Shu Han Confucian General of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 328 Sima Yi's doubts

Chapter 328 Sima Yi's doubts
"Why, the lord was defeated and returned to Nanzheng?" Guo Huai was slightly taken aback, then asked.

"Exactly, this is a letter written by the lord, please read it carefully, general!" The visitor took out a letter and handed it to Guo Huai while speaking, the latter opened it for a quick look, but it was Sima Yi and Lu Xun confronting Wu Xiang, But he was defeated by Lu Xun with fire, and now he is forced to return to Baocheng and let Guo Huai send some soldiers to rescue him.

"So, where is my lord now, and how many soldiers are there?" Guo Huai said calmly after reading it.How could anyone know that General Guo in front of him had defected to the enemy, let alone that the 1 people behind him were wolves in sheep's clothing.Immediately, he hurriedly replied: "My lord's soldiers have retreated to Baocheng. There are not enough troops at the moment, only a few thousand. My lord said that I want General Guo to divide his troops back to help, and I ask General Guo to go as soon as possible... ah!"

"Sure enough, Sima Yi is almost at the end of his rope!" Zhao Feng said thoughtfully as he looked at the fallen messenger in front of him.

"Then general, are we going to attack Baocheng now?" Niu Jin asked after waving the blood on the knife.

"No need, although Baocheng is a strong city, its food and grass are all supplied by Nanzheng, so it is better to take Nanzheng first and cut off its food road, then Sima Yi will have to lose." Zhao Feng said plainly.Don't care about your five buckets of rice, it's the way of immortals, I don't believe you can skip food, Zhao Feng urged the army to continue to Nanzheng City, and finally arrived at Nanzheng City after an hour.

"Open the door, I'm Guo Huai!" Guo Huai greeted first, looking at the fully alert defenders on the top of the city wall.The defenders on the top of the city signaled him to wait for a while, and after a while, an extremely ugly woman came and asked, "Boji, the king is trapped in Baocheng, you should go to Baocheng first and help the king repel the intruders." Enemy!"

"It seems that this is Zhang Chunhua!" Zhao Feng muttered in his heart, it really made people feel uneasy.The performance of the soldiers behind him was even worse, and there was already a lot of discussion.Zhao Feng quickly signaled them not to make a fuss, lest Zhang Chunhua see the flaw.

"Mrs. Mingjian, Guo Huai came here with light clothes, and the food and grass are already insufficient, and he needs to go to the city to replenish it!" Guo Huai explained, this excuse is quite reasonable, and it is true that everyone does not have much on them.

"That's it, so what happened to Shangyong's enemy army?" Zhang Chunhua seemed to be a little worried, and continued to ask.

"After I dug up the embankment of Shangyong's enemy army, there was not much land left. Now General Wang Shuang is staying in the city, and I will lead the army to join the Lord!"Zhang Chunhua asked again and again, feeling that there was nothing wrong, so he ordered Kaicheng to let Guo Huai in.

"Kill me!" After the city gate opened, Zhao Feng immediately gave an order, and then all the people suddenly took out a white cloth from their arms and hung it around their necks, then pulled out their weapons and went to kill in the city.The defenders were caught off guard, and a few people at the gate were quickly cut down, and then the army quickly rushed into the city.The defenders in the city rushed to fight, unable to organize any effective resistance at all.After the army behind entered the city, the situation between the two sides became even more one-sided.

After an hour of fierce fighting, more than 7000 people defending the city were almost wiped out. Sima Yi's wife Zhang Chunhua, who was in charge of guarding Nanzheng, and her two sons Sima Shi and Sima Zhao were all captured alive.When the mother and son were escorted in front of Zhao Feng, even though Zhao Feng had been on the battlefield for a long time, he couldn't help being shocked: the resentment in the eyes of the mother and son could not be concealed even if he closed his eyes.After Zhao Feng saw it, he felt as if a female wolf and two wolf cubs were looking at him.

