Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 1255 The Underground Cemetery

Chapter 1255 The Underground Cemetery (4)
"Brother Feng, I know you are still conscious, and you can hear our speech. Although you can't speak, you can still blink. We will ask you a few questions now. If you are right, you can blink three times. If not, Just blink once. Can you understand? If you understand, blink three times." Leng Ye said to the moving eye on the sculpture.

As soon as Leng Ye finished speaking, he saw that the eye on the sculpture really blinked three times, which made everyone very happy.

"Brother Feng, do you know how you were trapped by this sculpture?" Leng Ye asked.

Beibeifeng blinked three times.

Leng Ye was overjoyed, and said again: "Brother Feng, do you know how to get out of this sculpture?"

Beibeifeng blinked three more times.

"Brother Leng, you are really amazing. Thanks to you for coming up with such a good solution, Brother Feng is saved now." Potato Fries said happily.

"Of course! You don't even think about who my brother-in-law is? That's the one my sister likes. Who is my sister? She is ice-snow and smart. The heroine of the female school, can the person she likes be average?" An Chen said proudly.

"That's enough! That's enough! Stop flattering! Let's think of a way to save Brother Feng!" Leng Ye said.

"Brother-in-law, then let me ask Brother Feng, once your brother-in-law goes out, he will fight against two of you to ensure that the task is completed." Anchen squatted down with a smile, and said to the sculpture still standing on his head: "Brother Feng, hehe! Don't you really want to come out?"

Beibeifeng blinked three times.

"Brother Feng, do you know what to do?" An Chen asked again.

Arctic Maple blinked.

"Brother Feng, why are you so stupid! I mean Honghong, the girl we two fell in love with at the same time that day. You want you to agree to give him to me, and I will let you out now. Otherwise, hehe ! Hehe!" Anchen laughed.

Beibei Feng blinked, and tears flowed from his eyes again.

"Brother Feng, aren't you just a Honghong? Is it worth you being so sad for her? Brother Feng, you must know that men don't shed tears lightly. Although you are not as tall and handsome as me, Honghong has taken a fancy to you." , it means that you are not much worse than me! Brother Feng, as long as you blink three times, you can come out immediately. As the saying goes: life is precious, love is more expensive, if it is for freedom, both You can throw it away. Brother Feng, I will count to three now, if you don’t blink, don’t blame me for being ruthless.” An Chen approached the sculpture and whispered.

"One" Anchen stood up and said leisurely.

Arctic Maple didn't move.

"Two" An Chen turned around and said.

Beijifeng remained silent.

"Cough~~Brother Feng, you have to think clearly." An Chen turned his head away again, and shouted to Bei Beifeng: "Three!"

As soon as An Chen's words fell, he felt as if someone kicked his ass, and then he let out a scream of "ah", flew forward more than ten meters, crawled on the ground, and fell like a dog eating shit.

(End of this chapter)

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