Chapter 98

In the next few days, the situation and news from all parties came one after another.First of all, after Liu Bei of Wu County learned that Poyang had been pacified, under the advice of Lu Su and Pang Tong, he temporarily stopped military operations to restore some vitality to the two counties he had just occupied.Therefore, on the afternoon when Zhao Feng pacified Poyang, Liu Bei sent Xu Sheng and Pang Tong to lead 5000 troops to Poyang to assist Zhao Feng in defending the city.As for those Shanyue people that Zhao Feng mentioned did not want to go to Yuzhou, Liu Bei decided to designate a sparsely populated county under Danyang rule to house them. These tasks will be carried out gradually after Liu Bei stabilizes Jiangdong.

As for the "ally" Jingzhou, after successfully occupying most of Yuzhang's cities, only Chaisangjian City remained unbreakable.Chaisang Guard General Jiang Qin was a loyal minister of the Sun family. Knowing that his army alone had no future in defending the city, he still refused to surrender and even beheaded the envoy sent by Kuai Liang to persuade him to surrender.Kuai Liang became angry and ordered a strong attack. After holding on for half a month, the last [-] defenders were almost wiped out. Jiang Qin died in battle and the city was destroyed.However, after two major defeats, the Jingzhou army was seriously injured, and they could only temporarily defend Yuzhang for a while, and were unable to go south to invade the counties of Luling.The entire battle has been fought until now, and the Jingzhou Army has already taken nearly [-] lives.

As for Sun Quan and Zhou Yu, the former led the remnant troops to flee to Kuaiji, while the latter retreated to Luling. Soon after, the two also got in touch and became one.From the perspective of military strength, the two of them have about Liu Wanduo's first-line combat troops, plus the rest of the counties and national soldiers, they can barely make do with 9 people.Of course, there are still 90 soldiers in Jiaozhou.It seems that there are quite a lot of people in this way, but because the area occupied is too large, it seems a bit stretched to guard.In addition, the population of Jiaozhou + Kuaiji and Luling counties is only more than 60, of which Jiaozhou is 30, and the two counties add up to only more than [-]. Such a huge army cannot be supported. After Zhou Yu and Zhang Zhao discussed it, they could not Instead of laying off part of the army, let them temporarily go to farms for military use.

At the same time, Liu Bei and Zhao Feng did not relax their attention to the northern war situation.Guan Yu from Yuzhou, Zhang Fei from Qingzhou, and even Sun Qian who stayed behind in Xuzhou sent letters every day, reporting the latest progress and situation on the front line.Judging from the recent military newspapers, Guan Yu and Li Yan are both busy recruiting more than [-] Shanyue who migrated there, among which [-] were selected to join the army.The people of Shanyue were brave and good at fighting, and Guan Yu was full of praise in his letters.As for Zhang Sanye in Beihai City, he is really idle and a bit pained. He just watched Cao Cao and Yuan Shao confront each other all day long, and he had no choice but to be his Qingzhou governor. .

Of course, those two bosses in Guandu, Liu Bei, did not dare to ignore them at all. No matter who they win, they will determine the ownership of the north.At present, it seems that there is still a confrontation, but Zhao Feng knows that if Yuan Shao drags on like this, something will happen.Especially now that Cao Cao's military rations are not as often in short supply as in history. With this advantage, Cao Cao's chances of winning are even greater.

The current situation is relatively clear, that is, to rest and recuperate for the time being, and prepare to break Sun Quan's last two counties in Jiangdong.After Pang Tong and Xu Sheng came to Poyang, they and Zhao Feng took care of all military affairs, while civil affairs Liu Bei was handed over to Gu Yong who had just surrendered.After resting for a month, the two war-torn counties also regained a little vitality.Liu Bei himself is still in Wujun. Unless there is an emergency in Xuzhou, at least he will not return to Jiangbei until Sun Quan is defeated.

"Huh!" After sorting out another pile of documents, Zhao Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.Now that there is a shortage of manpower, most of the Soochow officials went to Kuaiji with Sun Quan, and even he, a lazy man, was forced to work harder. "General, you are sitting in Poyang right now, leading the military and government affairs, and you still need a lot of hard work!" Pang Tong said with a half-hearted smile.He knew that Zhao Feng was lazy by nature and was not very keen on these military affairs.If it wasn't for Xu Sheng who was too busy alone, he wouldn't be bothered to do it.

