Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1006 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1006 Punish Evil and Promote Good (19)
The more you play, the more you will get bored.By coincidence, Jianjian learned about the game Lingyun, and also learned that XXOO can also be performed in the game, so he came to the game to pursue a new kind of excitement.Perhaps it was because of his special system that he actually triggered the hidden profession Flower Picking King as soon as he came in, which made Tough find it more fun.Especially when he learned that the game has absolute protection for female players, he found it more exciting and fun, because he was already tired of the feeling of being sent to the door by a vulgar woman, and he wanted to use his heroic appearance to Get the love of golden branches and jade leaves, so as to have a double harvest of body and spirit.

However, the tall, short and ugly Tough was not as lucky as he was in reality when he came to Lingyun.To make matters worse, he accidentally met Leng Ye, the nemesis, and was also disabled by Leng Ye, so that he could no longer enjoy that kind of carnal desire in the game.Therefore, for Jian Jian, a man who is no longer perfect, he was very depressed during the few days he was crippled by Leng Ye.

But what Jian Jian never expected was that Leng Ye accidentally helped him.It was the second day of practicing the skill "Sunflower Magic", Jian Jian was surprised to find that his body had undergone tremendous changes, and gradually had feminine characteristics, which once made him depressed for a few days.However, something unexpected happened to the tenacity, that is, the amazing power of the sunflower magic skill.He hadn't leveled up since he was killed, and after he raised the Sunflower Magic Art to level [-], Chu Xian reached out and killed a warrior of more than [-] levels in a flash.He clearly remembered that it was because the soldier called him "eunuch" and "shemale".Since then, he has been very obvious about these two words.

After learning the power of the Sunflower Divine Art, his level of tenacity increased by leaps and bounds. By the time of the battle of Sword Demon City, he was already level [-]. What made him depressed was not only not being able to destroy Sword Demon City, but also being reversed by the colorful crystal. killed.Therefore, he decided to continue to upgrade, so that he could seek "justice" from Leng Ye.However, what he didn't expect was that in reality, someone would come to his door and warn him not to trouble Leng Ye again, otherwise he would die.As a result, the tenacity of greed for life and fear of death has since disappeared in the game.

Later, I went to Japan by chance and tenacity, and then I met Rokuro Shenmu, and after getting drunk in a daze, I was raped by Rokuro Shenmu who was also drunk, and became Rokuro Shenmu's "concubine".However, it was this accident that gave Jianjian a taste of the sweetness of being a woman. From then on, he got together with Shenmu Rokuro and started an alternative physical enjoyment...

Fucking a woman outside the game, being fucked by a man in the game, these two completely different feelings, one true and one false, one false and one real, one active and one passive, deeply stimulate the tough nervous system of the whole body at every moment, making him I fell in love with this wonderful feeling at once.He always learns female "sex" skills from real women to "serve" Shenwu Rokuro in the game very well, and then he uses the male "****" learned from Shenmu Rokuro in the game. When it comes to women in reality, it is also possible to achieve the complementarity of yin and yang, but the result is just the opposite. Shenmu Rokuro's body can't withstand the tossings of the transvestites, and he almost withers. Doubts arose about that ability.

(End of this chapter)

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