Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1066 Super God Beast Flounder King

Chapter 1066 Super God Beast Flounder King (20)
"It's such a coincidence!" Leng Ye exclaimed, he had tried the "jumping to the top" taste of the Flounder King, and knew that its attack was powerful, so he naturally understood the reason why the Lobster King died , It's just that he didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.Because Leng Ye clearly remembered that the Lobster King only lost [-] blood per round with this move, and this [-] blood was nothing to the super mythical beast Lobster King with a life of [-] million.

"Bimu, how could you kill my father!!! Woooooo~~" Little Red Shrimp cried more and more painfully.

"I... I didn't do it on purpose... really... I didn't do it on purpose!" King Flounder argued, and then he transformed back into a human form.

"Bimu, now that my father is dead and I have no relatives, will you take good care of me?" Little Red Shrimp stopped crying suddenly, stood up and said.

Leng Ye was extremely shocked when he heard this sentence, and felt chilled again. He couldn't help breaking the experiment he had just set up not to swear, and cursed: "Bitch!!!".

"Little Red Shrimp, don't worry! I will definitely take good care of you." The Flounder King approached Little Red Shrimp while talking.

The distance between King Flounder and Little Red Shrimp is only seven or eight meters, and there is no obstacle between them. However, what makes Leng Ye wonder is that King Flounder does not pass along a straight line, but is about [-] meters away from Little Red Shrimp. The direction was adjusted only at a distance of [-] meters.In this way, the flounder king traveled a full ten meters.

"Dizzy~~ As a purple-grade super beast, the flounder king doesn't even know that the sum of the two sides of the triangle is greater than the third side? Is this the result of the so-called intelligentization of the game?" Dare to compliment.

Suddenly, three strange and seemingly unrelated scenes flashed in Leng Ye's mind: first, King Flounder threw King Lobster into the air to kill King Lobster; second, after hearing the voice of Little Red Shrimp, King Flounder asked He said, "Little Red Shrimp, is that you?"; thirdly, the flounder king that Leng Ye just saw wandered into Little Red Shrimp.

"Could it be that the flounder king is nearsighted?" Combining these three weird phenomena, Leng Ye finally came to such a conclusion that made him feel excited and satisfied after repeated thinking.He smiled happily.

At this moment, the little ice dragon who had been standing silently by the side suddenly said: "His Royal Highness Fish King, congratulations on entering the Dragon Palace. I have packed everything inside. You and the third princess can go in and rest!"

King Flounder nodded, picked up Little Red Shrimp, walked into the palace, and closed the palace door...

"Haha~~, Leng Ye, they're all gone, now it's our turn to settle the score!" The little ice dragon laughed, and suddenly there was a sword in his hand.

"We?" Leng Ye was startled, he knew that the fox's tail was finally going to be exposed.

"Anyone who comes to snatch the spirit of the land is my enemy!" Little Ice Dragon shouted sharply.

"The spirit of the earth? Haha~~ It turns out that you are also for the spirit of the earth, wonderful! Really wonderful!" Leng Ye clapped his hands and praised, "What a pity! What a pity!"

(End of this chapter)

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