"Shi Yuan, how many times have I told you, don't laugh easily, and don't show your teeth when you smile, it's not good to scare others." Zhao Feng deliberately "provoked" and Pang Tong smiled wryly when he heard the words. The appearance is really helpless.After a pause, Pang Tong suddenly asked with a smile: "General, is Xiao Qiao really as beautiful as the rumors say?"

"Not far away!" Zhao Feng replied lightly.Perhaps because of being frightened, Xiao Qiao fell ill that day.Zhao Feng didn't want to keep her by his side to cause gossip, but seeing her in such a situation, he could only let her live in the county guard's mansion first, while he stayed in the military camp all the time.Except for visiting her every now and then, I haven't paid much attention to her in the past half month.

"That Tong really wants to admire the general. In the face of such a beautiful woman, the general is not tempted?" Pang Tong smiled wretchedly, but his eyes were still on Zhao Feng's lower body and he nodded repeatedly.Zhao Feng also frowned slightly when he heard the words, but he also knew that Pang Tong was mostly joking, so he just said indifferently at the moment: "She is a married woman, don't mess around."

"So what about a married woman? Then Zhou Yu confronted us first, and his wife is also our enemy. Why not use it for fun?" Pang Tong said naturally.Hearing this, Zhao Feng frowned even deeper, and then said: "Shi Yuan, I think it's fun for a bitch, is it a man's doing?"

"Even if the general doesn't touch her hair, the people in the world may not be convinced!" Pang Tong said meaningfully. "I do things for the people of the world, and only the people of the world know my heart." Zhao Feng seemed to be talking to himself.Pang Tong's face turned serious when he heard the words, and then he sighed: "The general is really a man, and Tong himself is not as good as he is."

"Shiyuan's words are serious!" Zhao Feng saw Pang Tong say so, and immediately accepted it as soon as he saw it.At this moment, someone came to report that Jingzhou don't drive Kuai Liang to visit.

"What's he doing here?" Zhao Feng was a little surprised when he heard that, although the two sides were allies in name, they didn't move around very often, and they only sent envoys to greet each other when they had something to do.It is unprecedented for such a heavyweight figure as Kuai Liang to visit suddenly.

"Be careful, general, this Kuai Liang and Kuai Zirou's family teacher has met him once, and even the family teacher said that this person is far-reaching. I am afraid that he is not so innocent when he comes here this time." Pang Tong's expression was unusually serious, Zhao Feng Hearing the words, he also nodded and said: "Shi Yuan, you will meet him with me later!"

"General Zhao!" Not long after, a middle-aged scribe walked in with a smile on his face, followed by a military general, Zhao Feng also did not reach out to hit the smiling face, and hurriedly cupped his fists in return.In addition, Pang Tong and Kuai Liang are also old acquaintances, and now they are showing their respects. The general introduced by Kuai Liang is Cai Mao's younger brother Cai Xun.

After some courtesies, Kuai Liang didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "General Zhao, Liang came here this time to fulfill the previous agreement between the two families, and I also ask the general to hand over Poyang to our Jingzhou troops to take over as agreed."

"Huh?" Zhao Feng couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words, seeing Pang Tong's expression was also stunned, and he said a little funny at the moment: "Kai don't make a mistake, according to the original agreement, your army will only take the two counties of Yuzhang and Luling , this Poyang County is owned by our army!"

"General Zhao's words are wrong. The seven counties of Yangzhou, Jiujiang County is now divided into Shouchun and Nantong, which are eight counties. But this Poyang County was established privately by the rebels of the Sun family. How can it be counted? The current area It was originally owned by Yuzhang, so our army should take it over!" Kuai Liang said with a smile on his face.

Absolutely, really absolutely, this kind of excuse can be imagined.At this time, Zhao Feng was quite afraid of this smiling tiger, his expression remained unchanged, he just winked at Pang Tong, who understood and said, "Kuai, don't say that, what a big deal it is to set up a prefecture. , even a state official has no such right, only the current emperor and a few local officials can decide. The two counties of Shouchun and Nantong were established on that day, just because my lord is the uncle of the current emperor, and he was ordered to manage Xuzhou. All the major military and political affairs in the land, that's why I made this move. I'm afraid it's hard to say for a while whether this Poyang County counts or not, let's wait for my lord to invite the emperor, and then make a decision!"

