Chapter 100
In Kuaiji city.

Sun Quan stood in this mansion that had just moved in. This mansion was originally Sheng Xian's magistrate's mansion. After his rebellion was suppressed by Zhou Yu, this mansion was abandoned.Now Sun Quan fled here in a hurry and rested here for the time being.

"Second brother!" Sun Quan heard someone coming behind him, and when he turned around, a smile appeared on his depressed face. "Ji Zuo, what's the matter?" Sun Quan asked, and it was Sun Kuang who came.

"Mother and sisters-in-law have settled down. Gongjin and Mr. Zibu are in charge of military affairs and civil affairs. I have nothing to do around, so I'm going to visit my second brother." Sun Kuang smiled reluctantly.Even now, no matter how good the psychological quality is, facing such a situation is still somewhat frustrating.

"Second brother, do you want uncle from Jiaozhou and Zhuge Ziyu to come over?" Sun Kuang asked suddenly.Sun Quan shook his head with a smile and said, "Uncle and Ziyu are guarding Jiaozhou. The people there are initially settled, and their soldiers and horses must not be moved. If things go wrong in Kuaiji, we can still retreat to Jiaozhou."

"Exactly!" Sun Kuang understood Sun Quan's explanation, and then said with some regret: "It's a pity that Mr. Yu Fan was shot to death by the Xuzhou army when he fled. Otherwise, with his reputation in Kuaiji, we want to integrate It's even easier here!"

"Yes!" Sun Quan also let out a long sigh, and the two brothers were speechless for a long time.

Not to mention that the second and fourth sons of the Sun family sighed so much, Sun Yi, who was a prisoner at this time, was even more anxious.The boat bumped up and down in the Yangtze River, and Sun Yi's heart was also rocking up and down like the boat.After learning of Zhou Yu's "collaboration with the enemy", Sun Yi was also extremely worried about the future of the Sun family.It's just that now that I'm in prison and my life is hanging by a thread, how can I "expose" this guy?Sun Yi could only secretly pray to God to give him a miracle so that he could escape and ascend to heaven, and then went to Kuaiji to "expose" Zhou Yu.

It is unknown whether God heard his prayers. The boat sailed on the Yangtze River for about half a day, when the wind and rain suddenly picked up and became more intense.This boat was a small boat, and it became unsustainable immediately. The military lord who was in charge of the escort also loudly ordered the soldiers to bring the boat to the shore quickly, and wait for the wind and waves to subside.

There was a "plop", and then the ship visibly shook violently, and then someone screamed in panic.Although Sun Yi couldn't see what was going on outside, he could feel that the boat was sinking gradually, and the shock was no small matter.

"Feng Junhou, it's not good, it seems to have hit a rock, and the bottom of the boat is broken!" At this moment, a soldier's anxious voice came, confirming Sun Yi's conjecture.

"Damn, stop it now!" Feng Junhou yelled, but he heard a soldier running up and said: "No way, Junhou, there is nothing on board, so we can't block it!"

"Damn it!" Marquis Feng Jun was also restless when he heard the words, and he heard his command after a while: "Abandon the boat, this is not far from the shore, brothers all swim ashore. If the water is not good, take off your armor , go with a spear!"

"Understood!" Dozens of soldiers split up and acted separately after hearing this. At this moment, one of the soldiers asked, "Marquis Jun, what about the guy in the cage?" Sun Yi immediately pricked up his ears to listen. See what they do with themselves.

"Damn it, my brother can't even care about him, so why bother with him? Anyway, he's going to be beheaded, so letting him drown is cheap for him." After Feng Junhou said this, Sun Yi heard a series of diving In the end, I could no longer hear human voices. I could only hear the sound of wind and rain and feel that the ship was sinking gradually, and then the cabin I was in was gradually flooded.

"God, do you really want me, Sun Yi, to drown here?" Seeing this, Sun Yi also secretly groaned.At this moment, something seemed to hit the bottom of the boat, and it stopped sinking with a light knock.Sun Yi was taken aback for a moment, and after a while, he found that the boat was indeed unsinkable here, and it must have touched some hidden reef and just got stuck.

Sun Yi, who was lucky enough to escape temporarily, also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked around to see if there was anything that could be used to help him escape.It doesn't matter, the door of the cabin where I was imprisoned actually had a ring-shouldered knife, presumably it was dropped by a soldier when he jumped into the water to escape.Locked in the cage, Sun Yi stretched out his hand to reach it, but he couldn't reach it, so he stretched out his foot to reach it, and finally touched it, and dragged the knife to him bit by bit.

"Dudu" Sun Yi hacked more than a hundred times, and finally cut off the two thick wooden fences on the cage, and he barely got out from inside.I ran out of the cabin and saw that my place was only a few tens of feet away from the south bank. Sun Yi has good water skills, so he quickly swam to the south bank.The moment he set foot on the south bank, Sun Yi felt as if he was reborn as a human being.

"Zhou Yu!" Sun Yi said bitterly, and then walked southward after identifying the direction.What he didn't know was that not long after he left the South Bank, dozens of people emerged from the small forest next to him, and they were the soldiers who escorted him to Yuzhou.

"Junhou, it looks like it's done!" Xiao Li laughed. Feng Junhou didn't answer his words, but secretly admired him in his heart: General Gan is really amazing. It's not difficult to know that there is a hidden reef here. Then there will be wind and rain, which is really not easy.

Sun Yi, who escaped from birth, really went to Kuaiji, and the people sent by Zhao Feng were always "taking care" of him along the way.A few days later, the letter from Pang Tong was also delivered to Zhou Yu.

