Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1082 The Secret of the Yamato Dagger

Chapter 1082 The Secret of the Yamato Dagger (1)
Leng Ye remembered this incident, but at the moment he was not in the mood to do it, he felt very puzzled, "It also happened three days ago, why did I just forget to tell Juxing to go to Bachelor Island!"

"Husband, do you have something on your mind?" Ju Xing asked seeing Leng Ye's unsmiling face.

"Mu'er, do you think I have encountered a ghost?" Then, Leng Ye expressed his doubts one by one, trying to make Juxing see the problem from the perspective of a bystander.

"Husband, have you ever heard that one day in the sky is three years on the ground?" Jupiter thought about it for a long time, and then suddenly asked such a sentence.

"Yes! In novels and movies, there are many sayings like this. What? Did Mu'er think of something?" Leng Ye suddenly opened his blurred eyes, looked at Ju Xing in surprise, and said urgently.

"Husband, this is Lingyun, it's a game, and this game is called 'Anything can happen', in my opinion, it may appear 'one day in the sky, three years on the ground', or 'one day under the sea, Three days on earth'," said Jupiter.

"It makes sense." Hearing this, Leng Ye felt much relieved, at least not as confused as before.

"The problem of the time difference is solved, but how to explain the matter of Bachelor's Island? When did the city return scroll return to him?" Leng Ye shook his head again. (Readers and friends, don’t think about these questions for now, it’s very far away, and this involves a major setting of this book.)
"Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, what you see may not be true, what you hear may not be true, true and false, false and true, all scenes are illusions. Remember, remember~~" Leng Ye repeated these words verbatim , He couldn't help but see the shadow of Xue'er in his mind again, thinking: "It must be, it must be Xue'er, it is he who can't bear to see me alone on Bachelor Island... But why doesn't she come to see me? "

Thinking of this, Leng Ye felt relieved, but his yearning for Xueer became more and more intense.

"Xue'er, why did you leave me? Could it be that you dislike my background? I'm poor? It can't be because I'm lazy!"

"No, no, how could my Xue'er dislike my background? In fact, she knew it from the first day I met. It must be her parents... Ashamed, I have known her for more than three years. Didn’t visit their elders! Sigh~~ It’s not because she’s too poor, even Xue’er’s socks are famous brands!”

"Xue'er, don't ask the source of the hero, besides, I am not poor now, you love playing games so much, you should be able to see it, why don't you come back to me?"

Thinking about it, Leng Ye fell asleep in a daze. In his dream, he returned to the day when he met Xue'er, saw the beach, saw the sea, and saw Xue'er in a swimsuit...

Upon waking up, Leng Ye opened his hazy eyes, and found that Shuang'er and several other women were all standing beside the bed, and asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

"Honey, we want to tell you good news as soon as you wake up." Shuang'er said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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