Shu Han Confucian General of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 72 Sending troops to Jiangdong

Chapter 72 Sending troops to Jiangdong
"It's okay for Bo Tao to go. But how many soldiers and horses will he need?" Liu Bei asked.

Zhao Feng himself presided over the military reforms in Xuzhou and Yuzhou a while ago, and now he is counting on the strength of the troops.Zhang Fei's [-] troops in Qingzhou cannot be moved. Zhang Liao and Gao Lan on the front line of Shouchun can deploy some troops appropriately, and of course Yuzhou should also mobilize some troops.After counting several times, Zhao Feng first said: "The last general will lead [-] Xuzhou troops, another [-] Yuzhou troops, plus [-] navy troops, should be enough!"

"Jiangdong only has more than 11 horses, and Sun Ce lost no less than [-] in the previous attack on Shouchun, and this time there are Jingzhou troops and horses. The general's [-] troops should be enough." Lu Su also nodded when he heard this. .

"Since that's the case, why don't I lead the army to fight in person?" Liu Bei suddenly said, it seems that he still yearns for the day when he goes to battle in person!

"My lord, with a body of ten thousand gold, how can I be in danger?" Chen Qun, Sun Qian and other civil officials hurriedly remonstrated when they heard the words. Seeing that Liu Bei was still hesitant, Lu Su added another sentence: "My lord, this conquest of Jiangdong is different from the past. , there is a big river blocking it. If you don’t seize the opposite place first as a foothold, I’m afraid it will be difficult for the army to display it!” The implication is that if you can’t gain a foothold in the south of the Yangtze River first, it’s hard for the conquest army to make any big progress. Just don't rush to meddle first!

"That's all right!" Liu Bei also knew that he was not good at water warfare, and he thought that even if he wanted to fight in person, he would have to wait for one or two counties in the south of the Yangtze River, so that he could come to the front line and boost morale.So in the following time, the Xuzhou Army began to prepare methodically.Liu Bei first drafted a call to action by Sun Qian, and then the army from all over Yuzhou was also transferred to Anyang County near the Lujiang River.Guan Yu offered to lead the army himself after learning the news that Jiangdong was going to be conquered.But Liu Bei was really not at ease with Cao Cao's character, so he persuaded Guan Yu to sit in Yuzhou to guard against Cao Cao.After all, after Yuzhou mobilized 4 troops, only 15 to [-] soldiers were left.And Cao Cao left Xun Yu's [-] troops to garrison Xuchang. In addition to other places, Cao Cao left a full [-] troops in Yanzhou.Moreover, Yuzhou is not like Xuzhou. After Cao Cao ceded Taishan County, Xuzhou's original defensive gates officially belonged to Liu Bei.Yuzhou is hundreds of miles deep at the border with Yanzhou. No one knows where Cao Cao will fight when he comes here. We can only let Guan Yu be on guard first.Guan Yu also knew that this was the truth, so after weighing the advantages and disadvantages, he no longer insisted on it, but only paid attention to the deployment of soldiers and horses and there were still a few generals who were ready to listen.

"Bo Tao, this time, as the imperial captain, I will appoint you as the general who conquers the south and lead the army to attack Jiangdong!" Seeing that the preparations were almost done, Liu Bei also gave the final order.Without waiting for Zhao Feng to react, Liu Bei added another sentence: "As long as Yangzhou is conquered, I will show you to be the shepherd of Yangzhou!"

"General Zhengnan, Yangzhou Mu?" These two positions caught Zhao Feng by surprise.The military positions in the Eastern Han Dynasty were the Taiwei and the Great General, followed by the Huqi and the Chariot Generals; then the Four Generals, the Front, the Front, the Front, the Left, and the Left, and then the Four Commanders, the Four Towns, and the Si'an Generals.Now Liu Bei himself is a Taiwei, and he has the right to appoint generals in name, but generally he also appoints some generals with miscellaneous names.In terms of horizontal comparison, currently in Liu Bei's army, only Guan Yu is General Zhengdong, Zhang Fei is General Zhendong, and the rest are generals with other names like General Zhonglang, so once Zhao Feng secures the position of General Zhengnan, Faintly, it can be said that he is the fourth person in Liu Bei's army.Not to mention the Yangzhou Mu, the three brothers Liu Bei are currently in charge of a state, and Zhang Fei is still half of Qingzhou.

As if seeing Zhao Feng's shock, Liu Bei patted him on the shoulder suddenly, and said with a trace of nostalgia: "I met Bo Tao eight years ago in Pingyuan, and I was only a county magistrate at that time. Who would Tell me that eight years from now I will be able to serve as the Imperial Commandant and sit in the three prefectures, and I will denounce it as absurd. Looking back on the past, I know very well that if it weren't for Bo Tao, I would never have achieved what I am today."

"The lord has won the award, and this is the credit of everyone!" Zhao Feng was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly declined.

"Bo Tao is too modest. If it weren't for you, there are at least three things I can't do." Liu Bei seemed to be lost in memory, and then said after a pause: "First, I would not recruit An Zhongfu and others; second, Lu Bu attacked Xuzhou Time will not return without success; third: the second brother will not enter Yuzhou. Without these three things, how can I sit where I am today!"

"My lord!" Zhao Feng sighed when he heard the words.Looking at Liu Bei in front of him, Zhao Feng suddenly realized that he had never really understood him.Maybe he is not as talented as Cao Cao, and his personal ability is not necessarily outstanding, but his ability to recognize and employ people is rare.And he has always been lenient to others, so that he can use his personality charm to fool people into working for him.In Zhao Feng's opinion, there is nothing wrong with this, at least the people who work for him are willing, including himself.

