Douluo: In the beginning, Xiao Wu is my daughter

Chapter 111 Chu Renxue, Xue Qinghe, Your Highness the Crown Prince?

Chapter 111 Chu Renxue, Xue Qinghe, Your Highness the Crown Prince?

"Xiaorou, just wait, tomorrow I will pick the transformation grass and make you return to adulthood."

In the evening, Chu Hua took Ah Qing to the beach for a walk.

After walking for a while, the bright moon rose high and the sky was full of stars.

I have to say that looking at the starry sky by the sea is a different experience from looking at the starry sky inland. The former has too many obstacles to enjoy, but the beach does not have such troubles.

The line between sea and sky is indescribably beautiful.

It was late at night, and Chu Hua spent the night at the old man's house.

It's just that the houses in the fishing village are not big and there are very few rooms, so Chu Hua can only temporarily live in one room with Ah Qing.

Lonely man and widow, living in the same room.

Ah Qing is ready to let Chu Hua manipulate her, as long as she doesn't abuse her.

But Chu Hua didn't even look at it, and fell asleep right after entering the door, which made Ah Qing wonder if there was any obstacle on his side.

Thinking of this, Ah Qing poohed herself secretly, wouldn't this be the best?
Afterwards, she lay nervously on the other side of the bed, but the bed was not big, and the two of them inevitably had some physical contact.

The night before this night, Ah Qing didn't sleep well.

The next day, dawn broke.

Chu Hua stretched and got up from the bed, but felt something restrained him.

Turning his head to look, Ah Qing was fast asleep.

It's just that her hands hugged her waist and abdomen, and her head rubbed against her chest. She probably dreamed that she was holding a doll.

Feeling the warm and jade-like touch, Chu Hua had no choice but to break free gently.

Then he got out of bed and went outside.

The sky was still dark, and the whole fishing village was foggy, only the lighthouse by the sea exuded a strong light.

At this time in the fishing village, some families have already started to get up and cook.

The old man's house is no exception. The aunt gets up early to cook, and after a short wait, she will wake up the others.

Chu Hua greeted her, and then went to the beach, thinking about it with the cool breeze.

When the sun is high in the sky and their luggage is packed, they can set off.

There is about an hour or two of time difference between the southern coast and Tiandou City.

Although it's not yet dawn here, the preliminaries of the Heaven Dou City must have already started. I don't know how the battle between the little monsters and the Heaven Dou Royal Academy is going.

In fact, you can guess it, and you will win.

On the other side of the continent, Heaven Dou City, the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena.

Today, Heaven Dou City is more lively than yesterday's opening ceremony.

8 people gathered together to watch the selection of the budget match, and the first match on the first day was Shrek Academy vs. Tiandou Royal Academy vice team.

Under Flender's arrangement, Shrek's main force and half of the substitutes were allocated to train troops.

Shrek Academy lineup: Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, Jing Ling, Huang Yuan, Jiang Zhu, Tai Long.

Seeing this lineup, the three education committee members felt a little sad. The dignified Tiandou Royal Academy had no chance to fight against the main players of other people.

Emperor Xue Ye asked Ning Fengzhi beside him, "Sect Master Ning, what do you think?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled faintly, "There is no suspense in the slightest, His Majesty and the Crown Prince should have seen it too."

"It seems that we all have a result in our hearts."

Emperor Xue Ye smiled slightly, and Chu Renxue was also moved with emotion.

After staying in Shrek Academy for a period of time, she was very aware of the talents of these little guys, as long as they were given a period of time, they would definitely be famous across the continent.

The battle started soon.

Sure enough, even if they were only facing the semi-main team, the sub-team of Tiandou Royal Academy was still no match.

Especially Tang San, after many blows, he finally made a splash.

The appearance of the black ten thousand year soul ring shocked all the soul masters watching the battle.

In just 1 minute, the leader of the Tiandou Royal Academy's deputy team directly conceded defeat. With such a performance, the angry Emperor Xue Ye walked away, and Prince Xue Xing felt uneasy in the back.

Because, the three college education committees brought up the old matter again, telling about the fact that Shrek Academy was driven away by Prince Xue Xing.

In addition, Tang San and Dai Mubai directly killed, causing the seven members of the deputy team to break several bones.

With the current physical condition, it is impossible to cope with the next game.

That's right, seriously injuring the opponent was intentional by Tang San and Dai Mubai.

Didn't you chase me at the beginning?I'm going to come back today with an eye for an eye.

In the stands, Liu Erlong couldn't help shaking his head, the hostility of these children was still so strong.

You know, the three education committees of the college have never overtaken them, and even faced the attacks of the prince and Titled Douluo, they gritted their teeth to protect them.

When Tang San disappeared, he also told Dugu Bo's whereabouts.

In the end, the blame was not on Prince Xue Xing, but on the students of the academy, which inevitably made people feel a little speechless.

However, now that Shrek Academy is under Flender's management, it is inconvenient for her to say more.

Tang San's seven left the field, and the next match was about to begin.

The competition schedule is relatively compact.

But due to the large number of advanced soul master academies participating, this qualifier will still last for one month.

Afterwards, Ning Fengzhi looked at Chu Renxue, and said with a smile: "With this competition, I have lost the interest to continue watching. Qinghe, are you interested in meeting those little monsters?"

Chu Renxue was naturally willing to meet her old friend, and replied politely, "Of course, Uncle Ning."

Ning Fengzhi smiled faintly, then took Chu Renxue to the preparation room, and met Shrek and his party.

Seeing the appearance of Ning Fengzhi, a big man in the soul master world, the substitutes were very excited and expressed their affection one after another, and Ning Fengzhi responded happily one by one.

Said that as long as they want, everyone can go to Qibao Liulizong to develop.

Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others reacted relatively calmly, but for Chu Renxue they were slightly puzzled, with a feeling of familiarity.

But sure, they met for the first time.

Chu Renxue showed a smile on her face. Her disguise was not only wearing men's clothing, but also using a Horcrux in advanced disguise. Her whole image has changed greatly.

Not to mention little monsters, even Title Douluo can't see through them.

Flender was also puzzled. He felt a little familiar at the VIP table before, but now he still looks familiar, so he asked aloud, "Sect Master Ning, who is this friend?"

Ning Fengzhi didn't know what they were thinking, so he just smiled and said, "Let me introduce to you, this is His Highness Xue Qinghe, the prince of today's Dou Empire."

Although there was such a guess, the group were still shocked when they heard Ning Fengzhi's introduction.

Afterwards, he felt relieved, and in this way, it can be explained.

Because Xue Beng had a blood relationship with Prince Xue Xing and Xue Qinghe, it was only natural that they felt a little familiar.

Only Xiao Wucha smiled lightly, the authorities were confused, but the bystanders were clear.

The group of people is by no means familiar with their appearance, but the aristocratic charm on their bodies, and the faint smile hanging from the corner of their mouths, they are almost a replica of their own father.

(End of this chapter)

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