Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1050 Super God Beast Flounder King

Chapter 1050 Super God Beast Flounder King (4)
Leng Ye is self-confident and has a yellow body. If he is lucky, he can also survive for a minute or two under the dense ice needles of the ice dragon. However, compared with the flounder king with a white belly, he is not nothing.He could see that the flounder king's white belly had a frighteningly high defense, which was definitely far beyond the comparison of Shui Rulan's super artifact ice and fire suit.

"Spiritual Snake Sword's righteousness is [-] times, God of War's Wrath is [-] times, and Berserk is [-] times. In this way, after I go berserk, I can hit [-] times the attack every time. I don't know if my [-] times attack can break the Flounder King. defense." Leng Ye held the lazy sword tightly, but he was looking forward to it.Of course, Leng Ye just had this idea.If you let him rush out now, unless the so-called "demon" appears immediately.

After attacking unsuccessfully for more than ten minutes, the two ice dragons stopped, panting tiredly, and turned back into sculptures.

"Haha~~" The flounder king laughed loudly, turned his body to the left, and his white belly stood up, "You humble ice dragon cub, now you know how powerful I am, the flounder king! Why don't you open the door quickly !"

Just when the flounder king was proud, the ice dragon sculpture on the right suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and then sprayed out five blood-red "ice needles", and shot towards the right side of the flounder king.

"The ice dragon is spurting blood, right? It's going to be desperate!" Leng Ye could see that the five needles were thinner and faster than the previous ones.

What surprised Leng Ye was that the Flounder King didn't seem to have noticed the existence of the red "ice needle" beforehand. When he found out, although he also made a movement to turn around, it was already too late.Before its white belly turned over to block, the five red ice needles hit the other side of Flounder King's body.

The five red ice needles shot into the right side of Flounder King's body like arrows shooting the sun, and all of them sank.The flounder king was in pain, even though it was a purple-grade super beast, it couldn't help but let out a painful cry.

Because Leng Ye was afraid that the flounder king would find out, he kept hiding behind the left side of its body, and did not see the red ice needles entering. However, Leng Ye clearly saw that the five red ice needles broke through. It was restrained by the flounder king's white belly, and flew out of its left white belly, leaving five holes the size of chopsticks, bleeding profusely.

"Pass through the body!!" Leng Ye exclaimed.He felt the power of the five red ice needles. However, he never expected that the ice needles issued by the divine beast ice dragon would penetrate the body of the super divine beast.

What surprised Leng Ye even more was that as the red ice needle flew out of the Flounder King's body, a big red number floated on its body~~"[-]".

Leng Ye has seen the attributes of many divine beasts through the divine apprehension technique. He knows that the normal attacks of divine beasts are not outrageously high. Their strength lies in their abnormal skills.Leng Ye knew that the ice dragon's red ice needle should be a skill.

(End of this chapter)

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