ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 579 "Reunion after a long absence"

Chapter 579 "Reunion after a long absence" (1)
While Liu Fengyang was thinking nonstop, the eight guards guarding the gate of the mansion pointed at the group of people rushing forward in a daze, and shouted loudly: "Second master, the real master is here!"

"Here we come." Hearing that it was coming, Liu Fengyang didn't have time to talk to Liu Yingyang. Everyone turned their heads and looked towards the street in unison.

"Ah..." With just one glance, the three people who were waiting at the bottom of the steps took a big step back in shock, with their mouths wide open and unable to utter a single word, their minds blank as they watched the feat that was getting closer and closer.

Ah Zhen, who was sweating profusely, ran wildly panting, and saw three people in a daze at the gate of Burning Willow Villa from a distance, and shouted with flushed faces: "What are you doing in a daze, Feng Yang, quickly hide in the mansion."

"Big Sima"

"Big Sima"

Shouting after Ah Zhen, all the beauties chasing after him called out.

"Wow" was shouted back to his senses, the three people under the steps opened their eyes with horror, turned around in an emergency, climbed up the steps as if fleeing, and hid in the mansion.

Seeing that the gate of the mansion was about to arrive, Ah Zhen rushed up the steps out of breath, and shouted at the eight guards whose jaws fell to the ground: "Close the door, close the door quickly."

After he jumped into the mansion, the eight guards outside the gate came back to their senses, and immediately closed the gate of the villa, which had never been closed.

"Big Sima"


"Big Sima"

Blocked under the steps by the tip of the cold gun, all the ladies and ladies who were chasing after him suddenly collapsed, crying one after another.

inhale exhale inhale exhale
Bending his body, Ah Zhen put his hands on his knees, leaned over and panted heavily, his clothes were soaked with sweat in the cold weather.

The tongue-tied Liu Fengyang, Liu Yingyang and Kuang Feiyan stood aside blankly looking at this great real brother, wondering what happened to him again, how could he be chased by so many women?

"Brother Zhenzhen?" After a while, Liu Fengyang whispered, dumbfounded, until the uncle who bent over and gasped for breath had recovered a bit.Isn't this master also fierce?As soon as he returned to Jinling, he started to make troubles, causing the girls of the family to cry bitterly, as if he would not die because he died, this kind of skill is really not admirable.

Letting out another breath, Ah Zhen raised his body, wiped off the thick sweat on his forehead, and then let out a ruffian-like smile and roared excitedly: "Feng Yang, I'm back from going to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures."

Liu Fengyang didn't listen to whether the west sky was the west sky or not. He grabbed his shoulders excitedly and shouted happily: "Brother Zhen, you want to die for Fengyang."

"Go, go, go" Pulling Liu Fengyang's octopus claws, Ah Zhen said disgustingly: "I'm not good at this, you want someone else to go."

"Hahaha" Hearing such artistic words again, Liu Fengyang was so happy that his fart broke. "Let's go, let's have a drink." After finishing speaking, Ah Zhen couldn't resist, so he took his hand and yanked it into the hall.

For a while, Ah Zhen was sitting in the hall, before taking a sip of the tea in his hand, Liu Fengyang on the side immediately asked urgently: "Brother Zhen, how is it? Are you getting old?"

"Very good." Ah Zhen was not in a hurry, took a sip of the tea with fragrant lips and teeth, put down the teacup and said arrogantly: "I have become the emperor, I am the only one in the world, how can it be bad."

"Yes, yes." After Liu Fengyang nodded, he immediately asked again: "Brother Zhen, how long are you going to stay here this time?"

"This time, I suddenly heard that the old man was going to drive a crane to accompany Qin Yu." He shrugged his shoulders lightly and said: "But the crane let the old man's pigeons go, and the old man can probably live for three to five years. Since it's fine, stay for a few days." let's go."

It was the crane and the old man, and countless question marks popped up in the minds of the people who heard it.

Liu Fengyang, who was at a loss, blinked his eyes, gasped in shock, stood up in shock and asked urgently: "Is the emperor critically ill?" "Is it the emperor who can make the real brother call the old man?"
"It's okay, it's okay." Seeing everyone in the hall stand up in amazement, Ah Zhen also stood up, and patted the startled Liu Fengyang with a smile. "Your emperor is fine, don't worry about it."

"Really?" The startled Liu Fengyang asked timidly.

"Really." Ah Zhen nodded with a smile.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Liu Fengyang asked, "Did Brother Zhen save the emperor?"

"Eh?" Ah Zhen hesitated for a while, then nodded and said: "That's right." If he hadn't turned the old man upside down and tossed it, the old man might have lost his breath.

"It's still true brother." Seeing him nodding, Liu Fengyang admired him all over, wishing that all ten fingers were big thumbs.

"Don't talk about this." I was so embarrassed by the praise, Ah Zhen turned his head to look at the little girl who was standing on the left with timid eyes, and peeked at his little girl's film, raised his eyebrows and asked: "Feng Yang, what's the matter?" Who is it?" Such a cute little girl, people want to pat her apple-like tender red cheeks, and give him a candied haws to lick.

