Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1220 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1220 Underground Cemetery (21) ([-])
Facing the system's prompt, Leng Ye smiled. At this moment, he noticed the breeze and rain in front of him, and saw that the five blood marks on his face had turned blue, like a watermelon, one white and one green, truly "beautiful" , Leng Ye couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Master, my rainstorm tracking arrow is amazing! It can be fired automatically without aiming. It is the best arrow. The next bow and arrow hall master must be me." Qingfeng Xiyu touched the half of his face that was swollen by Leng Ye, While laughing.Because one side of his face was swollen enough, Qingfeng Xiyu struggled to speak, his eyes were crooked and his mouth was evil.

"A man who can bend and stretch, as long as you can defeat the heroes in the next organization selection contest, I will approve you as the hall master." Leng Ye said, patting Qingfeng Xiyu on the shoulder.

"Bang... Chief, you must keep what you say, or I will fight for nothing." Qingfeng Xiyu said.At this moment, it was difficult to tell whether he was crying or laughing on his severely contorted face.

At this time, the little Sanmao who had just been crushed by Akira Muto hurried over and said, "Master, thank you for saving my life. Thank you for your kindness. I will definitely kill more devils, win glory for China, and serve God." Gong Zhengguang."

Leng Ye smiled and nodded.Because Leng Ye has seen Xiao Sanmao's unique skills, he guessed that Xiao Sanmao may not be able to kill monsters, but Leng Ye absolutely believes that in the group confrontation between people, Xiao Sanmao is definitely a good player, at least one hundred times.

"Small... small (mountain) San... (mountain) Mao, it's... it's me... I saved you, you... why... why don't you thank me... thank me, why... why... Thank you...thank...the boss." Qingfeng Xiyu said hesitatingly.

"Brother Qingfeng, please stop talking. If your archery skills were not so accurate, Yan Yan would not have been shot in the head. You thought you were playing CS! You even self-mutilated! Don't mention how scared I was when you were shooting arrows just now. Now my heart is still beating non-stop. Death, my little Sanmao is not afraid, but a death like Brother Yan Yan, I would rather commit suicide. Besides, if the gang leader didn't slap you awake, maybe you I was QJed by a ladyboy long ago. Brother Qingfeng, you accidentally saved me and activated the heart cells in my body, we are in love!" Xiao Sanmao laughed.

"" Qingfeng was in distress, half of his face was blue and half was red.

Leng Ye smiled wryly, and said, "Okay! Stop arguing! You guys fly up, or I don't care if you get caught again!"

"Zhen Si Xun's five natures all belong to wood, so all you need is an ordinary sword." Thinking this way, Leng Ye took back the lazy sword, took out an ordinary sword from the ring of space, and pointed at each other respectively. The two Akira Muto of Zhenwei and Xunwei used flying swordsmanship respectively.Where the sword went, the heads of two Akira Muto fell to the ground, and then disappeared into a burst of white light.

Akira Muto in these two places died, and Jiuyue Feng and Master Jie, who were crushed by them before, were rescued. However, the two of them were pale, bloodless, and looked shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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