Chapter 14

The stars of the heavenly disk where the descendants come are the descendants and the guests, or the time when the descendants take advantage of them is the guest, and the star where the territory is located is the main and the self.

account for my visit
Take the direction of the heavenly plate as me, and the star of the place as him, compare and see, and use life to overcome it.

Accounting for a treat?

Take Zhifu as the guest, Tianyi as the master, and Sheng Ke to decide it.

Are you kind please?

It is good intentions to push it together with the gate star palace of its origin, and to ride Jiqi with the gate star palace of its place.

lost property

Take the time and dryness as the owner, the eight species as the fugitives, and use the prosperous phase to retire and imprison them, and the eight gods and four grids will decide them.

accounted for lost
If the child is lost, look at the Tianpan Liuhe Luogong on a sunny day, and look at the palace where the Liuhe and Liuhe are located on a cloudy day. In the Tianpan, the inner four palaces are close, and the outer four palaces are far away. Parents' homes are difficult to find with empty tombs, maids and concubines are ruled by Tianpan Taiyin, or Tianrui falls into the palace.

account for lost animals

Lost mules, horses, boats and carts to injure the owner of the door, the owner of Tianchong must search for the root of the injury, where the door is located, and where to find it.Cattle and sheep are mastered by the Death Gate of Kun Palace. If the Death Gate is hidden in He Palace, that is where it is, and Rui Xing Palace is also acceptable.Put the horses on the side of the gods obtained from the Qian Palace, and see where the stars on the sky canopy are, so you can find them there.

who is the thief

Take the canopy as a thief, look at Tianpan Yuanwu on a sunny day, and look at Tianpan Yuanwu on a cloudy day, and then use the gossip and nine stars to judge him.

Where to hide stolen items

Taking the stolen place as the hiding place, it is said that they are consistent, and look at the place where the stolen things are hidden by Jiuxing Chengyuan.

Take thief

Take Gouchen as the person who catches the robbers, Peng as the big thief, Yuanwu as the small thief, and Dumen as the party to catch the robbers.

lost money

Seeing that Yuan Wu was stolen by people with eight sects and nine stars, but he lost it by himself, and decided it by living and defeating the inner and outer palaces.

Prosperity at home

The Luo Palace of Shengmen and the Palace of Longevity are joined together to participate, and Shengkewang will determine its prosperity.

accounting for separation

In this game, the branches and stems are used to separate the inside and outside, and the parents, the moon brothers, the body of the day, and the children and grandchildren of the time, if they live in two palaces, they are separated. Wang Xiang puts off the prisoner, and decides his good or bad.

accounting for migration

There are three odd and auspicious gates on the above side, and then there are three odd and four seasons. The moon is auspicious, and it is determined by the nine stars.

Is there a conspiracy hall

Take Tianfu as the teacher, as the person who seeks the museum, take Tianrui as the host, and use life to overcome it.

Occupy the official screen

Take the auxiliary star as the person who seeks the curtain, take Jiaziwu as the official, and open the door as the official, and use life to overcome it.

account for recommendation

Take Jiazi as the person who asks for recommendation, and Tianyi as the person who recommends, and they will be determined.

accounting for errands

It is determined by the star that opens the door. It depends on the age and day of the person who should be sent to open the door. Those who are rushed will go; those who do not rush will not go.

accounted for retired

Take opening the door as the official, and take Rigan as the retirement, and Sheng Ke will decide it.

Accounting for duty

Take Kaimen as the official, Rigan as the person who should serve, and Sheng Kewang to decide between them.Another method is to use direct envoys as one's own body, and to break them by life, restraint, and imprisonment.


If Jiaziwu falls into the palace, it will be judged if one's own day falls into the palace, and those born with Jiaziwu should vote.

Can the account be unloaded?

The person who takes the day's work and the fall of the palace is the one who unloads the matter, and the time of the day and the fall of the palace is the thing to be unloaded. Compared with those who cannot be unloaded, they must be determined.

Occupy Text Delay

Ding is a document, and if it is compatible with Zhifu, it will grow faster, but if it is restrained, it will be late.When Ding was born in He Gong, the date was determined by the Ganzhi of this palace.

take official priority

Take Shiqian as your own body, Zhifu as the official, Liuding as the official document, and Zhishi as the tolerance.

account for leave

Take Zhifu as the superior, Tianyi as the inferior, and those who are restrained are not allowed.

