Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1213 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1213 Underground Cemetery (14) ([-])
"AIDS?" Leng Ye was startled, turned around to look, and found that the arrow was lying on the ground dying, and there was a long-haired LUO woman sitting on top of him, squatting with the upper body. Judging from the situation, it should be the so-called female on male The following formula.

Leng Ye was furious, and he teleported to the side of the arrow. As soon as the lazy sword came out, it stabbed at the top of Akira Muto's head. Following the collision, there was a loud "dang", and then Leng Ye heard " Ah" screamed.Looking again, he found that the arrow under Akira Muto had disappeared.

"I killed the arrow? Yaya's Akira Muto is not only invulnerable, but also can move the universe? How can I fight this?" Leng Ye said depressed.

At this moment, Leng Ye felt that something had grabbed her leg, looked down, and found that Akira Muto, who had just killed the arrow, was coming at him again.

"Damn it, I haven't settled with you for killing the arrow, and now you're bullying me again. I, Leng Ye, is also the leader of a gang. How can I let you, a devil and undead, be tarnished? If it spreads, It’s fine that I Leng Ye has no face to face people, and the reputation of the Jingu Palace will be ruined!” Leng Ye was furious, and slashed at Akira Muto at his feet.Although this sword was powerful and aggressive, it was just a bland sword without using any sword moves.

This seemingly ordinary but extremely domineering sword pierced through Akira Muto's chest and pierced through his back. The sword was immediately soaked with Ran Muto's black blood, bloody and horrible.About three seconds later, with the appearance of a burst of white light, Wu Tenglan's figure disappeared from the lazy sword.Then, the system beeped.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for killing Akira Muto's phantom. The reward is [-] experience, [-] copper coins, and [-] reputation.

"It's not invulnerable!" After killing Akira Muto and hearing the system prompt, Leng Ye was a little surprised, and more surprised, without saying a word, he teleported back to Yuan Zhiai's side, facing Muto Zhang's back stabbed fiercely.

As soon as the lazy sword touched Akira Muto's back, sparks appeared immediately, followed by another loud noise, which made Leng Ye's right hand holding the sword go numb for a while.

This sword is the same as the previous one, it is also unremarkable, without any sword moves, but because Leng Ye worried that Yuan Zhiai would follow in the footsteps of the arrow, the force used was slightly stronger, however, the result was the same as that of the arrow. It was very different last time.

"Where is the problem?" Leng Ye was very depressed, and then he heard Yuan Zhiai's wailing before his death.Seeing Yuanzhi's love turned into white light and disappeared, Leng Ye felt a little pain in his heart.

"Why can't this Akira Muto be killed? Is it because it has grown a new head? Or is it because it is the entity of Akira Muto instead of an illusion?" Leng Ye's mind was spinning rapidly.Since the lazy sword couldn't cause any harm to Akira Muto several times in a row, Leng Ye was extra careful and didn't even dare to let it touch him.




(End of this chapter)

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