys go to the temple, while I worship in the palace. The Buddha is lenient, as long as you are sincere."

Swallowing tears of joy, Wan'er nodded and said: "Yes, the Buddha's benevolence, having a humble and sincere heart is several times better than running around falsely."

While they were talking, Lai Li and Sha Hu led a large group of people to complete the tasks they had given them. They did not dare to disturb the concubines, bowed and left the wing room. When they left, they naturally closed the door of the wing room.

Seeing that everyone set up the huge steaming barrel, Yingying immediately took Wan'er's hand and walked to the bed, glanced at the man who had been sleeping on the bed for a long time, and then shook her head.

"Come on, everyone take off his clothes and carry him into the barrel."

"Mmm, good!" The seven beautiful women immediately stripped off the man lying on the bed without any movement.

Although the husband is often naked in front of them.No!To be correct, as long as he is locked in the room, he will never be naked.However, it was just the two of them locked in the room, and shyness had its limits.But at this time, there are so many people present, and all of them have had skin-to-skin relationship with the husband, how can we not make people blush and heartbeat.

After taking off the clothes of the person on the bed, a strange atmosphere permeated the entire room.

Wan'er, Qianyun, Xueshuang, and Qinyu had blushing little faces, and lowered their heads not daring to glance randomly, wishing that there was a hole in the ground for them to hide in.

Yingying's face was slightly rippling, suddenly feeling that the atmosphere was so embarrassing, she glared bitterly at her husband on the bed, this old man is so lucky.

Huan Yue bit her lips lightly, she didn't want to blush, but the blush crawled up her cheeks with difficulty. She was no stranger to this long body, but there were too many people, too many.

Belle's cheeks were also covered with cherry pink, and Gulu looked left and right with his cunning eyes.Seeing that everyone was stunned, he bit his lip and took a deep breath as if he had made some important decision.

"Wow..." There were two extremely deep dimples in the blushing cheeks.When everyone finally caught her attention, she pointed her little finger directly at the man on the bed and exclaimed: "Every time I see it, it is full of energy and domineering. Why is it dejected and sluggish today? "


Bei Ni's exclamation fell to the ground, and the six beauties fell to the ground neatly.When she got up, Qianyun immediately covered Bernie's mouth, which was full of words.Others glared at Bernie who was tightly covering her mouth.

"Hurry up and carry it into the barrel." Wan'er got up from the ground and glared at Benny. Although she was extremely shy, as the head of the house, she immediately brought up her life's courage and led the crowd to help her husband's body.

"It's so cold, Benny and Huanyue, go and light the fire first." Yingying used her leadership ability as a king of a country, and "know people and make good use of them" ordered.

Without any delay, Benny and Huanyue walked out of the screen, squatted on the ground and blew some flames.And Yingying and Wan'er led the group to lift the heavy sleeping man in one go, and then moved around the screen.

Wan'er, who gently held her husband's head, was palpitating, and raised her small arms gently, fearing that it would hurt Ah Zhen called out to everyone who raised their hands and feet: "Be careful!"

"En." Qinyu, Yingying, and Xueshuang also raised their arms high, and when they crossed the eaves of the giant barrel, they let the person carrying them vertically into the barrel.

"Huh" After finishing this arduous task, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The firewood that had been treated earlier was ignited without a single blow.As the fire ignited, everyone nervously circled around the barrel, waiting anxiously.

What is a world of difference?What is the difference between cloud and mud?

There is a stark contrast here.The Vigal who was steaming outside the room was also weak, and no one controlled the firewood under the bucket. The guards threw a lot of it around when they were young. It didn't matter whether others could bear it or not, as long as the flames were there.When Vigal's sleeping head slipped into the water again from the eaves of the barrel, Sandhu, fearing that he would drown, put his huge palm into the water without tenderness, grabbed half of his hair, and roughly Lift him out of the water again.Then throw it aside and let it fend for itself.

And what about the uncle in the room?
KAO!As long as people read it, there is no one who is not angry.The seven beautiful family members took good care of them, adding firewood carefully and controlling the fire.When he sweated a little, there were soft little cotton hands around him to wipe him off, and for his comfort, even a flowery beauty rubbed his neck and shoulders for him.And his uncle was in an extremely comfortable posture, with his hands resting on the eaves of the barrel, and any wealthy and powerful man who was as beautiful as a flower was waiting for him.That way, as long as it is a human being, there is no one who is not angry.That arrogant look, as long as it is a person, there is no one who does not want to kick him a few times.