High, really high!Zhao Feng saw that Pang Tong used his strength to kick the ball to Xuchang's puppet emperor, he was really brilliant.The smile on Kuai Liang's face remained the same, but he looked a bit reluctant, but Cai Xun stood up "Huo" and shouted: "If you want to give it, you will give it. If not, when my Jingzhou army arrives here and breaks the city, then If you don’t give it, you have to give it!”

"Bastard!" Zhao Feng patted the table, and dozens of guards who had already prepared outside the hall rushed in with their swords out of their sheaths, surrounding Cai Xun and Kuai Liang in the core. "General Zhao is a Fenwei General appointed by the imperial court. He is the fourth rank in the court. General Cai dares to be rude to the superior, and he should be punished for his crime!" Feng Xi, the leader of the guards, shouted sharply.

"General Cai, don't be rude!" Kuai Liang's face changed slightly when he saw the glaring sword, but he still maintained a smiling demeanor. Under this situation, Cai Xun could only apologize to Zhao Feng sullenly, and then slapped his ass. sit down.Zhao Feng didn't think too much of himself, and ordered Feng Xi and others to retreat.

"General Cai is an upright person. Don't blame General Zhao!" Kuai Liang cupped his hands, and then asked again: "I don't know where General Zhao will go next. How do you plan to attack? If you and I can work together , let’s clear up the remaining evils in Jiangdong as soon as possible!”

"You can march after you rest!" Zhao Feng said briefly, but Kuai Liang smiled and said, "I have a plan, which may reduce the casualties of our two families and take Kuaiji and Luling as soon as possible!"

"Oh? What's Mr. Unknown's plan?" Zhao Feng also asked curiously when he heard the words. Pang Tong rolled his eyes, but he seemed to have expected something, and the eyes he looked at Kuai Liang were a little sharp.

"I heard that Zhou Yu's wife, Mrs. Qiao, is in Poyang, and she is now captured by the general. Zhou Yu and his wife are deeply in love. If they can use his wife to coerce him, there will be chaos. Zhou Yu is the number one minion under Sun Quan's account. Once this person leaves, Then Jiangdong will be gone!" Kuai Liang said with a smile.

Shady enough!This was Zhao Feng's intuitive reaction, even if he wins Kuaiji, it will be a big blow to Zhao Feng and even Liu Bei's reputation in the future.This Kuai Liang is really not simple, first he wanted to fish in troubled waters to seek Poyang, and then he wanted to use this to damage Liu Bei's reputation, he was really a laughing tiger.

"Kuai don't care to accept it with good intentions!" Zhao Feng said noncommittally, when Kuai Liang saw it, he immediately understood that his plan might not be effective again, and then said goodbye after saying a few words. Zhao Feng and Pang Tong were also polite, Send the two of them straight out the door.

"General, just now the guards of the county guard's mansion came to report that a group of people pretended to be our soldiers and wanted to rob Mrs. Zhou Yu. After seeing through, they fought fiercely with the guards, but they have now been repelled." As soon as Kuai Liang was sent away, Feng Xi was out of breath. ran to the road.Zhao Feng and Pang Tong also looked at each other when he heard the words, both of them were terrified.

"This Kuai Zirou really has everything covered!" Zhao Feng said something, and now he is really afraid of this smiling tiger.At this moment, Pang Tong smiled and said, "Don't worry, General, Kuai Liang's life is not long!"

"Huh?" Not only Zhao Feng, but also Feng Xi listened to Pang Tong's explanation, and he didn't like this smiling tiger either.Pang Tong didn't give a shit, and said directly: "I can see his complexion, Kuai Liang's complexion is abnormally ruddy, and his hands and feet tremble slightly. It must be because of taking Wushi powder. I'm afraid he will die within a year or two!"

"So that's how it is!" Zhao Feng and Feng Xi suddenly realized, and Pang Tong said again: "General, the Jingzhou army and we are not friends after all, and we need to be careful after taking down Jiangdong! Especially the two counties of Yuzhang and Luling. Our side borders, I'm afraid they will do something here!"

"Shi Yuan, how do you think our army's combat power compares with the Jingzhou army's?" Zhao Feng asked Pang Tong with a slight smile when he heard this.

"Heaven and earth!" Pang Tong said succinctly, and Feng Xi also added: "Our county soldiers are better than them!"

"Since this is the case, do you think that Yuzhang and Luling counties will still be owned by Jingzhou in the future?" Zhao Feng said with a chuckle, Pang Tong and Feng Xi also suddenly realized what they said, and they no longer worried about anything.

(End of this chapter)

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