Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1024 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 1024 Punish Evil and Promote Good (37)
As soon as such nasty words came out of the ladyboy's mouth, all the players on and off the field vomited, including Leng Ye of course.People have to admire the tenacious alternative lethality.

Leng Ye found that Jian Jian glanced at the corner inadvertently when he was speaking, and at the corner stood the only remaining thief in the field of life and death.Leng Ye looked at the thief secretly, but didn't find anything special about him, but he was even more worried.

"Could Tough still have a way to steal the Yamato dagger? And this thief is his tool to steal the dagger?" A thought suddenly flashed in Leng Ye's mind, so he let Alive and Hei Hei continue to attack Tough for free, Attracting Tough's attention, he gave Black and White Impermanence a wink.Finally, Leng Ye looked at Shuang'er, at the troublesome princess, at Shui Rulan, and then at the thief in the corner.

Turning his eyes back to Jianjian again, Leng Ye was surprised to find that Jianjian, who was still struggling with the flying needle after being blasted several times by the Tai Chi ball, gave up resistance completely at this moment, and stood on the field of life and death with his eyes closed. , Enron waiting to die, there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Due to their tenacious "persistence", Huo Huo and Bai Hei Wu Chang seem extraordinarily relaxed when they cast their magic. They slaughtered transgressors, traitors, and traitors to their heart's content, and their hearts were filled with infinite joy.In less than 10,000 seconds, the tenacity with [-]+ blood will be overwhelmed by the blow, and he will fall into a pool of blood.However, he immediately "climbed" up again, making people have to admire the tenacity of his vitality.However, Toughness can't help but glance at the thief in the corner after each resurrection, which has not escaped Leng Ye's eyes.

"Conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy." Thinking about the weird performance of tenacity, Leng Ye affirmed this point.However, as for what kind of conspiracy Toughness will have, Leng Ye can't think of it.At this moment, he only hoped to kill Toughness as soon as possible, end the battle as soon as possible, and leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Seeing Jianjian completely give up resistance, Canghai Weilong and others knew that it was time to clear the field, so they came to the wall, each of them grabbed a small traitor, and began to "ravage".It's not that they insist on killing them all, but in view of the special regulations of the field of life and death, if they don't do this, none of them will even think about going out.In a sense, this can be regarded as a punishment for their wrongdoing!

Shui Rulan and other girls also quickly joined the ranks of this kind of anti-rape. Unlike Canghai Weilong and the other big men, these girls took the approach of attacking in groups, killing them with great joy ...

Under the high attack of Canghai Weilong and others, none of the little traitors resisted, and they all disappeared into white lights one after another.The only exception is that there is still a little thief in the corner who is still alive and has not been attacked by anyone, squatting there waiting to die.To the surprise of all the audience, no one attacked him.In this regard, although Jian Jian felt weird in his heart, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Suddenly, billowing black smoke rose again from the ground of the field of life and death, mixed with lonely souls and wild ghosts. In less than [-] seconds, the entire field of life and death was filled with black smoke, shrouded in darkness, I can't see my fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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