Shu Han Confucian General of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 23 Differentiation Solutions

Chapter 23 Differentiation Solutions
This morning, as soon as Zhao Feng woke up, Liu Bei sent someone to come to him to discuss matters. He heard that there was an imperial edict issued to Xuzhou.

"Imperial decree?" Zhao Feng immediately understood after hearing what the visitor said, that Cao Cao was probably going to implement his plan of two tigers eating each other.Sure enough, when he arrived at the government office, not only Liu Bei, but Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others were all there.This imperial decree is to confer Liu Bei as General Zhengdong, lead Xuzhou Mu and Yicheng Tinghou, Guan Yu confers General Dangkou as Hanshouting Marquis, Zhang Fei confers Zhechong General as Xinxiang Marquis, Xuzhou officials, big and small, are almost inseparable There are rewards.

"Congratulations, my lord, congratulations to the two generals!" Everyone congratulated, and the three Liu Bei brothers also laughed from ear to ear.After a pause, Liu Bei said again: "Cao Cao also sent someone to bring a secret decree, telling me to kill Lu Bu." Suddenly everyone was in an uproar.Zhao Feng secretly sneered in his heart, Cao Cao really didn't understand Liu Bei's personality, at least not now.

Sure enough, in spite of everyone's opposition, Liu Bei did not kill Lu Bu, but showed him the secret decree.After reading it, Lu Bu thanked Xiaopei with tears of gratitude, and the relationship between the two families was even better, at least on the surface.

In Xuchang City, "Feng Xiao, your plan of two tigers competing to eat didn't work!" Cao Cao smiled at Guo Jia, who gave advice after listening to the report.

"My lord, this Liu Bei is really not simple, so he is called to buy people's hearts." Guo Jia shook his head with a pale face and smiled bitterly, but then said with a serious expression: "My lord, the plan of the two tigers can't be eaten today, but we can drive the tiger to swallow it again." The plan of the wolf is to make Liu Bei attack Yuan Shu, and we will profit from it."

"A brilliant plan!" Cao Cao clapped his hands and laughed.So within a few days, another imperial decree came to Xuzhou, ordering Liu Bei to attack Yuan Shu.Liu Bei didn't know what to do, so he quickly called everyone to discuss. Even Chen Deng, the prefect of Guangling who had returned to Xuzhou to recuperate due to illness, also came here.

"Duke Ming, this is a plan to drive away tigers and wolves. If my lord fights with Yuan Shu, the one who will benefit will be Cao Cao." Chen Deng thought for a while before saying. "However, there is an imperial decree to do so, so what can I do?" Liu Bei also said helplessly.

It's really a dilemma to coerce the emperor to order the princes, especially Liu Bei, who has always regarded himself as a loyal minister.Zhao Feng sighed secretly in his heart, but his mind was spinning fast, he thought for a while and said first: "Master, why don't you reply to the court first, just say that the summer grain has not been harvested, the army grain is not enough, wait a few more months, and see if there is any other way. "

"It has to be like this first." Liu Bei thought for a while, but he could only procrastinate for a while.After the crowd dispersed, Liu Bei quietly ordered Zhao Feng to go to his study. "Bo Tao, there are many people in the Yamen just now, so you might as well just say it, in your opinion, what should I do." Liu Bei asked eagerly.

"My lord, it doesn't matter that we and Yuan Shu will confront each other sooner or later. But now that Lu Bu is in Xiaopei, if we take advantage of the fierce battle with Yuan Shu and steal our rear, it will be bad. Now I have a plan, or It works." Zhao Feng said cautiously.

"What's the plan? Bo Tao, tell me quickly." Liu Bei said anxiously, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei behind him were also looking forward to it.

"Although Lu Bu is brave, he is only one man. In the past, he had Bingzhou wolf cavalry in field battles. As for attacking the city, he relied on Gao Shun's [-] camps. If the lord wants to attack Yuan Shu, he can borrow Gao Shun to capture him." The faction is used. In this way, Xuzhou will be much safer." Zhao Feng speculated.

"That's it?" Liu Bei was somewhat disappointed by Zhao Feng's words: what kind of method is this.

"Of course it's more than that. My lord's attack on Yuan Shu this time, it's better not to attack Huainan, but to attack here." Zhao Feng said while pointing to a place on the map.

"Peiguo?" Liu Bei wondered after seeing it.

"That's right, Xuzhou is the site of the Four Wars. If you defend Xuzhou alone, you will inevitably be attacked from all sides. Now Qingzhou in the north has more than [-] soldiers and horses from Yuan Tan. You must not underestimate the enemy; Cao Cao in the west has just experienced a war, but his subordinates and generals are very talented. We wait The enemy should not be underestimated either; the only enemy that can be fought is Yuan Shu in Huainan in the south. However, the city wall of Shouchun is so tall that it cannot be conquered in a day. We can conquer Peiguo first, and then take Liu Pi in Runan, Liao Hua in Woniushan and others as part of the trilogy. The first is to increase strength, the second is to encircle Yuan Shu's Huainan, and the third is Cao Cao's intention to plot Yuzhou. If the strength of Li Jue and Guo Si had not been weakened in the previous campaign, I am afraid that the troops would have gone south long ago. We will be the first to act first. .” Zhao Feng said in one breath.