Occupy the direction of escape
Take Dumen, Ding Jigui, Liuhe, Tiantian Taichong, and Shengmen to be close to each other, and if they are born at the same time, it will be auspicious, and there will be three odd auspicious stars, which will be very auspicious, otherwise it will be unfavorable.

Zhan shaft kiln

It is auspicious for the master of the Jingmen, who lives in the year of life and works day by day.

Good fortune

It is determined by the combination of the gate of death and the palace of the sun.

Occupy the grave

Take the gate of death as the tomb of heaven and earth to be judged, those who live with the star of the gate of death falling into the palace, and those who live with the star of the gate of death falling into the palace and heaven will be judged by life.

Accounting for excavated waterways

It is beneficial to excavate students by opening disciples.

Accounting for the ebb and flow of river water

Use the canopy to close the door to decide it, and you will get a lot of luck, although it is not long.Jiachen Ren with a snake, the main water damage; when the rest falls on [-], the water will disappear immediately.

accounting game

Decide where the straight talisman is, and the one with the straight talisman plus the injury wins.

have a good time

Dedicated to the Tianfu star to determine it, which palace Tianfu falls in, that is, where the wind and auspiciousness are favorable.

Accounting for fishing and hunting

Use the wounded and dead two gates to join the gui to kill them, add Xiu to hunt with water, use the wounded gate as a raft, and the gui as a sky net.

account for field hunting

The end is to judge the wounded door, and those who take advantage of the wounded door to lead Geng, hunt him to win big, and if the wounded door is restrained, the dead door can also be obtained.You can't get it in Gen, and you can't get it in Kun.

Occupying a cow and a horse pregnant with a male and female

Each pushes it according to the star that its palace rides, Ma Li, Niu Kun, Mule and Donkey Zhen, the Yang star is the female, and the Yin star is the male.

Accurate rebuttal

Take Jingmen Luogong as the matter of Chen Zuo, Ri Gan as the person who played the matter, Sui Gan as the emperor, and Qiji Shengke as the decision.

Accounting for errands

Taking Yueqian as the Luogong, as the constitution, and taking Shiqian Luogong as the appointed person, he will be determined.

Accounting civil and military officers supplemented or not
Take opening the door as a civilian job, use Dumen as a military job, and use Shengkexiuwang to decide.

account for incumbent

Opening the door and falling into the palace is the movement, and taking the dry moon as the constitution, those who compare with peace will not move, those who bring odd auspicious births will be promoted, and those who are restrained will be disadvantaged.Another way is to open the door as the boss, and the day dry as the self, and those who are in harmony are auspicious.

Accounting for donations
Open the door as the official, use the door as the rich, and use the birth to control it.

slow speed

Take the Yuanwu Luogong as the thief, use the Zhishizhi Palace as the official to suppress the thief, and use life, restraint, and prisoners to fight each other.

Ping An

Use Shengmen Luogong as salary, use canopy as thieves, use direct envoys as protectors, and use life to defeat them.

account for prison safety

Take Jiachen Luogong as the prison, open the door as the official in prison, and take Jiawu Xin as the sinner, and he will be punished by life and death.

possession of a den of no thieves

Using the Canopy Luo Palace as a den of thieves, using Rigan as a cover, and using Gou Chen as a prisoner, Sheng Ke decided to kill him.

accounting personals

Take Sun Qian Luogong as your own body, Shi Qian as your friend, and discuss it with Shengke Qiji.

Is it effective?

Taking Tianrui Luogong as the disease, and Shengmen as the bait, if it is alive, it will not work; if it is fierce, it will not work.

Accounting for staff

With Suiqian as the emperor and Rigan as the person introduced, Sheng Ke Cheng Qi Ji Wang will fight against each other.

Good or bad luck

Take Riqian Luogong as the person who joins the army, Zhishi as the palace of the army, and Yuanwu as the thief, each of them will be determined by life and death.

Zhan Bao impeachment

Take Rigan Palace as the recommended boss, and Rigan as the person who should be impeached, and he will be determined by life and death.

