Shu Han Confucian General of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 56 It's time to come

Chapter 56 It's time to come

On the way home at night, Zhao Feng felt a little dizzy while riding on the horse. Although the wine in Miss Zhen's shop was not as strong as Xuzhou old wine, the two chatted for too long. He just poured wine and drank it, so he drank a lot.

However, this talk really had a lot of fun, Zhao Feng knew that Miss Zhen was a businessman, so he immediately told her some business experiences of later generations in simple terms.Zhen Jiangwan didn't expect that this General Zhao also had a lot of research on the way of doing business, and he sincerely asked for advice when he was amazed, and Zhao Feng was even more difficult to refuse the request of a beautiful woman. The more they talked, the more speculative they became.Later, the little loli Zhen Mi also came after hearing the news, and with her gags, the atmosphere became even more enthusiastic.

Finally, it was Zhen Jiang's kind hospitality to bid farewell to Zhao Feng, but when Zhao Feng left, the sisters of the Zhen family treated him much warmer.Especially Zhen Jiang, from the gratitude at the beginning, to the amazement and admiration when he listened to his business experience later.To continue to develop, that is admiration.At the last farewell, Zhen Jiang was obviously reluctant to part with her, which was quite different from her usual sophistication.

Not to mention that Zhao Feng was a little dizzy, but at this time the sisters of the Zhen family were also having their own thoughts. "Sister, tell me, do you like this General Zhao?" Zhen Mi looked at her sister with a smirk and asked.

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense!" Zhen Jiang forced a smile.However, Zhen Mi also knew that her sister had already been engaged to the eldest son of the Yuan family, and no matter how affectionate she was with this General Zhao, she could only be destined for nothing. In order to prevent her sister from being sad, she could only keep her head down and remained silent. The atmosphere was a bit dull for a while. .

Not to mention Zhen Jiang's dejection, Zhao Feng was dizzy.This night, there was one person who was more depressed than them.In Xuchang Prime Minister's Mansion, although it was late at night, Cao Cao still didn't rest.On the contrary, at this moment, he was sitting in the main hall with a murderous look, and all the main officials under him were here.The door was open, but everyone was silent, obviously waiting for something.

Not long after, Jia Xu hurried in. "Wenhe, what's the matter?" Cao Cao looked up at Jia Xu and asked.

"Prime Minister, I caught all of them." Jia Xu said without any emotion, and then asked, "How to deal with it?"

"Hmph, what else can I do? Naturally, they will all be beheaded!" Cao Cao said aggressively, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and changed his words: "No, let's keep one for now. I still need to keep one." Xun Yu on the side listened. At these words, I couldn't help shivering.

Two days later, in Xuzhou Mufu, when the court Taiwei Liu Bei suddenly received a person from Cao Cao, a person who could hardly be called a human being.

"Emperor Ji Ping?" Liu Bei looked at the bloody man lying on the ground in shock.All ten of his fingers had been chopped off, and both eyeballs had been gouged out.As if hearing Liu Bei's voice, Ji Ping stretched out his fingerless hands tremblingly as if he wanted to take something out of his bosom, Liu Bei hurriedly ordered someone to come forward to do it for him.All Xuzhou officials were shocked when they saw it.

"I have heard that the relationship between father and son comes first; the difference between superiority and inferiority is that the monarch and his ministers are the most important. Recently, thieves have taken power and oppressed the monarch and father; they have joined forces to corrupt the court; rewards, seals and punishments are not up to my lord. I worry about it day and night. , Fearing that the world will be in danger. You are the minister of the country, and my dearest relatives. I should remember the difficulties of Emperor Gaodi in starting a business, unite the martyrs who have both loyalty and righteousness, wipe out the traitors, and restore the country. Fortunately, the ancestors! Break your fingers and sprinkle blood, and write an edict to pay Qing, be careful again and again, don’t let me down! The imperial edict in the spring and March of the fourth year of Jian’an.” After Sun Qian read a blood book out of Ji Ping’s arms, everyone fell silent for a while.