After a long while, Liu Bei regained his strength and sighed: "Bo Tao's words are reasonable. Since this is the case, I will send troops to Yuzhou as soon as possible after the summer grain is collected. It is just an important place in Xuzhou. Who will guard it?" Liu Bei couldn't help but look up at this point. My two brothers looked at Zhao Feng again.

"Feng would like to stay behind to guard against Lu Bu." Zhao Feng volunteered. "Brother, I would like to stay behind." Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also said.Liu Bei looked at the three of them and sighed: "I want to keep Botao to stay in Xuzhou, but there is always someone to discuss when marching and fighting, so what can I do?"

"My lord, this time I'm just attacking Peiguo. Most of the other counties in Yuzhou are occupied by the Yellow Turbans. If there is a letter from Guan Hai, it must be passed on. My lord only needs to discuss everything with the second general, and I will be safe." Zhao Feng Admonishment Road.Zhao Feng remembered that Yuan Shu's only general, Ji Ling, was quite powerful, and the others were all instant kills.If Liu Bei + Guan Yu + Gao Shun can't handle Chen Lan, the three of them might as well kill themselves with a piece of tofu.

"Almost!" Liu Bei thought for a while and felt that there was no big risk in this trip, but finally he thought of a question: "The elite Lu Bu is trapped in the camp, how can he borrow from me?"

"My lord, don't worry, this Lu Bu is proud of his bravery, and he never pays attention to being in the camp. My lord only needs to send Xianhe or Mr. Gongyou to lobby, and Lu Bu will definitely agree." Zhao Feng said here I also sighed in my heart, it's a pity that Gao Shun was not reused by Lu Bu in history, and he was not even ranked among the eight generals, but he was still loyal to him in the end.Lu Bu, a loyal man like this, doesn't even need it, he really is at home every now and then.

"In that case, then my second brother, Zhongfu, and I will go to attack Peiguo. Third brother, you and Bo Tao will defend the city. Bo Tao, you are cautious, and you need to work hard in everything. Third brother should discuss matters with Yuanlong Zizhong and the others. Don't be greedy for drinking." Liu Bei finally made up his mind.

"Brother, don't worry. On the day of defending the city, I will stop drinking. I will drink to my heart's content when my brother returns." Zhang Fei patted his chest and promised.Liu Bei looked at Zhang Fei, but he didn't say anything after all, but sent an order to Jian Yong to persuade Lv Bu to borrow Gao Shun and reply to the court at the same time.

The next day, Jian Yong successfully completed the task and returned to Xuzhou with Gao Shun and the Babai camp.That night Liu Bei hosted a banquet in honor of Gao Shun in the Xuzhou government office, and everyone took turns to toast during the banquet.Gao Shun has never been used under Lu Bu's command. In recent years, except for the [-] camps, he has no other troops under his command. This time he assisted Liu Bei in the conquest of Yuzhou and received such kind treatment, and he was immediately flattered.It was night when Gao Shun was very drunk, so Liu Bei ordered someone to put him in his house to rest.All of this was partly due to Liu Bei's love, and partly because of Zhao Feng's suggestion to divide Lu Bu's power.

Above the Xuchang court, Cao Cao was overjoyed when he received Liu Bei's reply agreeing to send troops. "Bong Xiao, this plan has come to fruition." Cao Cao laughed.

"My lord, since Liu Bei is planning to deal with Yuan Shu, why don't we take this opportunity to capture Yuzhou in order to plan Xuzhou?" Guo Jia quickly remonstrated.

"I will win the land of Yuzhou sooner or later. Right now, it is only occupied by the mob of yellow turbans, and it will be invincible when my army is out. What is worrying right now is that Zhangxiu in Wancheng has repeatedly violated our borders, so I should pull out this nail first. That's great." Cao Cao waved his hand disapprovingly.Guo Jia frowned suspiciously, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Two months later, in June, the summer grain in Xuzhou City had been harvested.Although it was affected by the war, but with Zhao Feng's deep plowing method, the harvest was three times higher than last year, which also made Mi Zhu, who was in charge of food and grass, ecstatic.

"I don't want General Zhao to know about farming, Shun really admires it." Gao Shun admired, Zhao Feng and Gao Shun were practicing soldiers and horses on the school grounds this day, and the relationship between Gao Shun and Zhao Feng has become better and better due to Zhao Feng's intentional befriending in the past two months come better.Both of them are experts in military training, the more they communicate with each other, the more they will hate to see each other later.

"General Gao deserves the award." Zhao Feng also said modestly.Now under the emotional offensive of Liu Guanzhang and Zhao Feng, Gao Shun is getting closer and closer to them.Even if he didn't come here now, Zhao Feng believed that if Lu Bu and Liu Bei turned their faces, Gao Shun would definitely not return to Lu Bu's side.

Finally, after Xia Liang was completely collected, Liu Bei officially selected an auspicious day to send 15 troops to attack Yuan Shu.Guan Yu, Guan Hai, and Gao Shun went out with the army, while Zhang Fei, Zhao Feng, Chang Xi, Mi Fang, Cao Bao, and Chen Deng stayed behind in Xuzhou.At the same time, Cao Cao also led an army of [-] to attack Zhangxiu, Wancheng, where wars were raging across the Central Plains.

(End of this chapter)

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