Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 118 Trapped in Sumeru

Chapter 118 Trapped in Sumeru ([-])

"Young man Leng, the mountain god of Mount Sumeru is right." The old man with white beard said and saluted Leng Ye.

"Mount Sumeru? Mountain God? How does he know me?" A series of questions popped up in Leng Ye's mind.

"Excuse me, Mountain God, where am I?" Leng Ye asked in a daze.

"Master Leng, you are being polite! The mountain in front of you is Mount Sumeru, and the place where Young Master Leng is now is Zixin Island on the top of Mount Sumeru. This island is surrounded by a lake that is ten thousand feet wide, and the lake outside is Zixin Lake. " said the mountain god.

"Excuse me, Lord Mountain God, how can we leave this island?" Leng Ye asked.

The white-bearded mountain god gently stroked his beard, turned around, and said to Leng Ye with his back: "There are six bridges on Zixin Lake, and the bridges lead to Zixin Island. Zixin Island is full of purple energy, and the harmony of yin and yang is indispensable. Colorful Crystal is used as the media, and only those who are destined to cross this island. The female and male are upright, and the only way is when seven people leave the island."

After the white beard mountain god finished speaking, he turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared.Only Leng Ye was left standing there blankly.

Seeing that it was almost time, Leng Ye quickly called out the golden-winged roc.Purple Heart Island is a special existence, even the golden-winged roc cannot fly out.Leng Ye called out the golden-winged roc for no other reason than to let the golden-winged roc fly high as a signal to notify the six girls to step onto the bridge at the same time.

The golden-winged roc flew into the air, flapping its wings lightly.At the moment when the golden-winged roc bird flapped its wings for the third time, the six girls stepped onto the six-seat bridge with the same color at the same time.Leng Ye looked at the golden-winged roc in the air and smiled.

The miracle still didn't happen, and before Leng Ye's laughter ended, he saw the six girls flying from all directions, almost pretending to be broken. "Women are really scary animals." Leng Ye muttered.

The six girls woke up, and Leng Ye told them about meeting the old man with white beard just now.Everyone has always believed that that poem is the key to leaving.

"Why are you being sent back every time you step on the bridge, and they are always sent back to the center of the island?" Leng Ye thought over and over again. "As the saying goes, same-sex repels and opposite-sex attracts. Could it be that there are beauties on the other side of the bridge who don't want the six girls to go out? No! If there are beauties, I should be sucked in! Are there handsome guys? Not right. Could it be me? As soon as you step on the bridge, there is a handsome guy on the opposite side, and when the six girls step on the bridge, you are facing a beautiful woman? It seems that this is the only way to explain it." Leng Ye was thinking wildly.

Leng Ye used science to explain this weird phenomenon, but he didn't know whether it was right or wrong.Suddenly, Leng Ye thought of another point, which is the principle that the lower the energy, the more stable it is.In other words, the center of Purple Heart Island where they are currently located should be the place with the lowest repulsion to Leng Ye and others, while the six bridges have a strong repulsion to seven of them.This powerful repulsive force is invisible and can only be explained by the theory of magnetic field.Men and women are different. If a man is repelled by that magnetic field, then a woman should be attracted. Similarly, if a woman is repelled, a man should be attracted.But now, regardless of whether a man or a woman stands on the bridge, they will be rejected, which makes Leng Ye face another difficulty.

"Could it be that the theory of hundreds of years is also wrong?" Leng Ye thought, shaking his head.The pure magnetic field theory can't explain this weird phenomenon at all.Suddenly, there was a feeling of enlightenment in the cold night.

"Electromagnetic wave theory, yes it is electromagnetic wave theory." Leng Ye yelled, causing the six girls to stare at him blankly.

Leng Ye thinks this way: Electromagnetic waves are special waves that criss-cross.And what appeared on the bridge should be considered a similar thing.Although it is not necessarily a wave, Leng Ye is certain that that kind of power is also divided into vertical and horizontal, one is vertical and the other is horizontal.Among the two forces, vertical and horizontal, there must be one of attraction and the other of repulsion.But for everyone, as soon as they set foot on the bridge, one of these forces dominates, which is why they are sent back every time.If a man and a woman go up together, the two forces will tend to balance, and the resistance will be much smaller.In this way, they have the hope of getting out.

Leng Ye told the six girls about this idea, they didn't seem to understand, but they still expressed their admiration to Leng Ye.

"Husband, isn't that right! The two of us crossed the bridge together, wouldn't we also be able to cross it?" the careful Shuang'er asked suddenly.

Look at Leng Ye again, with an air of victory.He stroked his beard that hadn't grown long, coughed twice, and then said to Shuang'er: "Wife, don't you still have that poem?"

The six girls were still confused when they heard this, but Shuang'er quickly understood. "Women and men stand upright, when seven people go out of the island." That is to say, the women can only walk out while the men are standing upright.It's easy to explain the man standing upright, that is, walking out standing up.It's more difficult to say if the woman is lying sideways, whether to roll out or let Leng Ye hold her, Shuang'er doesn't know.However, judging from the happy words at Qiaotou, Shuang'er is more convinced that it is the latter.

After everything was figured out, Leng Ye decided to try again, and at worst he would be sent back, so the seven of them came to the Red Bridge again.

Leng Ye touched Shuang'er's ketone body, and gently hugged her up.Shuang'er closed her eyes, enjoying Leng Ye's big hand, being hugged by Leng Ye, Shuang'er felt an inexplicable sense of security.Leng Ye lowered his head and kissed Shuang'er, then stretched his feet towards the red suspension bridge.

Leng Ye's feet finally set foot on the suspension bridge, and the suspension bridge was still stable, without any shaking.Shuang'er in Leng Ye's arms still had her eyes closed, while the quintuplet sisters looked at the two of them quietly, with long-lost smiles on their faces.Obviously, they knew that Leng Ye had succeeded.

The red suspension bridge, like a red carpet, is closely connected to the palace of marriage.Leng Ye walked on the falling bridge, feeling an inexplicable sense of relief in his heart, how he hoped that he and Shuang'er could walk like this forever, until he died.

"Husband." Shuang'er opened her eyes and called Leng Ye softly.Leng Ye looked down at Shuang'er, her complexion was rosy, her big black eyes were crystal clear, and her slightly opened mouth aroused endless temptation.Seeing this scene, Leng Ye kissed Shuang'er's red lips again.

"Husband, don't...don't, or I will go back again." Shuang'er saw that Leng Ye was about to do something wrong, so she hurriedly stopped him.

(End of this chapter)

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