Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1106 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword

Chapter 1106 Magical Artifact Lazy Sword (1)
After being resurrected, Leng Ye knew that he had been killed by Huo Qilin. However, as soon as he was resurrected, he died again before he had time to react, and then he was resurrected...

In this way, Leng Ye was killed four times by Huo Qilin. He knew that with his own speed, he couldn't escape from Huo Qilin's grasp, so he would definitely die now.

At the moment when He Shibi reminded Leng Ye to revive for the fourth time, the system's notification sounded again.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye whose lazy sword has been upgraded to a super magic weapon. As the first player to obtain a super magic weapon, the system rewards [-] million gold coins, [-] million prestige, [-] million prestige, [-] million fame, and a pair of Kowloon holy boots; As the first player to obtain a non-spiritual super magic weapon, the system rewards [-] million gold coins, [-] million prestige, [-] million prestige, and a Kowloon holy chain.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for recovering the super divine beast Fire Qilin. The system rewards [-] prestige, [-] prestige, and [-] fame.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for recovering the super divine beast Fire Phoenix, the system rewards [-] prestige, [-] prestige, and [-] fame.

System prompt: Congratulations to player Leng Ye for upgrading his lazy sword to a fire attribute sword.

System announcement (all Lingyun players can hear it): Since XXX players have obtained magic weapons, the undead system is officially open.

System prompt: Since the player Leng Ye has activated the undead system, the system rewards [-] million prestige, [-] million prestige, and [-] million prestige.

Hearing this series of system prompts, Leng Ye was dumbfounded, and stood still in a daze, almost losing his intuition. It was not until Shuang'er arrived that his heart regained his calm.

"Husband, I have good news for you! Xiaobing is back, and she is also a super beast." Shuang'er said happily.

"Xiao Bing? You mean the ice phoenix with [-]% strength of the main body that came out of the clone of the super divine beast Ice Fire Phoenix?" Leng Ye was startled and asked.

"Yes! Just now, the system prompted that the fire phoenix flew away, and the ice phoenix automatically evolved into a super divine beast. It is my little ice!" Shuang'er said happily.

Of course Leng Ye knew the relationship between Shuang'er and Xiaobing, so he was really happy for Shuang'er.

"Honey, you just activated the undead system, right?" Shuang'er asked.

Leng Ye nodded.

"What about the lazy sword?" Shuang'er asked again.

"Lazy Sword?" Leng Ye was startled, and then realized that he forgot the most important thing when he was happy, and flipped through the ring of space indiscriminately. However, what surprised him was that the lazy sword was not inside.

"Husband, where is the lazy sword!" Shuang'er exclaimed in shock.

Leng Ye looked in the direction of Shuang'er's finger, and found that the lazy sword was obliquely inserted on the stone not far away, and it was shining with a frightening light in purple-black color.

Leng Ye teleported over, grasped the hilt of the sword, felt extremely hot, and his blood volume plummeted, so he had to let go of his hand immediately. At the same time, the system's notification sounded again.

System prompt: Due to the player's cold night and non-fire attribute, he cannot control the lazy sword.

(End of this chapter)

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