Chapter 39
"I ordered Sun Ce to be the rebellious general, lead Wuhou, and take charge of all military and state affairs in the six counties of Jiangdong!" In the hall of Wujun, a eunuch's characteristic high-pitched voice sounded, and there was a large group of people kneeling below, but the leader was no more than 20 Young people of many years. (We don't know the format of the imperial decree, let's follow the court drama)
"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" After the eunuch finished reading the imperial decree, they thanked in unison. "Gongjin, I finally have the final say in the six counties in Jiangdong!" After the eunuch passing the decree went down, the young man in charge smiled at another handsome general of the same age.These two people are none other than Sun Ce, the little overlord who has been famous in Jiangdong these years, and his capable generals, who are also his brothers Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin.

"Congratulations, Brother Bofu, now you can finally give orders to one party and assign official positions!" Zhou Yu also had a smile on his face, but there was something in his words.For a long time, although Sun Ce captured Jiangdong two years ago, his official position was only the Zhechong captain appointed by Yuan Shu.The boss has only become such an official, and the brothers under him are even more miserable.For people like Zhou Yu and others, it would be nice to be a military commander or captain, which is not commensurate with the power they actually hold. If things go on like this, people's hearts will inevitably fluctuate.

It's all right now, Sun Ce has sealed the generals and Marquis Wu, and more importantly, he can take charge of all military and state affairs in the six counties of Jiangdong, which means that Sun Ce can justifiably assign positions.Sun Ce is not a fool either. At present, Cheng Pu is made the prefect of Danyang, Huang Gai is the prefect of Yuzhang, and Han Dang is the prefect of Luling.These three people are all direct descendants who have followed his father and son for many years, so naturally they cannot be ignored now.As for the rest of the people, they also obtained higher positions one after another. County magistrates and captains took up their posts one by one, and Zhou Yu was even named the commander of the Jiangdong Navy.

Everyone held a banquet to celebrate that night, but after the banquet was over, Sun Ce did not go to sleep drunk, but took Zhou Yu to talk at night with candles. "Gongjin, now that the six counties of Jiangdong are in my hands, in your opinion, what should be the next step?" Sun Ce asked with a flushed face.I don't know if I drank too much wine or was excited.

"Hehe, Brother Bofu, although the six counties in Jiangdong are all in the hands of the emperor. However, there are mountains and more chaos in Jiangdong, and the power of aristocratic families is intertwined. With these two constraints, Jiangdong alone may not be able to develop too much." Zhou Yu smiled and said after a pause, "Besides, Jiangdong is rich, but its population is sparse. It is already the limit to support an army of 10,000+. How can we achieve great things with this little force?"

"What Gong Jin said is not bad. In your opinion, what should we do?" After hearing Zhou Yu's words, Sun Ce lost his complacent expression and became more and more serious.

"To the south of the six counties in the east of the Yangtze River is Jiaozhou. Although it is barren, it has a population of one million and the land is fertile. Although the Shi family occupies it now, it is difficult for him to compete with us with his military strength. If he can take it for his own use, he can It’s a great help. Furthermore,” Zhou Yu lowered his voice when he said this: “Huainan to the north and Jingzhou to the west are rich lands. Huainan has a population of less than one million and is a land of grain production. Jingzhou is even more It is the belly of the world, if Jiangdong can capture these two places, great things can be expected."

Sun Ce's eyes lit up, and then he was a little confused: "Liu Biao in Jingzhou and I have a vengeance against killing my father, but Yuan Shu in Huainan took me in when I was alone and poor. Although everyone is just using each other, it's still a good idea. You are kind to me, if I raise troops to seize his territory, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do so."

Zhou Yu smiled slightly, and Sun Ce's words were also in his expectation.As the protagonist, I am good at everything, and I can be regarded as an outstanding person in the world if I am talented, but the disadvantage is that sometimes I am easy to act emotionally, and the grievances and grievances are too clear.However, he had already thought up his words, and said immediately, "Yuan Shu is a dead bone in the tomb. He was defeated by Liu Bei after his previous campaign in Xuzhou. With his talent, Huainan is absolutely unstoppable. If I don't take it by then, I'm afraid Liu Bei will do it."

"Liu Bei?" Sun Ce's expression became serious when he heard the name, and then he sighed: "My father once said that the eighteen princes attacked Dong Zhuo, but the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang were the real heroes. Unexpectedly, they would respond to this today." In other words, Liu Bei occupies Xuyu and Yuzhou, and he is also a prince."

"More than that," Zhou Yu interjected, "I recently heard that Liu Bei opened the Xuzhou Academy to train high-level civil and military officials. Brother Bo Fu, do you know why?"

"Huh?" Sun Ce was also taken aback, but after thinking about it, he still shook his head in a daze.

"Liu Bei's move is to cultivate grass-roots talents, and no longer rely too much on the recommendation of aristocratic families. There are many wealthy families in Jiangdong. If we can implement this method, we can reduce their constraints." Zhou Yu explained almost word by word. .

"So it is!" Sun Ce was already amazed and excited, and these aristocratic families really gave him a headache. These people's forces are deeply intertwined, and it is obviously unrealistic to eliminate them in one fell swoop. He has to rely on them to govern Jiangdong by himself.Thinking of this, Sun Ce also sighed: "If Liu Bei can use this method, why can't I? Gongjin, I intend to open a college in Poyang County to cultivate talents like Liu Bei. What do you think?"

