Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1084 The Secret of the Yamato Dagger

Chapter 1084 The Secret of the Yamato Dagger (3)
"Wow! Brother, you are really the spirit of the earth! Our brothers really admire you like a torrent of river water, endless..." Zhu Longquan immediately flattered you.

Leng Ye smiled, and handed the bag that Chang Baicao gave him to collect the spirits of all things to Chang Baicao.

"Hey~~ Brother, the spirits of all things you collected seem to be wrong!" Chang Baicao said.

"I know there are still two types of difference, the spirit of a high-level fairy beast and the spirit of a super-sacred beast, right?" Leng Ye said with a wave of his lazy sword, summoning a Somali leopard, and then calling out a four-eared unicorn.

"Big...Brother, it's not enough, it's too much." Chang Baicao said surprisingly.

Startled, Leng Ye asked, "What will happen then?"

"It's impossible to separate them again, but brother, you have collected a super beast spirit, a super monster spirit, a super god spirit, and a super demon spirit. These are all great for Lazy Sword. In my humble opinion, if you add it to the lazy sword, it will only make the lazy sword more powerful." Chang Baicao said.

"The spirit of a super divine beast? The spirit of a super monster?...I have never seen any of these things, how could they kill a super beast?" Leng Ye was puzzled.However, at this moment, he didn't delve into it, and said to Chang Baicao: "I don't understand this aspect. Since you said so, brother, you might as well give it a try."

With the encouragement and permission of Leng Ye, Chang Baicao began the complicated and arduous work of injecting spirits into the lazy sword. According to the "Shen Nong Baicao Jing", he wanted to inject these [-] kinds of spirits into the lazy sword one by one. Very time consuming.

Since Lanjian's spirit injection work was still going on, Leng Ye and Zhu Longquan sat at the small table in the blacksmith's shop, sipped tea, and unconsciously sighed about Lanjian.

"Brother, do you have anything special? If you add it to the lazy sword, it may have unexpected effects." Zhu Longquan said suddenly.

Leng Ye searched in the ring of space for a long time, took out all the things he thought were special, and put them on the small table.To his surprise, Zhu Longquan took out two pieces of equipment from the pile at a glance, and looked at them fondly.

"Could it be that brother wants to add the attributes of these two things to Lazy Sword?" Leng Ye asked.

"Brother...Brother, how did you get these two things? One is a spirit weapon and the other is a phantom weapon." Chang Baicao said happily.

"Phantom weapon? It should be the phantom sword. Isn't the Yamato dagger a growth-type super artifact? How did it become a spiritual weapon?" Leng Ye was puzzled and expressed his doubts.

"Brother, spiritual weapons are very good at disguising themselves. Ordinary naked eyes can't see it. When...Of course I'm not talking about you, big brother. Just take the big and dagger, it looks ordinary on the surface, but, as long as one Quenching it, the attributes of its spirit weapon will immediately appear." Zhu Longquan said.

"Quenching? It won't be deformed by burning, right? It's the key to the 'Yasukuni Shrine' cemetery, and it's all about destroying the Yamato vein." Leng Ye expressed his worries to Zhu Longquan.

(End of this chapter)

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