shengsheng loves you

Chapter 2 Honey Pomelo Mint

Chapter 2 Honey Pomelo Mint
During the weekly topic selection meeting of the magazine department of Ruan's Company, Wei Zhisheng was distracted.For a long time, she has been staring at the sunlight shining through the glass.Dust rose and fell in the air, and she didn't regain consciousness until Editor-in-Chief Wan patted the table for the third time.She lowered her head, and quickly wrote a few strokes with the pen on the notebook. In fact, she didn't know what she was writing, and she always felt that she would not be caught distracted this way.

"Why did the cooperation with the team of scientists of the Taoyuan Project break down this time?"

In fact, she has been listening and thinking, yes, why?

"Didn't we already sign the contract? We were just doing an interview by the way. Why did it break up because of us? This is unreasonable. We can't take the blame from the Variety Department." Liu Xi, who was in charge of half of the magazine's pages, asked.She has been in the industry for five years and is one of the best in the magazine department.

"This is not only a loss for us or the Variety Department, but also for the entire company!" Chief Editor Wan said sadly.

Wei Zhisheng clicked on Weibo.The Ruan family has been on the hot search, and it revolves around a topic-the Ruan family group has no chance of "Taoyuan Project".

Speaking of the Taoyuan project, she knew about it before doing the interview.

This is a research project of a team of young scientists. They aspire to use artificial intelligence to build a paradise-like place in an impetuous society, where unexpected high-tech brings convenience to life, and no one gets lost. Children, there will be no frequent crimes and people will live in safety.

In short, judging from the PPT of the project introduction, it is a very amazing project.The Ruan Group attaches great importance to this project, and has specially created an online variety show for this project. The purpose is to obtain the qualification for capital injection and get a share in the future.But for some reason, last Friday, the "Taoyuan Project" research institute sent a request for understanding, and the variety show that started recording today was also temporarily suspended.And the day before the contract was terminated, the magazine department under Ruan's had just conducted an exclusive interview with the person in charge of the Taoyuan Project, so everyone guessed that something went wrong in this link, which affected the cooperation between the two parties.

Wei Zhisheng took a few deep breaths and mustered up his courage: "Leave this matter to me."

The voice was neither loud nor small, and it suddenly attracted attention in the conference room where there were endless debates.Everyone looked sideways at the columnist who was sitting at the bottom, and there was silence for a moment.

Wei Zhisheng brushed the broken hair in front of his forehead, and smiled: "I'll handle it, and I will do my best to repair this relationship."

After a long silence, Editor-in-Chief Wan said, "You go out first, Wei Zhisheng stays."

Wei Zhisheng is still used to sitting at the end. She doesn't know when this habit was developed, but she always chooses this place inadvertently when choosing seats. Maybe it is true. A person's memory will change, but habits Always can't change.

Editor-in-Chief Wan tidied up his things, walked over from the other side of the table, and said softly, "Zhisheng, is your body okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm competent for any job. Editor-in-chief, leave it to me." Wei Zhisheng smiled, as if to make the editor-in-chief feel more at ease.

Indeed, she had just returned from medical leave.At the end of the year, she worked overtime for several consecutive nights, and she suddenly fainted and was hospitalized. Since then, she has become more sensitive to light and more prone to fatigue, so even if she resumes work now, she only writes some column articles.

Of course, she still prefers challenging jobs and the feeling of being able to be alone at work.But after she got sick last time, neither her family nor her best friend Ruan Meng allowed her to work hard.The most common sentence they say is, we hope you will muddle through and don't live your life so seriously.

But she just doesn't want to muddle through...

Editor-in-Chief Wan thought for a moment, she didn't say anything just now, but it is indeed more appropriate for Wei Zhisheng to handle this matter.She took out a business card, handed it to Wei Zhisheng, and said, "Well, here is Lin Wu's contact information and the address of the research institute." Editor-in-Chief Wan casually glanced at the desktop, "Still insisting on writing a diary?"

"Bad memory, afraid of forgetting."

Coming out of the meeting room, Wei Zhisheng took a look outside. Even though the sky was blue, clean and clear, and the breeze was gentle, such a fine weather couldn't shine into her heart.

Her palms couldn't help sweating, because she knew the reason for the breakdown of the cooperation, and I'm afraid no one knew what happened better than her.It's ridiculous to say, but in fact, she doesn't understand why it happened like this.

Five days ago, at ten o'clock in the evening.

When Editor-in-Chief Wan issued the interview order, Wei Zhisheng had just come out of the convenience store in the community, with a towel wrapped around his head, which wrapped his wet hair, and two buckets of 2L mineral water in his hand.She was washing her hair at home, and the water was cut off halfway through washing, so she had no choice but to go out to buy water.

