Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1047 Super God Beast Flounder King

Chapter 1047 Super God Beast Flounder King (1)
As soon as he got into the water, Leng Ye gulped a few mouthfuls of seawater, and then passed out.

Opening his eyes again, Leng Ye was surprised to find that he was actually in the water, and everything around him was so strange yet so familiar.The reason why he has this strange feeling is that it is very similar to the "underwater world" in the cartoon, the sea water is clearly visible, and it will not flow into his nostrils because of his breath, nor will it be disturbed by the depth of the water. He felt any pressure, seaweed, coral, etc. were all over the place, as if in a dream, he was deeply attracted by the scene in front of him.

After walking a few steps casually, Leng Ye was shocked.Because here, instead of being restricted in any way, his actions were much lighter.Afterwards, he successively tried to perform the Losing Step and the Breaking Sword Stance, and both found the same effect.

"Is this really the bottom of the sea? Why am I here?" Leng Ye suddenly realized the problem, but even though he racked his brains, he couldn't figure out why.He found that he seemed to be unable to remember many things, he didn't know why he came here, he didn't know what he was doing here, and he didn't know if this was reality or a game.He only remembered the scene of Jupiter playing with iron bars in reality, and he forgot everything after that. (Book friends, don’t think about this question yet, the answer is far away)
"No! There should be marine animals in the ocean, why not here?" Leng Ye was puzzled, holding the lazy sword, walking aimlessly.

Suddenly, a Chinese classical iron gate appeared in front of Leng Ye's eyes. The iron gate was dark red in color, and it was as big as two trucks in parallel. There are four big golden characters: Flounder Palace.

As soon as he saw these four big characters, Leng Ye was sure that he was in the game.

"There must be King Flounder in Flounder Palace, this is something a child can think of." Leng Ye suddenly thought, "Outside there are only plants and no animals, but there is King Flounder here, could it be that this is already Mariana?" Is the trench deep?"

Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help searching for relevant information in reality in his mind.

Mariana Trench is the deepest trench in the world.Here is a high-pressure, dark and icy world, the usual temperature is [-] degrees Celsius (in very few sea areas, affected by geothermal heat, the ocean bottom water temperature can be as high as [-] degrees Celsius).Surprisingly, at such a deep seabed, scientists actually saw a flounder and a small red shrimp swimming...

"Could it be that the designer of the game set up this map according to this information? And the spirit of the land is on the Flounder King or the Little Red Shrimp King?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help sighing again about his profound geographical knowledge.

Thinking of the Mariana Trench, Leng Ye remembered that he still had an Earth Spirit mission to complete here.

(End of this chapter)

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