Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1252 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1252 The Underground Cemetery (1)
"No! What's so scary about magma? It's just a flowing liquid that flows downhill, and we all have flying pets. What the hell are those little monsters doing?" Leng Ye was wondering, when suddenly Seeing the two red pillars erupting from the top of the two hills spraying in all directions from the top, the scene is just like the more than ten-meter fountain in Jinan Quancheng Square, which is really spectacular.

The red fountain flows down rapidly from a height of more than 40 meters (the mountain itself is more than 30 meters), and in the blink of an eye, two red "tents" with a diameter of more than ten meters are presented in front of everyone. The color of the "tent" gradually deepens from bright red to black from top to bottom.During the process of spraying down, the fountain also floated white lights from time to time, which added a lot to this beautiful landscape.

Leng Ye was more than 100 meters away from the hill. Due to the difference in vision, he saw the streaks of white light as a rising white mist. The entire ground, thus using this virus-laden white mist to corrode us, it's so poisonous!"

Sure enough, as soon as the magma fell to the ground, it immediately flowed in all directions, covering the ground with a radius of [-] meters in a short time. In this way, the originally white ground turned black.On top of the black, streaks of white light continued to emerge, filling the sky above the black ground.

"It's not white mist, it's white light? Why is there a bloody smell? Could it be that the wine bottle and the others were crushed to death by the little monsters and turned into blood?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye said to the equally confused people not far away: "Everyone step back ten Mi, don't be hit by the white light, there may be a virus."

At this moment, Leng Ye was dejected, and his depression was hard to vent. However, he could only silently pray for the wine bottle and the others, hoping that they would not go back to level zero after death.

"Brother Leng, look, the Little Demon Mountain seems to be getting smaller." Rourou said suddenly.

Leng Ye looked up, and was surprised to find that the two mountains were really smaller, three points shorter and three points thinner.

"How could this happen? Could it be that the blood that spewed out was the little demon's blood, not the wine bottle's blood... Yes, how could the wine bottle and the others have so much blood! Thinking of this, Leng Ye couldn't help laughing .

"Brother Leng, look, you're three points younger!" Gentle said again.

"Brother Leng, you're so young again! You're so young again!"

"Brother Leng, it's flat! It's flat!"


Leng Ye glanced at the mountain that had shriveled into eggs, and then looked back at the extremely excited tenderness.

Leng Ye's every move obviously did not escape Wen Wen's eyes, when Leng Ye glanced at her, her face turned red, but the little girl was very happy and extremely proud in her heart.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and before they knew it, the mountain piled up by the little demons had disappeared, and there were only a few black rocks left at the foot of the original mountain.Once upon a time, the blackness of the ground also disappeared, and the previous whiteness was restored.

"Brother Leng, look, those stones are so special!" Rourou exclaimed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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