Chapter 149

Therefore, she hoped that Shrek Academy and Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School could let go of their grievances and build with her.

In order to appease people's hearts, Chu Renxue also promised a lot of benefits, which shocked a group of people, and they couldn't help but feel a little moved. It's just that these things are very important, and they can't be explained clearly in a few words.

Therefore, after a few days of exchanges, the cooperation plan was initially finalized for mutual benefit.

When the two major forces were dealt with, Chu Renxue met Jian Douluo and the others in private again, and she didn't know what to say, and kept silent from the beginning to the end to them who were repulsed by cooperation.

Finally, Chu Renxue left Shrek Academy satisfied.

On the way, Snake Lance Douluo saw that no outsiders were present, and couldn't help but said: "Young master, let the two forces calm down, I understand the promise of benefits, but promise them to draw a line with the Spirit Hall, is that really good?"

Chu Renxue glanced at the elder, and asked back, "Why not?"

Snake Lance Douluo said: "If you break with Spirit Hall like this, it will make the entire empire hostile to Spirit Hall, and it will have a very bad influence on the entry of Spirit Hall into the royal family in the future."

Hearing this, Chu Renxue smiled, "Don't worry, it will all be a few years later, don't worry."

Snake Lance Douluo still wanted to say something, but Chu Renxue couldn't respond anymore, so she had to give up.

Chu Renxue was favored by Qian Daoliu. It could be said that her status was second only to Pope Bibi Dong.

Chu Renxue sneered in her heart, "Wuhundian? With the restraint of those old guys, how could I have the opportunity to let go of the reform?"

That's right, when Chu Renxue planned to break with Wuhundian, she didn't have the consciousness to hand over her power.

Now, she has mastered the three major armies, as well as a large number of soul masters, and even got the support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and Shrek Academy, her prestige has reached the peak in the entire Heaven Dou Empire.

This time is a good opportunity for her to show off her ambitions.

On the other side, because the Tiandou City incident subsided, the minds of the little monsters became active again.

Just like Tang San, the usual training ground can no longer be of much use to them, what they need is a dangerous place.

Therefore, after everyone's discussion, the little monsters will go to Sea God Island on the west side of the mainland together.

It happened that Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing came to Shrek Academy again, as envoys of the Star Luo Empire, they came here to congratulate the emperor on his enthronement.

This is an excuse to the outside world. In fact, Flender and Yu Xiaogang asked them to come.

The purpose is very simple, they want the Seven Shrek Monsters to go to Sea God Island together, everyone has a mutual support, even Xiao Wu has come.

It's a pity that Chu Renxue couldn't be contacted all the time, and Tang San also left early.

The purpose of this operation was to temper the seven people, and Flender and the others would naturally not follow, but just in case, they invited Chu Hua as their guide.

Seeing that the matter here had calmed down temporarily, and Xiao Wu was also present, Chu Hua did not refuse.

Just before leaving, I found Chu Renxue once, gave some instructions, and then set off for Sea God Island on the west side of the mainland with seven people.

Due to the size of the dragon, the group could only move in a carriage.

The journey was long and took a lot of time.

Ten days later, the carriage entered the land on the west side of the Heaven Dou Empire.

At dusk, the carriage passed a village where everyone planned to rest for the night.

But the strange thing is that the village is so quiet that there is not even a single person.

Only there is no dried blood on the ground, and the destroyed houses, showing that a battle took place here just now.

Standing at the entrance of the village, Chu Hua's eyes flickered, and he ordered Zhu Zhuqing to investigate.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, and rushed into the village alone to investigate. As soon as he entered the village, Zhu Zhuqing's face turned ugly. After investigating all corners, he returned to the entrance of the village.

"The village is full of dead bodies. There are at least 100 of them. The ground is stained red with blood. They were killed by a group of strangely dressed guys. Those people are dragging the dead bodies to the mountains. The only ones who are not dead are some young people. woman."

Zhu Zhuqing suppressed the indignation in his heart, and said in a straightforward manner.

Hearing what Zhu Zhuqing said, everyone's expressions darkened, and they felt uncomfortable at this cruel scene.

Chu Hua looked calm, and said: "Fatty, Dai Mubai, you two come with me."

The two nodded and followed Chu Hua. Although neither of them was a kind person, they were not a vicious person either. They still felt a little sympathetic to what happened to these villagers.

The three walked into the village.

The fishy smell emanating from the village was strong and pungent, and there were a large number of organs on the ground, which made Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun's expressions even more ugly.

"It should be a bandit, but bandits generally don't slaughter villages."

Chu Hua squeezed his chin, and then walked towards the mountain from the side of the village. Gradually, the group of people who slaughtered the village came into sight, but it didn't feel like human beings.

There were about three hundred robbers, and each one was extremely majestic, covered with thick hair, and looked like a wild man.

Seeing his opponent clearly, Chu Hua narrowed his eyes, "This is a wolf thief, a hybrid offspring of a human being and a beast named Galewind Demon Wolf."

Hearing the word wolf thief, the two of them sank in their hearts. Obviously, they had also heard of this kind of thief. They were not only greedy and bloodthirsty, but also used humans as food.

The most important thing is that each wolf thief is equivalent to a low-level soul beast, and its strength is no less than that of a [-]th or [-]th-level soul master. Moreover, it is bloodthirsty by nature, and it will never die in battle.

"What should we do now?"

Dai Mubai's heart was heavy, although they all had the strength of soul kings and soul emperors, but facing such a large number of wolf robbers, it was difficult to win in a head-on confrontation.

Ma Hongjun spread his hands, "Anyway, everyone is dead, let's forget it."

Chu Hua slapped him on the back of the head, "Go back and try saying this in front of those girls, I guarantee you will be beaten badly."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun shrunk his neck, he suddenly felt that it was safer to face wolf robbers.

"Fatty, fight with them."

Dai Mubai gritted his teeth, and led Ma Hongjun into a fight with the wolf bandits.

Of course, the two of them were not out of their minds, they just had a conflict with the few who were left alone, and cleaned them up in a few strokes.

The two planned to do the same thing, but unexpectedly, they alarmed the entire wolf bandit group.

Suddenly, the faces of the two were pale, and they ran away quickly before the other party could react.

"Okay, just watch it, I'll come as soon as I go."

Chu Hua didn't expect the two of them to fight a hundred against each other. Besides, it was getting dark, so they had to find a place to rest as soon as possible to deal with the wolf robbers.

Afterwards, Chu Hua rushed into the wolf bandit group.

Seeing Chu Hua's sudden appearance, dozens of wolf thieves rushed up immediately.

There is no doubt that Chu Hua sent them back to the west.

After a lot of punching and kicking, there were a lot of corpses of wolf robbers lying on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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