Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1019 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1019 Punish Evil and Promote Good (32)
"Guild Master, I have a solution. Let the Six Fingers Thief steal the Yamato Dagger back!" said Anchen the Star Mage. Then, he retracted his staff, and threw out both fists, and then turned his fists into palms, with the palms facing down, and shouted loudly. One sound: "Ten finger piercing needles." In an instant, ten black silver needles flew out of his ten fingers as if soaked in poison, and flew towards the still comatose Qin Wudi.The silver needle was so fast that it left ten thin black lines in the air like a shooting star, all of which sank into Qin Wudi's body.The ten black lines did not stop because of Qin Wudi's body, they passed through him directly, and flew out from behind him...

The whole process, except for the change of the caster and the change of the target, the rest is simply a replica of the tenacity to deal with the cold night.

This mage is none other than his gentle brother Anchen.Like "Prodigal Girl" Wenrou, Anchen's profession was bought at a high price. The difference is that Wenrou's beast trainer only spent [-] million, while Anchen's star mage spent [-] billion.In this sense, An Chen is more "prodigal" than Gentle.

The skill that Anchen used just now is one of the unique skills of Mage Xingyue - Xingyue Magic Formation.This skill itself does not have any attack power. Its special feature is that it can be learned at any time in other time periods other than Chenshi ([-]:[-]-[-]:[-]) and Youshi ([-]:[-]-[-]:[-]) every day. However, the life span of this learned skill is very short.It means that the effective time of the skills learned after Chen Shi will not exceed the unitary time of the day, and similarly, the skills learned at the unitary time will not exceed the time of the Chen time, and the star mage does not have any skills during the Chen time and the unitary time.

The "illusion" released by Anchen just now is the Xingyue phantom formation, in which the stars act as the vanguard to detect every skill of everyone within ten meters, and the moon will follow Anchen's instructions to capture the skills. Once captured successfully, the Xingyue phantom formation will disappear.The moon flew towards Jianjian just now, which proves that Anchen learned skills from Jianjian.In fact, Anchen has already used the Xingyue Magic Formation once outside the field of life and death, but what he learned is the ability of close combat with a golden sword, otherwise, how could he be able to defeat the enemy in a melee with a mage who has no power to restrain a chicken? Hand to hand combat!Of course, after entering the field of life and death, Anchen saw that tenacity was very powerful, and wanted to learn its sunflower magic skill for a while, but he was worried that he would become a transvestite for a day, so he didn't do it for a long time.In the end, the reason why he took the risk to "strike" Toughness was because he had no choice but to hate the Japanese devils.

As soon as the ten-finger heart-piercing needle hit Qin Wudi, before Leng Ye could speak, the six-fingered thief had already started to attack Qin Wudi.In less than three seconds, a rare smile appeared on the face of the Thief Six Fingers, and then he came to Leng Ye at a fast speed, and handed an extended dagger into Leng Ye's hands.

As soon as Leng Ye took the dagger, he was a little excited, and his hands trembled unconsciously. Fortunately, it was only for a moment, otherwise he would lose his composure in front of the gang.

(End of this chapter)

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