Shu Han Confucian General of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 50: Liu Xuande sent troops to Huainan Cao Mengde to provok

Chapter 50: Liu Xuande sent troops to Huainan Cao Mengde to provok
"Book of the Later Han Dynasty": In the spring of the third year of Jian'an, Prime Minister Cao Cao, Taiwei Liu Bei, Yangzhou Mu Sun Ce, and Yuzhou Mu Guan Yu revolted 35 soldiers to punish the traitor Yuan Shu.At that time, Cao Cao raised 15 troops, Guan Yu raised [-] troops to attack Yiyang and Anfeng through Runan; Liu Bei raised [-] troops to pass through Huainan below Guangling;

The seven counties of Yangzhou were originally Danyang County, Wu County, Kuaiji County, Luling County, Jiujiang County, Lujiang County and Yuzhang.Now Sun Ce occupies all the land except Jiujiang and Lujiang. However, Sun Ce separated several counties from Yuzhang and Danyang, and formed a new Poyang County, and named his righteous brother Zhou Yu as the prefect of Poyang. He was practicing navy at Poyang Lake, so this time, although the six counties in Jiangdong lost a Lujiang River, they barely deserved the name.

As for Jiujiang County, the only county other than the six Jiangdong counties, although it is not as famous as the Jiangdong six counties, it is by no means because it is not so important.On the contrary, it is precisely because those six counties are not qualified to be compared with Jiujiang County.In terms of total population, those six counties add up to just over one million, while Jiujiang County alone has nearly one million.Moreover, Jiujiang County is a large grain-producing city, so Yuan Shu relied on Jiujiang County and Lujiang County, as well as Anfeng Yiyang in Yuzhou, and accidentally gathered more than 30 people.

As for Shouchun and Hefei, they were originally two counties under the jurisdiction of Jiujiang County.Now Yuan Shu occupies Jiujiang County, with Shouchun as the administrative center, and the eastward to the East China Sea is collectively called Huainan, which is probably the area from Huainan in Anhui to the east and Nantong in Jiangsu.

"So that's how it is!" Zhao Feng looked at the map for a long time, and finally figured out the terrain clearly, and then he couldn't help admiring Yuan Shu's courage: With such a little territory in his hands, he dared to pretend to be emperor, he really is ignorant and fearless; Then he couldn't help admiring Sun Quan: he managed to support a country with less than a state in his hands.

It was already the end of February at this time, and Liu Bei's three-way crusade against Yuan Shu's army was the smoothest.Yuan Shu never thought that Liu Bei would choose to attack the area to the east of him, so he was caught off guard first.Furthermore, the guards in the various counties in the Huainan area were not Guan Ping's opponents, but they bullied him when he was young. Seeing his challenge, they all went out to fight one after another, and they were all cut off by swords.In addition, Ji Ling, the number one general in Huainan, also has a certain appeal, and many people were persuaded to surrender by him. As a result, Liu Bei raised his troops for more than 20 days, and almost all the counties east of Shouchun have been collected, and now they are in Shouchun City Set up camp and wait for the two armies of Cao Cao and Sun Ce to join together to attack Yuan Shu.

"My nephew is indeed a young hero, but he went down to the eight counties of Huainan on the 15th. Of course, General Ji also contributed a lot. Come, let's drink this cup together!" Successive victories also put Liu Bei in a good mood. He is currently in the army. Set up a small banquet to reward everyone.As for attacking Shouchun now, Liu Bei is not that interested.One must know that Yuan Shu had hoarded 2 troops in Shouchun, which is not a small number.Even if they are not elite soldiers, but Liu Bei sent only 7 troops this time, and nearly [-] people remained behind in the eight counties of Huainan that he conquered.No one is so confident in attacking the city with this few people.

"Thank you, my lord. Uncle please, all generals please!" Guan Ping and Ji Ling heard Liu Bei's praise and quickly expressed their thanks in unison. The atmosphere was very harmonious for a while. "Brother, this reminds me of the broken yellow scarves. Zhang Jiao and his fellow guarded Guangzong with more than [-] soldiers, but they were finally broken by Lu Shangshu and the others. Now Yuan Shu is probably on this road." After a drink, Mr. Zhang was also full of emotions, and he began to recall the turbulent years of the past.

"Yeah, it's a pity that you and my brother left early and couldn't catch up!" Liu Bei also sighed. "Did you leave too early?" Zhao Feng was taken aback, a little puzzled.

"It can't be called not catching up." Liu Bei was in a good mood today, so he simply talked about the past: "On that day, my brothers and I gathered five hundred township braves, followed Youzhou Captain Zou Jing to Qingzhou to save Qingzhou Governor Gong Jing, and then I and The two brothers went to Guangzong to help their mentor Shangshu order Lu Zhi to destroy Zhang Jiao."

"It must be that Zhang Jiao was defeated as soon as the lord arrived?" Zhao Feng tentatively patted the horse.I didn't want Liu Bei to be dumbfounded, and then said: "I waited until Guangzong, and my teacher said that Guangzong was in a hurry and it was difficult to capture, so I led my troops to Yingchuan to help General Huangfu break Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang. I don't think I just led my troops to leave , Zhang Jiao died of illness, and as a result, the defenders of Guangzong did not fight. When I arrived in Yingchuan, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang had already been leveled by General Huangfu. "

"There is such a thing!" Zhao Feng couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it, "Then what happened later?" Zhao Feng simply became a curious baby. "Later on meritorious deeds, Cao Cao and Sun Jian defeated the bandits in Yingchuan. The two of them, Cao Cao, belonged to a family of officials, and Sun Jian spent money to make favors. As a result, Cao Cao was made the prime minister of Jinan, and Sun Jian was made the prefect of Changsha. My contribution is not great. , and he had no money to make favors, so he was named a county captain in Anxi. After half a year, he was beaten up because of extortion by the postal supervisor. He couldn't even be a small official. In the end, if Mr. Liu Yu, governor of Youzhou, took him in, my brothers and I are afraid that we are still hiding our names and fleeing everywhere."