When Liu Fengyang saw Brother Zhen asking about his little wife, he immediately beamed with joy and called to the frightened little lady: "Yan'er, come and see Brother Zhen."

"Yes." Kuang Feiyan wrung her little hands timidly, walked up to Ah Zhen and whispered to Fushen, "Fei Feiyan, I met Tangtang brother-in-law."

A small person, with small hands and feet, a small face and a small head, the intermittent Ah Zhen heard this cousin, his jaw suddenly collapsed to the ground, pointed at the very small loli in front of him, and his scalp tingled and asked: " This Xueshuang's cousin, Kuang Feiyan?"

"Yes." Liu Fengyang clenched the corners of his mouth, stretched out his long arms, and embraced his frightened little wife, "Brother Zhen, Feiyan is Fengyang's wife."

It has long been heard that Liu Fengyang married Xueshuang's 14-year-old cousin. The ancients practiced: Thirteen happy to marry early, fifteen sad to marry late, sixteen late to marry.Although Feiyan is 14 years old, is this too young?

Staring blankly at the sister-in-law with Xueshuang's demure and well-behaved shadow, Ah Zhen yelled at the smiling Liu Fengyang in disbelief: "Damn Liu Fengyang, you turned out to be a lolicon." Pervert, he is so perverted, he is too perverted at such a young age I have to go down.

The laughing Liu Fengyang was suddenly yelled at, his old face froze, and then he weakly asked the frantic uncle: "Brother Zhen, what's wrong with you?" What is a lolicon?
"Let's not care that Feiyan is my sister-in-law." The angry Ah Zhenniu stared at him, cursing pervertedly and disgustingly: "You actually go to torture and pick the little girl who is not yet released." After cursing here, raise your throat forward Roaring: "I won't bear it for another two years, I won't be astringent until I mature."

Yingyang and Feiyan who didn't understand at first, when they understood such blatant naked words, their faces flushed with embarrassment for a moment, their heads were lowered, and they didn't want to run away, or they didn't run away.

Liu Fengyang, who was stunned by the yelling, digested his words, and then said with a relieved smile: "Brother Zhen, don't worry, Yan'er has reached her age."

"Huh?" Shocked Ah Zhen heard the word Ji, and what Yang Yang said suddenly appeared in his mind.Pointing at the little girl in front of him very meaninglessly. "Feiyan, is your sunflower water here?"

"Ah" Feiyan, who had been wishing for a sudden hole to get in for a long time, suddenly heard such a naked question, and cried in shame for a while, covering her little face, tearing away from her husband's embrace full of shame, oh With a bang, he ran away towards the inner door crying.

Watching his sister-in-law cry and run away in a daze, Ah Zhen's dazed old face was blank, not knowing what to say.

Liu Fengyang felt distressed, and shouted to Yingyang who was next to him in annoyance: "Yingyang goes to see Yan'er."

"Okay!" Ying Yangshui, who had wanted to escape for a long time, blushed, nodded her head in a panic, and then followed Feiyan to hide in the hole of the door.

Seeing that there were only two people left in the hall, Liu Fengyang narrowed his eyes contemptuously, "Brother Zhen, you scared my little lady away."

"That..." Hearing this reproach, Ah Zhen scratched his head, to cover up his embrace of the furious Liu Fengyang, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't make it to the test site for a while." After finishing my apology, I immediately blamed him angrily: " It's not because of you, kid, that you went to force the disabled young girl."

"Let me go" was beaten up, Liu Fengyang stared at the old man in front of him with incredulous eyes, "Are I wrong?"

"Isn't it?" Ah Zhen pointed a finger very cautiously: "You ate it at such a young age, and you ate it cleanly. If you say you have no pedophilia, who would believe it."

Liu Fengyang thought he couldn't talk to him, so the whites of his eyes hung up and said: "Brother Zhen, let's go to Nan Wan for a few drinks."

"Drinking early in the morning?"

"Reunion after a long absence, isn't Brother Zhen trying to shirk?" Liu Fengyang also knows that it's early in the morning, but only wine is enough for the reunion.

"Okay." Drink as you like, you've done too many unreasonable things, and drinking during the day is nothing.

"Let's go." Seeing that he agreed, Liu Fengyang pulled him excitedly, and dragged him to the hole.

Ah Zhen, who was being dragged away, kept walking, turned his head and said solemnly to the excited Liu Fengyang: "Feng Yang, don't let Feiyan get pregnant too early, the child will be born two years later."

Stepping into the hall garden, the excited Liu Fengyang heard this, turned his head in doubt and asked: "Brother Zhen, why is this?"

"Nonsense, have you ever seen a child give birth to a child?"

"Bang" Excited and hurried, his steps were unsteady, and Liu Fengyang fell to the ground with a grunt.