She was a little surprised when she received this task, because she hadn't been officially interviewed for a long time, although her professional ability in the department was really nothing to say.Coincidentally, the colleague who was in charge of this interview suddenly became seriously ill, and several other competent people were out of town and couldn't come back, so editor-in-chief Wan had no choice but to come to her.

"Okay, I wrote down the editor-in-chief's address. I'll go there tomorrow. I've read the interview outline. I'll get familiar with it later. Don't worry." After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone, put the mineral water on the ground, and quickly opened the memo on her phone. She recorded the interview subject's information, and she was afraid that she would forget it if she was not paying attention.

Wei Zhisheng helped the towel on his head, then picked up the mineral water and walked towards the door of the unit, took out the key card, swiped the elevator, and pressed the 18th floor.The elevator closed, and a special elevator went up the stairs.When she opened the door of her own house, the other elevator rang, and the door opened slowly. Wei Zhisheng glanced at it, and it seemed to be a young man, tall and slender, wearing a long gray coat. She had seen it in a magazine. , the price is not cheap.Opposite her house is a duplex, which is very large, and it was sold before the market opened. It is said that it was bought through the back door.However, no one lived in it all the time. Someone came to renovate it a few months ago, and Wei Zhisheng didn't know that the owner on the opposite side had changed.It was renovated, but no one came to live there.So it was the first time she saw other people on this floor.Wei Zhisheng's heart beat a little faster, and she felt a gaze staring at her from behind.She turned the key even faster, but she couldn't open it no matter what.Wei Zhisheng turned his head and took a look, but he didn't expect that person to be looking at him too. The moment his eyes met, his eyes were complicated, so complicated that she couldn't understand why.

Seeing the man coming out of the elevator and walking towards him quickly, Wei Zhisheng turned his head and opened the door quickly, then closed the door with a bang.She leaned against the door, feeling very upset.

There was silence at the door, and the man did not leave.

Who is he?Is it really a neighbor?No, maybe not.

She opened the peephole, and found that the man was silently staring at the door as she expected.He held a book in his hand, revealing a corner of the bookmark, which was a silver leaf.Wei Zhisheng was startled suddenly, she couldn't remember when she lost a book, but the bookmark belonged to her!
Suddenly, there was a sound - the man pressed the doorbell, and he seemed to have struggled for a long time before that.At the same time her phone rang, and it was her mother.

"Shengsheng, your cousin is going back to China, you should watch him well and don't let him get into trouble, you know? What time is it over there, why is there still someone ringing the doorbell?" Wei's mother faintly revealed a little worry.

"Mom, don't worry, it's... the eldest sister of the property management company. She probably has something to do with me. Ding Chen will take care of it. Hang up first." Wei Zhisheng hung up the phone.The security system of my own home is very good, so there should be no accidents, as long as I communicate with the property after dawn.

The doorbell was still ringing, Wei Zhisheng stared at the electronic screen, observing the young man.She was only concerned about being afraid just now, but she didn't realize that he was an extremely good-looking person, with picturesque features, clean and handsome.It's just that I don't know if it's an illusion, I always feel that the person is very eager to see me, and there is not only anger in his eyes, but also a little sadness?
Keeping the doorbell ringing was not a solution, so Wei Zhisheng had no choice but to ask, "Who are you, please, don't ring the doorbell anymore, it will wake up my husband, he works very hard on the night shift."

The person at the door was silent for a long time, as if his whole body was stiff. He stared at the door with an unbelievable gaze, then clenched his fists in his cuffs, laughed at himself, and said, "Neighbor."

He turned around and walked to the next door, pressed the code, opened the door and went in.

Only then did Wei Zhisheng let go of the clothes on his chest, and she let out a long sigh of relief, is she really a neighbor?It's so strange, I still have to ask the property owner.

After sleeping lightly all night, Wei Zhisheng did not go downstairs for a walk for the first time.She doesn't remember when she got into the habit of doing morning exercises. Without exercise cells, she could only go for a walk.

After breakfast, she called the property manager, and 5 minutes later, a big sister came.She talked about the situation last night, and the property manager felt incredible, because in their impression, the owner of Room 1802 was a gentleman.

"Miss Wei, I think there must be some misunderstanding. That is indeed your new neighbor. He is not a bad person. Please trust our security system. Well, the owner of Room 1802 is now going for a run. When he comes back, I will introduce Do you know each other?"

Wei Zhisheng rubbed her temples, she felt a headache, waved her hand and said, "Okay, as long as he is the real owner."

