Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1094 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1094 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (9)
At this time, Leng Ye saw that the stone skin on Qilin's body was completely gone, and what appeared in front of his eyes was a real super divine beast covered in red flames~~~Fire Qilin!
"Don't come here!" Leng Ye muttered in his heart.

If the Qilin came here at this time, it would be fine if Leng Ye died, but the lazy sword might be damaged, and if he wanted to come here to absorb the spirit of the sun and the moon in the future, he would have to wait for the super beast Huo Qilin to die.However, Leng Ye is confident that in the palm-sized place on the top of the mountain, the treasure hunting team of the Sword Demon Palace will never come back!

Suddenly, Leng Ye saw Huo Qilin as if he had found himself, waiting for those two big eyes, walking towards this side.

"Don't come here! Don't come here! Don't come here..." Leng Ye muttered while looking at Huo Qilin.However, Huo Qilin seemed to deliberately oppose Leng Ye, while looking at him, he walked towards this side with square steps.

"Naughty princess, naughty princess, every time I meet you, nothing good happens. Why do you say that you are free to play with the tail of the fire unicorn? You are still making a scene. If you want to die, don't hurt others!" Leng Ye saw the fire unicorn Obviously he has found himself, and he complained about the little girl in his heart.

Seeing that Huo Qilin was getting closer and closer to him, Leng Ye suddenly had an idea in his mind: "Generally speaking, super beasts can communicate." So, he tried to say: "Mr. Huo Qilin, hello! Seeing that Huo Qilin was silent, he thought to himself: "Could it be a woman?" So he said, "Hello, Miss Huo Qilin."

Huo Qilin remained silent.

"It seems that you won't be afraid if I don't use my trump card!" Leng Ye sneered, trying to communicate with Peng'er with his thoughts: "Peng'er, you have met your opponent, come out and help the boss."

"Wow! It's Fire Qilin! It's really an opponent!"

"Then come out quickly!"

"Boss, aren't you hurting me? He's the fire unicorn, and I'm the golden-winged roc. Huo conquers gold. You don't understand, do you?"

"You mean you can't beat it?"

"I didn't say that."

"If you don't dare to come out, you are afraid."

"Don't provoke me, I'm just afraid it will burn my skirt."

"As long as you are willing to come out and save the boss's life, I will give you the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake barbecue."

"Do not care!"

"I... I promise you anything."

"Solve the troubles you cause yourself, do it yourself, and have enough food and clothing!"

"You damn girl!" Leng Ye cursed secretly, after that, there was no more sound from inside.

As soon as the words fell, Huo Qilin had already arrived at the feet of Sun Moon Stone.

"Didn't Longquan and Baicao say that it only takes three to five minutes to finish? It's almost 5 minutes, why is the lazy sword still absorbing energy?" Leng Ye was very depressed. He looked at the moon in the east and it was all rising immediately, while the moon in the west The sun is about to set on the western mountain, and I thought: ""

"Mr./Miss Huo Qilin, I came here just to absorb the spirit of the sun and the moon... I have no other ideas... I will definitely not hurt you." Leng Ye said incoherently to the Huo Qilin below.

(End of this chapter)

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