Ah Zhen saw that the second stupefied ate his mouth full of mud, his mouth was cracked, and in a good mood, he accidentally stepped on his palm, and the old horse walked leisurely towards Nan Wan knowing the way.Well, you lolicon Liu Fengyang, it's really unbalanced if you don't step on it.

The former Nan Wan remains unchanged, it is still the Wizard of Oz.

The winter morning is cloudy and hazy, the cold wind blows the willows that are not withered, and the boats in the lake are gently rippling in the cold lake.

Ah Zhen sat on the stone table and chair that he used to sit on in the past, watching the vast lake, listening to the sound of the wind piercing through the cracks in the broken branches, a kind of eerie cold suddenly spread to the whole body.

"Hmm..." After all the maidservants served the food and left, Ah Zhen stood up and opened his arms, took a deep breath of the cool air in Nan Wan, and said with emotion: "Last year today, in this door, The peach blossoms on the human face are red. The human face does not know where to go, but the peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze."

Liu Fengyang, who was sitting on the stone chair, saw that he was so emotional all of a sudden, stood up and sighed: "The flowers are similar every year, but the people are different every year. Things are people and things are not things. I want to speak and cry first."

Ah Zhen, who closed her eyes and recalled the past, put away her old emotions, turned around and thanked: "I, Lin Ah Zhen, am so fortunate to have met Feng Yang."

Sentimental Liu Fengyang shook his head and replied: "It's Fengyang's honor to meet Brother Zhen." After saying that, he extended his palm to the stone chair and said: "Brother Zhen, please sit down, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's have a good drink. "

"Meeting an old friend in a foreign land, a thousand cups is too little." After laughing, Da Da unceremoniously sat down on the stone chair.

Pour fine wine, a pair of close friends toast to each other, fine oars and jade liquid are like rivers of heaven, yellow soup is like rivers and lakes.

"Wonderful, Brother Zhen is so wonderful." After a long period of time, Ah Zhen confessed all the crimes he committed in the past year.

After pouring down the wine in his glass, Liu Fengyang listened with his eyes turned, sighed and said: "Brother Zhen, this is the life Fengyang has always wanted." Having said that, he shook his head and then sighed: "It's a pity, it's a pity. It’s one of life’s great pleasures to travel.”

"It's not fun at all, okay, I almost lost my life several times." Thinking of drowning in the sea to Leizhou, Ah Zhen shook his head, sighed and drank the wine in his glass.

"It's done." Liu Fengyang didn't take it seriously, and asked curiously: "The stories about the Liao Kingdom and the Li Dynasty have been talked about in the stories, but you have never heard about the story of you wandering to Leizhou."

"Because no one knows." Thinking back to the matter of begging for porridge in Leizhou, Ah Zhen couldn't help but blush for a while, seeing how humiliating he was for being the emperor, if people found out, he might as well just jump into the river.

The fascinated Liu Fengyang saw his old face slightly swaying, he smiled and patted Ah Zhen's shoulder indifferently and said: "Brother Zhen, don't worry too much, a man can bend and stretch, what's the matter?" He tilted his neck at this point, wrinkled and asked in doubt: "I There are quite a few shops in Leizhou, since you were penniless at the time, why didn't you just go to the shop?"

"Eh?" Ah Zhen was taken aback, looked at Liu Fengyang foolishly, and then blinked.

"That's right." After Fan Ran came to his senses, he covered his forehead with his hand, and roared to the sky: "That's right, the old man who is the king of gambling lives in Leizhou, and I actually went to wait for the small spoonful of porridge to be donated, Omega!" , Liu Fengyang doesn't know what Omega is, but when he sees Brother Zhen finally looking up to the sky and speechless, he suddenly burst into a happy smile of his wife giving birth to a son, and whispered softly: "Thousands of miles of yellow clouds and white sun, the north wind blows wild geese and snow. Don't worry The road ahead is ignorant, and no one in the world knows the king." After talking about it, I highly appreciate it, "Brother Zhen, a good poem, a perfect poem." I think he is the majestic king of a country living alone in Leizhou, penniless and hungry , There is a long queue for people to give a spoonful of porridge, what could be more intimate than this poem.

"Well, just listen to it." He hid it and laughed, and Ah Zhen's old face instantly flushed.

"Brother Zhen, do it!" Picking up the wine glass on the table, Liu Fengyang's eyes were full of slyness. He will definitely publicize this kind of top-secret embarrassment for him. One can imagine that once this story comes out, people all over the world will be shocked. uproar.

"Dan" picked up the wine glass, and Ah Zhen touched the glass in front of him, surprised to see Liu Fengyang smiling so weirdly, Jun Mei immediately frowned. How do you say "Feng Yang you"?Ah Zhen stroked his chin, frowned and stared at the smile in front of him, which was full of treachery, cunning, hypocrisy, evil, evil, etc., these words are really hard to express.

Seeing him pause, Liu Fengyang raised one eyebrow and said, "Is it silvery?"

(End of this chapter)

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