Sure enough, it was a clothes belt edict!Zhao Feng sighed in his heart.Historically, Liu Bei would have participated in this matter, but now he cannot participate because he is not in the capital.While he was sighing, Ji Ping, who was sitting on the ground, said shyly, "Liu Taiwei, this is a secret edict from His Majesty to Dong Cheng, the chariot and cavalry general. Zhong Ji and other five adults were executed by the whole family, Concubine Dong Gui was also killed by Cao Cao, and even the dragon species in her stomach was also killed!"

Everyone was even more astonished, and Zhao Feng also sighed, this Cao Cao is really ruthless.That's the emperor's own flesh and blood, and you're actually going to kill him if you say so.However, after this incident, Cao Cao's political advantage of coercing the emperor to order the princes may be greatly discounted.Although his title of Han thief is only for those who are loyal to the Han Dynasty, Liu Bei is just like this now.

"Liu Taiwei, Master Liu!" Ji Ping spoke again at this time: "Liu Taiwei, now that Cao Cao is deceiving the emperor, and you are the only one who can restore the dynasty! I hope that Master Liu will put the Han Dynasty as the most important thing." , don’t let this country thief go!”

Liu Bei also let out a long sigh, and then said firmly: "As a descendant of the Han family, I, Liu Bei, will never tolerate this traitor being so unscrupulous!"

"Since that's the case, I'm relieved!" Ji Ping nodded, and suddenly bumped his head to the ground.Everyone around was caught off guard for a moment, and the ground of the state pastoral mansion was paved with hard blue bricks.When everyone reacted, Ji Ping had already hit his head and was bleeding profusely, dying of breath.

"Doctor Ji!" Everyone also exclaimed.Although most people here have no friendship with Ji Ping, or even strangers.But seeing his tragic death, they all felt righteous indignation.Zhao Feng was also shocked, the most terrifying thing in this world is the person who is not afraid of death.The reason why Ji Ping kept his life and was tossed all the way from Xuchang to Xuzhou by Cao Cao was to entrust Liu Bei.After the matter is completed, he sacrifices his life for righteousness.

Liu Bei was speechless for a while, and finally led the crowd to pay respects to Ji Ping a few times, and then ordered Ji Ping to be buried respectfully.When the matter came to an end, Liu Bei said angrily: "Cao Cao deceived the emperor and killed the emperor's relatives. I agree, immediately raise troops to crusade against the national traitors, and fight him to the death!"

"No!" It was three people who said in unison: Lu Su, Chen Qun and Zhao Feng.Liu Bei looked at the three of them in astonishment, and Chen Qun stepped forward first and said, "My lord, when the emperor returned to Luoyang in the past, both civil and military affairs were discussed in the court among the rubble, and there was no food or millet at all. Later, Cao Cao received an order to welcome your majesty." If you move to Xudu, you will be able to inherit your ancestors. Although Cao Cao is a traitor of the Han Dynasty, he has made meritorious deeds. It is against the righteousness for us to make enemies with him."

Lu Su went on to say: "My lord, although there are many soldiers and horses in Xuzhou, Cao Cao has no less than 20 troops. The Xiahou brothers under his command, Cao Ren and Cao Hong were all famous generals at that time, and Guo Jia, Xun Yu and others were even more resourceful and far-reaching. Generation. When we confront him, the chance of winning is only half, and it is very likely that both sides will suffer."

"Besides," Zhao Feng interjected, "If we fight Cao Cao, the ultimate winner will be Hebei Yuan Shao." There is no need to say the rest.Liu Bei looked at the three people and knew what they were telling the truth, but when he looked at the belt edict in his hand, he still sighed unwillingly: "Is this why we let Cao Cao go? This traitor killed the noble concubine, the truth is the same as that day Dong Zhuo is no different. If you don’t get rid of it, the Han Dynasty will be in danger!”