Zhanye Mausoleum

Take Dumen as the mountain mausoleum, Suiqianluo Palace as the emperor, and those who live in Chongwang as the pilgrimage.

accounting for tax decline

Take Shengmen Luogong as the tariff, Rigan as the tax collector, open the door as the tax official, and Shengkewang as the prisoner.

Is Zhanjing Quanwang

With Xiumen Luogong as a spring, and Death Gate Luogong as a well, those who are in harmony with each other will have prosperous water.


Take Dumen Luogong as the monthly letter, and Sunqian Luogong as the occupant, and each of them is determined by birth.

accounting for tinnitus
With Pengxing falling into the palace as the ear, see which palace it falls in, and the two discs of heaven and earth can judge its good or bad according to the gods.

Accounting for fruit trees

Take the Shangmen Luogong as trees, the Shengmen Luogong as fruits, ride the tiger as the wind, ride the yuan as the rain, and use the prosperous phase to overcome it.

account for wine taste
Take Yuan Wu's fall to the palace to judge it, the shock will be sour, the earth will be sweet, and the gold will be bitter. If there is a fortune, it is a good wine, and if it is a prisoner, it is a bad wine.

Please recommend friends

Take Rigan as the person who recommends friends, take Shigan as the person who invites friends, and use life to overcome them.

safe travel

Take the sun and the fall of the palace as the person who is on a business trip, and take the time and the fall of the palace as the mission, and use life to overcome it.

draw lots

Taking the opening of the door and falling into the palace as the province, the person who is in control, those who fall into the inner four palaces are close, and those who fall in the outer four palaces are far away.

account for simplicity

The emperor is regarded as the emperor at the age of the year, and the person who should be released is regarded as the person who should be released. Those who are born together are lucky, and those who are in shock are not.

Occupy the sky

Zhanqing is mainly based on Tianying, and Zhanyu is mainly based on the canopy. On the three odd days of the Huotu Bureau, when you are in the position of Wuji, the yang and the stars will be prosperous. If you want to catch the rain, you must look at the Yin Yuanbai and the rest of the eight gates, start to hurt the nine-star pengzhu, and start the Yuan in the Jinshui Bureau. Enter the tomb with Qi, Geng Xin Rengui is in power, the Yin and the stars are closed, and it will be rainy.

account for promotion

Shangguan regards Kezhifu as the official star, and the subordinates as the place, and decides where it is by dividing the field.It is not suitable for the official to defeat the palace gate, so look elsewhere; if the palace gate defeats the official star, the official has not yet been promoted, and the master will be late.

In the Zhan election, Zhifu is used as the candidate, the Qiyi under the Zhifu site is used as the text, the Zhishi is the field house, the Qiyi under the Zhishi is used as the list, and the Rigan is the examiner. Zhifu is mainly used. Health taboo.

begging for money

Fortune-telling is mainly based on the timing, and those who are restrained by the timing are wealth stars. If there are Liuyi Sanqi entering the star gate of the palace, they are wealth stars, and the landlords who occupy the prosperity of the time will get wealth, otherwise they will not be able to , the canopy is a fortune star, it is advisable to go to the north to seek it, ten points in winter, five points in spring, three points in summer, and one point in autumn, and the rest of the hexagrams are in turn. The wealth of life, the wealth of land, the wealth of plants, the wealth of utensils, the wealth of wine and food, the wealth of burial, and the wealth of fear.

accounting for marriage

In Zhan marriages, the straight talisman is the husband, the nine stars under the direct talisman are the matchmaker, the direct envoy is the daughter, and the eight families under the direct envoy are the dowry, each of which is determined by birth.Zhannv's temperament is beautiful and shy, so if you add nine stars, you will be beautiful when you are prosperous, and you will be evil when you are resting. Add a canopy, the main character is soft and loving, and the appearance is white. If you are resting, you will be treacherous and ugly; Duanfang is beautiful, resting is yellow and thin; adding Chongfu, Wang is upright and selfless and beautiful, resting is dry and violent; Jiaying, Wang is quick and bright, and resting is violent; adding Zhuxin, Wang is decisive and white Clean, rest is hard and white.


