Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1040: A Bachelor

Chapter 1040: A Bachelor (1)
Leng Ye naturally wouldn't think that there would be any players in such an uninhabited place, but for Leng Ye, he would feel very comfortable meeting an NPC in such a place where the sea breeze blows all year round.

"Hello, I'm Leng Ye from the China region, how can I help you?" Leng Ye said politely to the man.It is fate to meet each other, if it is said that there is no "hidden mission" on the NPC in such a remote place, Leng Ye will never believe it.

I saw the man looked up at Leng Ye, his face was shocked instantly, he rubbed his eyes with his dirty sleeve, and then, the knife in his right hand fell to the ground.

Leng Ye saw that the man's face was shrinking more and more, and thought, "The other party must have such a hobby?" So he quickly took out the scroll to return to the city, ready to tear it up at any time.

"You are Brother Leng Ye?" The man was startled, and then rushed over.

Leng Ye quickly turned his body to the right, and quickly avoided it.It's not that he thinks the man's body is dirty, but he is very worried about it. He wants to "defend himself like a jade" for his wives.

As soon as Leng Ye hid, the man rushed out of the thatched hut and jumped more than ten meters away, which showed the excitement in his heart.Leng Ye also followed.

Once outside, Leng Ye felt much more at ease. After all, it is so spacious, if it is not enough, you can jump into the sea!
"Brother Leng Ye, do I need your help?" The man got up and said.

"Damn, it seems that the gods are kind to me, and I encountered a task as soon as I came." Leng Ye smiled and said to the man: "If you have anything to do, just talk there. As long as I can do it, I will help you .”

"Brother Leng Ye, is what you said true?" the man said happily.

"One word from a gentleman, it's hard to chase after a horse." Leng Ye said.

"Brother Leng Ye, can you give me a city return scroll?" the man said.

Leng Ye was startled when he heard the words, and then overjoyed, he quickly took out a Nuwa city return scroll from the ring of space and handed it to the man.

Seeing that man playing with the scroll of returning to the city like a precious treasure, Leng Ye thought: "Why do NPCs have such short knowledge now?" He shook his head, and said: "May I ask if there is anything else I can do to help you?" ?"

The man looked up at Leng Ye, laughed, and said, "Brother Leng Ye, there is no more! Thank you, thank you for the city return scroll, remember, my name is Xiao Shuai." Then, he tore up excitedly. City Portal Scroll.

To Leng Ye's surprise, he didn't hear any system prompts within a few seconds after Xiao Shuai disappeared, and felt weird in his heart. "Isn't he an NPC?... That's right, NPCs call me Leng Shaoxia and he calls me Brother Leng Ye. Damn!" Realizing this, Leng Ye felt a little lost.

At this time, Leng Ye suddenly smelled a smell of fish.The scent is wafting from the thatched cottage, mixed with the sea breeze, a little fragrant and a little salty.

"It's not a loss for a city return scroll to exchange a pot of fish soup." Leng Ye walked into the hut with a smile, and began to enjoy...

(End of this chapter)

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