Chapter 42 Yingchuan Shanfu
"My lord, since Liu Bei's army has arrived, stop attacking the city immediately and prepare for battle!" Xun You, who was on the side, hurriedly said after hearing this.

"Zixiao is well aware of the changes in the eight-door golden lock array, and he never expected to be defeated so easily by Liu Bei. It seems that there are capable people in the Xuzhou army!" Cao Cao sighed, and then waved his hand a little weakly to stop the siege, and then asked again One sentence: "How about Guan Yu's reinforcements in the west?"

Xun You was taken aback, but still told the truth: "General Zilian just sent someone to deliver a message saying that Guan Yu was blocked by him and could not move forward."

"That's good!" Cao Cao also breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered the three armies to prepare for a decisive battle with Liu Bei's army.

"Huh, Cao Bing retreated?" Guan Hai on the head of Peiguo City suddenly noticed that Cao Bing had stopped attacking, but instead retreated several miles and set up a formation to face the east, as if preparing to meet something.

"General Guan, the lord's reinforcements should have arrived." Jian Yong took a closer look and immediately came to such a conclusion. "I guess so, come here, send an order, tell the soldiers to hurry up and rest, and attack Cao Cao as soon as the lord's reinforcements arrive!" Although Guan Hai has never learned the art of war, he has fought a lot of battles, so he still has some common sense. .The defenders didn't take off their armor at the moment, they just found a place to lie down on the top of the city and went to sleep. They had been under a lot of mental and physical pressure for the past two days, they were already exhausted, and soon fell asleep one after another.

"My lord, do you want to fight Liu Bei?" Guo Jia asked Cao Cao as he approached Cao Cao in the formation.

"The matter has come to this, we have to fight." Cao Cao said in a deep voice.Guo Jia was silent, he was the one who proposed the idea of ​​marching into Xuzhou, but he didn't expect Guan Hai to be so difficult to deal with, let alone Cao Ren's defeat after holding on for a day.

"It seems that we have underestimated Liu Bei! It is not easy for this big-eared thief to build Xuzhou to this point in just a few years!" Cao Cao sighed at this moment, and Guo Jia also nodded secretly.

After a while, a black line gradually appeared in the east, and then gradually became thicker and closer.Finally, at a distance of about a mile between the two sides, the incoming army stopped.

"Brother Xuande, it's been a long time!" Cao Cao saw that one of the Chinese soldiers was wearing armor, and immediately hung two long swords. It was Liu Bei who hurried forward to greet him.

"Brother Meng De, I didn't expect that you and I would have to go to the battlefield to have a chance to meet!" Liu Bei still had something to say, and he drove his horse forward a few steps while chatting.

"Hey, Xuande, I still have an army of [-], do you really want to fight me?" Cao Cao pointed to the huge army formation behind him, threateningly.The implication is that I have a lot of capital, you'd better not push too hard, otherwise you won't be able to afford it if you lose.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bei smiled, and said directly: "If you want to fight, fight!" Then he rode back to the formation.Seeing this, Cao Cao knew that this battle was inevitable, so he quickly returned to the formation. Soldiers from both sides began to mobilize one after another, preparing for a big battle.

"Hey, why aren't you fighting generals anymore?" Zhao Feng was gearing up for a one-on-one fight, but the two big bosses were planning to fight in groups, so he was really caught off guard.

"Kill!" I don't know which soldier yelled first, and then the nearly 20 people under Peiguo City began to yell, and the two sides rushed up to fight.At such times, often a general who commanded well or fought bravely played a more important role than a counselor.As for the strategy, it is difficult to come up with any strategy for this kind of encounter in the plains unless it is planned in advance.

How many is this?Zhao Feng didn't know, all he knew was that he was in the midst of a chaotic army, with only a few hundred guards around him, and they rushed left and right with him as the core.Ordinary soldiers of the Cao army were stabbed to death by him, and over time, he felt that the killing action had become a mechanical stabbing and then withdrawing.The spear in his hand has been changed several times, and each time he took it from the person he killed.

"Old man Cao Cao, take your life!" There was a roar like a thunderstorm, and then a group of warriors rowed across the waves like a fast boat, and rushed directly towards Cao Cao's central army.The soldiers who tried to intercept him on the way were all strangled to death or cut in half by him.It was none other than Zhang Fei.

"Prime Minister, get out of here quickly!" Guo Jia hurriedly remonstrated when he saw Zhang Fei leading his men to kill him. "I won't retreat. I have an army of [-], [-]. He, Zhang Fei, has only a few men, and he just beat me back like this. What's the face of me, Cao Cao?" Cao Cao looked at Zhang Fei who was getting closer, and said through gritted teeth.

Xu Chu beside Cao Cao was furious when he heard the words. "General Zihe, protect the lord, I'll kill Zhang Fei!" After shouting, Xu Chu got on his horse and led his team of tiger guards to meet Zhang Fei and his elite Baier soldiers.

The elite soldiers of Baier were trained by Chen Dao from the elite Danyang soldiers selected from the elite Danyang soldiers since he defected to Liu Bei. Each of them can be at least one in ten, and their combat effectiveness is comparable to Gao Shun's trapped camp. Even Zhao Feng lamented that he could not train such elite soldiers.On weekdays, he was responsible for Liu Bei's safety. Historically, Liu Bei was defeated by Lu Xun's battalion on fire and defeated Yiling. After Chen Dao led only [-] elite Beer soldiers, he killed tens of thousands of Wu troops in Ma'anshan and prevented them from advancing an inch.This time, in order to attack Cao Cao's central army, Liu Bei gave Zhang Fei [-] of the [-] Baier elite soldiers in one go, leaving only [-] for Chen Dao to lead and protect the central army.