For males and females in fetal birth, Shigan is the mother, Zhifu is the father, Shigan plus the land and nine stars are the sons, depending on the main position, if they are born together, they will be auspicious, and if they are restrained, they will be inauspicious. , the canopy gives birth to a boy, the heavenly son is blessed, the heavenly son is beautiful, the heavenly assistant is noble, the heavenly daughter is blessed, the heavenly daughter is normal, the heavenly bird is precious, the heavenly pillar is blessed, the heavenly heart is born Female Guojue, dryness overcomes the uterus and dystocia, star overcomes Shidang dystocia, stars in the same palace restrains Shidang and hurts the mother, Shigan and Zhifu together restrains the star and hurts the child.

accounting for disease

When accounting for diseases, Shiqian is the patient, Zhifu is the disease, Shigan plus the land nine stars is medicine, Zhishi Jiaqiyi is the recovery period, Shiqian overcomes the land nine stars, and if you refuse to take medicine, you should take medicine; Jiuxing restrains Shidao, medicine If it is not suitable for the symptoms, if it is born, it will be effective to take medicine, so that Jialiuyi Sanqi is dry when it is born, and it is easy to recover, but it is difficult to heal when it is restrained.


In the case of Zhanci Litigation, Shigan is my own, Shiganzhifu is the middle evidence, Shiganjiamen is the hearing officer, Shiganjiadi and Qiyi are the other, Qiyi and the nine stars in the palace are the other evidence, and they must be verified in five places. Sheng Ke, to decide the outcome.

The end of accounting official affairs is mainly based on the absolute day, and the dry Jiamen of each season belongs to Jin Zeyin, the moon, the day, and the like. , recite the Lord repeatedly.

To account for the severity of crimes, the main method is to add the eight gates. The disciples are innocent, and the gatekeepers are guilty. The disciples are not guilty, and the gatekeepers are guilty.

account for pedestrians

Zhanping pedestrians take Shigan as pedestrians, Shigan plus eight gates as the direction to go, Shigan plus site nine stars as the future, Zhifu as the person who occupies things, and Shigan restrains the door. The door of life is successful, the master does not move when it is not successful, the door is closed, it is not appropriate to do it, the past is elsewhere, the student is busy, someone seduces and has not moved, the time is dry and the straight is not wanted, do not want to go home, the straight is the time to do it, the master is here In the middle of the journey, Shi Shang Sheng Zhi Fu stood up, Zhi Fu Sheng Shi Qian, the main general set off, but the chant did not come, but the chant had already come.

account for thieves

The robbers regard Shigan as the owner, Zhishi Jiuxing as the fugitive as the thief, and Jiuxing's fellow family as the destination, which directly corresponds to the person who catches the thief, Zhijia Qiyi as the stolen thing, and Shiganke directly makes Jia Jiuxing the master easy to get , birth is late, nine-star countermeasures are rare for the master and thief, birth is for the thief to surrender, direct talisman restrains the nine-star lord to arrest early, and birth is for arresting people to help the thief, nine-star restraint for direct talisman master is difficult to catch, and birth is for arresting people and accepting bribes .

accounted for lifetime

Accounting for a lifetime, heaven, earth and human beings are divided into three parts, the main star governs the good fortune of the young, the main gate governs the middle age, and the main house governs the final years, but the main star is the most important.

It is auspicious for Wensheng to obtain the Qimen deceit, and his Feiliu must also obtain the palace gate.

Occupy the house

Occupying the family house is good or bad, good or bad, the symbol is a new house, so it is an old house; the symbol is a main house, so it is a side room; The talisman is the heart, the five internal organs, and the meridians of the four bodies, which are divided and united, and combined and divided. The talisman is restrained, and the new house is fierce; People, who live in Feimen, are suitable for prosperity and not for decline, and it is auspicious to be lucky and deceitful.

When occupying a family house, Zhifu is used as a person, Zhifu plus eight gates are used as a house, the site nine stars are the opposite door, the site nine stars are the left neighbor, and the right palace is the right neighbor.

account for geography

Take the star as the dragon's lair, and the door as the hall. If the star is restrained, the acupoint is unlucky; Qimen is also unavailable.

Occupy the tomb with Zhifu as the occupant. If the land under the Zhifu meets the nine stars, it is the dead person. If the land below the Zhifu meets the door, it is the tomb of the dead. Look at the two places, each other, and the meeting is prosperous. In the land, it is auspicious to have the support of the three wonders and six ceremonies. The dead who conquer the tomb can only get rich without being expensive. .

(End of this chapter)

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