ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 566 "Dependent Country"

Chapter 566 "Dependent Country"

Suddenly being thrown away, Vigal staggered a small step, stood up straight and stared blankly at the noble bead grabber in front of him.Asked with some understanding: "You are?" Gulu swallowed a mouthful of foam, and whispered in fear: "Is it the Tubo Emperor?"

"Heh" Seeing that Pijar was so scared, Ah Zhen nodded with a smile and said, "That's right! He has some wisdom, and he can be the leader of the three divisions of the Leopard Division. Bacier will not faint."


When Vigal heard that, his legs suddenly became weak, and he couldn't help but want to kneel down.Yes, yes!Why didn't he see that he could be called a brother and brother with the wise king of the Liao Kingdom, and the aura of dominance on his body was so close to the queen of Tubo.Who else but the Tubo emperor?He should have thought of it, should have thought of it.

"Foreign ministers deserve death, please punish the emperor of Tubo." Vigal's old face was mournful, regretful.He actually poured agarwood on the emperor of Tubo, and all the heroic souls of his 62 tribes were carried on him.

"Okay, get up." Ah Zhen knew what he was afraid of, and smiled to help Vigal, who had disappeared, "It's okay, my emperor's stomach is not so small, and I won't send troops to attack you, Hei Khan." Yes, don't worry."

"Thank you, Tubo emperor, thank you, Tubo emperor." He was so sweaty that his blood flowed into rivers. Vigal wept with joy, and bowed and thanked Ah Zhen as if he were a reborn parent.

It is an eternal and unchanging truth that what can make people extremely fearful and terrified is not to kill him, but to threaten him with the most timid thing in their hearts.Everyone has weaknesses, as long as you pinpoint their lifeblood, no matter how strong you are, how mighty and unyielding you are.I was afraid that I would collapse, and I was afraid that I would tremble with fear.

Ah Zhen, who understood the truth deeply, smiled, and called out to Vigal who thanked him again and again: "Okay, okay."

"Thank you Tubo King." Vigal, who was in fear, did not dare to do anything wrong.

See him from the head to the feet, and then look back seriously from the feet.Ah Zhen pointed to half of the hair on his head and praised: "This hairstyle is really unparalleled in ancient and modern times, and it is outstanding." After praising, he pulled out the small braid on the half of his hair, and asked curiously: "Who is this hairstyle?" How did you come up with it?"

"Eh?" Vigal, who was in a state of fright, saw the king of Tubo discussing his hair, and looked suspiciously at Ah Zhen in front of him.Seeing his peaceful face, he breathed a sigh of relief and replied, "Back to the emperor of Tubo, this hairstyle is the symbol of my leopard master."

"So that's it." Seeing such an unusual head, Ah Zhen asked curiously: "I heard that you have tiger masters, eagle masters, and leopard masters. And then there are Dulu tribes, all sorts."

"Yes." Pigal said truthfully: "There are these divisions."

"Oh." He gestured to the corridor and said with a smile: "Let's walk and talk while walking."

"Yes." Pigal did not dare to say no, and followed his uncle into the cold snow with his whole body wet.
Walking leisurely in the cold snow, Ah Zhen took a look at the non-mainstream around him, and said with a deep smile: "Actually, I really want to go to your Mobei for a stroll." Comparing to the dream of the sky, he said: " The tormenting wind and sand, the continuous mound fortress. Ride on a camel and wrap yourself tightly, pass through the mounds, and cross the charming desert wilderness."

Vigal, who was following him, was heartbroken, and he thanked and invited repeatedly: "If the emperor of Tubo is free, please visit my Hei Khan." As long as he didn't want to invade his country, Hei Khan would definitely worship him Like daddy.

"Definitely." Ah Zhen was in a good mood, nodded and said: "I must go and live in your tooth tent, and ride a camel to have a good look at the scenery of Mobei."

Vigal, who was invited, was stunned immediately when he heard the word "ya tent", and asked suspiciously: "Ya tent?"

Ah Zhen, who didn't realize that he was the same, confused Zhengli with this place, nodded happily and said: "It's the eagle in your desert, the big yurt tent where the great Khan lives."

"The eagle in the desert, the great Great Khan?" A cold sweat rolled down Pijal's brow. In this world, who else can be called a great eagle besides the Liao Kingdom?They have no eagles in Heihan, but they have a flock of vultures.

Ah Zhen, who messed up Zhengli and this world, saw the people around him like a repeater, turned his head in confusion and asked: "Bigal, what's wrong? Don't you welcome me?"

"No no no. Welcome, of course you are welcome." Vigal, who slipped down the sweat, shook his head again and again, swallowed his throat and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, Black Khan has no tooth tent, nor an eagle."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Ah Zhen was taken aback, stopped to look at him, and Fox asked, "No?"

