Chapter 20 Entering Xuzhou
After recruiting Sun Guan, Zhao Feng did not suggest Liu Bei to take the next step.After all, Tao Qian was still around at this time, it would be too hasty to march into Yuzhou.As for the appointment of Sun Guan as Prime Minister of the State of Lu, it seems that Yuan Shu has not been stimulated, at least Huainan is safe and sound.In this way, Zhao Feng and others were trapped in Xiaopei all day long, all they could do was train soldiers, drink and drink, and the rest was to wait for Tao Qian to die.In addition, Zhao Feng took time to find a musician to learn to play the piano, not for any other reason, but because in his previous life he was very envious of Zhou Gongjin, who was good at all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.Now that I have come to this world, I can't be a warrior who can only fight.

The days are so dull, but what should come has come after all.A few months later, one morning in early summer, Zhao Feng had just woken up to practice marksmanship in the yard, when Liu Bei hurriedly sent someone to look for him to the county government office, saying that he had something important to discuss.When Zhao Feng arrived at the government office, he found that Sun Qian had also come, and at the same time he brought a message: Tao Qian is dying, please Liu Bei go quickly.

"Mr. Tao Mansion, alas!" Liu Bei couldn't help but let out a long sigh when he heard Sun Gan say this.Guan Yu on the side persuaded, "Brother, life and death can't be forced, you should go to Xuzhou quickly." Zhao Feng could tell that if there was some truth in Liu Bei's sigh, then Guan Yu's words were unavoidably pure hypocrisy up.Of course, Zhao Feng is not a hypocritical person. In his previous life, he scoffed at those who said that Liu Bei occupied Xuzhou was unkind: Anyway, I worked so hard to keep it, and it is only natural for me to own it now, let alone wait until Tao Qian died Being in Xuzhou is worthy of him.

Guan Hai and Jian Yong were left to stay at Xiaopei, while Zhao Feng, Liu Guan and Zhang Feima followed Sun Qian to Xuzhou.When they arrived, Tao Qian was already lying on the bed and could not speak. When he saw Liu Bei, he just pointed to the Xuzhou card seal in Mi Zhu's hand. After Liu Bei took it, he just nodded and closed his eyes. eyes.

Since then, Tao Qian passed away, and Liu Bei took over as governor of Xuzhou, having the first piece of territory to contend for world hegemony.Among the four big families in Xuzhou, apart from the Cao family in the army, the other three all strongly supported Liu Bei. Zhao Feng and his group of outsiders also gained a foothold in Xuzhou.

"Phew!" Liu Bei looked at the pile of copybooks on the table in front of him, and couldn't help but let out a long breath. Being an assassin was much more burdensome than Ping Yuan's.Chen Qun, who is next to him, is reporting: "My lord, after I was robbed by Cao Cao's soldiers in Xuzhou, the population of Pengcheng County has dropped sharply, and now it is less than 20. In addition, Donghai is still occupied by the bandit Changxi. The harvest of summer grain cannot be harvested. Fortunately, the remaining Langya, Dongguan and Guangling counties have a good harvest." Liu Bei's knowledge of people is really not covered, and he discovered his knowledge shortly after contacting Chen Qun. Therefore, under Zhao Feng's suggestion, not long after taking office, Liu Bei appointed Chen Qun as Liang Cao.

"How about the army?" Zhao Feng, who was sitting on the left and participating in the discussion, asked, and this was what he was most concerned about.

"Xuzhou originally had [-] troops except for the garrison troops in various places. After the previous war, there were less than [-] soldiers left, of which there were [-] Danyang soldiers. Among the generals, only General Yamen Cao Bao and Zhechong Colonel Mi Fang remained. " Chen Qun said with a bitter tone, there is no way, it's too miserable.

"My lord, the most urgent thing now is to recruit soldiers and recuperate at the same time. In addition, Changxi in the East China Sea must either be conquered or exterminated. In short, this county cannot be discarded in vain." Zhao Feng said first after listening.

"That's right!" Liu Bei also nodded in agreement.So in the next period of time, Liu Bei, who had just taken office, began to carry out a series of administrative measures.In view of the sharp decline in the number of troops, the tens of thousands of Liu Bei and Xiaopei were also transferred to Xuzhou to enrich the army.The military system of the Han Dynasty consisted of 8000 people as a division, and the commander must be at least a lieutenant general.So at Zhao Feng's suggestion, Liu Bei appointed Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Feng, Guan Hai and even Mi Fang as generals or lieutenants of Yamen, each commanding one or two divisions.In addition, in order to appease people's hearts, the previous Cao Bao still served as the general of Yamen, and served as Xiapi Cheng, commanding a division of 8000 people to garrison Xiapi.

"This Cao Bao objected to my eldest brother, Bo Tao, why do you still recommend this guy to serve as Xia Picheng?" Zhang Fei was dissatisfied when he heard Zhao Feng's suggestion. Although Guan Yu didn't say anything, his expression was obviously dissatisfied. "Don't be impatient, three generals. The reason why Cao Bao dared to fight against the lord is mainly because he still has a certain influence in the Xuzhou army. Now that we have just entered Xuzhou, it is not appropriate to retaliate." Zhao Feng lowered his voice and said. : "The two generals thought that letting him serve as Pi Cheng was to promote him? No. Xia Pi is Cao Bao's hometown, and he was transferred there just to keep him away from the core of Xuzhou's army, so that his comrades could be slowly replaced by us. Disintegrate, disintegrate, and the army will eventually be in our hands."