"This method is very good." Zhou Yu also nodded in agreement, but then said with a smile: "Bo Fu doesn't know something, but this method is not something I have seen through."

"Oh, who is that?" Sun Ce knew that Zhou Yu never targeted without reason, so he asked hastily.

"This person is my best friend, from Linhuai in Xiapi, surnamed Lu, named Su, Zijing." Zhou Yu introduced with a smile.

"He was the one who borrowed food when I was waiting for the army? This person has such a vision. He is really a great talent at that time. I should invite him!" Sun Ce is also a person who is very eager for talents. Hearing this, he wished to go to Lu Su in person.However, considering that Xiapi is now Liu Bei's territory, Zhou Yu finally wrote a letter and sent it to Lu Su, asking him to serve in Jiangdong.

In the city of Xiapi, "I have long admired Linhuai Luzi to respect your great name, today Mr. Zhao came here uninvited, and I hope you will forgive me!" An unexpected visitor came to Lu Su's house today, it was none other than Zhao Feng.

It turned out that when Zhao Feng was discussing with Liu Bei a few days ago, he deeply felt that Xuzhou was short of talents, especially the lack of strategic advisors.Chen Deng had almost died of illness, Chen Gong alone could not support the overall situation, and the rest of Sun Qian and Mi Zhu made up the numbers.Zhao Feng and Liu Bei were thinking about it, and asked Mi Zhu, who was a local, what kind of talents there were in Xuzhou, and they learned that Zhang Zhao, the most famous, had gone to Jiangdong.Just when the two were frustrated, Xu Sheng, the new governor of Xiapi, told them that there was one person in Xiapi who donated money to charity, and it was Lu Su and Lu Zijing from Linhuai County.

Liu Bei didn't pay much attention yet, but Zhao Feng was already shocked: Lu Su and Lu Zijing, this is a talent who is almost at the same level as Zhou Yu and even Zhuge Liang, his couch pair is almost comparable to Zhuge Liang's Longzhong pair, why? At this time, he is still at home and did not go to Jiangdong?After thinking about it, I remembered that this Lu Su only joined Sun Quan after he came to power.Now that Sun Ce is still here, naturally he hasn't gone to Jiangdong yet.

Since you are still here, I will kidnap and sell you here.Liu Bei is now Xuzhou Mu, and it is hard to find time for leisure, so Zhao Feng volunteered to see how Lu Su was doing.For Zhao Feng's vision, Liu Bei still trusted him, so Zhao Feng changed into casual clothes and came to visit.

"The general's words are serious. The general defeated Cao Cao in Jiuli Mountain, killed Lu Bu in Xuzhou city, killed Leibo in Guangling, captured Cao Xiu in Yuzhou, raised troops in the plains, set up a school and recruited talents in Pengcheng. He is famous all over the world. He can't be defeated by a farmer. How dare he be a general? Such a compliment!" Lu Su complimented repeatedly.

"Huh?" Seeing Lu Su's praise of him, Zhao Feng was a little uncomfortable for a while, but after he realized it, he couldn't help but feel complacent: Even Lu Su praised him so much, so he must have a good reputation now.

"Sir, you are absurd. Some small things are just following orders. Zhao is here for no other reason. I just ask you to come out of the mountain and assist my master, General Liu." Zhao Feng simply stated his reason for coming, and looked at it as he spoke. This Lu Su in front of him really looks no different from ordinary people, he even seems to be very honest and honest.However, the occasional flash of light in his eyes is enough to show that he is not a simple-minded person.

"The general speaks quickly!" Lu Su was also taken aback when he heard this, and then laughed.

"That's natural. This is the master's house. Today's conversation comes out of my mouth and into my master's ears. Why do you need to be mysterious and have so many scruples?" Zhao Feng also smiled, but he was secretly proud: I think I was familiar with the Three Kingdoms in my previous life. I should know that you are not a sour scholar who likes to play tricks, so how could I play tricks with you.

"The general is really different. I heard that Liu Shijun occupies the land of two states, and Xuzhou is prosperous. It must be from the general's handwriting. But the general knows, what is the biggest hidden danger of Liu Shijun?" Lu Su complimented , but turned around and asked.

"Cao Cao?" Zhao Feng asked tentatively.

"It can be said that it is, but if you think about it, general, Liu Shijun now occupies the two states of Xu and Yu, with hundreds of miles from east to west, but less than a hundred miles from north to south. If Cao Cao in Yanzhou led his army south at this time, he would not need to occupy both states. If you only need to take Lu Guo and other places, then Liu Shijun and General Guan can't be connected!" Lu Su said slowly.

"Indeed!" Zhao Feng broke out in a cold sweat at the thought of this, but then he paid more attention to Lu Su, and immediately extended the invitation again.To Zhao Feng's surprise, Lu Su readily agreed.

"Uh, do I have the aura of the protagonist?" Zhao Feng was even more puzzled when he learned that Lu Su had even received Jiang Dong Zhou Yu's request, but he still went to join Liu Bei with himself.He didn't know that Lu Su knew very well that there were many powerful families in Jiangdong, but he was also exclusive, and his family was only a small one.

"My lord, Mr. Zijing is here!" Zhao Feng led Lu Su all the way to Liu Bei's mansion, and after a salute, he sat down as guest and host. After a long talk, Liu Bei also greatly appreciated Lu Su's strategic vision.The two sides were chatting vigorously, and suddenly someone came to report:
"My lord, General Wu Dun of the State of Lu has an urgent matter to see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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