"No." Vigal shook his head and said urgently: "The Khan of the foreign minister is Bacier, and the palace is located in Baci Sagon." Speaking of this, Xiaoxin also looked at his Tubo emperor lightly, and shook his head lightly , "There is no tooth tent, no eagle, and no greatness." In front of his uncle, who dares to call him great.But the Liao Kingdom is powerful, except for Tubo, who dares to call himself an eagle.It's not that I'm impatient anymore.

"No?" Ah Zhen pointed at him in disbelief and said loudly: "You have the so-called Tiger Master, Eagle Master, and Du Lu Department, etc. How can you not have these?"

When Vigal saw the sudden loudness of the master's voice, he was startled.Immediately complained with a sad face: "There are these tribes, but Keke" really didn't exist.

Seeing him hesitating, Ah Zhen narrowed his eyes to look at the non-mainstream in front of him, and asked, "Aren't your so-called tiger masters and eagle masters all the noble commanders of your subordinates?"

"Yes, yes." Of course it is the command of the noble banner, but will it be the common people to command?What did the Tubo emperor ask.

Seeing that he should be, Ah Zhen nodded and asked again: "Apart from Du Lu's five most powerful parts, you also have Wu Nu Shi Bi's, and Nu Shi Bi has five big weights, right?"

"This" Pigal is a native of the Black Khan, and he is very familiar with the history of his country, but he was once confused here.

"King of Tubo, is our Heihan Dulu tribe the most powerful? Is there any crossbow missing Bibu? What is Daqijin?" Pipir asked back in a daze.

Ah Zhen, who asked him, heard his stupid question, immediately leaned back in displeasure, and shouted incredulously: "I was asking you, why did you ask me?" What kind of country is this black sweat?Didn't you say that the predecessor was Turkic?

"Yes, yes, yes." Being suddenly reprimanded, Vigal scratched the hairless side of his head in confusion, shaking his head but couldn't figure out why.

"Here, I have never heard of the so-called Nu Shi Bi Bu, nor have I heard of the so-called Qin Jin."

Seeing that he said no so firmly, Ah Zhen squinted his eyes and asked, "Are you a Turkic?"

"Eh?" Vigal's mind was muddled, he looked suspiciously at the uncle in front of him, and corrected: "The foreign minister is a Turkic Heihan." Didn't he just keep crying in black sweat?Is there something wrong with the emperor of Tubo?

Ah Zhen, who was also dizzy, stared at Vigal with wide-eyed eyes, and suddenly remembered that this damn world and the official history are completely two worlds.Shaking his dizzy head, he continued to walk forward compared to the front.

"By the way." While walking, Ah Zhen suddenly remembered something, and asked curiously: "I heard that there are many horse bandits in your Mobei, and these horse bandits can instantly pick people into bones, is there such a thing? "

Vigal, who was dying of cold, did not have his leisurely attitude, hugged himself and replied: "There are quite a few horse thieves wandering in the desert and wild plains." Speaking of this, he shook his head and said: "As for It's not just horse thieves who carve people into bones, but many desert and primitive people who live on the water and grass."

"Oh." Hearing that many people would know it, Ah Zhen became even more curious. "tell me the story."

"What's the matter." Although Vigal didn't understand what he really wanted to ask, he replied truthfully: "Not only me, Hei Khan, but also many herdsmen in Tubo and Liao Kingdom."

"I will also do it in Tubo and Liao Kingdom?" Hearing this, Ah Zhen raised his brows and asked: "Wait for this extraordinary skill, isn't it just you who can do it?"

"Of course not." Vigal shook his head and said, "Tuban and Liao Kingdom used to be tribes that lived by water and grass, and they were all good at slaughtering cattle and sheep for steaming soup. What's the big deal?" They were all herdsmen Born, it is so difficult to pick out a complete set of bones from cattle, sheep and horses.

After hearing his words, Ah Zhen was taken aback.Laughing, he corrected: "Vigar, what I said was picking people into bones, not like this."

"Then what does the emperor of Tubo mean?" If you don't pick it like this, how should you pick it?
"Wave a knife in your hand, turn around the person a few times, and cut the person into a skeleton in an instant."

"Impossible." Pigar shook his head and replied without thinking, "Absolutely impossible. Even a skilled butcher would still have to pick three quarters of an hour. How could there be such a thing as only bones remaining after a few turns. "

"No?" The TV show made the cow faint.

"Absolutely not." Vigal was very firm and vowed: "If there is such a man of God, you can arrest the foreign minister and let him pick it out."

Ah Zhen looked at him, ended the topic and said: "You go to the Ministry of Rites to post all day long just to meet the emperor, now that you have seen me, you can go back."

Hearing that he was going to let him go back, Vikal immediately took two steps forward very respectfully, then turned around and knelt down and shouted: "By the order of Khan Basil, the foreign minister Vikal paid homage to Tubo on behalf of King Khan. Great King. Long live, long live, long live, King Tubo."

"Have a heart, have a heart." Ah Zhen, with his hands behind his back, called out with a smile on his face: "Get up."

"Thank you, Tubo Emperor."