"Zhao, you killed my whole family, you and I are at odds with each other. Even if you kill me today, my husband will surely tear you to pieces in the future!" Zhang Chunhua didn't have the slightest sense of being a prisoner, and he yelled outright when they met .Zhao Feng looked at the mother and son, and felt that sweat was dripping from his forehead.

"General, this girl is so rude, how do you deal with it?" Niu Jin asked with a snort.

"Drag it on, strangle them all to death!" Zhao Feng closed his eyes and said.Zhang Chunhua couldn't stay, and Sima Shi and Sima Zhao would be a disaster if they kept them, so they were all killed just to be on the safe side.Zhao Feng had never killed indiscriminately in his life, but this time he had to do so in order to cut grass and roots.In addition, killing Sima Yi's wife and children will greatly reduce the possibility of him surrendering.Zhao Feng didn't want Sima Yi to surrender, in that case it would not be easy for him to deal with him.

He wasn't the only one who felt surprised, but everyone else also felt that something was wrong. "My lord, did you really kill them all?" Niu Jin asked in surprise.Seeing Zhao Feng nodded, Niu Jin didn't say anything, and ordered to push down and strangle all three of them to death with a rope.Zhao Feng was worried, he stepped forward to have a look after he was strangled to death, he was sure he was dead, so he ordered the owl head just in case.Everyone only thought that he was pissed off by Zhang Chunhua, but they didn't expect him to have so many small plans.

Nanzheng City has been captured, but the city is still not peaceful.At this time, apart from Baocheng and Yangping Pass, Zhao Feng and Lu Xun had captured all the other places.However, most of the people in Hanzhong believed in the Five Dou of Rice Road. Even if the city was breached, there were still frequent revolts by the religious people against the Sichuan army, which made people feel anxious for a while.Now Zhao Feng ordered Ma Zhong to lead an army of [-] to stay in Nanzheng, while he went to join Lu Xun to besiege Baocheng.

"Bo Yan, what's the situation here?" After Zhao Feng joined Lu Xun, he was also a little troubled by these uprisings blooming everywhere, and now he was completely caught in the vast ocean of the people's war.

"My lord, the Taoist people of Wudoumi in Nanjiang, Wuxiang and other places have frequently rioted recently, attacking food and supplies. It is very unfavorable for the army to be entangled by them! I don't know what good strategy the lord has to deal with the current situation?" Lu Xun sighed. , also asked with some expectation.

"I have nothing to do, I can't kill all the people in Hanzhong!" Zhao Feng sighed.I knew that Sima Yi was making a lot of noise in Hanzhong, but I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated. Fortunately, I stayed in Hanzhong for a while, and now I have become a public enemy.I really don't know what the people in Hanzhong think, but they were brainwashed by Sima Yi like this.

"The matter will be discussed later, Boyan, how many soldiers and food does Sima Yi have in Baocheng?" Zhao Feng asked after thinking for a while, as long as Sima Yi is eliminated, everything else is easy to talk about.

"Sima Yi still has at most 6000 people and horses, and the food and grass can last for ten days. Sima Yi has all the food and grass hoarded in Nanzheng and Micang Mountain, but Baocheng is limited!" Lu Xun replied.Zhao Feng nodded, and finally said: "In this case, we will besiege Sima Yi here, Shi Zai, you lead 5000 troops and prepare to cooperate with Deyang to extinguish the religious rebellion everywhere!" Everyone knew that there was no way out In the face of Hanzhong where all the people are soldiers, it is really difficult.As long as he survived for ten days and forced Sima Yi to completely run out of food, he could win without fighting.

It's ironic that in history, Sima Yi relied on the advantage of food and grass to force Zhuge Liang back again and again.Now he is also trapped in Baocheng because of the exhaustion of food and grass, and there is nothing he can do.On the ninth day of the siege, the defenders opened the gates and surrendered.But Sima Yi would rather die than surrender, and was tied up by several of his own soldiers and sent to Zhao Feng.

