Chapter 60 The Plague Strikes
"Langya, [-]% to [-]% of the people on the border of Taishan counties have migrated. At the same time, the surplus felt tents of the troops stationed in various places have been transferred to the border. If there is not enough, reed sheds can be set up. In addition, many deep wells have been dug." Xuzhou Mufu, Chen Qun reported the current situation to Liu Bei in detail.

"Did it cause panic?" Liu Bei asked.

"Not yet, the local officials told the people in detail, only that the northern counties would cause the plague, so they asked everyone to stay away for a few months." Chen Qun said carefully.Zhao Feng also knew that although the common people were hard to leave their homeland, they avoided the plague when they encountered it.Right now Xuzhou and Yuzhou bordering several counties to the north have made preparations just in case.

A few days ago, when Hua Tuo told Liu Bei that there might be a large-scale plague, Zhao Feng didn't care to shock the world, and put forward some measures to limit the plague on the spot. "Is that all right?" Liu Bei couldn't believe it after listening to Zhao Feng's suggestion.

"It is so!" Zhao Feng admitted honestly.In this era, all we can do is to isolate, and then find ways to enhance the patient's resistance as much as possible, while reducing pollution sources.Regarding Zhao Feng's suggestion, although Liu Bei didn't quite believe it, he still made arrangements with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.So the people in the border area under Liu Bei's rule were first evacuated, and the vacated houses were requisitioned. In addition, a large number of camps in the army were allocated to accommodate refugees from the north.At the same time, according to Zhao Feng's suggestion, deep wells were dug in the refugee camp to avoid getting sick from drinking the polluted river water.In addition, the officials uniformly allocated vegetables and dry food to the border to resettle refugees.As for medicinal materials, we still have to wait until the specific condition is determined.In addition, the corpses of people or livestock who died of diseases must be burned and buried, and then sprinkled with lime powder to prevent them from being infected.

Zhao Feng knew that most of the plagues in the late Eastern Han Dynasty were hemorrhagic fever and typhoid fever.The former has no cure for the time being, and can only be resisted by increasing the intake of vitamins and strengthening the body's resistance; the latter still has laws to follow, such as using cinnamon twigs, peony and other Chinese herbal medicines can greatly alleviate the condition.Now Zhao Feng can only pray that the plague this time should be typhoid.

Hua Tuo's vision was quite accurate. One month later, plagues broke out in Qingzhou, Bingzhou, Jizhou, Yongzhou and Yanzhou in the north.For a time, a large number of victims fled south from their homes.In order to defend the place, Liu Biao of Jingzhou sent Cai Mao and others to Chen Bing on the frontier to strictly prohibit the victims of the disaster from entering Jingxiang.However, Guan Yu in Yuzhou and Liu Bei in Xuzhou both began to take in refugees in an orderly manner, and the princes of the world were greatly surprised for a while.

"Liu Bei dared to take in the victims of the disaster?" Cao Cao felt unbelievable when he heard the news and reported it: Could it be that Liu Da'er didn't know the severity of the plague?Obviously not, after all, Liu Bei and he both experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion. At that time, it was because of the severe drought and the outbreak of the plague that the population of the Han Dynasty dropped by 2000 million.

"My lord, according to Yu's calculations, it seems that Liu Bei has a way to control the plague!" Xun Yu couldn't believe it, but he still said bluntly: "Under Liu Bei's rule, there are no fewer than thousands of disaster victims every day, but the number of dead is only a hundred." As soon as the words came out, everyone exclaimed: This is simply unimaginable to them. "How did Liu Bei do it?" Cao Cao asked hastily.

"I haven't figured this out yet. The plague is rampant right now, and many minions have died on the road." Xun Yu said sadly.Cao Cao also knew that there was no way to do it, so he had to take a step first.

"How's the situation?" Liu Bei asked Chen Qun in Xuzhou City, and all the senior officials of Xuzhou were present. "Since the outbreak of the plague for a month, about [-] victims have flooded into Xuzhou every day, and more than [-] people have flooded into Yuzhou." Chen Qun replied, after a pause, Chen Qun glanced at Zhao Feng and said: "But we Xuzhou adopted the method of General Zhao in Yuzhou to firmly control the epidemic at the border. Now not only Qingzhou and Yanzhou, but even many people from Jingzhou have begun to flock to Runan."

"Are there enough food and medical supplies?" Liu Bei asked again. After all, if they were gone, it would be foolish to want to control them. "It can last for two months!" Chen Qun replied.

"Enough!" Zhao Feng counted the time, and it will be winter in two months. By then, the plague will subside, and Liu Bei will feel much more relaxed after hearing that.A few days later, after repeated experiments by Zhao Feng and Hua Tuo, it was finally confirmed that Haocao Decoction could effectively prevent the plague.Hua Tuo didn't know this at first, but Zhao Feng had read the records of this in his previous life, and now he discussed it with Hua Tuo, the number one genius doctor at that time, for a long time, and finally figured it out.

"General Zhao's medical skills are so good, I really admire him!" In Xuzhou College, an old man with white hair and childlike face saluted Zhao Feng, he was Hua Tuo. "Where is there!" Zhao Feng said humbly, he still needs to be self-aware in front of this expert, but Liu Bei and others who came together looked at Zhao Feng with a little surprise in their eyes: they can not only fight wars, but also civil affairs, and even medical skills and business. He is proficient in everything, there is almost nothing that this kid doesn't know.