"On behalf of the emperor, I would like to express my gratitude to the Khan." After speaking, he turned and called to Shahu: "Release the envoys of Heikhan, and then order the Ministry of Rites to receive his tribute."

Hearing this, Pigal, who was standing up, immediately knelt down again in great joy: "Long live the Tubo Emperor, long live, long live, long live."

"Yes." After accepting Heihan as a vassal state, Ah Zhen said with a smile: "After returning to the country, tell Zibal that if you have time, ask him to come to the royal court to talk to me."

"Yes, the foreign minister must pass on the words of the Tubo Emperor to His Highness Khan."

"Okay, let's go."

"Thank you, the Tubo emperor, and the foreign ministers will leave." It was a blessing in disguise.Pigar never expected that the person he wanted to kill turned out to be the emperor of Tubo.And this Tubo emperor was really terrible, not only did he not commit any crimes, but he accepted the audience of Hei Khan regardless of the previous suspicions.Needless to say, no one can match his mind alone.

Seeing that Yingwei and Pigal left, Ah Zhen who was smirking immediately rubbed his stiff smiling face with his hands.I deeply lament that this Tubo emperor is really not a human being, and he must maintain hypocrisy and falsehood all the time.

The misty white snow kept fluttering, adding a touch of coldness to the empty and quiet inner garden.

The flowers in the huge garden are withered, and the dead leaves are thickly stained with white ice crystals. The cold wind in the morning blows through the willow branches, rolling down layers of ice and snow.

Once everyone left, the Ai Cao Withered Garden became even colder and colder.

Ah Zhen, who was standing under the sky, raised his palm to the sky and felt the cold touch.Standing quietly under the confused sky, it took him a while to retract his palms, let out a breath of cold air, and searched the huge inner garden aimlessly.

The Lin Mansion is huge, incomparably huge.Among other things, Wan'er and the others have to visit Nei Wan for a whole day, not including mountains, rivers, forests and lakes.

The Inner Garden belongs to Neiwan, so it is no surprise that it occupies a large area.

Although it is the Lin Mansion, Ah Zhen only knows that his mansion is No. [-] Little Palace, and the specific layout is vague.Because every time he returns home, he is either in the lobby or Nei Wan.Not to mention anything else, he has never stepped into the West, South, and North courtyards alone.


"Grass!" Cursing softly, Ah Zhen scratched his forehead in embarrassment, and cast countless dizzy eyes towards the white surroundings. A profuse sweat flowed from his dizzy head, and he got lost in his own mansion.

The snow was still drifting, and Ah Zhen, who couldn't tell the difference between the south, the north, and the north, gathered the ermine cape on his body, and bumped around like headless flies.

Surrounded by a vast white world, in the plum pine forest to the south of the Huanyue Pavilion, he couldn't tell where he was. Chuanjun was clinging to the white plums where the sable cloak passed by. The crystal snow was tossed and fell into the snowdrift layer by layer.

"." Cursing viciously, Ah Zhen pulled off the sable cloak that was caught by the branches very unhappily.He grinned and cursed: "Who built this mansion, he really has enough to eat and has nothing to do." Why do you want to get a large piece of pine plum here?
If Qin Tiansi heard these words, he would definitely cry and cry bitterly.This is no ordinary plum pine, these plum pine are specially moved from the Tianshan Mountains for Fengshui.These [-] plants were transported thousands of miles away by [-] soldiers for his uncle, and his uncle didn't know the bitterness of them, but he was still eating rice here without knowing the price of rice.

Days of snow has thickened the snow in the forest, and the footsteps that are lightly stepped on must be lifted heavily.So Ah Zhen was very tired and worked very hard.

Cursing the old man who went through the cracks repeatedly, if you know that just fifty paces to the left of him, there is a flat path paved with warm jade, the white snow on the path is neatly swept to the side of the road, it is very easy to walk, very comfortable , I don't know if this uncle will jump his feet and vomit blood.The answer is yes, but the dense plum trees and the misty white snow blinded his

"He." An angry three-character scripture resounded in the quiet forest again.Pulling up his thighs that were sunk deep in the thick snow, he felt the melting ice that ran into his boots, and Ah Zhen's old face turned blue if not purple.The originally good mood has been ruined by the smoke from the head.

Difficult, difficult, extremely difficult.

Another half an hour passed, scolding Lin Azhen who was full and had nothing to do, Qikong stared at the warm jade road under his feet with smoke.Unbelievable, he turned his head towards the edge of the forest and looked at the stone road in the distance.

"You." A frenzied curse crossed the sky, his livid face was covered with smoke, and he couldn't believe that the road he had worked so hard, over the mountains, and over the bumpy road, turned out to be a wrong road.

"." After finishing cursing furiously, Qikong turned around bitterly.Swearing that the person who designed this mansion must be arrested and skinned, and it will be fine to create a large plum pine forest. Isn't this killing him?
(End of this chapter)

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