A long time has passed.

The sweat on the foreheads of the exhausted wives was more than that of the man in the bucket.

"Yeah" a very comfortable soft yum sound, the sleepy Ah Zhen twisted his neck, feeling comfortable.

Wan'er, who kept wiping his sweat for him, heard this soft sigh, and exclaimed happily: "I'm awake, my husband is awake."

Qianyun, who also heard the sigh, gently kneaded his twisting neck with her soft little hands, and called out joyfully, "Husband has regained consciousness."

After a long sleep, although Ah Zhen was still very tired, he forced his eyes to open when he heard the sound of joy in his ears.

"Ah..." the people waiting at the side saw that he opened his eyes by himself, cheered happily, and hurriedly gathered around the barrel and asked concernedly: "Husband, how do you feel?"

Although still very sleepy, but not as sleepy as before.Ah Zhen lay comfortably beside the bucket, being waited upon by his wives around him, he let out a long sigh of comfort and said, "It's comfortable, it's so comfortable."

"Really?" Seeing that his eyes were not closed, the group of people was happier than anyone else, and they worked harder to serve him.

"Yeah." Sitting weakly in the barrel to distill, Ah Zhen nodded slightly and said, "It will be more comfortable if you come in and wash with me."


As soon as he finished speaking, he was already unhappy with how rich and powerful he was, so Yingying gave him a big buck without hesitation, and said with a snort, "Tell me, how did you get into this trouble? Is it because of women and Vigal?" Forged a grudge?" This man will only lose his mind because of a woman, except for women who don't think about it.

Ah Zhentu, who was comfortably distilled, was rewarded with a burst of millet. He immediately covered his cramped head with his hands resting on the eaves of the bucket, and turned his head to look at the furious tigress in horror.

"Yingying, you're here too, what a coincidence?" She guessed rightly, the enmity with Pigal was indeed forged in the brothel, but she couldn't admit it.It is a lie to children to be lenient in confession and strict in resistance.Frankly, what he said immediately became only a memory.

"Coincidentally?" Seeing that he was safe and sound, Yingying stood beside him with her arms folded, one eyebrow was not moving, and the other eyebrow was constantly twitching in a cramp position. "Don't talk about it with me. Tell me! In which building did you make enemies with Vigal."

Hearing this, Ah Zhen's head jumped.As expected of his first wife, she knows him very well.

"No, really not."

"is it?"

"Really." Ah Zhen shook his head again and again, cursing: "If it's because of a woman and Vigal, I will be bad."

"No..." Before he finished speaking, Wan'er, who wiped his sweat for him, immediately covered his unrestrained mouth with a sweat cloth.Warning: "Never swear indiscriminately."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Seeing that Wan'er was so worried, Ah Zhen, who became more sober, immediately took her tender hand with a thick palm and said, "Because it really has nothing to do with women, so my husband is not afraid."

Glancing at him angrily, Wan'er shook her head and replied, "Even so, you can't swear carelessly."

"Okay, I get it." Ah Zhen nodded, pointing at his face and said, "I'm sweating, please wipe it off."

"Oh." After a short pause, Wan'er saw that his face was indeed covered with sweat, and continued to wipe away the dripping sweat for him without saying a word.

Seeing that Wan'er had shifted her target, Ah Zhen stared fearfully at Yingying, who hugged her chest and glared at him coldly, "It's really not, you really misunderstood me this time."

"Really?" Yingying hugged her chest in disbelief at all, and pointed to the outside, "Vigal is outside." After finishing speaking, she put down the corner of her mouth and drank heavily: "I'll give you another chance, if you don't tell the truth .hehehe"

Suddenly seeing her so insidious, Ah Zhen suddenly felt the cold wind behind him.Oops!Yingying didn't like him having entanglements with women in the first place, but this time not only did she get entangled, but she almost lost her life.She must be furious, she didn't say anything, she was absolutely furious.

"It's forging a grudge in the building."

Seeing that he admitted, Yingying who was feeling cold was stunned for a moment.Not only Yingying was stunned, but all the busy wives stopped and stared blankly at their husband, wondering how he changed his gender?Under normal circumstances, shouldn't he admit it even if he is beaten to death?Even with convincing evidence, he would slip through like a loach.But why did you suddenly admit it?

Seeing that he really admitted it, Yingying, who was stunned, immediately shouted in surprise: "Say, in which building did the feud take place?" This was the first confession, and it was really satisfying. Today, he can finally be eunuched.

(End of this chapter)

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