Douluo: In the beginning, Xiao Wu is my daughter

Chapter 107 Leaving the Forest, Gathering

Chapter 107 Leaving the Forest, Gathering

However, neither of them is something he can offend, and there is no way to favor one side. As for reconciliation, it is impossible.

After all, what they were fighting for was Xiao Wu.

Unless one party gives up willingly, a full-scale conflict between the two will break out sooner or later.

Shaking his head helplessly, Flender put aside distracting thoughts, and asked Chu Hua, "Senior, how far are Xiao Wu and the others from here?"

Chu Hua calculated the position and said casually, "It's not that far, just over 30 miles."


After a while, Flender said with difficulty: "Then how long did it take you?"

Chu Hua thought for a while, "It's half an afternoon, but because I wanted to find you, I slowed down, and I met a few acquaintances on the way, which delayed a little time."

Flender was speechless. Listen, is this a human language?
But if he knew that the thirty miles that Chu Hua said was the straight-line distance from here to the camp, not the distance he traveled in one afternoon, he might stare his eyes out.

Taking a deep breath, Flender changed the subject, "How are Rongrong and Zhuqing doing now? Have you found a suitable soul beast?"

Yu Xiaogang came over and interjected: "A large group of us cast a net to search and barely found this one. Do you think he can find it? Even if he finds it, it's probably that kind of garbage soul beast."

Mentioning the two women, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun surrounded them, but their faces were not very good looking, they all looked at Chu Hua with questioning eyes.

Chu Hua ignored these little brats, and said to Flender, "I barely found two soul beasts to make do with. Zhuqing absorbed a 3000-year-old ghost black tiger, and Rongrong absorbed a 5000-year-old black tiger." year's crocodile."

Hearing Chu Hua's answer, Flender subconsciously felt that it was okay, and just wanted to nod.

As a result, I didn't order it for half a day.

Suddenly, his face changed, and two shocking lights shot out from his eyes, "Rongrong absorbed a 5000-year soul beast? You won't make fun of me, right? Or did you remember their soul ring configuration wrong. "

Chu Hua asked back, "Do you think I'm joking?"

Flender looked at Chu Hua's expression, there was no trace of joking at all, and then thought of Chu Hua's strength, it seemed that it was not impossible.

But Yu Xiaogang didn't believe it at all, "Impossible, absolutely impossible, the limit of the fourth soul ring of a soul master is no more than 5000 years, and Ning Rongrong is only an auxiliary soul master, let's make a discount. The limit, breaking through 3000 years is as difficult as climbing the sky."

Chu Hua glanced at him, and said, "That's just your own theory. Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. You are a soul master who hasn't even stepped into the soul sect. It's normal for your theory to deviate."

"You, you, you are so unreasonable, my soul power is not strong, but my knowledge is not at all what you can understand."

When Chu Hua said this, Yu Xiaogang's face turned livid, but he couldn't find any reason to object, so he could only change the contradictory point of the topic.

Time was short, Chu Hua didn't bother to talk to him, and said to Flender: "Whether what I said is true, you will know tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Chu Hua was about to leave, "Xiao Wu and the others are still waiting for me in the camp, I'll go first, tomorrow we will gather at the hotel in Sunset Town outside the Sunset Forest."

Flender stopped talking nonsense and immediately agreed, "Okay, see you tomorrow."

After dealing with the matter here, Chu Hua started the return journey.

In the forest, as if there was no obstacle, he ran all the way, and at dusk, he rushed back to the camp.

Seeing the corpses of crocodile beasts everywhere near the camp, Chu Hua showed such an expression.

When Chu Hua came back, the three women greeted him and asked about the specific situation.

After sitting down, Chu Hua told the situation of Flender and the others while eating the roasted crocodile meat.

When they heard that Tang San planned to absorb the ten thousand year spirit beast, all three of them were shocked.

Especially Ning Rongrong, originally she was a little complacent because she had absorbed the 5000 year spirit ring, but now hearing it, she was quite shocked.

But he had to admit that Tang San was indeed the most talented among their little monsters.

Chu Hua patted Ning Rongrong on the shoulder, "Don't take pleasure in things and don't take sorrow in yourself, learn from Zhuqing. Although the fourth spirit ring is only more than 3000 years old, he will not be surprised by favor or humiliation, and his face will not change."

Zhu Zhuqing, who was lying on the gun, said helplessly: "Uncle Chu, you are really unkind, I am very disappointed, and you still bring up this matter."

Chu Hua laughed, "Okay, when you break through to the soul king, how about I find a top-grade ten thousand year soul beast?"

Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face beamed with joy, "Okay, you can't go back on your word when the time comes."

Ning Rongrong pouted, dissatisfied and said: "Then me?"

Chu Hua nodded with a smile, "The listeners have a share, I must be looking for top-quality soul beasts that suit your attributes."

The two girls were very happy, but Xiao Wu couldn't be happier.

Because, she found that her two girlfriends and Chu Hua were getting closer and closer, and if it continued like this, she didn't know what would happen.

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu suddenly had a sense of crisis.

She took Chu Hua's big hand and asked in a coquettish tone: "What about me?"

Chu Hua was taken aback for a moment, then wrapped his arms around her neck and smiled slightly, "Of course, and it's the best."

Hearing Chu Hua's hug, Xiao Wu's sense of security surged, and a lot of sweetness flooded her heart.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other and smiled.

In the evening, the main meal is still crocodile meat.

After dinner, Chu Hua strolled around, then went back to the tent and fell asleep.

For Chu Hua to go to bed so early, the three daughters have long been accustomed to it, but it is a strange thing for Chu Hua to stay up late.

In the early morning of the next day, Chu Hua woke up and left early with a group of people into the forest.

Sunset town, hotel.

The two-part team assembled.

Yu Xiaogang, who was still in a bad mood, asked Ning Rongrong the number of years of the fourth soul ring in a murmur as soon as they met.

Receiving Ning Rongrong's answer, Yu Xiaogang was not reconciled, and turned around to confirm with Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

After getting the answer that was indeed the case, Yu Xiaogang suddenly felt that he couldn't hold back his face, and turned into anger from embarrassment, he gave everyone a face and went back to his room.

Everyone doesn't care, and they don't deal with them.

Moreover, a while ago, Flender revealed the injustice between Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong.

Under such circumstances, Chu Hua, who was admired by Liu Erlong, would naturally receive even more hostility from Yu Xiaogang.

Vlad coughed softly, "Okay, let's go in."

The group had no objections, walked into the hotel and asked the boss to open a few rooms.

According to the usual practice, after hunting the spirit ring, the team will take a rest for a day to recover from the tired state of the past few days.

Near noon, Tang San walked out of the Sunset Forest alone, and joined a group of people.

At this time, Tang San had successfully absorbed the Ten Thousand Years Pit Demon Spider.

(End of this chapter)

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