"My wife's letter?" Zhou Yu jumped up when he heard this, his usual refined demeanor was gone, and he took the letter from the stranger and opened it to read.The letter consisted of two pages. On the first page, Xiao Qiao told Zhou Yu that although she was captured, Zhao Feng treated her with courtesy, and now he has sent herself back to her natal family in Wancheng, so there is no need to worry.After reading it, Zhou Yu was also determined, and quickly unfolded the second page to read again.

"Huh?" Seeing that many sentences on the second page were smeared beyond recognition, Zhou Yu couldn't react for a while.After carefully reading the few lines that could be identified, it seemed to be a letter of persuasion, and also a letter of private agreement with the traitor. "What is this? Could it be that Zhao Feng tricked Ying'er into calling me a traitor?" Zhou Yu couldn't understand after watching for a long time.At this moment, someone came to report from outside the door, saying that Marquis Wu had something important to ask.

"Uncle Bi?" Zhou Yu came to Sun Quan's mansion, but was surprised to see Sun Yi also present there. "Uncle Bi, how did you escape?" Zhou Yu hurriedly asked with concern, without caring to greet Sun Quan first.

"Of course Gongjin doesn't want me to escape!" Sun Yi replied angrily.Zhou Yu was stunned when he heard the words, at this moment Sun Quan said coldly: "Gongjin, I order you to dispatch troops immediately to fight to the death with the Xuzhou army and take back Wujun!"

"My lord, right now our army has been newly defeated, and the morale of the army is unstable. It is not suitable to go to war! It is better to rest and recuperate," Zhou Yu said hastily.At this time, he also realized that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. The three brothers Sun Yi, Sun Kuang, and Sun Quan all looked at him too harshly.

"The morale of the army is not stable? I think it will be impossible for Gongjin to send Kuaiji and Luling to Liu Bei after he recovers?" Sun Quan suddenly said angrily. Zhou Yu was stunned when he heard the words. He repeated exactly what he heard on the boat that day.

Even though Zhou Yu was always calm, he was shocked after hearing these words. "My lord, this must be Zhao Feng's estrangement plan!" Zhou Yu is also an extremely smart person, and after listening to it, he understood what was going on.

"Divorce plan?" Sun Yi sneered and said, "If it wasn't for God's eyes, I would have died in the storm on the river. If it was Zhao Feng's design, how could he have chosen such a good time by such a coincidence?"

"There are so many capable people in the world, it is not surprising to calculate the time of day." Zhou Yu said lightly.At this moment, Sun Quan said, "I heard that Madam has sent a letter to Gong Jin. I wonder if it has arrived?"

"That's true!" Zhou Yu replied casually. As soon as the words came out, he realized that he was completely tricked. If Sun Quan saw the letter, he would not be able to clean it up if he jumped into the Yellow River, but he couldn't stop it. He goes to see.At that moment, Sun Quan ordered people to go to Zhou Yu's residence to fetch the letter, opened it and read it in public.

"Gongjin really has a meticulous mind, and she wanted to deceive people as soon as she got the letter!" Sun Quan sneered after reading the letter.Zhou Yu knew that it was useless to defend himself at this time, so he simply kept silent. "Take down this traitor who eats inside and out!" Sun Quan said angrily, and then several wolf-like guards stepped forward and pinned Zhou Yu down.Sun Quan then ordered Zhou Yu to be imprisoned pending disposal.

"Zhongmou, haven't you been looking forward to this day for a long time?!" Contrary to Sun Quan's expectation, Zhou Yu didn't cry for grievances, but only asked such a meaningful question when he was taken away.Sun Quan was also stunned when he heard the words, and then said bitterly: "Come here, go and arrest his wife and confront him, so that he can die without complaint."

"Second brother, his wife is in Lujiang!" Sun Kuang said cautiously.Sun Quan was also taken aback when he heard the words, but Sun Yi said at this time: "Why is this so, second brother, if Zhao Feng hadn't colluded with Zhou Yu, would he treat his wife with courtesy? I lost Xiao Qiao, but I can still hold it!"

"That's right!" Sun Quan felt even more depressed when he thought of the elegant and refined little Qiao, and immediately ordered Zhou Yu to be detained in prison.Not long after, Zhang Zhao, Cheng Pu and others rushed over after hearing the news, and they all said that there might be some misunderstanding here.But when Sun Quan handed them the letter and Sun Yi's personal statement, they couldn't help but not believe it.At present, Sun Quan asked the veterans Cheng Pu and Sun Yi to take care of the military affairs temporarily, and Zhang Zhao still handled the civil affairs, ready to deal with the invasion of the Xuzhou army at all times.Zhang Zhao also knew that at this time Sun Quan was sure that Zhou Yu had a different intention, and he couldn't listen to anything else, so he sighed secretly and went to work first.

The news of Zhou Yu's imprisonment reached Zhao Feng and Pang Tong who were in Poyang not long after, and they were both overjoyed. "Shi Yuan, your plan is closely linked, and if any link goes wrong, it is a bit risky!" Zhao Feng thought about it carefully, and sighed.

"It's not a risk. Even if it doesn't work, at most it will just let Sun Yi run away in vain." Pang Tong laughed, and then sighed: "Sun Zhongmou ascended the throne as a young man, with a low prestige and suspicious nature. Zhou Yu will be used again! Without Zhou Yu, the Jiangdong Army is nothing to fear!"

"That is!" Zhao Feng also agreed.Suddenly he thought of Xiao Qiao who was kind to him when he was parting that day. If she knew that she was plotting against her husband like this, she would never have a good look towards him in this life, right?Thinking of this, Zhao Feng secretly sighed in his heart, even the joy of the successful design was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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