Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1249 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1249 Underground Cemetery (50) ([-])
"Master, they are all down and out, let's go down and save them!" Master Jie shouted, and then threw a "grenade" down.As soon as the grenade was shot, Master Jie yelled "Ah", because although there were many little demons at the point where the grenade landed, wine bottles and others were also there, and in the map of the underground cemetery, after a while There is self-harm, and there is no self-harm for a while, which makes people wonder.

After the grenade exploded, the smoke gradually dissipated.Leng Ye found that Wine Bottle, Canghai Weilong and the others had been pressed to the ground by several little monsters respectively. Obviously, they had been poisoned by the undead.At this moment, the ghost has disappeared.

"Xiaobai, get on!" Leng Ye ordered, but before Xiaobai started, Leng Ye saw the little monsters running over one by one, and instantly formed a five-meter-high " "Little Demon Mountain", pressing the wine bottle and others under it.

"They can't die! It will be even more difficult to complete the mission if they die!" Thinking of this, Leng Ye pulled out the lazy sword without hesitation.

With a wave of the lazy sword, the super-sacred beast Snow White, the super-sacred fire unicorn, and the super-sacred fire phoenix appeared in mid-air. Together with the super-sacred little sun that had come out before, they formed a beautiful landscape, which was truly spectacular.

"Go, hit me quickly! Hit, hit me quickly!" Leng Ye immediately ordered to Huo Qilin and Huo Fenghuang.

Huo Qilin and Huo Fenghuang clearly understood Leng Ye's meaning very well. In an instant, they sprayed out Qilin Flame and Phoenix Flame respectively, and hit the Little Demon Mountain fiercely.

"The unicorn flame and the phoenix flame are both strange fires that are rare in the world, you little monsters, I won't burn you into a mountain of carbon." Leng Ye got carried away and laughed loudly.

"Brother Leng, look quickly, the little demon resists the fire." Wen Rou said.At this moment, she was sitting on Xiaobai's back with Leng Ye, and officially declared her love for Leng Ye to the outside world.However, what outsiders don't know is that she relied on Leng Ye for the reason that she didn't have a flying pet, and then climbed onto Xiao Bai's back.

Leng Ye was startled, and when he looked again, he was surprised to find that the Xiaoyao Mountain was still beautiful, not affected by the flames at all, and it was getting higher and higher, not long after, it was more than ten meters high.Roughly speaking, there are eighty to ninety thousand monsters piled up into a hill, if not a hundred thousand.

"Brother Canghai, brothers Jiuping and the others won't be crushed to death, right?" Leng Ye was depressed, and as soon as his thoughts came out, the lazy sword in his hand pointed at Jianshan, and he used a "sword bullet".Then I saw twelve sword thunders coming out from the tip of Lazy Sword, hitting Little Demon Mountain, and there was a "bang bang bang..." sound as soon as they hit.Wherever the sword bullet went, the little demon exploded, and blood and flesh splashed everywhere.

"Wow! Leader, your thunder is too awesome! I can only throw one grenade in 10 minutes, but you can throw twelve in a second. Leader, you are too perverted!" Master Jie was shocked. road.

Leng Ye smiled wryly, and shook his head, because the sword he just used had twelve sword thunders hitting the same little demon. In other words, his seemingly powerful sword only killed a monster.However, this sword consumed a bit of his patience. If it were someone else, he would definitely cry.

(End of this chapter)

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