In the late autumn of 199 AD, when the two giants in the north, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, were confronting Guandu, Liu Bei of Xuzhou and Liu Biao of Jingzhou joined forces to attack Sun Quan of Jiangdong.Liu Bei worshiped Zhao Feng, the prefect of Pengcheng, as the general who conquered the south, and led an army of 11 land and water troops, including ten generals, to attack the Lujiang River; Liu Biao sent Cai Mao, the governor of the navy, to lead the Jingxiang navy south to the Ganshui River, and confronted Zhou Yu of Poyang Lake.At the same time, he ordered Jingzhou not to drive Kuai Yue to lead a horse infantry army of [-] to station troops in Jingnan, facing Zhou Yu across the water.In addition, Liu Pan, Liu Biao's nephew, led an army of [-] troops from the four counties in Jingnan to the south, pointing directly at Jiaozhou.The north and south of China, except for Yizhou in the deep mountains, are all shrouded in flames of war.

"My lord!" Zhu Ran and Pan Zhang hurried over from the mansion of the rebellious general in Wu Jun as if their butts were on fire, the former holding a silk book in his hand.

"Why are you so panicked?" Sun Quan looked at the two companions who had been with him since childhood and came in such a hurry, and it was a little strange.Pan Zhang is okay, Zhu Ran has never been such a rash person.

"My lord, in the name of Xuzhou Liu Bei not paying tribute for a long time, and also attacking each other for no reason before, he worshiped Zhao Feng as the general who conquered the south, and sent an army of 30 land and water to attack. Here is the current call!" Zhu Ran said with a pale face, and then put The silk book in his hand was passed to Sun Quan.

"30? The old thief is so rude!" Sun Quan said fiercely after reading this essay.Although Liu Bei is only 38 years old this year, compared to the 18-year-old Sun Quan, he can indeed be regarded as an old thief.Of course, if he knew that Liu Biao, who was nearly half a century old, had also gotten in the way, he might consider giving the latter a more appropriate title.

"Quickly gather the people in the hall for discussion!" Sun Quan left this sentence, and hurriedly took a step ahead, leaving Pan Zhang and Zhu Ran, who were sweating profusely, to go to gather a group of civil and military personnel.

"30? Why is Liu Bei bluffing so much? Although he occupies Xuzhou and Yuzhou, he still needs to divide his troops to guard the four counties of Qingzhou. How can he get 30 troops? 10,000+ is almost enough!" Zhang Zhaowen shook his head first, It was quite disapproving and authentic, and everyone laughed when they heard it, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot.

"A 20 army is like stepping down Jiangdong, the old thief is too self-righteous!" Sun Quan laughed when he understood the key point.At present, Sun Quan has a total of 14 troops. Excluding Sun Jing and Zhuge Jin who are guarding Jiaozhou, there are [-], and the remaining six counties in Jiangdong (counting Poyang County is counted as seven counties) have [-] troops.Even if Poyang had to gather some troops to guard against Liu Biao in Jingzhou, there were still nearly [-] troops left. Sun Quan was confident that with [-] against [-], defense would at least not be a problem.

"My lord, my Jiangdong navy is invincible in the world. If Liu Bei has the ability to fly over the Yangtze River, we will recognize him! If not, even if there are thousands of troops, let him die on the river!" Zheng Zheng who said this It was Jiangdong's number one veteran Cheng Pu, and all the generals nodded their heads.

"Old General Cheng, don't underestimate the enemy. After Xuzhou occupied Huainan a year ago, he has been training naval forces on the Huaihe River. His ambition is not small!" Zhang Zhao poured cold water on it rightly.

"Mr. Zhang, I have worried too much. Forgive that the Xuzhou navy has only ten thousand people. The boat is small and there are few people. It was trained in a small ditch like the Huaihe River. I only need to lead five thousand sailors to go up the river and destroy it. Its water village!" Cheng Pu said proudly.At this moment, someone came to report that Zhou Yu, the naval commander in Poyang, had an urgent military situation.

"Liu Biao of Jingzhou has recently stationed troops in Jingnan and Ganshui, and seems to have the intention of invading east!" Sun Quan briefly announced the military situation. "Could it be that Liu Biao and Liu Bei are going to attack Jiangdong together?" Zhang Zhao on the side couldn't help frowning and said to himself after hearing the words.As soon as this remark came out, not only himself, but all the people who heard it changed greatly.

"Don't care if he is Jingzhou or Xuzhou, the general is willing to lead a brigade to punish Zhao Feng first, then Cai Mao, in order to repay the lord!" Seeing that the crowd was a little downcast, Zhou Tai, who had always claimed to be the number one general in Jiangdong, had no choice but to stand up And out.

"My lord, kindness is willing to lead the army to ward off Liu Bei!" The person who said this was Tai Shici, who was recognized as the number one brave general in Jiangdong.Since Sun Ce's death, Tai Shici, who had tied with him, was the number one brave general in Jiangdong, and even Cheng Pu's veteran qualifications had already been admitted.

"Everyone, since the two Lius are coming together, we still need to think long-term!" Zhang Zhao, who was still laughing at Liu Bei's bluff just now, looked serious now.

"What's your opinion, Mr. Zhang?" Cheng Pu asked a little displeased when he heard the words.

"From Zhao's point of view, since the two Lius can join forces, why can't we seek foreign aid?" Zhang Zhao smiled while stroking his goatee.

"Mr. Zhang, do you mean to connect with Yuan Shao?" Yu Fan stepped forward and asked from the civil servant beside him.

"It's not Yuan Shao, but Cao Cao!" Zhang Zhao laughed.

"Cao Cao?" Everyone was puzzled when they heard the words: Liu Bei and Cao Cao are currently fighting Yuan Shao, how can they help Jiangdong?For a moment, everyone was puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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