When Zhao Feng saw Sima Yi in the government office in Baocheng, those wolf eyes had lost their former splendor.From there, I can't see the vision of wisdom, only loss, exhaustion and loss.Successive defeats in the military, coupled with the lack of food for the past few days, have tortured the nerves of this generation of heroes to the point of collapse.

Looking at Zhao Feng in front of him, Sima Yi said leisurely, "Your Excellency is Zhao Botao?"

"That's right, it's me. Are you Sima Yi?" Zhao Feng looked at the man in front of him. He was about the same age as himself, but the hair on his head was already quite gray.Coupled with the wolf eyes, the whole body exudes a sinister aura.But now, Sima Yi looked at him, hesitant to speak.

"Sima Yi, if you have something to say, just say it!" Zhao Feng nodded to indicate that he had something to say directly.Sima Yi nodded, and finally asked, "I heard that Sun Zhongmou was killed by Your Excellency?"

"Exactly, but he hanged himself to death, I just defeated him!" Zhao Feng nodded.

"Cao Mengde, were you mad at him too?" Sima Yi continued to ask. Although Zhao Feng was a little strange, he still replied, "I stopped him at Pujin Pass and couldn't make an inch of it. In the end, he had a headache and ran out of oil and died."

"I see. I heard that my wife and children were killed by Your Excellency in Nanzheng. It seems that you don't intend to let me go!" Sima Yi said bitterly. No matter how wise a person is, he will never do it in the face of death. Completely poised.

"That's right, if you have anything else to say, say it as soon as possible!" Zhao Feng nodded.Sima Yi sighed softly, but finally said: "I have been out of food for several days, and I am hungry and thirsty. I hope you will let me eat before I go on the road!"

"Yes!" After Zhao Feng simply said these two words, someone brought Sima Yi a bowl of rice and a dish of food. After Sima Yi wolfed down the food, he sighed in relief.

"Don't bother your Excellency to use the knife, I have my own poison!" Sima Yi put down the bowl and chopsticks, and took out a delicate small bottle from his arms.Pour half a glass of wine into the wine glass, and then sprinkle some medicine powder in the bottle into it. Sima Yi actually smiled: "Actually, I just took a few wrong steps and missed a few moves. Otherwise, Zhao Botao , you may not be able to beat me!"

"You are wrong, how many steps have you taken wrong? Although it is not a heinous crime to fight for the hegemony of the world, those who have the world in their hearts must first consider the people's livelihood, the community, and the safety of the people, rather than acting rashly for their own selfish desires. .Even for his own ulterior motives, he used extraordinary means against his soldiers. Such actions can only make people feel cold, how can they compete for the world's supremacy?" Zhao Feng snorted.As soon as these words came out, Sima Yi was really stunned, and he sighed after a long time: "Maybe you are right, I only have one last thing to ask you, your Excellency Guigeng this year?"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Feng was a little surprised that Sima Yi was suddenly interested in his age. Sima Yi didn't answer, but asked again, "Are you 24 years old this year?"

"Of course not, I'm nearly forty years old!" Zhao Feng didn't know why he asked this question, but fortunately Sima Yi quickly explained to him: "Chuo Jing is proficient in astronomy, calendar, and Taoist arithmetic. He once told me that I Those who want to achieve great things and destroy me are those who came to this world in the first year of Chuping. Shouldn’t you be 24 years old this year if you were born in the first year of Chuping? General Chuping defeated Cao Mengde in three years, so naturally he couldn’t be. I asked just now , just to see if my wife's arithmetic is really wrong."

"Of course she made a mistake!" Zhao Feng pouted, and as soon as he said this, a flash of inspiration flashed in Zhao Feng's mind: The first year of Chuping, isn't that just the year when he crossed over and was reborn?

(End of this chapter)

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