Under such an epidemic situation, no matter how tyrannical Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are, they will never even think about fighting.In this desolate and anxious atmosphere, several bigwigs spent 198 years, and it was not until the winter plague eased that they felt a little better.As for Sun Ce in the south and Liu Zhang in the ravine, the former is busy pacifying Jiaozhou, while the latter doesn't care much about world affairs.

The isolation zone on the border between Xuzhou and Yuzhou was dismantled, but the people who had regained their freedom were unwilling to leave, and most of them chose to settle down here. "After the epidemic, 30 people have flowed into Xuzhou from Qingzhou, 20 people have flowed into Yuzhou from Yanzhou, and nearly 20 people have flowed into Yuzhou from Jingzhou!" Chen Qun reported to Liu Beihui after checking the number of people.

"So many?" Liu Bei was also taken aback, but then he realized that if they were not effectively controlled, it would be very difficult for these people to survive half of the time, let alone the fact that they would not be unaffected under their own rule.Thinking of this, Liu Bei straightened his clothes, got up and bowed deeply to Zhao Feng, who quickly stepped forward to support him: "My lord, why is this so, really kill me!"

"This time, Bo Tao acted properly and spared millions of dead souls for the big man. I really don't know how to thank Bo Tao!" Liu Bei sighed. In Xuzhou City, there is a sense of survival after disaster.

If it is said that Liu Bei was only alive after the catastrophe, then Lao Cao was close to death.After the plague came down, Yanzhou and Yongzhou under his rule suffered heavy losses.The loss of population death plus loss is nearly 100 million.Although I later learned how Liu Bei controlled the plague, it was almost midwinter at that time, and it was too late to make up for it.

"The population is less than 300 million, and the army is only 20. How can I fight Yuan Benchu ​​in the beginning of spring!" This is Cao Cao's biggest headache now.Although Jizhou and other places were also devastated by the epidemic, Yuan Shao's family has a solid foundation and can afford it!

Seeing Cao Cao like this, Guo Jia on the side immediately understood what he was worried about. He smiled slightly and said the famous ten victories and ten defeats: "Liu and Xiang are invincible, and the public knows. The Han Zu only defeated Xiang Yu wisely. Therefore, although the feathers are strong, they will eventually be the fowl. Today, Shao has ten defeats, and the public has ten victories. Although Shao is strong, he is incapable of doing anything. Shao has many etiquettes, and the public is natural. This way wins; Shao uses rebellion, and the public Fengshun led the world, and this righteousness won; since Huan and Ling, the government has lost its way of being lenient. Avoid, employing people is doubtful, and only relatives and children are appointed. The public is easy and simple, but the inside is smart. There is no doubt about employing people. Only talents are appropriate. Regardless of distance, this time wins; The public has the strategy to act, and the response is endless, and this is the way to win; Shao Gao discusses and bows to gain reputation, and the good words of the scholars are mostly returned to them. The public treats others with sincerity, not for pretense. Everyone is willing to use it, and this virtue is superior; when you see people hungry and cold, you will feel sorry for them. It is manifested in colors. What you don’t see, worry about or fail to catch up with, let’s talk about small things at present, and sometimes ignore them. What you add is beyond your expectations. Although you don’t see it, you think it carefully. This kind of benevolence wins; Shao’s ministers fight for power, slander and confuse, the public and the emperor follow the way, and the infiltration can’t be done. Advance with propriety, instead of rectifying with the law, this article wins; Shaohao is vain, does not know the key to soldiers, the public uses less to overcome the crowd, uses soldiers like gods, soldiers rely on them, enemies fear them, this is martial arts."

This flattery really praised Cao Cao to the sky, made him feel a little giddy and dizzy, and buried Yuan Shao to nothing.Cao Cao's spirit was also refreshed, and he began to gather his energy and prepare his troops for war with Yuan Shao at any time.At the same time, there was also news from the south that Shi Xie of Jiaozhou was completely defeated in the battle of Yulin after a series of fierce battles with Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's plan.Both Shi Xie and his two sons died in the rebellion. Only Shi Wu, Shi Xie's younger brother, escaped to Jingzhou to join Liu Biao.So far, Sun Ce has occupied Jiaozhou and Jiangdong, with no less than 20 armored men under him, and his strength should not be underestimated for a while.

"It seems that Sun Ce has made a lot of money!" Zhao Feng sighed when the news came back to Xuzhou.However, Liu Bei did not make less money. Although the money and food consumption was quite large when fighting the plague, the population increased greatly!It was the beginning of spring at this time, and the number of people under Liu Bei's rule increased by 100 million, and the 100 million people were basically young and middle-aged.This is also normal. How can someone who can survive the plague be weak and sick?Now Liu Bei is much more calm whether he is recruiting troops or governing the local area.Therefore, under the auspices of Chen Qun and Zhao Feng, various civil and military affairs began to be established in an orderly manner.

What Zhao Feng never expected was that there was also a dark tide in the city of Jizhou at this time.Yuan Shao, the most powerful man in the world, sat on the main seat, looked at the crowd of civil and military men who were seated, and said slowly: "Everyone, I want to rebel and fight against Cao Cao. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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