Chapter 26

"Crack!" In Shouchun City, Yuan Shu patted the table in front of him bitterly. "Liu Bei is just a child who weaves mats and shoes. Now he not only occupies the prefectures and counties and calls himself a vassal, but also invades our Peiguo and kills my general Chen Lan! It's really unreasonable. I want to send troops to retake Peiguo immediately, and then capture Xuzhou general Liu Bei. Cut into pieces by thousands of knives to vent the hatred in my heart!"

"My lord, don't worry, Pei is far away. In my opinion, why not attack Guangling directly. The prefect of Guangling, Chen Dengqian, returned to Xuzhou due to illness. Now the guard is Zhang Liao, a former subordinate of Lu Bu. He just surrendered to Liu Bei. We will wait for you." Why not attack him?" At this time, Yan Xiang, one of Yuan Shu's three garbage advisers, said.

"Well, it also makes sense. Who would want to go to Xuzhou?" Yuan Shu thought about it and thought it was right, so he asked.

"The last general, Lei Bo, is willing to go. Liu Bei killed my friend Chen Lan. I have long wanted to go to Xuzhou to avenge him!" A general hurriedly invited Ying.Immediately Yuan Shu agreed and ordered Lei Bo to lead 5 troops to attack Guangling.Seeing Lei Bo striding away, Yuan Shu never dreamed that this was the last time he saw Lei Book.

In Xuzhou City, there was a sound of horse roaring from the training ground, and those who knew the goods knew that it was a rare horse.Sure enough, not long after, a horseman came to Liu Bei with a fiery red war horse. Liu Bei pulled the reins, turned to Zhao Feng and said, "Bo Tao has done a lot this time, if there is no reward, it is unreasonable. This is Lu Bu's horse." The red rabbit horse, now give it to Bo Tao." As soon as the words came out, the other generals present all looked at Zhao Feng enviously, who wouldn't love such a BMW?
"My lord, I am serious. Feng asked himself how he deserves this peerless BMW. Now in my city of Xuzhou, only the second general should ride this red rabbit horse. Feng is not talented. I would like to give this horse to the second general as a gift." Zhao Feng received it from Liu Bei. Li took the reins, turned and said to Guan Yu.

"Thank you Bo Tao!" Even Guan Yu, who has always been cold and arrogant, couldn't help being overjoyed. After thanking him, he hurriedly rode the red rabbit horse and galloped around.

"Bo Tao, you are always so humble!" Liu Bei shook his head helplessly and smiled. "My lord, why do you have to do this? You have already paid a visit to the house before." Zhao Feng quickly explained.Unexpectedly, as soon as this remark came out, Liu Bei's expression became even more weird, he laughed but didn't speak.

"Huh?" Zhao Feng was wondering, but Zhang Fei whispered in his ear: "Bo Tao, you don't know, that house, that house was used by Mizi Zhong Jinwu Zangjiao before!"

"Damn it!" The news was shocking enough, and Zhao Feng was stunned for a while, but when he came back to his senses, he was puzzled: "Since it belongs to Jinwu Zangjiao, why did you give it to me?"

"Hey, that Jiao was taken in by him last month. It's useless to keep this empty house, so I gave it to you." Zhang Fei said angrily.His voice is so loud that it is rare in the world. Although he lowered his voice, everyone around him could hear him clearly.

"It's a good thing Mi Zhu isn't here today, otherwise I wouldn't die of shame on the spot." This was Zhao Feng's first thought after he realized it.As a result, throughout the whole day, Zhao Feng was a little dizzy from the shock of the gossip news. "Mi Zizhong, Mi Zizhong, you are so dignified all day long, I didn't expect you to do something like this. Well, it's good for me, Old Zhao." Zhao Feng sighed all the way, and returned to his special house.Needless to say, with this incident, Zhao Feng felt a little weird when he entered the gate of his house again.

"Master, please wash your face." As soon as she returned to the mansion, the servant girl came forward to serve her with hot water and towels. "It's really corrupt!" Zhao Feng sighed, but he still took the towel and wiped his face with peace of mind.Although this house was given to him by Lao Liu, he must not be allowed to live alone, so these maids and servants are also matched together.Of course, Zhao Feng also knew that not only could he order these maidservants around, but even if he played with them, no one would object.It's just that Zhao Feng is a person of the 21st century after all, so playing with women like this is still unacceptable ideologically.

"Xiaomei, bring me dinner!" Zhao Feng said after wiping his face and handing the towel back to the maid, Xiaomei responded and left.This little girl is only 16 years old, she is very cute and cute, she was sent by her cheap elder brother Zhao Yu, so you naturally don't need to say what it means.However, Zhao Feng felt that he was really not a lolicon.

After dinner, the nightlife of the ancients was really lackluster.Although there was a night market in Xuzhou city, Zhao Feng didn't bother to go shopping alone. He usually read books at home at night, practiced martial arts, and sometimes went to drink with Zhang Fei.Fortunately, he was not a person who liked to enjoy himself in his previous life, so he didn't feel bored.