"So that's how it is!" Zhao Feng was also stunned when he heard the words: Could it be that Lao Liu has such a great reputation, but his official career was not smooth at the beginning.At this moment, Liu Bei also stopped recalling, but still sighed with emotion: "Sun Jian became the prefect of Changsha, and he was known as the Jiangdong Tiger. He didn't want to die later because of his private possession of jade seals. However, his son Sun Ce was also a young hero, but he took down Jiangdong in a few years. Jiye; not to mention Cao Cao, who is now the prime minister. Although I am against him, it is undeniable that this man was a hero at the time!"

"Heroes cherish heroes!" Zhao Feng exclaimed, this is the case between Cao and Liu.At this time, the scout horses sent out had already returned after inquiring about the news.The coalition forces of Cao Cao and Guan Yu have captured Anfeng and are attacking Yiyang, while Sun Ce's Jiangdong Army has captured most of Lujiang.

"People from all walks of life are progressing smoothly. It seems that Shouchun City is about to fall." Liu Bei is also more optimistic.At the same time, Yuan Shu in Shouchun City was not so relaxed, "How could this be?" Yuan Shu looked anxiously at the letter on the table in front of him urging military information.However, in just over twenty days, he lost very little of his territory.What he didn't expect was that Jiangdong Sun Ce also raised troops to attack him.

"Little Sun Ce, you are ambitious. If I hadn't taken you in that day, would you have the status you have today?" Yuan Shu was a little mad.Now the east has also been occupied by Liu Bei, and there is no way to retreat, so we have to stick to Shouchun to see what happens.Anyway, I have sufficient food and a large number of soldiers and horses, so it is not a problem to guard it for a year or two.

It's not that there are different moods inside and outside Shouchun City. At this time, under Yiyang City, in the coalition forces of Cao Cao and Guan Yu, Cao Cao conspired with his confidants Guo Jia and Jia Xu in his tent.

"Wen He, Feng Xiao, what do you think of Yun Chang?" Cao Cao asked.In fact, the words behind the people are commensurate with each other, which is enough to show that Cao Cao attaches great importance to Guan Yu.

"The tiger general of the world!" Jia Xu's speech has always been relatively concise. "Guan Yunchang has an arrogant temperament, but he is loyal, wise and courageous, and he is a rare talent!" Guo Jia knew Cao Cao's character better, and knew that since he asked this question, he had thoughts about Guan Yu.

In fact, this is exactly the case. These days, the two armies joined forces to attack Yuan Shu. Cao Cao and Guan Yu had more contact with each other, and they also admired his talents more and more, so they wanted to use them for their own use.But Guan Yu was a loyal man, and Cao Cao didn't know where to start for a while.

"It's a pity that such a fierce general follows Liu Bei and cannot be used by me!" Cao Cao sighed.At this moment, Jia Xu stepped forward and said, "My lord, Jia Xu has a plan, maybe he can make Guan Yu work for the prime minister."

"Oh, come quickly, Wenhe!" Cao Cao said eagerly.

"My lord, you can take advantage of the fact that we are allied with Guan Yu to attack Yuan Shu, and treat Guan Yu with the utmost courtesy. Besides, among the generals in the audience, only General Xu Huang has a deep friendship with Guan Yu. My lord can order General Xu to have more contacts with Guan Yu, so that Lian Qixin. Furthermore, my lord can send people to Xuzhou to spread rumors, saying that Guan Yu has been in charge of Yuzhou for a long time, and he is unwilling to be subordinate to Liu Bei. With such a multi-pronged approach, Liu Bei will become suspicious sooner or later. In terms of kindness and righteousness, isn't Guan Yu used by the prime minister?" Jia Xu said slowly.

"Wenhe's plan is very clever, so we will act according to it!" Cao Cao was also overjoyed when he heard this.Guo Jia thought about it and didn't think there was anything wrong, so he didn't say anything at the moment.

So in the following days, although the military situation was tense while fighting abroad, Cao Cao still invited Guan Yu to a banquet every three or five days.At the same time, Xuzhou and other places suddenly spread rumors that Jundao Guan Yu had separated from Liu Bei for a long time, and he had a different heart and wanted to stand on his own. Even these news quickly spread to the ears of Liu Bei who was waiting for Cao Cao's army to gather under Shouchun City.

"Brother!" Liu Bei was discussing with Zhao Feng and Lu Su in the big tent that day, when suddenly Zhang Fei barged into the tent with a spear all over his body and in his hand. "The third brother wants to attack the city?" Liu Bei only thought that Zhang Fei couldn't hold back for a few days and wanted to attack the city.

"Siege is a small thing, big brother. Now everyone is saying that second brother wants to stand on his own. Let me go to Yuzhou to capture him and bring him back to big brother!" Zhang Fei said angrily.

"Shut up, Yun Chang and I have been brothers for so many years, how could this be so, sit down!" Liu Bei shouted. "Brother?" Zhang Fei looked dumbfounded at Liu Bei who seemed to be even more excited, and sat down with a long sigh.

"The three generals don't need to care about it. Su expects this to be Cao Cao's plan to separate people." Lu Su waited for Zhang Fei to sit down, and said with a smile. "What's Zijing's opinion?" Liu Bei asked eagerly, these messages made him a little uncomfortable these days.Zhao Feng also looked at Lu Su in surprise, this old man really has a trick.He is a time traveler with foresight, knowing that Guan Yu will not betray, it is not easy for him to see it.

After all, what did Lu Su say, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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