"It makes sense!" Liu Bei is worthy of being a black-bellied expert, after hearing Zhao Feng's treacherous plan, he praised it repeatedly.Zhang Fei thought for a while and said, "Then what should we do in the future?"

"What else can I do? If he knows the times and keeps things safe, he might as well be a Xiapi Cheng. If he dares to be restless, I still have a way to deal with him." Zhao Feng said lightly, and his tone was unconsciously similar to that of generals like Zhang Fei. There is also a trace of murderous intent.

Things went relatively smoothly. Cao Bao, who was able to serve as Xiapi Cheng in his hometown Xiapi, was also quite happy to pack his bags and go to take office. Seeing Liu Bei's kindness to Cao Bao who had opposed him in Xuzhou, everyone in Xuzhou worshiped him for a while.As for the personnel arrangement of the remaining counties, Guangling County borders Yuan Shu's territory in Huainan, so it is the most important, and it is the most affluent county in Xuzhou. Liu Bei did not dare to be careless, and sent Chen Deng and Chen Yuanlong, the most wise men in Xuzhou, as the prefect.In addition, Mi Zhu served as the prefect of Dongguan, Sun Qian served as the prefect of Pengcheng, Zhao Yu served as the prefect of Donghai, and Guan Yu served as the prefect of Langya, which is the closest to Xuzhou.

"Eldest brother is so biased, and second brother and the others are all serving as prefects, why can't I?" Zhang Fei was dissatisfied when he learned of Liu Bei's appointment. "Third brother, please be safe and don't be impatient. Brother Yu has an important place that needs to be guarded by third brother." Liu Bei laughed with his beard.

"Where?" Zhang Fei asked suddenly.

"Xiaopei!" As soon as Liu Bei spoke, he saw Zhang Fei's expectant expression collapsed, and quickly comforted him: "Don't underestimate the third brother. This Xiaopei is located between Xuzhou City and Xiapi. It's important, third brother can't be careless."

"I understand, brother, you want me to watch Cao Bao carefully." Zhang Fei immediately smiled and patted his chest to reassure him.Then he asked again: "Then why doesn't Boy Zhao become the prefect?"

"Well, now in Xuzhou city, the only ones who can discuss matters with me are Yuan Long and Bo Tao. Yuan Long has gone to Guangling, how can Bo Tao go again? I have declared Bo Tao to be the general of Xuzhou, and I will sit in Xuzhou with me. "Liu Bei also said helplessly.

"Thank you, my lord." Zhao Feng also thanked him.Although General Zhonglang was a miscellaneous general in various states in the Han Dynasty, he was still superior to General Yamen.At the same time, Zhao Feng sighed secretly, Xuzhou City still lacks talents.Not to mention anything else, Chen Deng is not here, and there is not even a military adviser to advise.Although he knows the art of war, he is not particularly good at strategy.

However, it seemed that Liu Bei was lucky. This autumn, Mi Zhu, who was the prefect of Langya at the time, had a book recommending someone to vote for. He was Xu Sheng and Xu Wenxiang from Langya Dongtai. Mi Zhu felt that he had extraordinary martial arts skills, so he specially asked him to join Liu Bei.Zhao Feng knew that he was a general of the Eastern Wu navy in history, so he strongly recommended this person to Liu Bei, and finally Liu Bei asked him to serve as the commander of the army under Zhao Feng.

The good luck is not over yet. Not long after, Sun Guan, the newly-appointed Prime Minister of Lu State, wrote a letter to his old friend Changxi who is now entrenched in the East China Sea. The Ministry came to vote, and Liu Bei named him a general. So far, all the five counties of Xuzhou have come under Liu Bei's jurisdiction.

The happiest thing about the return of Donghai County is Zhao Yu, the prefect of Donghai. It turns out that a major source of income for the Zhao family is salt cooking. Before Donghai County was not peaceful, so it was not possible to cook salt on a large scale. Now it is finally possible to return to the old business.

While Xuzhou was busy with the two leaders taking over, other places were not so peaceful.The melee in the north gradually came to an end. Yuan Shao used the strategist Tian Feng's fire attack to defeat Gongsun Zan. Nine out of ten of the world-famous Youyan cavalry surrendered, and Gongsun Zan was forced to retreat to Zhuojun.

As for Yanzhou, Lu Bu should have been defeated by Cao Cao in the autumn of history, but now it is still in a stalemate.Zhao Feng thought about it again and again, probably because of his own butterfly effect, Cao Cao's strength was greatly weakened.In other places, Zhang Lu in Hanzhong had officially separated from Liu Zhang and became self-reliant. An angry Liu Zhang killed Zhang Lu's mother who stayed in Chengdu, Yizhou, and the two families have been in dire straits ever since.

Now, the eyes of the whole world are focused on Yanzhou, waiting to see the result of the Cao Lu battle.

(End of this chapter)

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