"General, someone delivered a big box outside the door." At this time, the servant came to report. "Huh? Who gave it to you?" Zhao Feng asked as he put down the scroll in his hand. He is also an important person under Liu Bei's account, and there are not a few people who want to curry favor with him.

"The visitor dropped a letter and left, the box is still outside the door." A servant handed over a letter, Zhao Feng took it with a frown and opened it for a look. The surprise was immediately serious, and he quickly ordered someone to carry the box to him. in the room. "Be careful, handle with care." After the four servants carried the box in, Zhao Feng ordered them all to go out, and then carefully opened the box.

With a cry, a purple-clothed girl slowly crawled out of the box, maybe she was a little stuffy after being locked in the box for a long time, and she looked a little depressed.Zhao Feng stepped forward to support her and walked out slowly, then sat down aside, and handed her a glass of water.

"Are you General Zhao?" The girl took the water glass that Zhao Feng handed over, and asked with some effort.

"It's me." Zhao Feng tried his best to sound calm, and then asked, "Are you Miss Diaochan?"

"It's me." Diao Chan forced a smile.Zhao Feng looked at this bright and beautiful girl who looked only about twenty, but his heart was overwhelmed: I didn't expect Lao Liu to be so mean, to give him such a generous gift.In the letter just now, Lao Liu told him the whole story in detail.It turns out that since Diao Chan joined Lu Bu, he has been tolerated by Lu Bu's wife, the Yan family.Lv Bu can live in fashion, but now that Lv Bu is gone, the Yan family can't protect themselves, so they simply drive Diao Chan out of the house.In desperation, Diao Chan had no choice but to seek out Liu Bei, a student of Lu Zhi, a good friend of her adoptive father Wang Yun.

"Bei studied in the capital in the past, and was taken care of by King Situ. Today, the rebel girl is lonely and helpless, how can she just sit idly by? But Bei has a family, and the same is true for the second brother. Zhijunzhai has a kind heart, so I entrust you with each other. May you If you treat him kindly, you will be able to live up to the feelings of your old friend." The letter wrote. (Brother’s ancient prose has long been returned to the high school teacher, so let’s make do with it, anyway, Lao Liu’s literary talent in history was not very good anyway)

After sighing for a long time, Zhao Feng couldn't help but carefully looked at the woman in front of him. It seemed that she was older than him, but it shouldn't be far behind.But what surprised Zhao Feng the most was not her beauty, but her eyes.What kind of eyes are these?Zhao Feng asked himself, although he is still a beginner, he has seen a lot of women, but he has never seen a woman in her 20s with such pale and sad eyes, Zhao Feng seems to be able to understand her with just one glance Inner despair and hesitation.

It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, maybe this is indeed the case with her current mood.Being sent out again like goods, she seemed to have nothing else to do except use her body to please men.Zhao Feng sighed for a long time, but he didn't notice that Diao Chan was also looking at him.

"Come here, tidy up a side room and let Madam live in it." Zhao Feng settled down and couldn't bear to look any further, so he ordered to go down first.Diao Chan looked at Zhao Feng with some surprise, all the time when a man sees her, his eyes will only glow with desire, and he can't wait to pounce on her and ravage her immediately.But from the young general's eyes, she clearly saw a trace of sadness, or sympathy.

"He sympathizes with me?" Diao Chan couldn't believe it for a moment, just when her puzzled eyes met Zhao Feng's when he turned his head to look at her, they both smiled at the same time, just like the kind of smile when seeing an old friend, It seems that with such a smile, each other feels a lot more at ease.

"Old Liu, old Liu, you are really interesting." Zhao Feng sighed after sending Diao Chan away, he didn't touch this woman who already belonged to him, because he didn't want to possess her when she was so helpless.In fact, Liu Bei also felt helpless. Diao Chan is a famous beauty all over the world. If she kept it for her own use, she would not be criticized by others. However, considering Mrs. Mi just got married, taking such a famous beauty in would make the Mi family feel bad. This is not good for his stable position in Xuzhou; as for the two righteous brothers, Guan Yu's family just moved here from Hedong last month, while Zhang Fei has a lot of prejudice against Diao Chan, so it is not appropriate to take her in anymore.The rest of the people all have family members, I'm afraid their wives can't tolerate Diao Chan.Ignore it, it is inevitable that I feel sorry for Lu Zhi and Wang Yun, so Liu Bei thought and thought, and Zhao Feng was the most suitable candidate in Xuzhou, so he sent her to Zhao Feng.

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's do whatever we want in the future." Zhao Feng quickly accepted the fact that Diao Chan, one of the Four Great Beauties, became his woman, and then went to sleep peacefully as usual.As for Diao Chan, although she was still very nervous, she was exhausted from being frightened these days, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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