"Otherwise, we can check the monitoring first, so you can rest assured." The property owner took Wei Zhisheng to the security room to check the monitoring.After confirmation by the property, the person last night was indeed the owner of Room 1802, and nothing happened except for knocking on Wei Zhisheng's door.Maybe it's really just a greeting from a new neighbor. The other party has moved here for almost a month. It's really not easy for two people with different schedules to meet.

Wei Zhisheng sighed, forget it, as long as the other party doesn't bother him, it's fine.She presses the elevator, opens the door, goes home, washes up and prepares for an interview.

She was holding the other party's information in her hand, and she was almost familiar with it.Name Lin Wu, aged 28, an outstanding young scientist, graduated from the computer department of University A, and studied artificial intelligence abroad during his graduate studies.We are still alumni with her, but a few years earlier.She marked it in the small notebook, and it seemed that she could still use this relationship to get close.

After changing clothes and going out, she usually likes to dress up a little more maturely when she's looking good. The black professional dress makes her bumpy, and the high ponytail doesn't lose her aura.She smiled in the mirror. The formulaic smile gave people a sense of intimacy, and she seemed to be a good person to talk to.

The moment Wei Zhisheng opened the door, Wei Zhisheng was stunned. There was a person standing at the door, dressed in sportswear. It was the neighbor from last night.The moment the four eyes met, the other party seemed a little excited.Wei Zhisheng subconsciously took half a step back, coughed, raised his head and looked up at the man: "Please make way."

The other party didn't move, and still looked at her like that, which was really impolite.Although this person was really good-looking, she was also a little angry.Wei Zhisheng glanced at it, and found that there was a camera installed on the door frame of the opposite door, facing the corridor, and the door of her own house was also clearly photographed. She was instantly angry.

"What is this?" Wei Zhisheng pointed at the camera and said.

"Surveillance, don't you know?" The other party spoke, his voice was cold, but quite magnetic.

Wei Zhisheng shook his head, not the time to think about this.

She just said sternly: "Is it necessary to pretend this? The law and order in the community is very good."

"Nothing to do with you."

It's so irritating, but in the public area, she really has nothing to do.Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "Please don't knock on my door again, thank you!"

"You too."

Wei Zhisheng just thought it was funny: "How could I possibly knock on your door! Excuse me!"

Wei Zhisheng closed the door forcefully, then pressed the elevator to go downstairs.Pervert, my neighbor is a pervert!
The interview took place at a coffee shop near the city's Science and Technology Museum. Wei Zhisheng arrived half an hour early and was sorting out the interview outline.There is no photo of Lin Wu in the data. He basically never showed up before, but he often posted on Weibo. Because of the charm of technology, he has many fans.Wei Zhisheng ordered himself a cup of espresso. I heard that people in electronics related industries like to drink this.Although there is no reliable data to support this statement, if Lin Wu really likes it, then the two of them will have a little more topics to talk about.

Wei Zhisheng took a sip of his coffee, it was surprisingly bitter.She stuck out her tongue, put down the glass, and told the waiter, "The other glass I ordered will be served later, and the customer hasn't come yet."

Just at this moment, someone came in and stood in front of her. She quickly stood up, showing a standard social smile, and stretched out her hand and said, "Mr. Lin, I'm Wei Zhisheng from the Ruan Group. I'm here on purpose today..."

He was wearing a new blue Kiton suit with a white shirt and blue tie.His hair is just the right length, delicate and elegant. He is tall and tall. If you don't know him, you may think he is a professional model.The sharp-edged face is not aggressive, and the eyes are deep and energetic, like a mixed race.Compared with the clothes worth more than [-] yuan, Wei Zhisheng was even more surprised by this face. With such a face, even male stars can't match it.But what surprised Wei Zhisheng even more was... this is too coincidental!
Lin Wu let out a "huh".It could be heard that he was not that happy, but he was not surprised at all. Did he know that the two would meet in this way?

She would never have thought that the person she was going to interview turned out to be a new neighbor!Her mind was spinning rapidly, did she have a conflict with Lin Wu today? After carefully recalling every detail, she felt that it shouldn't be a bad thing for them.

She relaxed a little, even if she was unhappy before, in order for the interview to be successful, she still had to work hard to resolve the unhappiness, which was the manifestation of her ability.

Wei Zhisheng smiled and said, "What a coincidence, Mr. Lin is my neighbor. What would you like to drink? The Italian style here is pretty good."

"Yeah." Lin Wu beckoned.

The waiter hurried over and asked him with a smile: "Is it honey pomelo mint today, or light sugar and less ice?"

Lin Wu smiled: "Thank you. Give her another glass of espresso."

"Good Mr. Lin."

Wei Zhisheng held his chin with his hand, and couldn't hold it anymore. First, Lin Wu's smile is so pretty, how do you say that word, like Mu Chunguang, and second, she also wants to drink pomelo mint, who wants to drink something so bitter? Italian special!
"That... Thank you, Mr. Lin, you don't need to order for me anymore."

