Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1060 Super God Beast Flounder King

Chapter 1060 Super God Beast Flounder King (14)
Flounder King was stunned, and said: "Not all! I was drunk and sexual, and I can't blame me entirely, I will be responsible for her. Besides, Little Red Shrimp and I really love each other. This is what Binger wants you to bring. If you come back?"

After hearing this, Leng Ye gradually changed his impression of King Flounder, and he also thought that he was a bold and bold fish, so he asked again: "Do you know that he is pregnant with your child?"

"Child? Are you serious?" King Flounder excitedly stood up from the lotus chair, with a smile on his face.

"However, your child has been... eaten by the Lobster King. This is what Bing'er asked me to bring you." Leng Ye said.

The flounder king was shocked and fell on the lotus chair...

After a long time, he transformed himself into a flounder, and said angrily, "Damn Lobster King, he even dares to eat your own grandson. I will not be a fish until the Lobster Mansion is leveled!"

Flounder King angrily brought two gatekeeper jade lions to the door of Lobster Mansion. He turned left, his eyes were already aimed at the gate, and his lower eye immediately shot out a white light as thick as chopsticks. He broke the door and rushed in.

Seeing how powerful the "laser" of Flounder King was, Leng Ye touched the Flounder Shield in his hand, and couldn't help smiling.What puzzled him was that there were no more guards in front of the Lobster Mansion, not even the little ice dragon.Seeing Flounder King and the others go in, Leng Ye also followed.

The moment he entered the door, Leng Ye was startled. He didn't expect that within half a day after he came out, there would be an earth-shaking change: the deep and narrow path before was gone, replaced by a wide avenue; There are all kinds of beautiful and colorful underwater plants, which are more than a hundred times stronger than those before; from the door, you can see that at the end of the avenue is a solemn and majestic ancient imperial palace, and there is a lifelike golden dragon hovering above the palace. .

"The Lobster King really knows how to enjoy it!" Leng Ye was deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of him, and for a moment he forgot to investigate the reasons for the changes.

"Lobster King, get out!" The Flounder King yelled loudly at the gate of the palace.

After a while, Leng Ye saw an old man with white beard coming out with three women, two of them looked very similar to Little Red Shrimp, they were dressed in blue and purple palace clothes, and the other was in white Dressed up crayfish.

The white-bearded old man was dressed in an imperial attire, he was energetic, his eyes were bright, he looked a bit like the dragon king in ancient mythology, at this moment, he was holding the little ice dragon in his arms, which showed that he was old and vigorous and full of energy.He is the Lobster King.

Seeing the Flounder King, the Lobster King's face changed suddenly, and he pushed the little ice dragon aside, he changed his body, and he transformed back to his original shape in the blink of an eye~~ A giant with a body length of more than three meters, five pairs of legs, and two pairs of tentacles lobster.The lobster is also 1.4 meters five on the ground. It is worth mentioning that its two pairs of two-meter-long tentacles are as thick as a wrist, and there are many sharp blades growing row upon row on it, which makes people shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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