Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1246 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1246 Underground Cemetery (47) ([-])
The one who released this silver light was none other than Iron Blood China. This was another powerful skill of Leng Ye after seeing Iron Blood China dazzled by the golden light. This also made Leng Ye have to admire Iron Blood China again.

At this moment, the most popular among the mages is Fire Nightmare.The fire dragon it released was more than two meters long and its wrist was thick. As soon as it came out, it immediately circled at a low altitude within a radius of more than [-] meters. Wherever it passed, the little monster's whole body was ignited with raging fire. The big red words "[-]" floated out continuously.What's even more gratifying is that since the fire dragon brings continuous damage, it can't kill the little demons immediately. In this way, the little demons will run around when they see the fire, and in the blink of an eye, they will kill the little demons around them who were not affected by the fire dragon. Those who were attacked by the flames were all set on fire.In an instant, a sea of ​​fire appeared around Leng Ye and the others.

"Okay!" Seeing this scene, the poor young man couldn't help applauding Huo Yan.Driven by him, the others also applauded vigorously.At this moment, if there is a blind player here, it will probably think that everyone here is in a meeting!

The fire dragon lasted for 5 minutes before it ended, and the little demons burned to death were as many as [-] if not [-].After the fire nightmare was extinguished, the only little monster left in his field of vision was the tiger monster.Obviously, the fire dragon only burned to death the wolf demon who was not resistant to magic, but it had no way to resist the magic tiger demon.

"Who should perform now?" Leng Ye asked with a smile.Since the monsters outside could not cause the slightest harm to everyone, it is clear that at this moment, Leng Ye has completely regarded this place as a place where the Eight Immortals cross the sea to show their magical powers, and he spontaneously had an idea of ​​"parade".

Not just cold nights, but everyone else too.

"The stars are falling!" Tianzhi Xingyuan yelled, and then he raised the staff in his hand, and in the blink of an eye, stars immediately fell from the sky above the room, shining like twinkling. It rained down on the heads of the little monsters.Then, big scarlet letters kept floating above the heads of the little monsters, and within two seconds, all the little monsters within the field of vision disappeared.

This is exactly the forbidden curse of the interstellar mage Tianzhixingyuan, the stars have fallen, and the attack is powerful and has a wide range.Under the effect of the forbidden spell, the little monsters died in a wave and spawned another wave, died again, and spawned again...

The forbidden spell lasted for more than three minutes. At the moment when the forbidden spell ended, the little green hand that Mu Xinhong put also disappeared at the same time, but the little monsters appeared again. This was unexpected by many people. They arrived, so they didn't prepare too much, and many people even squatted on the ground and chatted.

"Not good!" Leng Ye shouted loudly, however, according to his judgment, it was too late for these people to be fully prepared.Because the tens of thousands of little monsters are only a short distance away from the outer fighters.

As soon as they heard Leng Ye's cry, a very small number of people got up their spirits and started to attack the little monsters who rushed towards them frantically. , They were at a loss and didn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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