"Didn't you order two glasses?"

Wei Zhisheng opened his mouth, the visitor is not kind!But it doesn't matter, she is an experienced old reporter, what kind of ruthless character I haven't seen before!

The waiter put two glasses of drinks on the table. The light yellow pomelo was paired with emerald green mint. The ice cubes were floating in the glasses. The color was quite beautiful.Lin Wu stirred the ice and glanced at his watch from time to time.This is a sign of being in a hurry, Wei Zhisheng decided to get to the point quickly, she took out the recording pen, put it on the table, opened the notebook and spread out a blank page.

"Mr. Lin, can we start the interview?"

"Okay." Lin Wu said softly.He leaned forward slightly, with his slender legs crossed casually, in an extremely lazy posture, propping his chin with his arms, with the corners of his eyes drooping slightly, he looked at Wei Zhisheng quietly.

She stared blankly.Speaking of which, she was also used to Xiao Xianrou, so she shouldn't be fooled by Lin Wu's beauty, but he has a unique temperament that makes people unable to take their eyes off him.After thinking about it, this should be called Mo Xiang, a literati. He exudes the light of a great god all over his body!
"What's wrong?" Lin Wu asked.

Wei Zhisheng shook his head and said quickly, "It's nothing, Mr. Lin is so eye-catching, I can't help but take a few more glances."

She has always been so straightforward, people in the entertainment industry will be more receptive, but people in the general cultural circle are a little bit resistant.She regretted her outspokenness just now, but fortunately, Lin Wu didn't respond, as if she was used to it.

"Mr. Lin, let's start the interview. As we all know, Mr. Lin is a well-known young scientist in China. What made you decide to lead the team to develop the Taoyuan Project?"

"My girlfriend."

Wei Zhisheng pricked up his ears, but the other party took the initiative to break the news. It seems that there is gossip to dig out!She was even more energetic, and continued to ask: "Did Mr. Lin's girlfriend give you any inspiration?"

"My girlfriend is lazy."

What kind of inspiration is this?Wei Zhisheng asked again: "Can you give me a detailed introduction to the Taoyuan project?"

Lin Wu was still stirring the ice cubes in the glass, and the mint leaves were spinning along with it, but he didn't take a sip, and said, "Provide her with a convenient place to pamper her."

Wei Zhisheng felt that he had been hit by an arrow, and couldn't help but joked: "Mr. Lin, don't abuse the dog anymore, okay, you and your girlfriend are so affectionate!"

"But..." He paused.

Wei Zhisheng pricked up his ears again, the turning point has come!Preoccupied, ready to record the big news, she asked, "But what?"

"She dumped me six years ago."

"..." Wei Zhisheng was very surprised, the pen was stuck on the notebook, and a small piece of ink was blurred.

"Did you quarrel?" Wei Zhisheng asked.

"No, the relationship is very good. After she chased me, she dumped me not long after."

Wei Zhisheng was a little annoyed: "It's a mess! It's so scumbag!"

"It turns out that this is called chaos at the beginning and abandonment at the end."

"So, what you can't get is always the best!" Wei Zhisheng sighed for a while, and after thinking about it, it's not good for him to complain like this, so he said, "I'm a little excited to write an emotional column recently. Look It can be concluded that Mr. Lin likes your girlfriend very much, and specially developed the Taoyuan Project for her, did any twists and turns happen in the middle of the story?"

"Yeah, why?" Lin Wu put down the straw in his hand and stopped stirring the ice cubes.He approached Wei Zhisheng, and asked again, "Why?"

She also wants to know!Otherwise, how to write this gossip news?She even thought of a shocking title!
"Mr. Lin?" She whispered to remind the other party to continue talking, and at the same time pointed to the recorder.

Lin Wu stood up suddenly, grabbed the recording pen on the table, and held it firmly in his hand, with distinct joints.

Wei Zhisheng was startled by him, caught off guard, he suddenly leaned down again, squinted his eyes, and said coldly: "Wei Zhisheng, do you still want to interview me?"

Wei Zhisheng nodded, this is her job.

"Very good! Then come to me when you remember why you broke up with me!" After he finished speaking, he slammed the recorder on the table, turned and left.

"Mr. Lin! Mr. Lin..." Wei Zhisheng hurried to catch up, but he had already left without looking back.She was stopped outside the turnstile of the Science and Technology Museum, unable to regain consciousness for a long time, she was completely blinded.

Lin Wu's ex-girlfriend... is she?Does she always give up?She's still a scumbag?Did the hell happen?
(End of this chapter)

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