And the Tiger Guards were not ordinary elite soldiers, but Xu Chu and Cao Chun, two of Cao Ying's best soldiers who were good at training soldiers, were selected from Cao Cao's Qingzhou Army to train them carefully.Although Zhao Feng tricked him into leaving several Yellow Turbans and defected to Liu Bei, the inertia of history was still strong, and the largest Yellow Turban teams in Qingzhou were still incorporated by Cao Cao. The 30 Qingzhou Army is gone, but 20 is still there.The elites of the Tiger Guards and Qingzhou soldiers may not be as effective as the elite soldiers of Baier in one-on-one, but they are still higher than the elite soldiers of Danyang.What's more, there are only [-] elite soldiers in Bai'er, and [-] Tiger Guards, and there are [-] people fighting this time, so it's easy to kill now!

Zhang Fei confronted Xu Chu, and Bai Er's elite soldiers fought against the Tiger Guards.Driven by this arrow figure, the soldiers on both sides risked their lives to fight.Xuzhou's soldiers are the best in the world, and Cao Cao's Yanzhou army is not for nothing. For a while, the battle was inextricable. Cao Cao and Liu Bei also personally beat drums to cheer.

It was already afternoon when the two sides fought, and it was already autumn, and the sky was getting dark earlier.The melee between the two sides lasted only two hours, the moon was already in the sky, and the stars were dotted with stars, but on the ground, there were more than a hundred thousand people fighting desperately and desperately.

At this time, Guan Hai also organized [-] elites, who suddenly broke out from Peiguo City and went straight to the rear of Cao's army.Cao Cao never expected that Guan Hai would dare to fight again, so the situation became a little chaotic. "General Song, see if you can shoot Cao Cao to death!" Zhao Feng also led a team to kill Cao Cao not far away, but he couldn't kill Cao Cao after several attacks.Zhao Feng knew that he was not good at bows and arrows, suddenly he saw Song Xian was going to kill him, he guessed that he was born in the north, he should be good at riding and archery, so he asked him to shoot.

Sure enough, Song Xian looked at Cao Cao, gestured the distance, and shouted: "Protect me well!" Dozens of soldiers around him stepped forward to protect him, Song Xian took the opportunity to draw an arrow and shot directly at Cao Cao.

"Prime Minister, be careful!" Cao Chun discovered the arrow halfway through the shot. Almost instinctively, Cao Chun slashed at the arrow branch with a knife.The arrow missed half a foot, and the arrow that was originally aimed at Cao Cao's throat hit his right shoulder.

"Ah!" Cao Cao yelled and fell off his horse. Song Xian was feeling sorry for himself, but Zhao Feng had already yelled: "Cao Cao is dead! Cao Cao is dead!" More and more people shouted, and Song Xian himself understood , and shouted along.

When Cao Jun's soldiers who were fighting fiercely heard this, they all turned their heads to check the central army of their own army, but saw that Cao Cao under the banner had disappeared, leaving only his horse standing there alone, and they all panicked.I don't know who was the first to take the lead. In short, more and more Cao Jun soldiers began to give up fighting and choose to run back. "The prime minister is dead, why should we fight?" This was their thinking.

"Pursue!" Seeing Cao's army begin to be defeated, Liu Bei ordered the pursuit immediately.Although Cao Cao soon got on his horse again to stabilize the morale of the army, the army formation was already in chaos.Cao Cao saw that he could not do anything, so he had to order the soldiers to retreat in an orderly manner.Liu Bei chased and killed Cao Cao for a while. Seeing that Cao Cao had regained his position, he didn't think too much about himself at the moment, and retreated after chasing for more than ten miles.

In this battle, the two sides fought in a melee. The Xuzhou army suffered more than [-] casualties, but the Cao army also died nearly [-].Since Liu Bei joined the army, this battle was actually the most tragic.After the war, Liu Bei gathered his troops and followed Lu Su's suggestion to set up two strongholds under the city of Peiguo. He defended one stronghold while Zhang Fei guarded the other.

At the same time, in a camp more than [-] miles away from the battlefield, the atmosphere was rather dull.Sitting in the middle of the big tent, Guan Yu's face was gloomy, so red that it was almost black.They came to rescue Peiguo in the morning, but they ran into Cao Hong's army on a narrow road.After a series of battles, I thought it would be easy to capture, but I didn't want Cao Hong to set up another battle.He led the army to charge several times, but returned in vain. Instead, he lost many soldiers, and even Pei Yuanshao was shot.

"Second General, there is a Confucian scholar outside asking for an audience, claiming to be able to break Cao Jun's formation." At this time, a sentinel came to report.

"Huh?" Guan Yu was also taken aback. "Invite him to come in!" Although he has always been contemptuous of scholars, but now he is blocked here and cannot advance or retreat. Hearing that someone can break the opponent's formation, Guan Yu is also overjoyed, and unexpectedly used the word please.

Not long after, the sentinel brought in a Confucian scholar, only in his twenties. "Yingchuan Shanfu, pay homage to General Guan!" the visitor saluted.

"Sir, you don't need to be too polite. May I ask how you can break this formation?" Guan Yu saw that he was a young man, and thought that the other party might not have much ability, so his tone could not help being a little disappointed.

As if aware of Guan Yu's tone, Shan Fu smiled slightly and said, "Shan is not talented, but Cao Jun's eight-door Golden Lock Formation still has a way to break him."

(End of this chapter)

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