"My lord!" This time it was Zhao Feng who saw that everyone was speechless, and immediately remonstrated: "Although the emperor is in Cao Cao's hands, there are not a few civil and military officials loyal to the Han Dynasty. If Cao Cao dares to usurp openly, he must People all over the world attacked him, and Yuan Shu is a lesson learned from the past." Zhao Feng's words are not without basis, even if there is Dong Cheng's negative example of failure in history, Wei Huang and others still continue to follow this path.

"Then in your opinion, what should we do?" Liu Bei stared at Zhao Feng and asked with twinkling eyes.

"At the end, there are three proposals: build a wall high, become king slowly, and accumulate food widely!" Zhao Feng paused every word: "Only when we are strong can we be able to sort out this troubled world. Those who have empty names but no strength , In the end, the name does not live up to the name. Those who are strong but do not try to make a name, finally deserve the name!"

"What Bo Tao said is true!" Liu Bei sighed after thinking for a moment.Everyone understood that although Liu Bei didn't say anything more, he had already started to fight Cao Cao secretly.As for being king, it was omitted intentionally or unintentionally by Liu Bei, and everyone understands what it means.

Ji Ping's death did not change Xuzhou's life completely. Thanks to everyone's methodical and hard work, Xuzhou has become more and more prosperous.A month later, another major event happened: the first batch of students from Xuzhou University graduated.Excluding those who dropped out of school for some reason, there were more than 300 graduates in each of the first civil and military departments, and more than [-]% of them graduated normally.As for what jobs they arrange, it is still determined by the instructors according to their respective grades and performance during the internship.Among them, the arts were assigned by Sun Qian, and the martial arts were assigned by Zhao Feng.

In the list of martial arts graduates, Zhao Feng also saw the names of several Shu Han celebrities in history.

"Fu Tong, Chen Shi?" Zhao Feng looked at the two energetic young men in front of him. They were the two most outstanding martial arts graduates this year.

"I have met General Zhao!" Both of them bowed and saluted. They knew that this person in front of them would determine their next step, and even their fate for the rest of their lives.

"Chen Shi, you let me be the Du Bo. Fu Tong, you go to be the Cai County Captain." Zhao Feng thought for a while and let them start from the grassroots, but not from the bottom.Historically, they have also climbed up step by step from the grassroots. It is enough for them to improve a little bit, and it is not good to overdo it.

"Thank you, General!" The two couldn't hide their happiness: the county lieutenant can be in charge of half the county's military affairs, and the uncle can also lead a hundred troops, with an annual salary of one hundred shi.Compared with their classmates who can only be pavilion heads and scribes, they are several times higher.

"Go down and report!" Zhao Feng waved them away, but he also felt amused in his heart, never thought that he would be the Bole of Chen Shi and Fu Tong.Historically, Fu Tong was loyal to Liu Bei. After the Battle of Yiling was fought to the death for Liu Bei, he was so tired that he vomited blood and died.His son Fu Jian is also loyal. It can be said that the whole family is Liu Bei's diehard loyalists.As for Chen Shi, although he is also Liu Bei's loyal minister, he is more famous for his son: Chen Shou, the author of "Three Kingdoms".

"Xiaoshou, Xiaoshou, I have arranged your father so well, you should write about me well in the future!" Zhao Feng also sighed in his heart.At the same time, the name of the No.1 liberal arts graduate also caught Zhao Feng's attention: Jiang Wan.According to Sun Qian's intention, Jiang Wan was appointed Cheng Cheng of Yingshang County.But Zhao Feng knew that Jiang Wan would be the prime minister of Shu Han in the future, a great talent in governing the country.On the pretext that Li Tong, the magistrate of Yingshang, had joined the army, Jiang Wan was simply made the magistrate of Yingshang.

In this way, under the influence of Zhao Feng's invisibility, several historical celebrities appeared in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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