Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1104 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1104 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (19)
"I know." Leng Ye replied.

After hanging up the beeper, Leng Ye said to Shuang'er and Shui Rulan: "You two go back first. Shuang'er activates 'absolute defense' and puts a forbidden spell outside the city gate, and Lan Lan covers it."

As soon as the second daughter left, Xuemei suddenly said, "Honey, I'll go back too, I'm level [-]."

"Husband, I'm also level [-], I'm going back to help defend the city!"


Several girls said that they were level [-], and even their pets and mounts had reached level [-].

Although Leng Ye knew that the monsters killed by Huo Qilin belonged to him, he never thought that the girls' levels would rise so quickly, so when he heard that the girls had reached level [-], he still showed Quite surprised.

Leng Ye nodded, signaling for the girls to leave one by one.

Suddenly, Leng Ye felt a warm current rushing over his body, and then the system beeped.

System prompt: Player Leng Ye has received the lucky blessing of the naughty princess...

Looking back, Leng Ye realized that the little girl, the naughty princess, was still there. At this time, she was sitting on her horse, Red Dragonfly, with a relaxed look.

Seeing Leng Ye looking at her, the mischievous princess pouted and said, "I'm sorry! It was I who woke up Huo Qilin and caused your sword to be burned... However, I have added a lucky blessing to you, It's evened out."

"Even? It's not that easy! It's okay to lose my lazy sword. If the Sword Demon City is captured by monsters, I will immediately... expel you from the gang! Go back and defend the city!" Leng Ye intentionally Qi Dao, he knew very well that if the naughty princess stayed here, he didn't know what trouble would happen.

"Why are you so fierce! Everyone knows they're wrong, so I'll be obedient and just go back and defend the city." The mischievous princess said with a grievance on her face, patted her red dragonfly, and flew down the mountain.

"Not good! Why am I so confused, let this dead girl go to defend the city, isn't it just letting her add to the chaos?" Leng Ye suddenly thought of this, and immediately called the naughty princess, saying: "Listen carefully, just Stay on the mountainside, don't move unless I tell you."

"I won't punish you for not having a long memory!" After hanging up the caller, Leng Ye felt relaxed all over his body.

When Leng Ye looked at the lazy sword again, he was surprised to find that there were only fire unicorns and fire phoenixes around the sun moon stone, and besides that, there was no monster anymore.The more this happened, the more worried Leng Ye was. He knew that if all the monsters on the mountain were burned to death, the monsters below the mountain would come up in a hurry. In this way, Sword Demon City, as the only way up the mountain, would be severely punished. test.

"No news is good news. It seems that the eldest brother and the others can withstand it temporarily. What should I do? What should I do?" Leng Ye was a little at a loss and panicked.

Suddenly, Leng Ye found that the lazy sword on the Sun Moon Rock that was bent by the fire unicorn and fire phoenix seemed to be moving, slowly "raising its head", and slowly straightening. In an instant, his heartbeat began to speed up, and he felt nervous stand up……

(End of this chapter)

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